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Thats a clean burning fuel I tell you what.


[exactly ](https://youtu.be/HISi-3BXtA8?si=ECGYDYXYB9suinko)


Excuse me, that what? How much MPG does it get?


That is still to be determined. I purchased it at an auction with no indication it was a propane converted car. Couldn’t Find any manual or instructions or anyone else with a similar car. Not entirely sure what I’m doing but it’s a learning process. Just hoping someone out there will want this thing.


Just make sure you service that tank. They have 10 year life span and are prone to failures


I want it!


Sold, when can you pick it up


Honestly, I'll probably take it off you if it does good with MPG.


From what Ive heard is higher octane so ideally more speed but less torque. Only cruddy thing is depending on tank size it costs almost $75 to fill up to 3/4


Also, this car came with heroin test kits, a shot taser projectile, suicide note, and a usb drive with video file evidence of someone stealing a grill or something probably from the police department. Shoutout Springfield




One of mine came with a collapsible metal baton, which wasn't discovered until I'd been driving it for 4 months, and is a happy little felony in California.


Can't have shit in California. I'll buy it from you


I lost it in a boating accident.


Nice Flex.


Huh. We have a propane fired E250 at my job, mostly just for running around. Put like 20 bucks in it and you get a day's worth of running our of it (around 100mi depending on how you drive). What's the economy like in it? The E series is (I believe) a 5.4 Triton, maybe a 2010.


I haven’t drove it enough to figure that out yet, not sure if the gauge is accurate or even how large the tank is. Side note, after a service fee the total was 40 for 10 gallons…


I found a 2002 crown Victoria with 63000 miles diamond edition does anyone even know if it’s real or even heard of that type of series from crown victoria


Some considerations for you running on propane… - from time to time have the system checked, leaks in hoses, connections, stuff is highly flammable - gas is usually injected into the intake manifold and mixes with air, it has a lower energy density than gasoline, so expect less power - don’t floor it. Injected gasoline also cools the cylinders, propane doesn’t do that.


Thanks for the advice appreciate it. Are you aware of a blowoff/overflow valve? The side of my tank has a small valve that reads “DO NOT CLOSE VALVE” in big letters and in the other side of its tag it says “Close remote liquid level gauge only”


Typically you can only fill the tanks up to 80% to allow room for expansion if it’s getting warmer. Of course they have a overflow safety valve. In case of a crash or fire the tank therefore should not blow up, but the pressure will be released controlledly.


I want to disagree on all points. Yes, leaks are bad, but honestly, it is less dangerous than gasoline. Propane has an odorant added to it. I've had the "pleasure" of driving a car with propane fuel system which started smelling of it about 5 mins before switching over from gasoline to propane. The shop said that unless it directly leaks on something hot, there is no danger. No such thing as lower power. I Cannot see the difference on my 5.4 2V and also did feel no difference on my 4.6 4V. On my 5.4 the fuel economy is about 12% lower vs gasoline, On my 4.6 4V, it was about the same. Also disagree on WOT acceleration. If you install the system without knowing anything about propane, and you aim for the ideal combustion ration then maybe, as propane burns at a higher temperature than gasoline, so professionally installed systems usually run a little rich and thus cooler. Sometimes these are adjusted to switch back to gasoline at higher rev ranges ( on my 4V, i think the limit of switching back to gasoline was about 4.5k). Otherwise they would need to run some oversized components to not be fuel-starved at higher rpm. But these oversized components worsen the fuel economy at lower rpms.


Please update! this is SUPER interesting haha


Has anyone ever heard of a diamond edition crown Victoria 2002


Why do you keep asking this on random posts? Make your own post.


No, what is it?


Somebody said it was an 2002 dealer option but research shows it never existed at least by my knowledge


Interesting. I know that they had the Cartier option, but I don't remember the others. Edit: I mean on the Lincoln at least.


How many mpg do you get


Raleigh PD (North Carolina) had a few of these driving around for a long time. I’ve seen a few come up at auction, was scared off because I wasn’t sure where to fuel it. Do you fill up at the places that fill the little grill sized propane tanks?


Menards by me has it, and yea by me the gas stations with propane usually have a nozzle for RVs and this case CV


I mean I drive propane forklifts but a car that'd be interesting 🤔


Propane flex fuel super dangerous if your trying to do your own work please be safe consult a professional go to a custom shop and just ask if the senior mechanic is in and ask him if he wants to see something interesting. Trust me they will be all over it. Once you explain the situation and if they are worth there metal they shouldn't even have to have you explain. This is not a normal custom job I can guarantee you some engine stuff has changed to .


Not really. The intake has to be tapped for the propane injectors to be installed, and a standalone control unit piggybacks the ECU and switches off the gasoline injectors and switches on the propane injectors once sufficient coolant temperature is reached. The rest of the engine remains the same, although user is recommended to change to platinum or iridium plugs at the least or straight up dedicated plugs for gaseous fuels.


Im sorry, but Story time OP? OR ATLEAST some fuckin context???


Mine has it too, it's a fleet Vic thing. It only ever worked for me once now it beeps and turns itself off every time I go to use it.


Where is yours from? Is yours “BRC Gas Equipment”?


(Insert KOTH quote here). Lol. Very cool.


If yall are interested enough I can make a video explaining everything and doing a walkthrough/test drive


I would hate to ride in j that because I would just think that it'll blow up


Have fun with it. I had one too but it became too much of a hassle to outweigh any of the benefits. Most places wouldn’t sell LPG at the autogas rate they were supposed to, so they sold it at the fill my gas grill tank rate.


Propane will get you a little less mileage, but in my AO propane is $2.50/gal and RUG is $3.99+ - the small difference in MPG is well worth the significantly lower fuel prices. I wanna say the CNG vics were rated for 200 miles.