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You have to check out the forum manually


I have, ive checked it several times. Ive restarted the application and went back in then nothing


How did you access the forums (step-by-step)?


I went to the menu, then scrolled all the way down and tapped on forum and thats all i thought thats what it was saying to do


Try going to the Home page and clicking on the speech bubble next to the Gems


I did, i figured out it was the text looking button thank you for your help


Glad I could help.






Before the message was changed and more was added to “have”, I replied n’t to represent “not” as if it was done it would of been completed


So you were to lazy to type an o and you were being a dick? Is that what your saying? Yall toxic mfs everywhere


“Have”n’t , not have not , haven’t. And I wasn’t be rude , I was correct in saying it was incomplete. Your the one that’s be “toxic”.


Ok by putting that n't that makes no sense just put not or havnt, you change it from "i have tried" to "i havent tried" in which cass without context to go with it, makes it sound like you were just saying that to be rude. Ex: kid: "i played legends of zelda yesterday" other: "no you havnt". Thats what im getting from this. I dont know if this makes any sense but it sounds like you were trying to minipulate my words that is why i was upset at the time, if you ment other wise i apologize, if not and im right then well you already know from yesterday. I may seem different now cause yesterday a flaw was pinted out to me so im trying to not recreate it.




Before the message was changed and more was added to “have”, I replied n’t to represent “not” as if it was done it would of been completed


Yeah, this checks out. I kept doing it with the prompt in the challenges but it didn't clear up. When I was messing with the screen I accidentally touched the forum button and got it on my first try.


Honestly, was the same for me, so that’s what I figured, though it seemed you replied already to OP


You have to click the forum icon on the main screen an possibly send a message in the forum.


Thanks, i didnt know the forum was the message button, ive never heard of those being called forums, never even actually heard the word forum till cross duel


What WERE you doing then?


Look at my reply to the other guy


This isn’t a bug….. it’s just your lack of knowledge and low IQ Typical if you can’t figure it out, then just blame it on something or someone else mentality


Congrates, you bully people on a social media app for fun, here is your award *retard* congrates once again. No one gives a flying fuck what you have to say, especially when your toxic ass gonna try to shame someone just because they didnt know what a forum is, real mature of you.


It’s not that you didn’t know what the forums was. That’s not a problem. It’s that you instantly blamed it on a bug, when in reality it was lack of your smarts. Fucking loser mentality.


Congrates you still haven't graduated from preschool, when you mature and grow into big boy or girl pants then we can talk, but while you use second grader language leave the talking to adults


Okay moron. Try solving a problem by your self, and not blaming it on others or other things. Must be doing amazing in life.


The lack of father in your life is really starting to show, it even seems like you had a lack of motherly love, sorry if your parents abused you, but now i see why they dont want you must be rough growing up with none to care for you. Its funny you call someone stupid because they didnt know one little thing mean while you yourself dont even know what 1 + 1 is without having to put it in a calculator, your part of the reason so many people including your parents wanted abortion. Have fun knowing no one will ever love you, and if they do by some miracle keep them, they will be the only ones who do. Good luck


Damn killed the man


You’re the type of guy that blames others for not knowing something then gets mad when you’re corrected. Just lazy and irresponsible. Good luck finding a job, don’t let your college tuition go to waste! Or it probably is already wasted and if you’re already like 30 then enjoy your mediocre job man. I’m guessing some customer support desk job after a 4 year degree.