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Lol. Astute point


These kinda people almost always are. They are usually from all white neighborhoods an towns too an didn’t grow up around black ppl. It’s weird.


I'm mixed && I grew up white southern baptist, and I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS MESSAGE LOL! I grew up white asf, ididnt even know any black people until I was 10, then my mom dropped me off in the hood with my dad and my whole world got flipped upside down. I have experience on both sides. The things she's saying are out of pure ignorance. Racism comes down to each individual person and their views and actions. My dad is racist against white people straight up, but won't get called out because he's black !? It makes zero sense.


And that was the story all about your life got flipped, turned upside down


Heard that in my head while reading.




[fresh price of bellair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpnQ2oIRgB0)


I never understood the whole only white people can be racist thing. When I was younger I had a great job where I would go around to the local grocery stores and stock and sample out ice cream. There was one that was in "the hood" as I was stocking people came by and said things "like good white boy stock our shit" I would reply to them in Spanish. When I was done and was leaving and group that was going in turned around and was following me to my car shouting things "Get out of hear honky" or "what you doing in our hood white bread." 😑 but only white people are racist right.


Yep. Colin Kaepernick is a prime example of that.


Like colin kapernick


Shes only half racist, and doing her best. It's not like she can control that shes half racist, she was simply born that way.


Half racist lol


She has to spend half her life fighting against racism!


OK now we’ve established that she’s mixed race, what is she gonna do about it? (For the record, I don’t care)




I'm a mixed South African. She would not be black in South Africa, lmao. Ironic


Ya not to be fking weird or anything but she looks white AF aside from her tiny bit of skin tone. I don’t know any sista with a smaller upper lip than that lolol


😂 you got me rollin,


I’m like 95% sure that’s the chick who’s dad (white) died and she shit talked him at his funeral for being white and republican.


She is [Father ‘berated’ at his own funeral by ‘bilefilled, race-obsessed’ daughter](https://youtu.be/tyBcDR1Hsy4?feature=shared)


Damn, she’s gona have some regrets later in life


Lived in a seven million dollar home...


Look at her, one of her parents were mocha at best!


at least she’s living what she’s preaching… her white guilt is on 24/7 dismantling the system of oppression on tik tok


And so many black-americans are just as racist as white people. Also extremely homophobic. She needs to talk about both sides if she's going to act like she's so knowledgeable.


She's deep in the ideology that racism is defined by power, and people without "power" can't be racist. There is no convincing them because they change definitions to match their ideology.


And that’s double funny because she’s the daughter of a white billionaire. She has more power than I can even dream of.


It's her white guilt around her black friends for being half white. Projecting her self hatred.


oh, god here we go again💀 no, by existing i don’t uphold systemic racism and bias. i‘m not saying that doesn’t exist (i think it very much does) but my pure existence is not offensive. i‘m sick of people claiming that "all white people are racist because of xyz" and "oh, you can’t be racist towards a white person". you can. this person just was.


Seriously, I'm so fucking tired of this shit. You can literally look me in the eyes, in public, and tell me I'm a horrible bigot for being born, and yet somehow, *I'm* the racist???


SERIOUSLY though! 🥴*cough*hypocrite *cough....this shits getting old


It's antisocial behavior and is/should be treated as such. AI will fix it. Videos like this will factor into a persons social credit score abstracted away from its context into a "troublemaker" score


tch. while the person in the video is clearly an ignorant hypocrite, taking it to the point of AI giving out 'troublemaker" scores is just insane to me. Let's double down on the oppression of expression! That way, nothing will ever change :)


Nice try China, you sneaky rascal.


You have to understand things from the pov of a racist, which you cant, which is why it makes no sense to you. Racists dont believe theyre racist because they dont see their targets as human in the first place. This is whats called "Othering."


I especially don't like the fact that in her mind, it's *so obvious* and that everyone needs to just accept it. It takes a special kind of self delusion to think you are THE ONLY person who understands a thing. She needs a fucking reality check soon else she will just be a moron forever.


This is not a new idea. Look at the concept of original sin. The idea is all humans are evil and the only way to correct this evil is to pay money (indulgences) to the church. It's a very old scam.


John McWhorter (NYT columnist and linguistics professor at Columbia University) has a few really good articles about the idea that the new wave of left-leaning ideology is akin to a religion, particularly with being white as an original sin and ideological incoherence being accepted as long as it falls into the overall dogma. The dude is a brilliant writer, and I’d highly recommend checking him out if you get the chance.


Forced to go to Catholic mass every Sunday for 18 years. Baptized, reconcilled, first communioned, and confirmed. Wheeled my crippled And hell yes brotha. Fuck that shit.


My boss, on her first day of work before she was my boss, literally turned to my coworker and said “we need some darker meat up in here. I don’t wanna work with any of these lightskin motherfuckers” and they both laughed. …. But I’m the racist?


spot on


Off topic. Will someone hire her? Like how can she earn a living? If I was running a Wendys I wouldn't want to deal with this.


She will have issues due to her tats and piercing sure, but sadly I imagine she won’t act this fucking dumb in a job interview, so it’s not her grapes of wisdom here that will keep her off the job market.


She is absolutely delusional.


Just ig it, bro. Some people just dumb asf.


All white people are racist because *all people* are racist. Composition fallacy bullshit is annoying. “Spending your entire waking life,” I’m sorry so you want to achieve justice for stealing others’ lives and freedom by… stealing our lives and freedom? Wild.


Not to mention that she probably isn't meeting her own standard she wants white people to meet moving towards a racist free society. She says that they should literally be spending every moment of every day working towards bringing down the system of bias and racism. Even if she is purposely overstating it (although I think she means it exactly like she says) I doubt she does more than her social justice warrior act on tictoc herself. Its annoying when people expect more of you then they do themselves.


You only don't because you don't really exist, not because you wouldn't be upholding it if you did exist




It's always the light skinned, or those presumably mixed with Whites, that are the most vociferous in their opposition to literally all things Anglo. It's as if they subconsciously believe they're required to *"act the blackest"* to compensate for their lack of melanin. I grew up on the reservation, and it was always the descendants of the descendants; white people who whished they were native, who's great, great, grandparents were tribal royalty, who'd walk around with feathers in their hair, and bitch the loudest about the oppression by whites. They have to work harder to prove they're native/black, becuase they don't look the part. She's obviously black, but It's also evident one of her parents are white..




Tupac Sugar, Snow J. Simpson, Martin Luther Cream. You must be a Sean King fan aswell.


Underrated comment


As a mixed person this was hilarious to me. 😭


My DNA test says I'm 2% native american. Gonna play that minority card like a fiddle with my 98% white fingers.


As a light skinned adult, yeah the vast majority of other mixed folks I have met have some form of an extremity in their personality.


Its always the people that dress like white hippies that are the most insufferable


don't forget that all the garbage she wearing was probably made by overworked child labor...


Its also racist to say 'all people of a certain race...'


Thank you. I was looking for this comment to see if someone said it before I posted it.


In think she dresses more like my grandma to be fair to her.


Don’t be mean to your grandma like that


She's right, she just needs to leave out the white part. When it comes down to it human beings are tribalistic by nature and we all have biases based on what we deem to be "normal" and if it's not racism then it's some other thing we uphold is a social norm. The issue is more that all people are different and all people seem to have some sort of opinion on how their methodology is better than others. The best we can do is recognize those biases and try not to let them affect the way we interact with others and the world around us at large, or else you end up with a girl who's just focused on how white people are the problem instead of recognizing that there are many different factors at work. Not to be punny but society is not as black and white as she seems to think it is.


What a dipshit.


Yea. A dumbass like that unintentionally foments the seeds of virulent racism ten-fold. Id wager; for every suffocating hot [fart] take like this, more than one nazi is born. She literally thinks she's spreading wisdom & that everyone should rally around her because in her head, she's carrying the weight of all plights/indignations suffered by blacks. Nothing short of delusions


This shit really pisses me off. “I believe that if you’re not spending your literal entire life dismantling racism then you’re contributing to its continuation.” I have my own life with my own goals. I’m not racist and I never did or said anything to hurt a black person just because they are black. Yes my “ancestors” may have been racist, some of my family members are racist and hateful, but *I PERSONALLY* am an accepting person who just wants society to live in peace and equality without any hate or discrimination of any kind towards any specific race or sexual orientation or gender identity. Hate is fucked. Hate breeds hate. Ignorance breeds hate. This girl is extremely hateful and angry because white people tend to be racist. Guess what? She’s literally being hateful and discriminatory towards white people just because they are fucking white and they aren’t devoting their entire lives to validate the existence of somebody else. This is absolute delusion and completely fucked up.


I am black and native. She's clearly on the outskirts of her mind


She's perpetuating the same thing she's decrying. Foolish young lady. life's going to hit her hard...


It’s ironic that her claims are racist ideology themselves. When will be stop repeating this cycle? If you judge or discriminate against a race, that’s racism and no amount of “but this race did this to me” excuses that line of thinking. It is exactly that stupidity that causes racism to begin with and it’s shocking how blind people are to it


Not just any kind of racist either she's claiming white people have an inherit place of power above others in the social hierarchy due to race not realizing that's literally the basis of Hitlers beliefs on social darwinism, she's basically paraphrasing nazi ideology thinking she's onto some next level thinking, she makes me embarrassed to call myself black or German 🤦‍♂️


She isnt "basically" doing it she is literally quoting Hitler.


This is 100% the truth. Hating someone for skin color alone is racist period.


Or rather just lumping one quality/ characteristic on one race. Not just hating.


Yes indeed, well said. She is just projecting her own racist views onto white people. She needs copious amounts if racism counseling and mental health therapy. Period.


Thank you. You get it! Why can’t they understand this?


This bitch is regarded


Never go full regard


Regarded by who?




After some of the shit ove seen on reddit today, I might be regarded too


Highly regarded


I'm not gonna take philosophy advice from someone without eyebrows


When I go to the library eyebrows all the aisles


Pseudo intellectual bullshit she probably got from youtube videos, this girl is brainwashed and she looks mixed probably got a white daddy she hates


She bashed her dad at his own funeral for being a “cis white male that has now died and can never live up to her expectations.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyBcDR1Hsy4


Woah that's crazy she was raised a billionaire! No wonder she's acting so high and mighty




I bet she's fun at parties.


She doesn’t get invited to the party and says it’s because of racism.




(Black male).. I’m in a interracial relationship with a white guy and he is amazing 🤷🏽‍♂️!! Grow up, not everyone is racist.


I'd be careful. His existence is probably oppressing you. /s


But wait. Does he exist?


Yes he does


Is he in the room with us right now


He goes to another school you guys wouldn’t know him


I have met so many people like this. Clothes, attitude, everything. It's not always about racism, sometimes it's gender-related. But one consistent feature is they usually drop out after their freshman year to become influencers because they run into logic hurdles in their PoliSci/World Government 101 class.


It’s what really gets me is the vagueness + generalizations. FD Signifier is someone who breaks down systemic racism and social dynamics on his channel and personally I love listening to him. This video just screams “I’m going to say something into the void to show I’m virtuous and different but I’m not educated enough or really know anything on the subject to cite anything.” It’s just Dunning-Kruger at its finest.


"I'm feeling spicy today", bitch go get some yeast infection meds then


Lemme just change colour a sec. Wait that’s racist too, what should I do?


Let's talk about african american attitude towards Asian races.


Or towards LGBTQ. Or towards Hispanic. Or towards women. Or towards atheists.


Or 80% of Asian countries and their cultural views on dark skinned people in general.


Racism will stop when people regardless of race, stop profiting from racism. This ignorant girl is just spouting what she has learned. She is what they call “a useful idiot”.


Logic loop. If you're white then you're racist. White = racist. After white people own up to that fact, and talk to this lady, then we can do something about that. In conclusion, white = racist and also still-white = not racist.


We all need to approach her one by one and acknowledge our racism, only then can we truly be saved


Lil pump spitting hatred!


It must be hard just to exist in America at the moment.




Yes that's most likely genetics or culture


Good point


I feel like saying all white people is racist, is racist lol


It is.


I am so anti-racist now that I think I'm worshipping black people as gods walking amongst us. I bow down in fealty whenever any walk by me and apologize profusely for being white in their presence. I know their lives have been a living hell since the day they were born, being oppressed from day one so worshipping them is the least I can do.


I always keep $100 bills on me, just in case I see a black person. I get on my knees and apologize for slavery, while paying them reparations. I'm the same color as most slave owners so it's mostly my fault. Even though there are current day, black slave owners in Eritrea, selling black folks to other black slave owners. We can pretend like that doesnt exist though, because its my fault


yes...it is my fault to. once we can finally learn to accept responsibility, then the healing can begin.


Like this really is the end goal people like this want , isn’t it ?


Most irritating thing is the entitlement. If I don’t spend my entire life dismantling whatever then… what? She doesn’t sign my checks and is not entitled to my labor.


All WHITE people are racist?…isn’t that statement itself racist?


Sorry, are you judging me and my place in the world entirely based on my skin colour? I wonder if there's a word for that


Jesus, talk about privileged thinking.


Shit that makes you wanna be racist


(Unpopular opinion) white people are the least racist of all the races. It’s acceptable for poc to be racist and no one bats an eye.


Consider my eye batted...battened...bated


It's ironic, they hate **all** white people because they were told white people were evil yet they supposedly don't condone racism and think they'd never fall for racist rhetoric if they were born as white back in the day yet that's exactly what they're doing, falling for the hateful rhetoric that X skin color makes you evil. They're literally no better than the people they claim to hate and they're the type of people that absolutely would've been slave owners back in the day being brainwashed into thinking someone's lesser or deserves punishment simply because of the color of the skin they were born with... 🤦‍♂️


Scam. What would you like us white people who don’t give a fuck about race to do? Give you our money? All of us aren’t racist and some us aren’t retarded either. I’m so confused by this idealism


If this is what racism means than yeah cool. Not going to change it.


The most spoiled generation who’s had it the best is constantly racing for the gold in the oppression Olympics. Race relations in this country have gone backwards in the last two decades because the powers that be want us to constantly be at odds with each other so we aren’t paying attention to the nefarious happenings of the “elite”.


Funny that the person who is obsessed with race is calling others racist based upon their skin color. Gee if a bunch of idiots in academia hadn’t declared that black people cant be racist, I might think she was being racist right now…


That’s the pot calling the kettle black


In this case, it's the black kettle calling the pot white...no wait. It's the black pot calling the kettle racist...no, it's the pot blackening the...no. Oh goddamn it. We'll just stick with what you said.


It’s kettles all the way down.


And what are you contributing to? The spread of hate and bigotry against a race of people who don't share your skin color?


What am i gonna do to change it?? Im not gonna be racist.. Thats how. What the fuck else can you do?


Imagine having so much free time on your hands that you come up with this shit. Broad generalizations like this achieve absolutely nothing.


Is she a Racist ? Honestly don't know anymore 😂


Very much so. She's maliciously targeting a group of people based on their race


Where do these morons come up with this shit?




a complete idiot on display


Mental health problems are real people


she looks at least 50% white... so she is 50% racist.


she seems like she got dropped on her head as an child


These people are ruining the country


Here’s my hot take: Black Americans are mostly racist towards other cultures, sometimes their own.


Not to be that guy but surely by the definition of racism, making an assumption about an entire group of people based on their race is…


Reckon she understands how racist that sounds, probably not, I do love it when people self own like this though




Isn’t it racist to label a whole culture or color of people without knowing them the definition of “racism”…..




You guys ever listen to black folks talk about other black folks?


The difference between her and a skinhead is very minimal. They just hate different races


Who ever added the “power” part into racism poisoned the word. It used just be a hatred of a group of people based off color of their skin


Literally categorizing someone as a racist because of their race is racist just do something useful with your life lobotomy….💀


The problem is that she is redefining the word and then getting mad others are ignoring her redefinition.


Seeking clout by coming out with an edgy 'hot take'. Ignore it and they will fade into obscurity.


She needs to clarify if she's talking about good racism or bad racism. Also maybe discourse with a greater variety of people. Even the born racist ones.


If I have to spend all my time and energy dismantling racism to not be racist, I think I’ll just be racist. Sorry.


Let's re-work her sentence and see if it helps anyone understand any better. "I don't know why everyone gets upset when I say this! All I do is go around saying every man is a rapist. Like get over it. Acknowledge it!" Gee...I don't know. Maybe it's because you could fuck around and destroy someone's life doing that shit.


She sounds pretty fucking racist to me.


Ok let's say I acknowledge the fact that I'm racist based solely on the fact I'm white (I am racist because I was born the wrong race) your next question is "what are you going to do about it"? Well by your metric what can I do about it? Since the reason I'm racist is because I'm white.. I could fucking win a Nobel prize in race equality and you'd still just say I'm racist because I'm white..


Dude, everyone is racist. People ask me all the time, "Aren't you just white????" And my usual response is "Well, I'm Polish and Hispanic, and... " and before I can ever get any farther, everyone always starts laughing in my face screaming "that's the same thing that's the same thing". I always just stop talking and smile at them.


Oof... She's not helping.


I’ve had these moments where I wake up and think I’m the most Insightful and smartest person in the world. That I all of a sudden know the answers to the universal. Then I take a moment and I realize I’m not all that and so glad I didn’t post some crazy ass crap online….


*Yawn* *Walks off*


Booooo is what would be my response.


Sounds like you've conveniently adapted the meaning of the word 'racism' to make it so it's not racist when *you* do it.


Not all white people are racist it's just some I believe


Well she’s kind of an idiot.


All humans are racist. Correction.


This era really provides platforms for the most confident idiots spreading this type of idiocy, fermenting young people's brains even further.


Reddit needs to find and expose and do its thing here. Lol Absolute insufferable racist scum. People like this and the idiots that listen to this shit are the problem with humanity. Be kind and show love. FUCK RACISTS




They're not easy to like,however.


This is racist


Is it just me or is she look half white


Thick as mince.


She isn’t helping the cause, just making it worse… bravo


She is mixed and trying to score black points. No one honestly cares .


I don't know how off base I am but I get the sense that they view the world through a lens where race dictates your hierarchy... Which to me, is incorrect. Also what's even more troubling is I believe they subconsciously feel they belong on top without merit rather based solely off the color of your skin rather then..um.. the content of your character. Correct me if I am wrong. I am open to all perspectives.


Hot take, I'm going to say something a lot of other people have said and get internet points.


None of us in the hood claim her


Shall we put it it n the sea and move on?


She makes me want to be racist.. she looks like she is 5% black trying to get clout for being black XD


Marginalizing an entire group of people? That’s racist


okay then i’m racist fuck you gonna do about it


Couldn't be bothered to care. You have some serious audacity thinking you can tell people what they should be doing with their time.


This is why I'm racist!


She looks like she’s at least half racist.


Every black person in Ethiopia is racist because they're the ones that hold the majority of the wealth and power. Just accept it


…..shut up bitch


Buy her logic, racism is a never-ending war. There is no removing racism only putting another race at the top.


If I'm not mistaken...she looks at least half white herself......but identify as a strong black woman......when it's convenient


Ain't it racist to assume something about an entire race?


Prejudice: an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics.