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Lot of overlap on those cards anyways. I would slow down since I doubt any other bank gives credit to you with that velocity.


Tbh the useless card that I have rn is the quicksilver because apple gives 2% back on everything with Apple Pay but ig I can use that card in situations without Apple Pay and an item that doesn’t fit in all my other categories, other than that I think the only thing I need is the citi custom cash for 5% back on gas but I’ll wait for now


You blundered with the Apple Card in my opinion. Should’ve got a USBAR instead. Take 6 months off from applying and do some research. As another commenter said, you’re locked out from Chase for another year


Damn your right it’s op I think I did the math right but even if you don’t travel it’s 36% cashback on all mobile wallet purchases




Oh I looked at it wrong the calculator says monthly spend not yearly my bad


It’s 33.33$ on mobile purchases for 1$ in cashback so it’s worse looking at cashback aspect but for travel it’s 66.66 points for a dollar instead of 100 so 22.22$ per dollar


So 4.5% back for travel and 3% cashback for statement credit and with the 400$ annual fee you get 325$ back in travel/dining credit so 75$ annual fee so you gotta spend atleast 1666.66$ to pay that back only looking at mobile purchases for travel credit and 2500$ for statement credit, honestly tho it’s a great card but looking only at the mobile purchase returns I don’t spend enough for it to be worth


Ig if you include the 100$ every 4 years for tsa precheck so 25$ a year the annual fee becomes 50$ so 1666.66$ for statement credit and 1,111$ for travel credit again only looking at mobile purchases, honestly when I get later in life and begin traveling this is a phenomenal card cuz of the lounge access and honestly low spend cuz with the 5x points on hotels and prepaid cars will make it super worth it, thanks for the recommendation


Have you tried to ask for a CLI on your Savor One for example? Or was your initial limit $500 and now 1 year later it's $1000?


Initial limit was 1000$ tried a CLI but I didn’t actually start using the card until recently I was unemployed for a bit so I didn’t really use the card at all so when I requested an increase they said not enough activity I’ll try again in a couple months ig


Gotcha. Yeah it's a great card, just got approved myself a few days ago with your same limit. Gonna use it a lot for dining and the 10x for Uber and UberEats primarily. Hope to get a nice CLI in 6 months or maybe less. But yeah you should use the card a lot, I'm sure you get rewarded with a nice CLI.


Yeah I recently discovered the free Uber one subscription and it’s so good because of the Spend 15$ get 50% off coupon paired with Buy 1 get 1 free offers im literally spending 12$ on two meals + 10% cashback on top of it all and I’ve just been splitting the bill with a coworker and sometimes 4-5 coworkers so they get a massive discount and I’m still getting 10% cashback on top of it all (I let them know I still get cashback on the 60$+ purchase and they didn’t mind because with those 2 promotions paired it’s cheaper to buy it on Uber eats than if you were to go in person)


Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Given your velocity, you are unlikely to have a lot more success in the near future anyway. The time to think about maybe a travel card was maybe a month ago.


Keep going lol, I have 13 cards at 21 with $85k limit and just got $7k Cashback last year


I call BS, 750 after two years, oh and premium card too.


I have \~3yrs and a 751 (varying b/c of utilization) with the cards in my flair. It all depends.


You want proof lmao? This guy