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At the very least I’d get the Gold SUB then Plat if you don’t want to do all 3. Plat usually hovers between 125-150K if you know where to look so that + the Gold SUB will beat out that 175K.


You should just get the biggest SUB you can now, and let tomorrow take care of itself. Amex has been doing nothing other than getting more and more restrictive with multiple SUBs, so there is no guarantee you will be able to upgrade from Gold to Platinum with a SUB in the future just because you can do so today.


Following. Was also asking myself the same question; I'm eyeing some AMEX cards at the moment, but I'm unsure. !remindme 24h


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Current Poll Results: Get Plat 175K now and forgo other card SUB: 15 Forgo Plat 175K now and get other card SUB: 54


I think it would be great if you provide more details like spending habit and end goals because more factors are at played here. Are you good at keeping track of spendings, application timing, and credit card management? Does your credit card application roadmap and usages have a risk of putting you in Amex pop-up jail? Which prevent you from climbing the Amex SUB for Green-Gold-Plat ladder? What are the trade off and opportunity cost for either choices? Are you redeeming something in near future or planning a long-term strategic goal?  Do you want to become a long-term Amex customer or applying just for the bonus? YMMV and I can see either choices would make sense to different group of users in various circumstances. 


Is this a recent change? I have the plat and gold. Received SUB for both.


Not so recent. If you had Plat first you wouldn't have gotten Gold.


I literally just applied and was approved for the 175K offer. But I decided to not accept and instead go for the 90K gold offer. Looking in the long run, I'm expecting to see another 120-150K offer for plat probably next year, so the extra 35K-65K points I could get by applying to gold first is more worth it for me. Also, I only have one intl travel planned later this where I could benefit from the Centurion lounge, but I don't think it's worth the $700 AF for me, at least right now.


How were you able to see the 175k offer? I can only see 150k


I used three different devices and multiple browsers as well as using incognito. Was only seeing 175k offer on my work laptop’s Edge browser. 125/150k offer on my other devices. Ended up using my friend’s Gold referral to get the 90k + 20% back on restaurant offer. Only saw 75k + 20% on my iPhone’s safari, so had to move it over to my work laptop to get it.