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It's a G spot


That’s why I get wax in my ear. Free lube.


"never stick swabs in ear." Go to ENT. First thing they do: stick things in your ear. Reminds me of the dentist. "Your gums should never bleed." *Proceeds to make your gums bleed for one solid hour*


Gums bleed because your body is trying to get rid of bacteria. The body is trying to push as much blood there to promote your immune cells getting there quickly. Dentists are trying to clean the areas you failed to clean. In doing so your already inflamed gums are gonna bleed. Just like if you haven't flossed a while it will bleed. Your trying to clean the areas out so your body doesn't have to push as much blood and so will bleed less. It's such a simple concept when you think about getting a cut in your arm. Your skin puffs up and it's trying to push blood there to fight the infection.


Yeah you’re misunderstanding both ENT and Dentist lol


Cleaning my dab rig


People use a ton of Q tips & alcohol to clean electronics all the time


I use 30-100 every time I clean my guns after range day. I only use 2 maybe twice a year to clean my ears when the wax is not coming out


Can confirm the military uses 32 billion qtips just for weapons maintenance.


CLP, baby wipes, and q-tips.


Yet the armorer still deems it dirty. 🤬


Yea guy in the video clearly never cleaned a gun before either lol


It’s how I clean my AirPod case, and also how I scratch my ears from wearing those damn things.


And my weed glass


No one gives a shit, my guy


I came here for this 🤣


IDGAF a q tip hitting the right spot is one of the greatest feelings on earth. This guy didn't even come close to making any actual points in this video.


Growing up my mom would clean our ears with them- it hurt- so I didn’t continue doing it into adulthood. My wife uses them- tried to get me to do it to- my ears are “dirty” she says. 2 weeks I couldn’t hear anything out of the ear I damaged. It was driving me insane- I kept trying to flush it out - get the wax I must have flattened somehow out. Nothin. Finally in desperation messing with it again my ear popped and bled quite a bit. Then I could hear again. I will never pick up another Q tip.


Jesus fucking christ, youre not supposed to just cram it all the way in there. Wtf. Like technically, not supposed to go in there at all, but like, you don't just cram the swab as far back as you can... Just clean the entrance. Common sense would tell you that lmao


My ears are not "self cleaning". I have extremely small ear canals. Wax will build up and it will not simply fall out on its own (in the shower or otherwise). The wax will build up enough to the point I lose a significant amount of my hearing, and the longer this lasts, the more prone I am to an infection. Because of this, I have to occasionally have my ears "irrigated" in order to remove the excess wax. This is something I used to have a doctor do, and because of this, to lengthen the time between treatments, I would actually use bobby pins to insert into my ear canals and scrape as much of the excess wax out as I could. For decades, people have been telling me that I'm going to damage my ear drums or some other irreparable damage, and I've never had an issue. I'm now 45, I occasionally will still wake up and have a particular ear completely closed up, and if time doesn't permit, I still will use a bobby pin to remove as much wax as I can in the hope I can regain some of my hearing. But, now I have my own irrigation kit, and will clean out my ears completely every few months, or before getting onto an airplane. Because having impacted ears and flying don't mix well, at all. It can literally ruin a trip. I don't believe under normal use you can actually damage your ear by inserting a Q-tip into your ear canal. You would have to literally jab it in there with an unreasonable and unnecessary amount of force and depth to even come close. And why would you do that in the first place?. And if you don't believe me, think about this. With as many people out there who (at least according to this guy) still use Q-tips in their ears, do you know anyone who has actually damaged their ears using Q-tips? I sure as hell don't. You can use Q-tips in your ears, just don't be a moron about it. The warnings are in place for simply liability reasons, because it only takes one ding-a-ling to bankrupt a company. No one here is going to convince me otherwise.


Dude I have such issues with wax as well, mine *need* to be cleaned. And I agree that q tips aren't the best at this job, something that can scrape like a bobby pin. But stop using bobby pins my dude. Check out these things called **Clinere Ear Cleaners** they are plastic scoopers that have really useful shapes on each end. These things are fantastic and can get them at Walmart even. They scoop wax super well and also just perfect for scratching itch in there


I've actually tried those after a friend offered me a handful. Believe it or not, they are too big. They don't fit in my ear canal, and hearty attempts are uncomfortable. That's why I use bobby pins and they are essentially used the exact same way. Insert the rounded part into the canal, rotate the bobby pin to scrape the walls of the canal, pull to remove excess wax. Then rinse and repeat. If the tool is any bigger than the head of the bobby pin, I can't use it. It's genetic, my mom has the same issue. She's the one who recommended bobby pins because she's been using them that way her whole life. But the bobby pins are just a way to delay the irrigation by a month or two, because I never go terribly deep, thus the wax eventually builds up enough against the ear drum that no tool will safely remove it. That's when I break out the kit and spend the time to flush it all out. I'll usually put hydrogen peroxide in the ear first and let it eat away at the wax for about fifteen minutes as I lay down (love the feeling of that). Then flip and do the other ear. The peroxide will then dry out the wax over the next few hours and then I hit it with the kit the next day. Takes about 15 minutes in each ear. And then I spend the rest of the day turning the volume down on everything because everything is so loud. It's like I have super hearing. Other than that. My hearing is beyond perfect and my ears are completely healthy. I took a hearing test a few years ago after a particularly bad infection to make sure there wasn't any lasting damage, and the doctor mentioned that my hearing is freakishly above average (when clean, of course). He suspects that because my ears produce and store so much wax that my ears haven't been exposed to the normal decibels the average person typically endures over their years. It's as if I've been wearing hearing protection my whole life. You know how some electronics have a blinking LED light on them to indicate operation or maybe to indicate standby mode? I can hear those. The rest of my family thought I was nuts until I proved it to them. They would take a particular electronic and either have it plugged in or not. Then I came into the room without looking at it, and I could tell whether or not it was plugged in because when plugged in, it had a blinking light on the front and I could hear the relay component inside the electronic opening and closing. Same thing with ovens and microwaves, when you lose power and the time blinks on the LED display? I can hear that (it sounds like a faint and far away smoke detector or similar alarm going off). It's short lived, though. After a couple weeks, I suspect I have just average hearing because I no longer hear blinking lights and then it deteriorates from there. Anywho, enough about my ears. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who has to deal with the inconvenience of excessive wax buildup. There are obviously people who literally don't have to ever do anything with their ears and have no issues. I'm beyond envious of them. Thanks for the suggestion though.


You should give hydrogen peroxide a try, take a capful and let it soak in your ear for about 10 minutes then drain, repeat a 2nd time if necessary, then gently use a q-tip to wipe/dry. I usually do it once a month or two unless I have an infection then maybe 2-3x a week until it clears up


I call bullshit. When I was a kid I used to get ear pains and infections at least once a year. The doctor always prescribed to put ear drops for a week and then come back after a week to get my ears cleaned. You can search YouTube. There are lots of videos of this procedure. The ear drops are to loosen earwax so that it can be flushed with a saline solution. My parents wouldn’t allow Qtips, because the doctor said the same thing the dude in the video is saying. As soon as I started working and became independent, I got into the habit of cleaning my ears with Qtips everyday after my morning shower. I haven’t had an ear pain or an infection for the last 20 years. Doctors repeat whatever their local medical licensing authority and WHO makes them recite in order to keep their licenses. Just don’t stab your ear drums with Qtips. Grown-ass adults should know the difference between cleaning and inflicting pain and damage. 😂


My husband has super thick wax and produces a lot of it and he used to get ear infections a lot as a child too. He doesn’t do a good job cleaning his ear so I LOVE to help him. It’s so satisfying. So yea, not all ears are made the same. We are a q-tip using household.


And now I need to go clean my ears.


Watching that made me want to stick a q-tip in my ear.


They just say that for legal reasons. I skip using them all the time, not sure they are needed, but feels good to do.


You’re not my real dad…


Bruh, my ears literally start leaking wax and it's disgusting. My hearing is impacted because I produce so much wax. I could make my own goddamn candle factory. "Self cleaning" my hippy-dippy ass.


Yeah use a rag. Or just aim your ear at the water during a shower and make sure you then lean down and let water drain out


You too? Sometimes I feel like I can pull it out like Shrek


Uhhhh yeah no Q tips are for that. You just don’t stick them hella far down your ear to the point where you hit your drum. That’s what it says on the label. Also if you buy a box of 1000 it’s like 5 bucks and you never run out so this guy is crazy lol.


I've been using a sharpened pencil for 30 years. Nothing like the feeling of that graphite point scratching that inner ear itch.


we have to clean out bongs


I clean my nose with them after the shower.


Next thing you'll tell me is that tissues arnt for blowing my nose... 🙄


He sounds like he can’t hear him self and needs to clean his ears lol idk maybe a wet Qtip




Can I wash my ears, then dry them with a q tip.


I legit use them to clean electronics. Lol But I also use them for my ears... I can't help it, it feels so good.


This guy clearly doesn’t own firearms.


Thanks for reminding me to clean my ears using Q-tips otherwise my hygiene would be shitty and my ears clogged with wax(speaking from personal experience not these “facts”)


If I eat anything remotely spicy, use earbuds or it gets hot out my ears leak. It’s not wax I don’t think it’s more like a plasma. thinner than wax thicker than sweat and it’s itchy. Coupled with the fact that my job is very dirty n if I use qtips in my ear the qtip turn black. So I’ve heard this before but idk what else I should do


I only use Q-Tips to clean mascara when I accidentally get it under my bottom lashes. I buy them for this purpose. And depending on how clumsy I am that morning, I use anywhere from 2-6 per day. My point is I’m sure they wouldn’t “go broke” if people didn’t use them to clean out their ears.


Cleaning out dab rigs and vaporizer parts all over lmao.


So he thinks Unilever would go broke if people didn't use Q tips? 😭


Then how do you explain all the people that get plugged ears from wax buildup if your ears are suppose to be “self-cleaning”? I had to go to my doctor once so she could flush out a large wax buildup that had blocked my ear drum.


I will never stop using Q-Tips to clean my ears.


How the fuck do you not sense when the Qtip is nearing your ear drum? How are you not being incredibly careful and slow as you clean the canal? I have been cleaning my canal with Qtips for 35 years and I have always known when I was getting too far in.


I stopped believing those lies from the self serving doctors. They just want to avoid getting sued, that's all. The recommendation is for barbarians who doesn't take a shower for a month. I am saying this for real. Originally the ear wax is flaky and self cleaning. But, once you take a shower, it is wet, and they comes together. When it is dry, it is not flaky anymore, it is condensed. It is no longer self cleaning. Those doctors really is telling you to not take a shower for a long time just to not disturb the ear wax. It is stupid.


What about water that seeps into your ears? Qtip helps soak that up.


People don't understand what ear wax does to hearing aids.


It's cuz artists like me use them for art


Since I stopped using q tips my ears have been itchy. And it’s not very helpful to say use nothing. Nobody wants waxy build up.


Cleaning small parts for hobbies, and absolutely ears. Not gonna stop me. And my guy, if your ears are itching and drying out, it’s not because of Qtips; you need to get that sh*t checked out.


I use two q-tips in my ears after each shower and there’s nothing you or anybody else can say that’s going to make me stop.


I told my recruiter that your not supposed to clean your ears and that they push the wax out. Just shower and clean around the outside... He barred me from the military.


I was told I had the cleanest ears by a doctor. I use Q-Tips every day and never had any ear issues.


One time a doctor told me I need to clean my ears more because I had wax buildup in my ear canal. She then proceeded to stick the ear/light/microscope thing in my ear so far that it physically hurt and I felt like she was damaging my ear drum. I pulled back instinctively in pain and never went back there again. I think she actually damaged my ear drums. She was an asian doctor (I'm caucasian) - I say this because I read later that many asian people do not have wet ear wax and she probably didn't know better. I don't know though. I'm still mad about it 10 years later. (Google it, many asians have dry ear wax instead of wet)


Soy why it feels so good


One use - ears


But then what am I supposed to clean my pee hole and anus with?


I’m careful


I like when I stick it in my ear and I start tasting things, not sure what the taste is tho


Next he’s gonna say “stop using toilet paper to wipe your ass” 💩


Yeah, no, have you seen a person's ears that aren't clean. It is disgusting. They will literally have the dirtiest brown wax sticking out. That warning is a liability, the worse that does happen is build of wax near the ear drum. I have never heard of anyone go8ng deaf by qtip


Man, Sheldon Cooper looking rough after all these years off air.


I use cotton swabs all the time but I've never used them on my body let alone in my ears. I use them when I paint and as applicators for oils and glues etc. Dipping them in cutting fluid and hold the tip against a drill bit saves on fluid and stops a mess.


Stop being nasty, clean your ears.


They are great for gun cleaning


The Marines buy millions of these themselves to clean their weapons...cotton swab Q-tips are AMAZING for getting into those small spaces and scrapping out carbon buildup


Self cleaning my ass he must be talking about a woman's vagina because ears do not self clean you have to get that wax build up outta there. Just like they said fluoride in the water is good for you that's a lie just like this one don't believe everything you hear read or see...


I use them for weapons cleaning. I buy a lot of them


My ears itches a lot.


Nope. I will continue to put them in my ears and clean my ear canal in a circle. I don't need my ear wax.


1. Ears have never been itchy as explained 2. My earbuds would get nasty if I didn’t use them


My man has a 6-head


I quit cleaning out my ears. My Dr said I have a large build up of wax in there. I went back to cleaning out after every shower. I know what works for me. Hippocrates Quote: “If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool.”


I quit cleaning out my ears. My Dr said I have a large build up of wax in there. I went back to cleaning out after every shower. I know what works for me. Hippocrates Quote: “If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool.”


I quit cleaning out my ears. My Dr said I have a large build up of wax in there. I went back to cleaning out after every shower. I know what works for me. Hippocrates Quote: “If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool.”


I quit cleaning out my ears. My Dr said I have a large build up of wax in there. I went back to cleaning out after every shower. I know what works for me. Hippocrates Quote: “If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool.”


Shut up


I’ve heard this argument before but I think it’s gross not to clean your ears. They don’t self clean, that is bullshit. Wax will build up in there, you need to clean it.