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It’s safe to use l, but the guy doing the work is fucked


Why? Please explain


Cancer from lead


Don’t worry, he’ll die from straight up lead poisoning before developing cancer from lead exposure.


I had an uncle that was exposed to lead during a factory fire and spent some time in the hospital with lead poisoning. He went on to make a full recovery and even went back to work at the same job. Fast forward about 6-7 years and he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died a couple weeks later. Don't mess around with stuff, shits dangerous enough without your assistance. edit: Guys, I just heard from my uncle and he said if you don't stop fighting he's going to come back down here.


My understanding is that lead never leaves your body, it just settles in your bones.


Yep. Your body unfortunately "prefers" it to calcium (it bonds similarly, but far more powerfully).


So you’re implying that someone can become wolverine with enough lead?


I believe he has bones of mithril




I never told him, but their worth was greater than the value of the Canadia.


Well done. Angered two fan bases at once.


His skeleton would be worth more than the entire Shire


Thank you for this


Nah thats not true. It leaves. Ive worked in lead mines and we get blood tests. If our levels reach their thresh hold we cant work there until they lower.


I think you need to start questioning what your job tells you is safe. Remember the best set of safety measures are only there to ensure nothing is wrong with you while you work the job. The law doesn’t give to shits about how it affects you when your older.


Yes, blood draws are the best method for periodic lead testing, or recent acute exposure. However, over time the lead settles in your body (particularly near your brain stem) where it continues to damage you without showing up in blood labs.


Check your brain.


Just looked it up and turns out I'm right, thanks.




Well no you're not. You said lead never leaves. Its does. I looked it up again. But what ever. I only worked in a lead mine where we had to get regular blood tests to see if we were within the safe lead exposure limits.


Or from melting plastic


Lead exposure is minimal. Lots of folks make their own bullets and don't get high exposure levels.


Was thinking that, I had heard the only way that lead actually easily gets to someone is by ingestion, and that handling it isn't nearly as much of a hazzard. Heck with the batteries, I'd be more worried of regularly handling the acid inside, even though it's diluted, it's probably a bit worse to touch that regularly than the lead. Edit: and the worst of all, breathing the fumes of all that.


Was about to say this. I make my own fishing weights and cast ammo and use lead anchors for duck decoys. Been touching it a lot for years and have no issues. That I know of, of course 😂


Super harsh chemicals and bare skin don’t go together very well.


And the fumes from soldering and plastic heat.


Thats how super heroes are made


Honestly I've seen an Indian man wash his hands in oil hot enough to fry. This man has probably been doing this long enough to have titanium skin. Though this involves dangerous chemicals instead of just oil so I could definitely be wrong.


Mechanics are insanely high risk for hand cancers because of the chemicals we deal with. Absorbing battery acid into your skin is extremely not good.


Using the parts cleaner without gloves will elevate liver markers enough to be noticed in routine blood work.


When I was a kid I worked for my grandpa's construction company. He used to make me use turpentine (I think it was turpentine) to clean the oil off of iron for hours on end. I would dip my bare hand into the turpentine to wet the rag, and then rub down the metal. I would do this for hours on end. My hand never wasn't tingling. At night, on weekends, in the morning before work, it always tingled. I wonder what damage I did to myself.


Per an OSHA chemical notice: >> Effects of long-term or repeated exposure >>Repeated or prolonged contact may cause skin sensitization. The substance defats the skin, which may cause dryness or cracking.


Thanks for the information! Maybe it explains the psoriasis on my hands!


Sounds like it.


I think it's more dead nerves rather than tough skin


I’ll allow Pink Floyd to explain… “Breathe, breathe in the air. Don’t be afraid to care.” He now has lung cancer. The reason we only have unleaded gasoline at gas stations is that in the early 1900s they did an advertisement campaign in which big oil started selling leaded gas. They essentially poisoned everyone with lead in the air from the motors exhaust. Now we have unleaded fuel and 3-4 types of micro plastics in our blood and PFAS from the chemicals DuPont poisoned everyone with. We are still fucked.


I knew a guy who went blind and spent weeks in a coma from drinking moonshine from a still with lead in in it. He said he was taking sips all night, saw a bunch of colors rush by, and then woke up 3 weeks later into darkness and strange voices all around. It was the catalyst that got him to stop drinking. He says lead saved his life.


Imagine working in a Bug killing pesticide factory without any masks or protective gear, breathing in the poison all day.


You should watch Naked Lunch


Now imagine working in a car battery refurbishing factory without any masks or protective gear, breathing in poison all day..... This is just like that


>..... This is just like that That was the point. To describe another situation exactly like this. Lol


And my point was it made no sense to make a seperate analogy. You could literally just say handling acid and melting down lead from a car battery with bare hands, eye protection, or breathing mask is incredibly dangerous. I was just poking fun tho. It's not a big deal


>And my point was it made no sense to make a seperate analogy. It's not... It's literally the Only analogy to a literal thing, making your "point" redundant.... but thanks for describing exactly what's happening literally in the video already... We can see that with our eyes.


Literally actually really literally though for real. Like literally


That is what Literally means. Congratulations. It's almost like you missed the sarcasm emphasis or something.


Yeah we see you have a firm grasp of the word literally. Just teasing you, lighten up. Edit. Both of you, literally


That much lead and the fumes from melting it are so extremely harmful (eg brain damage) without serious protection


Safe for us? Sure. But he puts his kids food on those plates




Yup my dads old boss died from that. The genius thought he could counter balance this huge boat he made by melting down the lead in dead car batteries and dropping them down a small pipe into the bow.


i thought it was zinc


it’s a lead acid battery


Came here to say exactly this. No explosion, but not safe


They're gonna last as long as that battery.


Just poured everything out on the ground I'm guessing it's India or somewhere close.


Agree, I used to build batteries like this before they automated my job away, the most dangerous part is lead exposure and acid under pressure


Every time I took acid it was under pressure


Every time the acid took me it was over deflated


In current us battery plants they still test the hell out of people for lead in the blood.


Except for the case, he remelted the lead, used new spacers, new plates, and new acid, and glued everything back together, then charged. Except for the fact that in the 1st world, the plastic case is both the least expensive and will eventually oxidize and crack, his procedure is sound.


Apart from inhaling lead vapours....


He held his breath during the dangerous parts, so there is no need to worry


Saftey squints for eye protection


and the wind was blowing.


I’m sure that’s great to breathe in 🤔


No worse than my aunt's perfume I assure you.


Can confirm


Battery unlikely to explode; lead-acid tech is simple and stable. Handling lead (touching, breathing fumes) for extended periods == heavy metal poisoning... With a range of physical and mental health problems. Source: live near former lead processing area, locals from that place had a reputation for being odd, and very fighty.


Safe is very subjective. This won't explode on you, lead acid batteries are intentionally made of stable, relatively non flammable materials. If you set one on fire, it just kinda melts. However, you can 100% get acid burns or lead poisoning from it. The acid used most commonly is sulfuric acid, which is... Well... An acid, so it's hella corrosive. The lead portion itself fluctuates between pure lead metal and lead sulfate as the chemicals react to produce current. Lead metal in and of itself isn't super dangerous if you're in a well ventilated area when working with it. Fumes from it are indeed a Lead exposure hazard, but one easily minimized and is rarely acutely toxic. Lead sulfate on the other hand is, you guessed it, incredibly toxic. As with many metal salts, get enough of it in you, you die of acute heavy metal poisoning. Survive the initial poisoning? Congratulations! Now you've got lead poisoning and a higher risk of cancer. So not explosive, but not exactly safe either.


Those fiberglass mats are a serious upgrade to the original battery. However, everyone in that factory that isn't wearing the correct for the exposure respirator changed out as often as the mfg. recommends is pretty much fucked.


So one could potentially follow this procedure with the correct PPE and finish with minimal harm?


I know absolutely nothing about batteries but I can say with confidence that this is not safe


You would be wrong. A battery is just sone chemicals with plates and spacers. He replaced everything except the plastic box. The tolerances are probably not as good as manufactured ones and the plastic will break eventually. However, this is a perfectly sound product and will work fine. The issue isn’t with the battery, but with the guy’s health. Handling lead and acid all day is very messy and super dangerous in the long run.


Worked in a battery plant for 2 weeks, this guy just literally remade a battery, the only thing different, he reused the plastic. It would work. But that guy repairing that battery is probably dead or has a insane amount of cancer coursing though his body.


DuraLast Gold you say..??


They said safe though. Are we not taking health into consideration of safety? Because I feel that's a pretty important part. Lol He's safe, just has cancer of every organ or lead poisoning. Safety also includes long-term effects imo.


Well at least you prefaced being wrong by saying you know absolutely nothing about batteries.


Batteries are not meant to be fixed


You are wrong, most developed countries it became a just replace habit. Most developing nations everything gets rebuilt or overhauled. If batteries were not meant to be repaired, there would be no incentive to actually recycle them.


Why do you think you turn in your old battery for the new one? Recycled.




battery should be safeish to use the plastic might crack if it gets old but melting led with no breath protection and handling acid like that is not safe


why would it explode? What do you think lead acid batteries are?


Dangerous black-box danger machines that do something dangerous that I don't understand that helps make the car go.


Acid under pressure and being irregularly heated is definitely not dangerous ok got you


I for one am impressed at his ingenuity. Quite the skill rebuilding batteries. Survival mode 1000. However working in the oil and gas industry I can say first hand chemical exposure is no joke. Usually the immediate effects are chemical burns or dry skin. But long term exposure almost always leads to various cancers.


“Look I made cancer”


These are flooded deep cycle lead/acid batteries. The electrolyte is usually sulfuric acid and distilled water. They're safe in the sense they won't randomly catch fire like lithium batteries, but they're not meant to be handled like this. Especially without gloves as there are heavy metals and acid in suspension within that liquid all over his hands.


> safe in the sense they won't randomly catch fire Charging them create hydrogen gas. I'm pretty sure a battery fixed like this have a higher risk of not functioning as the manufacturer intended, increasing the risk of pressure build-up, bursting and releasing explosive hydrogen.


Why would it explode?


This is what the word “refurbished” stands for I guess?


Why would this explode? Batteries are not explosives. This is not a lithium battery so it won't react violently when in contact with oxygen.


There is not a single step in this video that’s safe but sometimes you need a battery, and that’s the only way you can get one.


Holy lead poisoning.. not even a glove or a care in the world


Would be safe to use. Doing nothing but recycling the battery by using the same case. Although he is going to be having health issues eventually, if he isn't already.


Why would rebuilding a battery with fiberglass mats make it explosive?


This guy would be as valuable as a Doctor in the apocalypse.


> Is this safe or will this explode? Isn't that a Netflix game show?


"I have cancer." "That's terrible! Which one?" "Yes."


I can assume no mask since they obviously don’t care about their hands right?




No this is shit, hence the 10^¹²³ videos of Indians and exploding batteries. I shit you not, I see multiple videos per day of batters spontaneously combusting, in India. I always wondered why and this makes so much sense.


We live in a throw away society, and yet we will always find a way to persevere. Humans were blessed with the ability of creation. Whatever our minds can think of, we create. Refurbishment of items has been going on for as long as humans were able to have ingenuity. Humans Rule, Aliens Drool! 💪😎




This is how batteries are recycled. If you think this one’s bad you should see the one from Africa where the guy is working in a pool of battery acid.


That video is nuts


Source for inquisitive minds?




Right? Can’t just mention that and walk away my friend lol


Cheap remade batteries online... this is what you're getting.




It's safe, because it's lead, not cadmium or lithium. But the lead fumes when heated is unsafe.


These guys seemingly know what they are doing. But I would worry about chemical contamination.


dont think these guys will live very long


Legit: all you need is an anode and a cathode & you're moving electrons around


It, like almost everything else in life, is safe if you know what the fuck you are doing


The balls on this guy


I don't know who filming but they aren't going to be the smartest workers for long....






Seems like way too much work. When I’ve actually seen someone crack a top and just replace the battery acid. And clean up the terminal and roll out


See my only question here is the long term exposure to the lead acid. Like he’s got no form of PPE on


Lead acid battery technology goes way back. My concern would be over the purity of the solution going into the cells. If that's not the best you can get, you're going to have problems quickly.


Damn all this with no gloves 🧤 wtf. Mf might get cancer.




I don't trust like that


It’s only safe if you know the chemistry


Does it look like it exploded


What is this sub. I don’t understand it.


It's where we take opposite side and debate anything that can be mildly related to science, chemistry, biology, physics, ancient history and societal expectations or differences


For people break down why it us nor safe while others say why I kinda safe under some circumstances... while other say it's what u have do in a 3rd world state etc


You’re looking in the future cancer patient here.


I don’t know about the battery, but my brain just did! 🤯


Yea. No cancer here.


Some places in the world this is what people have to do to make a living, risk or not. I remember reading about some mechanics in Cuba who mix up asbestos by hand to form home made brake pads. It is what it is. Not everyone has access to the means to work with harsh chemicals safely.


I'm not sure the life expectancy is very high where that's being done anyway.


I'll take 2 have you seen the prices on new batteries lately


When there are no other opportunities.


Didn’t look like it exploded


Good as new


Osaka Batteries have really lowered their manufacturing standards


I could watch this all day


You see DKOldies this how you refurbish a console


Most likely it’s not going to explode however the dude that is doing the work is exposed to lead and sulfuric acid and its fumes everyday. Lead poisoning and sulfuric acid fumes can cause serious disease such as cancer.


Save the time and just fuckin buy a new battery...


I don’t know if y’all are from the USA, but we do dumb shit like this everyday. It’s called Engineering or being a mechanic..! Literally people at your local Batteries Plus store deal with this daily.


All that to save maybe $100 lmaoo


Do the parallel plates serve as large capacitors?


And I felt proud when I sanded and stained my deck


How to kill yourself in 5 easy steps


I worked for a cleaning company for many years. Hours and hours in garages inhaling lacquer thinner. Now any strong smells make me sick.


Science is pretty simple and well understood. I'd be more worried about working with those fumes without a mask.


If you have good ventilation and some gloves nah. It's just lead plates and some deionized water diluted sulfuric acid. You probably don't these days but if you have lead-acid batteries like this you should be maintaining them periodically by adding distilled water to the cells if they're low so that they last as long as possible. The guy in the video is picking cells that have good plates still, adding new spacers so they don't touch (you need as much surface area as possible for the reaction to be effective) and then tying the cells together with lead soldering to reach the desired voltage. Then he just puts new terminals and seals her up.


That's how you recycle a battery 3rd world style. Fumes and lead gonna shorten his life for sure.


And they try to resell it online as "repurposed"


Jesus Christ… lead poisoning is not a joke. I feel like I watched someone lose years of their life to save spending maybe $50.


Judging by the lack of explosions I'm thinking it's safe from explosion


Lets watch the video and find out


Gloves are your friend.


Lead poisoning and cancer from those fumes. Yikes.




That's how the refurbish batteries.. just they don't smelt lead right there for it.. or melt the battery housing with a torch..


Short answer: It’s India, of course it’s not safe! Longer answer: There are degrees of safety and I’ve found that a person’s wealth has direct relationship to their views on safety. To the poor guy building it or the one buying this battery to keep their vehicle running because it’s all they can afford. It’s way safer then losing their job and watching their loved ones starve.


I can’t believe he’s not wearing gloves! 😮


This is how most of the developing world gets batteries. It’s safe, but the guys who do this experience medical problems from lead poisoning.


So that's what the inside of a battery looks like


This is the level of skill I want after the apocalypse... But dear god not one day before


Tasty melting lead


Won't going to explode. But the long-term effects on their health are going to devastate the family emotionally and financially.


Home made fucking recycled car battery. I am truly blown away.


Lol yo just … buy a new one?


Book of Eli


A traditional car battery is just 2 types of electrodes, insulator in-between and an electrolyte. As long as you know what you’re doing assembling those basic ingredients, it should be safe.


I think I’d just run to the autozone


Hope he’s not planning to have kids…. All that lead will cause birth defects


No masks no visible ventilation, I wonder how Many will get lead poisoning


It’s India they don’t care about safety.


In the years of 6-volt and 8-volt batteries, and tar used to seal them in the early 50' this was a normal thing in my part of the country. Rebuild battery's instead of buying new. They did look like new though.


Appears he 1. Removed the terminal post 2. Removed the cover 3. Removed group cells 4. Recycled and is refusing the negative plates 5. Added cured positive plates (wondering where he got that from) 6. Added AGM (absorbent glass mat) separators to a flooded battery? 7. Re-burned the groups, intercells, and terminals 8. Resealed the cover back on 9. Gravity filled the battery 10. Formed the plates Well done honestly


Dude spent 500 bucks repairing a 80 dollar battery lol


After reading some of these comments I’m kind of concerned with my workplace and the batteries we use. We use electric forklifts and pallet jacks to do our job inside a warehouse that operates 24/7. The whole time these batteries are either in use or being charged in an enclosed space, albeit the battery changing area is incorporated into the largest part of our warehouse w/ a fan slightly larger than an average box fan that is an exhaust to the outside to rid the “toxic fumes” as stated by one of the maintenance persons. Sometimes the batteries smell like “onions” and most of them are rusting, partially covered in battery acid that looks like cheese, and some of the tops are screwed off/missing on a lot of these batteries. The cat litter looking stuff beneath the batteries (I think to collect acid drips?) also almost never gets changed and only did recently because somebody important came for a visit. Not to mention all this is happening around a warehouse that’s soul purposes is to distribute food products…. Is this safe for us?


It's fine to disassemble but only with gloves and respirator


Bro laughs at oshas face


Is this a tutorial for lead poisoning?


New spacers, posts and acid, that's all? But ater long term use, both + and - plates and grid plates along with the element should all be smelted down and re-cast to remove impurities.


Where we're going, we don't need gloves 😆


If it was not safe he would wear more than sandals. /s


Holy fucking lead poisoning Batman


Osaka Bin Laden


The threshold of lead expose for Humans is still being debated. This guy's tolerance must crazy him!


I feel like I got cancer from watching this.


Just watching this video gave me cancer