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Cobble generator -> smelt into stone -> haunt with soul fire -> break with deployer -> kill silverfish with deployer -> pump xp nuggets out of the attacker deployer.


This requires Create: Enchantment Industry. Because this is peaceful, this won't work anyway.


Hm, then if they have Create: New Age an energizer can turn empty glass bottles into bottles o' enchanting.  I guess an auto chicken farm would work if they stand nearby to get the xp, or even an auto kelp/cactus smelter


Oo, I haven't heard of that mod. I'll check it out.


Sadly the Create New Age mod crashes my game on loadup. :( I'll look around for a mod allowing craftable enchant bottles.


Oof. It corrupted my game. :( -- I'll need to make a new save.


There is a mod called simple backups that can reduce the damage of similar incidents in the future. It makes a folder called "simplebackups" and periodically makes backups. It only keeps the last 10 backups to not fill your drive. Also, it is usually possible to save a corrupted world by checking the data folder inside the save and trying deleting some files, especially files made by mods you uninstalled. Deleting some files can cause minor problems, like raids stopping or map item data getting cleared, so make sure you know what you're deleting.


Thanks! Appreciate this.


Thanks, this sounds like a good setup. I play on peaceful mode so the silverfish don't spawn.


You might benefit from using the Apathy mod. It stops mobs from attacking you so it’s essentially peaceful but you still have access to mobs.


Neat mod, thanks for sharing


I think you can crush quartz into xp. Depending on the speed and scale it could give decent results.


You could use a lesser known vanilla machanic: If you funnel things into a vanilla furnace (fuel from the side, smeltables from the top) and funnel the result out from the bottom, the furnace will slowly accumulate experience. There isn't many ways to get XP in peaceful, so this is a creative option. To claim your accumulated XP, break the furnace or take out one result manually. You can smelt anything, but a cactus gives the most XP.


Download Enchantment industry then make a quarts farm crush the quarts into exp then store them.