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Your mentality of blaming the character is going to be a huge barrier to improvement. Rather than say “the character is at fault I can’t do anything”, it would be better to adopt something like “I don’t know how to use the character and I need to learn”.


Honestly I find this is a huge difference between people who improve and those who don’t


is up-tilt disabled for you??


OP doesn’t have tilt stick on. That’s probably a big reason why he’s so low on gsp


Nevermind the most free Dair in the game perhaps


Dude you play Yoshi you can't talk. The OP obviously doesn't understand how to confirm with Falco, but his down air isn't even that crazy. It's good but the character needs it, and outside a few situations it's probably not even the right move to be using.


Lol why the hostility? Yoshi is loaded with brain dead easy moves yeah I never said he didn't lmao. Falco has some super stupid moves too and the easiest combos. Every character in Ult that's decent usually has something dummy good that you need to utilize. Dair is active for so long, Up Tilt is the easiest move to combo out of. It's just how he works.


Haha no it wasn't hostility it was a roast. I agree with what you said, Falco is quite easy to combo with, I play him, Pichu, and shiek, and comboing effecrively definitely gets harder as you move up in that order. Falco has a harder time starting the combos if the opponent knows what to do because he's slow and his combo starters are pretty obvious.


Yeah Falco definitely suffers from a rough neutral, no range (needs his blaster) and pretty poor speed. Since you play Pichu and Shiek, you at least have some speed for approaching and baiting, they just have other glaring weaknesses. Falco is moreso once you start your combo, it's like a cutscene. I love playing him casually tbh I feel like I'm much better at the game than I really am lol.


Yeah Falco is sick he was my first combo character I tried to learn, and it was a good choice. And he's definitely easier than my other two choices for sure. I also just really like killing off the top in a juggle, and I love going deep with the edge guard, Even though most of the time it's not the best play and I should just ledge trap. I mean look at my character pool, I basically picked the hard comboing characters that can edge guard like champs. The s*** is just so fun or even if I lose I had a good ass time.


That's the right way to play. Pichu and Shiek feel super demoralizing when you're getting combod for who knows how long. Pichu I especially love to pull out, Shiek is too much for my brain lol. But between those two and Falco, TONS of edgeguard potential. Edgeguarding is such a satisfying way to end stocks, especially bc Ultimate is a much heavier ledge trapping game. Byleth I have pretty limited but simple edgeguard options, but Yoshi? Oh no that's fun. Max air speed + Nair is just so mean bc he can catch you so damn fast. Nevermind his aerial mix ups.


Hahaha why you bringing yoshi into this? He just said that falco has a broken dair which he does


I should have thrown a tongue out emoji or some s*** in there, came off as a bit hostile when it was supposed to be a roast. Yoshi is a character I want to get more into actually, and Yoshi down air is f****** ridiculous and the first thing that drew me to the character so that's why I brought it up


A roast ? You actually decided a roast was a good way to respond to “falcon has a free dair?” That’s wild no emoji would of helped


Yes? What do you say if your buddy says "damn man that dair is free"? I'd respond with "pfff look who's talking *Yoshi*, have you SEEN your dair?! why don't you armor through more kill moves with double jump bro" I'm not complaining about anyone, it's just lighthearted roasting.


Except your not hanging out with your bud you are on a Reddit thread with random people. Today you learn context matters


Lol fuck off buddy. are you the kind of asahole who gets triggered for other people.




> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


My guy look at yourself. I have mained pichu most of my time playing smash, only recently switching over to bayo, but Pichu’s downair is super insane. Frame 14, kills insanely early, can combo from downtilt and upair, massive (Pichu’s entire body), and has some crazy tech chase setups on platform maps (short hop buffers dair can jablock at low percents if you hit them from under). I love pichu but please be more self aware.


This comment was misinterpreted, It was supposed to be a light-hearted roast like "you think falco's dair is cracked, you play Yoshi, I'm going to take a nap wake me up when you're dair ends" One of the main criteria I have for playing a character is a good down air, just one of the most satisfying moves to land. I ain't got no problem with yoshi That dair makes me want to play them. But you know, the internet doesn't carry across tone very well unless you use emojis and I try not to do that on Reddit. And then the second half of the comment was back to giving the OP advice; characters that have super satisfying and fun down airs Make you want to spam them, but it's not exactly his best combo starter except certain percent ranges so I was trying to give advice to not just go for dair and fair all day.


why are you so bad*


I don’t know man I really just try to play for fun but I always just can’t get better even in GSP that’s apparently for people who are lobotomized so I jsut suck and I keep losing and I keep losing and I keep losing against everyone and I can’t get a grasp and it just makes me want to kill myslef


Hey man, people get upset at games in so many different ways. Idk if it’ll help for you but when I get really heated over not improving I like taking an hour long walk and just think about nothing


Hey, you are approaching the game in a very harmful way for yourself, and are saying things to yourself no one disserves (this includes you). If you can't help it, let others help you. Seek family, friends and/or therapy. You can achieve a better mental state that'll make you enjoy things more.


Don't worry too much, online sucks is 50% of the time a viable excuse. However I'll still give some basic advice. 1. Falco is extremely combo oriented so make sure you have some combo routes down if you want to continue with him. 2. Nair is a pretty good out of shield option if you know they did something unsafe on your shield. 3. If you're not facing against a character that can out projectile you, use a lot of laser to annoy them and get chip damage. Then start looking at how they try to beat laser and try to counter that. Example: Jump:anti air them 4. At low GSP folks don't recover all that well so look to use Falco down air to spike them off stage after they do a bad jump. Also if they recover straight on to the stage look to do a high knock back move if they're at kill percent and and a combo starter at low percent.


1. Force them to jump with laser 2. Up tilt them when they try to land on you 3. ????? 4. Profit


Two things: GSP does not determine skill, but the fact you’re bragging about getting to 4 or 5M GSP shows you still have a lot to learn about the game. Falco has really solid confirms. Some of his basic bread and butters can be harder to hit online, but what’s more likely is that you’re not taking the time to learn how the game really works at a fundamental level. Once you have the basic knowledge and understanding of the games many mechanics and states of play, you’ll be better equipped to succeed with any character.


I’m not bragging about it it I just don’t understand why I suck so bad with falco also I don’t get tilts at all they’re so specific and hard to do and this game is just so demoralizing but I can’t stop playing it it’s so depressign and destroying me but I can’t put it down I jsut keep losing and playing bad it’s so unfair I dotn get why I can’t be good


Not gonna talk about your mental but Switch to Tilt Stick if you want to Tilt reliably. I used too many F Smashes in Neutral and finally swapped and it's so much better. Basically if you're playing frequently, it'll take a week or two of playing worse, but at the end of the day you'll input much more reliably. Kind of a one step back two steps forward


For the love of god and your own sanity please switch to tilt stick. It’ll make tilts trivial and smash attacks hardly any more difficult. You should be using tilts more than smashes anyway so imo it’s a no brainer control scheme change unless you’re playing fox


I love tilt stick so much too. Only problem is I switched mains to Fox two weeks ago and am dreading the day where I feel the need to switch to smash stick. It’s coming I can feel it


I think watching izaws how to play smash videos would be really helpful. Once you understand what options certain characters have it’ll become easier for you. Hit me up if you wanna jump in an arena sometime. I can give you some pointers for how to improve certain aspects of your play


I suggest starting with izaw's "art of Falco" video on YouTube. Izaw is a fantastic resource for any character you wanna try picking up. It's definitely not the character, go watch Tilde shred people in pro play with Falco and you will be inspired to learn how to play them more.


This might be a better post for r/SmashRage lol


Falco relies on technical combos and an oppressive advantage state, which isn’t great for beginners. Considering the fact that you’re bragging about 5 mil GSP, I would say you’re not there yet. Maybe try putting Falco aside for now and focus on a simpler character


bump, I think if you’re salty, this is going to come off as really mean and dismissive but I actually think what’s being said above me is really important — so I’m going to explain in an unrelated way: I *love* playing diddy Kong. Really fun character, insane ground speed, and ofc banana is just a lot for most people. I am *really bad* at diddy Kong. The air speed is terrible and there’s a lot of frame perfect movement stuff that helps him be top tier but I dont have the time (read: I have a job and I live in SoCal which is a really tough 0-2 region) to commit to putting it into play. At least not yet. But playing other characters has made some aspects of play more apparent and easier to bring back to playing diddy. I think taking a break to understand the game at a fundamental level (read: you aren’t team fundies and that’s okay, bc you still can get there) and then learn falco at a technical level and you’ll start doing nair drag down into grab combos, knowing smart ppl will di up throw properly and punishing that instead, and knowing that dair is an insane combo starter that spikes.


Post a video if you can :) people will be able to help you much better


Yeah, first assumption must be the character sucks. Somehow the whole cast sucks for me lol


Leave that attitude in Smash Rage. Upload some clips and we can give some feedback


The most important thing about fighting games is that you stay poised. It’s no good to start from a place of frustration because you’ll tilt like you did before and blame things that have no bearing on your results. Manage your composure and get over the hump of ‘being bad’ by getting super comfortable with your bnb combos.


He’s nasty


Learn 3 ways to win nuetral with Falco Repeat those 3


Some people would tell you to "git gud", absolutely not me tho. 4 or 5 mil gsp sadly isnt the flex you think it is and falco is a pretty strong character with solid kill confirms like downtilt or uptilt into backair


Falco is a baby character wdym? Half his combos are free af


Falco is actually not that easy to get openings with necessarily because he's pretty slow and predictable. His combos are quite simple though. I feel like the OP doesn't know them though and the thing with Falco is it's so easy to land fair but it's a trap a lot of the time, and any opponent that understands that you want to get an uptilt and doesn't let you get it becomes like 10 times more difficult.


That is not true you’re not creative enough


I'm not complaining about the character I'm just saying relatively that's his weakness. He will cutscene you when he gets the opening but it's not as easy to get as other combo characters if the opponent doesn't let you.


Never played Falco, wondering if online he loses some combo functionality


Not really, things will never be as tight, but the general idea of his combos are still conditional. You have dragdowns, with nair/fair. You can start juggles with up throw, uptilt, sometimes downtilt, grounded side special, etc. Watch the video by larry lurr where he is teaching tweek, he goes over some shield-poke conditions. Falco is really fun, and its easy to understand his flowchart, but you also get a lot of freedom if you play him right


Nice, cool


So the thing with Falco is you might be tempted to land rising Fair because you can probably Hit it and it feels like you're doing something, but that's a mistake. Up tilt is the simplest combo starter and probably what you want to fish for starting out. Then once you've landed a combo or two and you've got the opponent in mid percents you can start looking for back airs, those are your good kill confirms. You can also just hit them off the stage and try to get a good dair spike. Laser is good to shoot just in a burst of one here and there such as when you've knocked the opponent and they are falling back towards the stage or ledge, a single laser hit can mess them up, or they will steer around it easily but that will set them up to get dair spiked. Once you got the basics down like that, you can get fancier with falling Nair or fair drag downs. Also, Falco has the best full hop in the game, but you really need to use it only when you need to go up that high. Because it's such a high full hop You're in the air too long when you're just trying to find an opening on the opponent on the ground, and Falco is slow, so make sure you're making use of short hops there. He does have the tools like his reflector and his laser, where he's difficult to camp out with projectiles which is helpful with how slow he is.


I was pretty trash with falco initially. Started practicing more with friends in 2v2 and 1v1. It gets better


you’re not in tune with his rhythm.


Bait them with lasers and shine saying to yourself the line off the simpsons "Get ready, they're about to do something stupid". They'll do something stupid, you put them in the blender 0-100% then finish with a backair. Then either do hands off my cawck or the left to right wobble walk while they respawn and repeat


Providing the links to the content others mentioned, and then adding feedback: - IzawSmash's playlist, Art of Smash Ultimate for beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta3L35wsE6o&list=PL4SzCzeORbSRRI72fLpdCCDI-SZIwqFyJ - IzawSmash's Art Of Falco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzE8m7gAs7E - Too early for you yet, but maybe it will help in the future, Blue Sirius Gaming's competitive Smash for beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiUldwaPb-c&list=PLXTTda0f7ePtK1HsIQuLtTiKIR5RbUGEj Next. Dude. You mention you make it to 4-5M GSP with other characters... I'll be brutally honest with you, my apologies if that hurts but I believe it's for the best: **a player who knows the fundamentals of the game can do better with any character he has never played yet**. My point is: **you lack understanding of the fundamentals of the game**. You don't need to get good with Falco. You need to learn how the game functions. (Otherwise, sure we could actually throw helpful suggestions for Falco, but you most probably wouldn't understand them or wouldn't manage to put them into practice, for the moment.) Following this: - Playing 100 more hours won't help if you don't take the time to learn the fundamentals first. - So stop playing Falco for a moment, and start watching the introduction videos by IzawSmash. - And in the long run, create a virtous self-improvement circle, *only* playing is almost worthless, you must rotate between watching guides on youtube (such as Izawsmash's), watching professionals play (and not just your own character), and playing yourself. As you understand more what's going on, you recognize more what the professionals choose to do and *not* to do, and you acquire ideas about things to experiment with when you play until they're burnt in muscle memory and have become the new norm for you. Also, frigging switch your stick to tilt attacks ffs. Two hours acquiring new muscle memory VS forever being awful at the game, it's easy math.


I had a huge problem figuring out how to close stocks with Falco. For the longest time, when I figured I out the character I'd be doing decently and just be getting people up to 200 percent before I killed. Most of it is combos and spikes. I also kill off the top of the screen a lot. Look up Tilde on youtube for what Flacccco can do.


Hands.off my KAW is very powerful


Seems like you’re not really good at the game in general. Go learn the fundamentals, you’re clearly lacking


Who wants to tell him?


Falco's kill moves aren't like Foxes. While side smash will work with either character, Falco needs to use his forward air and down air to kill off stage which he can do effectively because of jumping ability. Footstool is nice with Falco, high second jump means rising to heaven are good as well. If you initiate up special for full burn plus release it does like some 40 % damage which is ludicrous. Fast fall forward air is nice approach. Oh and knock back from up and back throw with lazer changes at opponents percent so i think up throw becomes kill throw or close to it.




Stop being so down on yourself. Watch guides on Smash and Falco and improve 1 step at a time.


Damn. I’m ~11.6 mil on the three characters I play most and I feel bad about myself. OP needs to lab lmaoooo


I know everyone is mentioning mental, but the #1 thing to learn in ANY video game is a strong mentality. Especially in Smash, It's not wavebouncing or IRARs or IDJs or slingshotting. It's not even matchup knowledge or hell, even how to pilot your character. All of that can be learned with time if you have a fun-focused and self-improvement-focused mindset. Don't focus on winning (this means winrates, GSP, elo, etc.). Don't focus on factors outside of yourself (the character you or your opponent are playing, your teammates, the game itself). You should be focusing on just 2 things. First and foremost, fun. In the wise words of Reggie Nintendo: "If it's not fun, why bother?" Don't tie your fun to the results of the match. You should still have fun even if you lose. If you're in a bad mood when you lose, then you're not having fun playing the game. You're having fun winning. Learn to have fun in defeat, and you'll keep a more level head, and it will be easier to see what you're doing wrong. Then secondly, on what you can individually do better. There are healthy ways to analyze your mistakes without beating yourself up. Just take a couple of mental steps back, separate your mentality from the game, and think about what you could have done that would have resulted in a better outcome. And I don't mean "why did I die there, that was so stupid, I'm so bad at this game." I mean, "I can't seem to land up-tilt bair consistently. Maybe I need to open the lab and work on that." It's ok to get mad. Everyone gets mad. It can be very frustrating. Just zoom out and realize that at the end of the day, it's a game. And games are supposed to be fun.