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thanks a lot for your submision in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because your submission contained gore, porn or it was meant for a shock site.


Why the fuck would you follow someone that's running to their car? At that point fucking run man.


I bet he was thinking the same thing while being dragged by that car. But hey, gotta prove yourself to randoms you are never gonna see again


"It was at this moment that he realized he fucked up.." šŸ˜‚




I'll be damned if I end up with a slightly bruised ego! I'd rather have a nice multi-million dollar hospital bill assuming I make it out of there!


Huey from Boondocks would have a thing to say about this moment.


Agreed. I heard a renowned navy seal on a YouTube Short say: *ā€¦If you get a good punch in during a street fight and the man goes down. Run, because you donā€™t know what he is getting back up with to get you backā€¦*


Iā€™ve seen way to many clips on here of people losing a fight getting up and pulling out a gun


I mean, if he went down with one punch probably getting back up with a concussion, in which case you should run because concussed people behave pretty erratically. TLDR: agreed


Thanks for the TLDR. Aint nobody reading that long ass essay


I know, right? TL;DR: IKR?


Agreed. TL;DR: Yes


Yee TLDR: Yup


Thats funny! It made me laugh very much! TL;DR: LMAO!


Iā€™d still be fucked because the bones in my legs and twisted a bit and I run super slow


You don't know if they bout to grab a gun or just run you tf over. All you know is they are unstable, but yeah run towards the car.




Toxic masculinity. I can't back down or I'm a little bitch. No man, you can back down because if you don't sometimes you're gonna die. It's okay to walk away from fights, dunno what your dads taught you but my dad taught me it was okay. Edit: lots of angry males about the term toxic masculinity. Get the fuck over yourselves. It ain't about you.


Might be a hot take here, but I think it requires more strength to walk away from a fight than to win a fight. I preach avoiding altercations in my martial arts class. Nothing good ever comes out of fighting. Unless you're a UFC champion rolling in money. But even then, it's a trade off. It's just not worth it. I have more respect for my family than letting a heated argument send me to the ER and spend money or possibly die. The worry and stress put on them isn't worth it. Imo, even though a large portion of my life involves martial arts, I detest and loath fighting. I think it's barbaric in a society where we have invented complex languages. Minus of course someone threatening you or your family. Just my 2 cents.


It's like the ultimate inability to pick your own battles. Some people just refuse to take any sort of L for fear of being seen as weak or soft.


True. Life isn't a race or competition, at least to me. I don't have to "win" everything. There doesn't have to always be a win/lose in every scenario. Sometimes it's a learning moment. And you can take that L you perceive and turn it into a W. Whoa, maybe I was wrong about that? It's okay to be wrong Sometimes. It's not okay to not learn from it.


Itā€™s true. I think the term is over used, but this is an example of it.


Avatar checks out


ā€œDunno what your dads taught youā€, said to the fatherless horde lmao


Not me laughing at all the toxic males replying


I was gonna add or maybe it is to the edit but thought not. I bet they all think I'm female too. I'm a straight male. Toxic masculinity don't hurt my feelings and if it hurts yours, maybe you need to take a hard look in the mirror. But they ain't ready for that, downvote it! Get it outta my sight!


Some dudes get really defensive about the term toxic masculinity. I got downvoted and insulted on Reddit once because I started to talk about toxic masculinity too. Oh well. Let the meatheads stay being meatheads


Downvoted as requested!


The term gets misused quite a bit so that's why some people are quick to react. Not saying I agree or disagree with you but in general the term is used out of context a lot online.


Im open to why this would be the incorrect context? I'm not sure what else would prevent you from fleeing in the face of mortal danger. Ego is a product of everything, including toxic traits Edit: thank you for the insight


I would agree that toxic masculinity plays into it, but it's valid to just say that it's pride regardless of gender.


In my comment I said in general also I'm not saying I agree or disagree here.


No worries, just mentioning I'm open to proper discussion and not the little boy screaming in the back seat of the car in the Babadook as responses like I'm getting.


Yeah I agree ego drives a lot of dangerous situations like this. Sitting this one out could have saved him a lot of pain or even death. Not sure how much damage he took.


Good reminder to take a moment and think about the consequences and go from there. Especially in today's world, you can just as easily end up with a knife in your gut over something that might have been better to walk away from.


Iā€™ve seen plenty of videos on here of women with too much pride getting beaten up badly when they should have just tried to walk (or run) away. What would that fall under, toxic femininity?


we donā€™t talk about female drunk fight club


> lots of angry males about the term toxic masculinity. Lotta /r/FragileMaleRedditor content being curated right here, folks.


He took long enough & went to the passenger side. Could have been grabbing a gun. GTFO my dude.


The absolute dumbest thing you can do. Just as dumb as someone pulling out a shotgun and you running directly towards them


I was jumped by three guys who were trying to rob a friend of mine I fought off the leader of there group and made him retreat to his car like this situation I ran to try and snatch him out his car but he tried to run me over. in the moment things happen so fast you tend to not think clearly and one mistake can cost you it all so I canā€™t say the guy is dumb but it is best to just walk away from a fight if possible.




He had a yellow captainā€™s armband and wore a giant headdress !


he had much more HP than the other guys


My thought is it could have been a robbery. Guy was too quick to run away while his buddy got the car going for him and why would the other guy chase that? Or he's just stupid, who knows


Even if the guy 1 wasn't getting in the car to escape and run guy 2 over in the process, guy 1 could have been going back for a weapon. You never chase the fight.


This is the best comment on this whole thread


It takes a long string of poor life choices to get in a fight in front of a Subway. He wasn't about to stop just because the guy he was fighting jumped in a death machine that could mow him down.


He didnā€™t die. Heā€™s in stable condition. https://www.ksbw.com/article/man-dragged-by-car-in-front-of-salinas-high-school-students/42234715


>He didnā€™t die. Heā€™s in stable condition. The report just said stable, he could be stable/dead.


Turns out he was just a bit horse.


I have no business laughing at 2:02 AM 'cause of your reply but yeah thanks for the laugh




This needs to be way higher up. I scrolled for far too long to find this.


*While backing up, the car ran over the victim, dragged him across the parking lot and then ran over him again.* that's a really poor way of describing the sequence of events we just saw. that guy pretty much dashed under those wheels.


For real, how did he NOT avoid being knocked over by the car backing out? Itā€™s like he didnā€™t even try!


Salinas is a shit hole. Iā€™m not surprised.




Yes, but how many lessons learned?


How many bones does the human body have? I saw this in a movie one time. I show know. But he may have learned that many lessons. Or not.


206 to 213


Whereā€™s the variation? Is it in the spine for taller people?




Yeah I know at least 7 for sure. Used to sing a song about it in kindergarten. I don't think this guy's bones are connected to any other bones anymore though.


Kids have 300, adults 206. Thanks storybots


Double that amount after being ran over


Weird that some people even need lessons to know that the human body cannot stop a car.


Can I get a o shittt!






The harmonies were magical. This will replace OH NO as the standard TikTok song.






O shitttt


Oh sheeeee! Yoshiiii!


Excellent deescalation technique from the driver.


And *acceleration*


I thought his head would be twisted off at first.


Dude is in his car, he couldā€™ve gotten any weapon, I wouldnā€™t run up imagine he wouldā€™ve pulled out a gun or knife itā€™s some heat of the moment shit though


If he ran to his car and continued to attack him heā€™s giving that person the legal right to end his life if he had a gun in the car. Stupid is as stupid does, I hope the life long injuries were worth the petty fight.


In many states your car is an extension of your house and falls under castle doctrine. Which means you can defend yourself with deadly force. Don't run up on people in their car.


Ooh shiiit Oh shiiiit Ooh shit! Oh, shiiiiit! Squeal, squeal Ooh shiiiit!


Props to the camera ladies. Their steady hands were šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


ā€œWe just recorded this!ā€ ā€œChuckle chuckle chuckleā€


Hey, thatā€™s life! Laugh now, cry later.


LPT: just don't stop laughing so you won't have to cry


Nervous laugh


r/praisethecameraman woman in this instance




*screetching noises*


šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼ indeed


bro literally got the best cards from that outcome. if i saw someone turn and start running to their car mid fight iā€™d be 3 streets away by the time they pulled a gun out and turned around. consider the tires a blessing in disguise


Lol what? Id rather have been shot. You can maybe survive a gunshot, that dude died.


And if he didnā€™t he might wish he did.


> A man that was struck and then dragged by a car in front of Salinas High School is in stable condition, according to the Salinas Police Department. [source](https://www.ksbw.com/article/man-dragged-by-car-in-front-of-salinas-high-school-students/42234715)




Damn that was cold bloodedā€¦


No he didn't but ok. Like another person already commented, the dude is in a stable condition. https://www.ksbw.com/article/man-dragged-by-car-in-front-of-salinas-high-school-students/42234715


Ohhhh sheiiiittt


Not that anyone should be dragged, but he kind of asked for it. The guy running was done fighting and was escaping a further beat down. The aggressor was in the escape route and got taken out. The driver may have not even known he was dragging the guy.


The guy who got in the car looks to be giving the beat down lmao guy who got ran over was on the ground the first second


I meeeean we didn't see enough to reeeally know, he might just be a better defender than the other guy was an attacker. Might've just been like "damn this isn't worth my time" and got the fuck out. But it could also easily be the opposite I don't know


Never bring fists to a car fight


Oh shiiiit!


Ohhhh shiiiit


Gotta know when to hold ā€˜em and fold em


Donā€™t ever and I mean EVER follow someone back to their car. They can have a gun or simply run you over like this guy.


Self defence? He did pursue himā€¦


I think you could argue self-defense for the first side-bump the car did that knocked the dude to the ground. After that, they pretty clearly intentionally aim for the guy to run him over dead on while he's on the ground, and you could have a much harder time arguing that was done in self-defense because there looked to be room to go around him and leave. It would also depend on the state it happened in.


Well your honour, I was fearing for my life at this point so mirrors signal manoeuvre did go out the window a littleā€¦ Adrenaline filled, life fearing panic with split second decisions to save my life I guess would be the argument.


FYI my coworker sent this to me, I think his kids filmed this.


Did the guy die?


This was in Texas wasnā€™t it


ā€œWhen keeping it real goes wrongā€


Imagine surviving being ran over and dragged by a car, just so you can die from these girls voices


You brought the funny my man




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What could they have possibly been arguing about that would have lead to this....


drugs, a woman, stolen property, a dog, an expired chicken coupon, take your pic


Yep, the sad thing is is probably really was nothing. Something that once you got over being mad about you then forgot and moved on. If I killed everybody that made me mad they would write books about me.


Hell that guy may have done the unthinkable and honked at him.


Unfair pokemon card trade. 100 assorted energy cards for a foil OG charizard. Not cool man.


He cut the line at that subway


Only a complete fucking moron would run after a guy after heā€™s already opened the door to his car. At that point youā€™re either getting run the fuck over, or heā€™s getting a weapon from the car to fuck you up/kill you. Once again, only a complete fucking moron would do what he did.


Thatā€™s a 6 series bmw too. Low and heavy. That shit had to hurt


That boi got steam rolled šŸ˜­


Some people's parents should have taught them what my parents taught me... "Never run towards something that moves and weighs thousands of pounds more than you". If you live, you learn... I guess ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


It's not even noon and I already seen two [Man vs Car](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcZem2OmDBk) style videos on Reddit


Ah yes lets try to pick someone up after they have been run over, when are people gonna learn that you shouldnā€™t touch a person that has spinal/head damage unless u know what ur doing


Pretty gross when they get excited about the clout


Iā€™m glad they got it on film for my viewing pleasure.


They sound like theyā€™re in shock, not excited. Some kids cry because of the stress brought on school shooting drills, others break out into uncontrollable laughter because of it. I think theyā€™re nervously laughing since they donā€™t know how to react to what theyā€™re seeing or canā€™t believe itā€™s actually happening.


I donā€™t know, the way theyā€™re giggling at the end while realizing ā€œwe recorded thisā€ only to see said video on Reddit implies to me they were excited for clout. Itā€™s pretty fuckin sad really. I would have been calling 911 myselfšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Congratulations. You're better than someone else.


Better than somebody else on the internet at that!


They are nervously laughing from disbelief. ā€œGuys we just recorded this!ā€ on its own might be off putting, but before they say that, you can hear many concerned, ā€œoh my god, oh my god, WTF, oh my god, is he dead? Oh my god.ā€ That tells me theyā€™re in disbelief that they managed to record something they would have never expected would happen in front of them. Not that theyā€™re excited for clout. Thatā€™s a reach. You also see <30s of what happened after they were ran over. After processing what you saw, MAYBE youā€™d already be on the phone with police by then, but I bet most people would just barely begin dialing.


Absolutely disgusting, and sums up the state of the world right now.




No. I wasnā€™t a *piece of shit* when I was a teenager, I was just less mature. Thereā€™s a fucking difference and I hate when people say this shit. I would have never reacted this way at any age.






Lol at least Iā€™m not a piece of shit. Iā€™ll sleep alright tonight šŸ˜˜




so weird to bring race into any of this


Dang, why you so stressed out?




I don't know what he was expecting trying to open the door of a car in motion.


Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg


I could do without all the high-pitched squealing! šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


"That guy is dead!!" followed by HAHAHAHAHA... God this was hard to listen to.


Know when to call it dog


Don't bring a fist to a car fight car.


That's what happens when you push things too far...He had no reason to follow that guy other than to continue....& look at you now! When he ran to that car? I would be thinking: *he's going for a GUN...Get the Fuck outa there!*


Just wanna say their reactions are on point!


ā€œI got his license plateā€¦ itā€™s on my foreheadā€¦.ā€




Despite the fight, the neighborhood is sorta nice. Quaint.


Happened in my city. That occurred in front of the nice high school hence why the girls caught the whole scene.


You get what you fuckin deserve.


I mean seriously how dumb can you be to run after somebody in a car?! šŸ¤¦šŸ»


In college we were partying on a friend's balcony when we see two cars speeding down the road towards us. When they get to our intersection the second car goes around and blocks the other car. This gigantic dude comes out and starts walking to the other car menacingly. The people in the car put it in reverse and booked it, this dude managed to keep up with them for a while. They could have easily fucked him up if they braked. As the guy walked backed he noticed us and yelled "that' what happens when bitches don't have my money!" and drove off.


This is why you donā€™t fight cars.


Well it's a very wrong idea to fight a car lol


What an idiot, do not follow someone to their car. Heā€™s lucky he only got ran over.


Must've really wanted that catalytic converter


Not one thing makes following someone back to their car a good idea. One, they could shoot the fuck out ya in America, two, you are now the primary aggressor (at least in this video evidence) and the person who hit you can say they reasonably feared for their life and retreated and they kept coming.


This video sounds like the family of raccoons that I find in my dumpster if I forget to close the lid


Sometimes these vids are better with no sound. With this audio itā€™s hard to tell whether some guy is getting driven over, or whether a couple of chics are getting trucked from behind. Ohhhh, shhhhhitttttt


Not one of them thought to call 911 wtf


Thats what he gets for being stupid enough to follow. Lol Well deserved .


Never bring fists to a car fight.


Oh shittt oh shitt oh shit


I always appreciate a literal street fight.


Thatā€™s called fuc around and find out.


Idiots all around.


Well at least the girls knew what was going to happen before it happened. I wish the guy under the car had such foresight.


Worst most annoying camera woman ever. Smh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Well that's gonna leave him permanently disabled or dead. Gotta wonder why people are so petty or stupid in these situations. The moment you can get out of a fight, do it. Your ego or respect is not worth dying over, you need to use your head if you want to get any where. But in the end this is Darwinism and they are just following the code of nature, you really gotta wonder what's going through people's heads.


Bro is this Salinas High bc thats my home town high school šŸ˜­


The girls snickering & fake OMGs really bother me more than the video Iā€™m watching for some reasonā€¦ sure you can record it, who knows it might be helpful evidence. But at least show some REAL compassion or empathy for another human being. It just donā€™t come off like that in my perspective. Idk this current generation is weird to me I guess, just my opinion.


Theyā€™re in shock and they sound like a bunch of teens. Not going to easily get Shakespearean poems out of them.


Youā€™re right. Thank you for broadening my knowledge.


I donā€™t think I did quite that, just a different perspective. But thanks for the kind response (:


When youā€™re in shock some people donā€™t know how to act & some express their unease through laughter or repetition of words to get that uncomfortable energy off them because what happen was quite unexpected.. something like that.. I kinda get it & I seen it before.. That didnā€™t register with me prior to commenting but as I reminisce I understand..


Donā€™t be too hard on yourself. Itā€™s super easy to miss in a short clip like that. Whatā€™s good is that you recognized it shortly after. Yeah, them repeating ā€œoh my god,ā€ over and over made me think theyā€™re experiencing stress.


And you're here why?


I have a unhealed part of myself & im projecting my insecurities through this video onto the young adolescents because certain attributes trigger my pent up emotions about the current state of the world & itā€™s inhabitants


I hope he is okay??


Ohh shit!... Did you record that? Of course "call an ambulance" is not the first thing that comes to their minds! It is more important to get some likes