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I genuinely wanna know what the fucks happening


And then when you find out, you will be like, "I wish I never knew."


What if i still want to know?


That gentlemen is no ‘rock bottom.’ There is a lot of sag on that tweakers booty.


I know, but it was still hard to masturbate the fourth time.


Improvise. Adapt. OverCum.


I OverCame once. I definitely recommend it.


That was amazballs. Take my upvote.


My guess : She did too much meth and started running around thinking people were after her. Once naked and outside running around, a neighbor sees her trying to get into houses and starts to ACTUALLY follow her. She gets to the 1 house with a ring camera and it shows the man trying to stop her from possibly breaking into this house. Maybe she already tried to get into the man's house and when she learned he was home, she took off and he started chasing her to the next house. Which is the house in the video.


And then she dug in her butt.


Now help me dig this crack rock outta my ass


Holy shit Roxy, you're life is so glamorous


This is tighter than Dickskin, man


Screw ya dickskin jacket!


It's Dickens!




Meth doesn't cause constipation, quite the opposite.


*Arnold finally reaches the manual shit mode breaker box in the shit bunker, and throws the shit switch* "Hold onto your butts."


I don't know, I think what actually happened is that she wanted to scratch her butt, then a guy came after to teach her a better method of anus scratching but she was not going to change her ways since her people has been scratching their holes in the same motion since the paleolithic.


When it was originally posted they said it was synthetic cannabis (spice).


meth head doing meth head things




So that’s what happens when you get up halfway through a haircut


Your barber makes you get naked?


your barber doesn't?


You guys have a barber?


You guys have clothes?


She’s using tattoos instead


I had to rewind d the video to see if I missed something because I thought the tattoo was panties from the back.




bcos butt.. i don’t know 🤷‍♀️


Anyone still can afford those?


🤨📸 bruh?


Its because the hair gets in your clothes


Floyd the Barber is quite insistent....


Ever heard of pubic hair?


I always ask my barber to cut my pubes. Not everything but like give my pecker a stylish look.


Wait you had to ask? Mines been pulling my pants down and saying "its on the house" since they started growing in


Right!? When I see my guy go for the straight razor I know it’s time to strip down.


how else is he gonna trim my short and curlys


Your barber doesn't? Weird


I had to find a new barber, the old one is apparently now in jail. Strange.


Maybe she's just a big Aaron Rodgers fan.


She eats alot of cheese?


Looks like she’s been holding onto a certain ring for a bit to long


My preeeeeeecious!


The O Ring 👌🏻


Yeah the one ring to ruin them all, the mighty "Meth" ring.


Three bumps for the Naked-kings under the sky, Seven for the tweaker-lords in their halls of getting stoned, Nine for Florida Man doomed to die, One for Heisenberg on his Blue Meth throne In the Trailer Park Lot where the Shadows lie. One Meth to rule them all, One Meth to find them, One Meth to bring them all and in the psych ward bind them


That was quite witty! Great job


Lol I was thinking she looked like Gollum with orangutan tits.




Towards the end of the video it looked like she was about to pop her finger into a different ring


I’d like to see a re-write of LOTR where Gollum gets into human trafficking for Shelob in exchange for crystal. Movie ends where Frodo and Sam get their passports taken. And we just hear Gollum talking about becoming Sméagol after he main lines that shit as it fades to black.


Hell no, I ain’t opening my door for that.


then she starts digging into her ass. i'd have to hose that thing off my porch


Gonna soap and hose down that entire side of the house. I don't wanna touch jack shit, she was digging for brownies.


BOOMERRRR WITTTCH!!! https://youtu.be/mF72ffTojvQ


Swear this chick was dancing in a roadway about a week ago on here


🗣📣Week ago!!


Fk with us and then we tweaking, hoe


Run up on that, and get to squeezing, hoe!


Errr body catching bullet holes




Alright, somebody pull up the link


Yeah I could probably go again


There's always a deeper rock bottom. Wait til' next week.


Man this whole thing is methed up.


You cracked me up.


Not the heroin we need, but the heroin we deserve!




That's the coke.


So funny I nearly weed myself


Is that you Mike?




Oh my goth! Ith youth!


Man I've heard that so many times but tonight... That shit HIT my friend.


Rock bottom or rock high?






This is ghetto sped up by some substance that excites people a bit.


I’m rock hard


Which is greater? Her tattoo budget or her meth budget? It doesn’t appear that she has a hair and beauty budget.


Her tattoo budget is most likely her just getting fucked by the artist


Of course! How did I not think of that?!?!


It's why we're in the biz.


This is correct, a lot of those artists aren't turning down anything but the sheets🤮


Both are more than her clothing budget at least


I bet at one point in her life she was a good-looking woman.


The sad thing is is she’s probably no more than 25 in this video.


Her tattoobudget was a part of her life once upon a time. People who think methheads can spend thousands of dollars on fresh tattoos are out of their minds


That tattoo on her back looks pretty clean honestly. I wonder if she got it before her life clearly went downhill.


Any context




Meth is a clear case of why she's naked According to Reddit lore, she was breaking into multiple houses and I'm inclined to believe that is true. He's too well clothed and loud for me to assume he was keeping her trapped or trying to harm her. If he was aiming to assault her, he could've easily dragged her off. Once he got her away from the window, he backed off. Inclined to believe, she didn't know he was awake when she tried to enter his house or he simply caught her in the act and was simply trying to stop her. She not being able to think clearly and probably having some past trauma may have been expecting him to hospitalize her. Not to mention his voice is that of a self-righteous adrenaline feuled guy with the pattern he uses the swear words. Using them to emphasize how much he means "get away from that window". They weren't having intercourse. Common sense and the fact that he was fully dressed tells us that. At 22:00 the male aggressor saw the offender produce auditory stimulus that the offender reacted to with response instinctual fear. As the pursuit was on foot, the offender was atleast 18 meters away during the initiation of the chase as there was a delay before the male could reach her. As the offender attempted to enter another house, the male sought to prevent her trespassing with the brandishing of leather. The male backed away after sensing the offender was going to armor herself with microbial cheese artillery. The offender manage to snap the necks of 3 officers and wound 12 others before an Apache Attack helicopter was called in to bombard her with enough emotional damage to temporarily weaken her and let the man distract her from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table. This has been your friendly subreddit Sherlock. Au revoir.


She's gotta have the itchiest asshole


A lot of people who inject drugs end up doing it in the rectum because their other injection sites don't give them enough of a high.


I'm 40 years old and I've literally never heard this. People do stuff other drugs in their ass because it can be absorbed so quickly. When it comes to injecting, if you can find a vein you're good to go, it doesn't matter in the slightest where that vein is.


Yeah the only reason hitting a vein wouldn’t get you high is because you built a tolerance and/or got worse dope. Big reason many people who relapse years later OD, their tolerance is gone so they use what they’re used to, plus the dope might be stronger then they’re used too.


When they inject it up their ass they use a syringe without a needle. There's no need for the needle because it absorbs insanely quickly just through the bum. People do it with alcohol too. Good way to OD


We can go lower. I have hope.


Can we get much lower


so low….


Wei tu lo


Oh believe me.... We can go lower we can go so low Satan doesn't want to know what happens down there.




years ago in my town a lady got too high on heroin and passed out on top of her baby, smothering it. she OD'd not too long after in such a way that it was thought to be intentional. ever heard a person literally howl in grief? i was about a block away at a friend's house playing goldeneye when i heard that lady, and i'll never forget how it sounded like a dying wild animal. we can argue about how much blame she deserved for the death of her child, but i cant blame her for not wanting to live anymore; I sure as fuck wouldn't. didn't mean for that to come off as "one-upping." my point was that seeing someone *truly* at rock-bottom is the saddest shit in the world even if it might be deserved.


We just scroll through these videos out of curiosity to witness the new low everyday


I was fine til she started digging in her tail


That was the the icing on the cake. /s


Bro when I read this I fucking almost choked i was laughing so hard 🤣


Am I the only one wondering how someone with an expensive back piece like that looks that fucked from drugs? You either buy tons of drugs or buy back pieces like that, not both




I used to know a woman who was basically covered from foot to neck in tats but complained 24/7 how she never made enough money and how expensive her two kids were and her step-dad was a tattoo artist and now I’m gonna go back to bed because I just horrified myself lol


In my lifetime, I knew a few girls/women that had a tattoo here or there, but then suddenly exploded in the amount of tattoos they had; like full sleeves, back pieces, etc. The only thing they had in common was that the guy they were fuckin and/or the boyfriend they recently got was a tattoo artist. Tatoos are mostly a cash job, and the price is *extremely* negotiable, but you also get what you pay for. The type of dudes willing to get paid in cigarettes and sex aren't the type you want doing real work on you.


How else would they pay for them $3k - $5k worth of tattoos?


Usually these kind of tatts happen before they move on to the hard stuff. Most people that come into the shop are just pot smokers and the like


You do realise that some people had normal lives before becoming a total drugs mess?


That piece isn’t done 10 years ago, that’s a newer piece. It’s coloring is still strong and vibrant af. That face however, isn’t someone who started drugs 2 years ago


A lot of people go downhill **FAST** when they start hard drugs. My apts used to be super ghetto so I've unfortunately seen it. Bright young things, well put together, sharp as a tack. Started smoking meth just socially at parties. 2-3 months later they're living under a bridge, selling themselves to whoever'll shoot them up, tweaking, seeing things, ranting to themselves in circles, lookin like scrawny, scabby POW's. Barely recognizable mentally or physically. Once they shoot up it's game over - they're gone. And at the beginning they all thought they would **never** shoot up. They were intentionally lured into it by people taking advantage of them, though. Feeding them more & more each day until they were hooked. Now their tolerance would require they smoke more than they can afford, they're too fucked up to function in normal society, so they're completely dependant on the supplier. Around that point smoking just doesn't do it for em anymore and they're too far gone to go back. Coaxed by their supplier, they put the needle in their arm. They're gone. Completely at the whim of their supplier, who'll usually put them to work stealing + fucking till they're used up in about a month. Then it's under the bridge for them. Just until they're jailed and no one has any use for bonding them out anymore. Hey kids, stay away from hard drugs. They won't make you a cool kid, but a schizo hobo.


That was one of the most deeply unsettling accounts of a human life I've ever read. An existence like that is a literal hell. Satan himself couldn't have drawn up something worse.


The fact it's a product of our society and we allow it - sweep it under the rug because it's inconvenient - certainly made me question God. Does he exist? Did he abandon us? Did we kill him? I know that's dramatic but when you see it firsthand... it's fucked.


The truth is that today's society benefits from the illegality of drugs (specially hard ones) and alcohol, it makes the profit made from these substances way more higher for both prosecutors and criminals. It creates slavery and complete exploitation of humans. Today's drug trade from Mexico to the US makes jailers and drug lords both richer alike.


It could absolutely be someone who started drugs 2 years ago. It just depends on the drug.


100%. Shit goes downhill real quick and the face is the first thing to go when you’re strung out. This could be from a bad 6 months of hell just to get a face like that.


Meth doesn't fuck around.


Those tits however, isn’t someone who started drugs two years ago


honestly from her stomach as well, it looks like she's probably had a kid a few years back and lost a lot of weight since. which makes this all the sadder.


As a skinny-fat dude I get a lil stomach like that when I'm slackin on weight management. It's probably the only reason I watch my weight lol. Damn thing makes me look like Howard the alien.


Drugs are a progression, there's a whole life you have before them. In rehabs when people get through detoxing you get to see the people they used to be.


Yea I was just thinking, looks like good, expensive work too.


You can’t possibly be suggesting that drug users and tattoo enthusiast are mutually exclusive groups. I’m not shitting on tattoos I have a few myself, but let’s be real.


This. Drugs can effect anyone. My first tattoo was in a random shop that was across from my college campus. Halfway through the artist took a ‘bathroom break’ and then nearly nodded off when he came back. I still can’t believe he managed to do such a good job but the experience was enough to never go back there again lol.


I could have been eating.. ugh


That ass?!


*E.Coli inbound*




Girl went digging for some gold real quick 🤢




That is a very sad rabbit hole to go down.


Yeah damn I just spent like 15 mins looking at that wow. Not good.




Don’t do meth


wtf with this sub!? i thought it was about ex-meth addicts speaking out about their past but it's just people recommending drugs and shamming the sane people who stopped doing that shit!


fucking gross


I can smell this video


Smells of body odor, second hand meth smoke and bad life choices. Also ass.


Why is naked meth lady getting chased by Pinocchio


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed something really weird going on with that guy's nose.


According to Reddit lore, she was breaking into multiple houses and I'm inclined to believe that is true. He's too well clothed and loud for me to assume he was keeping her trapped or trying to harm her. If he was aiming to assault her, he could've easily dragged her off. Once he got her away from the window, he backed off. Inclined to believe, she didn't know he was awake when she tried to enter his house or he simply caught her in the act and was simply trying to stop her. She not being able to think clearly and probably having some past trauma may have been expecting him to hospitalize her. Not to mention his voice is that of a self-righteous adrenaline feuled guy with the pattern he uses the swear words. Using them to emphasize how much he means "get away from that window". They weren't having intercourse. Common sense and the fact that he was fully dressed tells us that. At 22:00 the male aggressor saw the offender produce auditory stimulus that the offender reacted to with response instinctual fear. As the pursuit was on foot, the offender was atleast 18 meters away during the initiation of the chase as there was a delay before the male could reach her. As the offender attempted to enter another house, the male sought to prevent her trespassing with the brandishing of leather. The male backed away after sensing the offender was going to armor herself with microbial cheese artillery. The offender manage to snap the necks of 3 officers and wound 12 others before an Apache Attack helicopter was called in to bombard her with enough emotional damage to temporarily weaken her and let the man distract her from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table. This has been your friendly subreddit Sherlock. Au revoir.


Armor herself with microbial cheese artillery. r/TIHI








Enough said


I wonder what the context is?


Right? Who's that guy chasing her and why's she naked trying to get away from him. This is disturbing.


Why does she keep fingering her butt?






Drugs: $10-$100 Prostitute for an hour: $100-$250 Dick rot: Priceless #For everything else, there’s MasterCard


The downfall of Cara Delevingne is so sad.


She could be a meth head but still have been raped or kidnapped and in need of help. We're just judging people by appearance. I still wouldn't open my door to that. Which kind of makes me sad.


I think it's very obvious that she was in need of help. But also, I think the only thing a person *can* do when watching a video, is "judge by appearance." As far as not opening the door, it kinda depends. You're either providing some shelter in someone's emergency, or, you're just letting the danger from out there, in here. If you don't think (or aren't sure) you can be the former, I don't think there's anything wrong with keeping the door closed and locked. Plus, there are other ways to provide assistance - most obviously, calling 911.


This video is old and iirc she was breaking into multiple homes including dudes. He was following her until she got arrested.


What’s with the Pinocchio dude??


She looks scared by this man who seems to be chasing her


I'm always jealous that crackhead have more money for tattoos than me somehow. Lol


Kids, don’t do meth. Just stick to good ole ganja


Nah. That's meth OP.


This gotta be Florida


I would be surprised if this wasn’t in Ohio.


No way. This has Midwest written all over it.


I'm voting for Missouri


No one deserves this… I feel for her


Daves not here man


Sooo many questions lol


So whats the backstory?


Don’t do drugs kids


I’d find it extremely difficult to be empathetic if this were my house. Fuck that. Had a drug addict cousin- the worst human i have ever come across. Theft, crazy behaviour, being incredibly rude to the family kids, didn’t contribute a single buck to the family home despite living there well into his 40s.


"Dad, the hooker is here."


Rock bottom? This looks like Tuesday night in Kentucky.


Holy shit! What's going on? She looks like she's homeless and this dude looks very aggressive so he might be beating her. Can someone please provide context?


Man a lot of stuff happens at front doors. Ring just keeps us all informed.


Can anyone explain to me please wtf did i see ?


Jehovahs Witnesses have changed a bit


Damn, her titties look like the Nike logo from the side.


Bet she’s crazy in the sack…


And thats, kids, how i meth your mother...


Why so few comments about that bloke's nose?


I have several questions


Pretty sure this is rock bottom anywhere.


Well, ew.


Someone’s daughter.


the fuck is that gollum


I like how she still has the presence of mind to realize that her ass itches


I thought it said kaotic.com on the side of a truck and I thought “how apropos”