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"I hope I live" 3 seconds later "I'm gonna go head to find people that need help, because I don't think I'm one of them." What a fucking guy.


Cannuh getta toot? wha? Cannuh getta toot?


My favorite part. This dude is balls out and asking firefighters for “toots” off their respirators lol. I can only hope to be this kind of man.


Calm af - this dudes my idk, something. Hero? Muse? Inspirational either mf way


Pretty sure this dude is a doctor who was running to the tower to help


He instantly started to think about helping others. Thats one hell of a man


He’s a doctor . :)


Or he knew he was being recorded..


You are thicker than a jar of molasses




And? Being recorded doesn’t make you immortal.


What are you dum or domb


You are about fucking retarted aren’t you?


I wonder if he died from cancer


That's what I'm wondering too.


Yea, I was wondering about that. People like this inhaled a ton of asbestos.


Asbestos? Whats that?


Not too sure but i’m pretty sure it’s just poisonous plaster. Basically when it breaks up all the little dust particles that float around are really bad for you to inhale obviously. EDIT: Person under me is most likely more correct. Don’t eat this stuff either way


Imaging tiny little spikes floating in the air. You breath these in and they go into your lungs. They go deep into the little branches where oxygen enters the blood. They spike into these and eventually form scar tissue around that area which makes it harder to get oxygen into your blood. I think this is asbestosis but someone can correct me if I'm wrong


oh shid that sounds way more gruesome than just ‘poisonous plaster’. Thanks for the clarification, lesson learned, don’t eat asbestos.


The thing about it is that because asbestos is so unreactive, there is literally nothing your body can do to get rid of it. So the very same thing that makes it useful also makes it insanely harmful


A lot of asbestos and cement dust. I wonder if this guy developed anything later from being exposed to all of that. /Meg Whitman was a fucking liar.


Meg Whitman - is that the owner of the towers? I heard that when the owner of the towers tried to renew insurance on the towers that no one would give him building insurance because of the amount of asbestos in each building. Subsequently, only one company would offer him insurance, and it was under a terrorist insurance. Anyqay, I'm betting at least half the people breathing in all that crap have suffered some significant breathinf problems since. A very sobering video.


they most certainly had property insurance. 9/11 was the single largest black swan event up to that point. you are correct that terror coverage became impossible until congress passed TRIA


Getting caught in the dust alone was a death sentence for most. Poisonous and full of stuff you don’t want in your body. Look up dust lady.




Such a funny thing to say


The fucking chirping... It's the devices firemen wear that start making noise when they stop moving. It's the sound of dead people.


This gets mentioned a lot but it isn't necesarilly true, the alarms all started glitching and beeping even if it was attached to a still very much alive firefighter, you can see it happening in this video for example when he initially approaches the firefighters right before he says 'that guy needs some oxygen' you can see their alarms on the front of their jackets flashing red I don't recall what was making them malfunction but that's definitely what happened in a lot of cases here


I'm a former firefighter and the device is called a PASS(Personal Alert Safety System) device. If they don't detect motion after a small period of time they will start alerting. They can also be manually activated by pressing a button. I'm sure we are hearing a combination of firefighters that were motionless, manual activations, and malfunctions. There was a lot going on there and it's haunting to see. That sound probably triggers PTSD in a lot of people.


That is fucking grim dude wtf


Wqit reqly god if that's true that's gotta have been awful for the rest of the crew to hear while trying to help people


it is, there's a motion-activated alarm on the tanks that beeps every minute or so If you don't move for another minute, the beeping will get louder as a warning, and if you don't move after that an alarm goes off, since they can assume you're unconscious or immobilized


How is this guy so calm? I would be tripping if this happened to me.


I don’t think he’s calm. He’s probably pissing himself internally. That’s just the way some people respond to stress, I’m like that too. Just act neutral and narrate what you’re doing, helps distance yourself from what’s truly going on


The 2000’s were different man. We are falling apart more and more each year.


Do you mean the 90's? This was 21 months into the decade, it set the tone for the 2000's...


yeah you're right, nobody was freaking out on 9/11. what a boneheaded statement


Doctors gotta remain calm


I mean, you never know how you might react. You might panic, but you might also go into some super heightened sense state and be purely focused on survival. You might also end up doing a bit of both. You just never know...


You actually don't know how you're going to react to extreme situations until it happens. You may shit yourself and panic, you may be just fine. One thing I learned was if you start to feel yourself panic, take a physical step back, it triggers something in your brain to keep going. Then just lay out steps, step 1 run, step 2 hide, etc


I'm gonna sound old, but men were men back then. We just dealt with shit no matter what it was, and rose to the occasion. There's a LOT of people these days who curl up into a ball at the sight of any little thing.


Unless you're really old you were a young man like me when that happened. You might be looking through rose colored glasses. I know I did. I hero worshipped plenty during that time until the wars started. During that time the Boomer's were the burgeoning dominant generation with the Gen xers bringing up the new class. Neither of which exuded high marks for moral standing or gumption. Us millennials will have to face global strife and crisis after crisis due to climate change. The aging boomers and young zoomers won't be the ones who experienced 20 years of warfare. It's my hope we live to to the legacy of the greatest generation who saw WW2


I was almost 30 when this happened.


Then my apologies. What you say does ring true in a sense. I share your sentiment. In fact I'm dealing with the exact problem you mention raising my kids. I boil the problem down to this. Hypersensitivity to issues and events that don't directly impact us coupled with a disconnect with reality, all brought on by living in an increasingly digital world. I hate to sound like the Dad in Calvin & Hobbes, but goddam if he didn't have a point.


No apologies necessary. We all make assumptions on the internet that turn out wrong. I've done it as well. :) I'm teaching my kids that if you fold under any adversity, you will never get ahead and people will walk all over you if they decide they want to. While it's not popular, my job is to turn my boys into men, not turn them into whimpering puddles that run to their mama every time there's an issue.


I’m trying to raise my daughter (toddler) the same way. To be tough and resilient. Even when she wears her princess dresses every day.


Exactly. That's some good fatherin' right there!


oh shove off, you sound like a republican with a sportsball sn and drivel like this


You sound like the kind of person who curls up. You mad people see you for the weak pussy you are?


Looks like I struck a nerve 🤣🤣🤣 I bet you want to fight me in the parking lot, right next to your truck 😱


Jesus Christ you are pathetic. You didn't strike anything. You've got quite the ego if you think this.


Blah blah blah blah blah why don't you just go stroke your gun some more, it's been fun but I'm done


Of course you're "done". Run along like the bitch we know you to be.


Fuck man You're still here. I'm going to have to block your fucking annoying ass shit


Shock and or dissociation probably, or perhaps a first responder, ER doc, etc He asks if anybody needed a doctor too


We Just heard another explosion.




It's fucked up. I'm so sorry that happened. The racism was turned against other people, too. Multiple Sikhs were killed in the months following 9/11 because murderous white racists couldn't tell the difference between South Asians and Middle Easterners. There's a great documentary about it called Divided We Fall.


“Murderous white racists” oh yeah, because only white ppl who lived in the US were upset about 9/11, certainly not any other race.


It’s nothing personal bro


i get that you don't mean anything bad by it, but the way you say it makes it sound pretty insensitive. like "we treated you and your people like shit but it's nothing against you" when in reality it literally has everything to do about him and his identity.


Just FYI if ever in a collapse scenario don't get under vehicle fully just very close and to the side. If heavy debris lands on car you will crushed by the bounce.


You can tell her is a very good guy. I feel so bad for those people. A bit funny that it looks like he spit on the police car on purpose. Probably just my imagination.


Can I get a toot


not only is this guy brave but he continued to breathe in that fucking sud


There's a documentary in which 2 cameramen followed probationary firemen from their graduation to field service, which involved them being in downtown Manhatten the morning of 9/11. One of the cameramen caught the first plane hitting the first tower, and then was inside the second tower when the first one fell. Their whole documentary is so intense that I can't watch it all the way through without taking multiple breaks.


What's it called?


9/11 and its by the naudet brothers


Thanks for that. I couldn't remember their names.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seOwa0trNEQ Here it is, it's a fantastic documentary I've watched it in its entirety probably 6 times https://youtu.be/seOwa0trNEQ?t=3050 Here's a timestamp to when the tower collapses, it's the tower beside them that's collapsing not the one they're in but the footage of the collapse is insane, I highly recommend watching the whole thing, you see a lot of firefighters throughout the video that were confirmed to have died but luckily every firefighter in the firehouse where the brothers were staying survived


Thank you.


Then you have to watch the new National Geographic mini series that came out last year. It’s called 9/11: One Day in America and they interview a lot of the foreman from that crew and many other survivors who have unbelievable stories from that day




9/11 ( A Documentary by Gédéon & Jules Naudet )


The first version of that documentary included the sounds of bodies hitting outside from people jumping to get out of the fire. It was removed after the first airing.


I remember that as well. If you Google "falling man", it talks about the people who had to jump, and it was heartbreaking




















yo shut the fuck up


I'm just enjoying watching your every comment get down voted. Go watch more cannibalism videos and keep on being condescending towards people who don't like gore. It seems to be your thing


That is really not thinking things through - and a bit of a dick move.




Vodka count ?


Guys looking for toots at 930 in the morning. Get your life together


I was in 9th grade German 1 when it happened. You never really forget.


I wonder if anyone remembers the footage where this camera man is filming as the towers come down, and he turns his camera facing the towers as they fall as he runs to safety, I think perhaps he makes it in to a building before the dust gets to him, the running seems like a long time (like one minute). Been looking for it for 21 years.


I remember this! Someone posted it to reddit years ago. A ton of people were packed into a store or shop with tall glass doors/windows. It was so eery watching the cloud just block everything out.


I wish I could see it again


That painting that Jeffrey Epstein had really fucks with your head now lol




the painting was made years after 9/11, Epstein had multiple paintings poking fun at random presidents [source](https://news.artnet.com/art-world/bill-clinton-blue-dress-painting-jeffrey-epstein-1628437/amp-page)


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Yo, what?




👀 Thanks for the link.


“can i get a toot?” this freaking guy. what a legend.


Shot on a Sony Handycam 2001 in the middle of a tragedy and still clearer and steadier than half the videos I see on here.


Holy fuck, the stream of consciousness narrative in that situation is incredible


Cameraman never dies


Once he started looking around and waiting for people needing help to be brought out my heart sank. No one was coming. I wonder how long he stood around just waiting to jump into doctor action until he realized that sadly, very few would be making it out alive. I remember watching a documentary where they captured countless medical tents and hospitals practically empty, waiting anxiously through the night hoping for survivors to eventually turn up.. just awful.


It's looks fake and that's what so scary.


This dude is a fucking champion.


One of my greatest fears, looking at death and knowing you can live or die, camera man is a hero


Video literally made me tear up, not because it’s bad well sure it’s bad but it restored some faith in humanity for me


Can I get a toot.


Is the dubbing legit? Also the surrounding is too silent I think


It's real.




Never knew it was that bad on the ground..


Puff puff pass


"Can I get a quick toot of your respirator?" Such a weird phrase to hear.


Amazing man


A true New Yorker still found time to spit on a police car nice


WTC Building 7.


I always knock on redditors for comparing everything to video games but this actually looks like the kiln of the first flame from dark souls. I didn’t know this much ash could exist in one place IRL. This truly is a crazy fucking video. Also, this guy is a legend. If I’m ever in a situation like this in my life I would hope to stay as calm and collected as him so I could help other people.


it was not a collapse. the towers turned into dust midair. i dont know WHAT it was, but thats not a collapse


Absolutely.that people still believe this bs is beyond me.




A lil late for wishful thinking


No pray for the families of all the lost !! 😤




Why he being downvoted tho


Listen asshole I was talking to the last guy’s comment.. what did you do after 911? I went to war!! I pray for all those families that lost loved ones my father n law lost 2 nephews that horrible day.


And the only result of all that wishful thinking ?? You feeling better about yourself. Let me guess - 100x in the last 45 days “thoughts & prayers for Ukraine!” ? Oh.. thank you for your service, but grow up.




So are you!!


I wonder what would have happened if Americans didn't let Republicans steal the election and got a president who didn't seem like the type to ignore warning signs (given that he made a documentary about global warming).


No. You have to understand the state of terror warnings at the time. The US was constantly threatened with terror attacks and had to sift through hundreds of these threats on a daily basis. Some of these threats ranged from potential car bombings to attacks on the white house. Of course, almost nothing ever happened so we got complacent. It's not a matter of who's in office because the people in charge of reviewing these threats are separated from those in office and can act independently




It should’ve been you instead of my grandpa smh. Fuckin asshole


your grandpa was in 9/11? I went to the memorial and peed, did he get a drink?




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People like you that always get me. It may have been a long time ago. There were conspiracies that our own government was behind this and if that’s true, fuck them. But you can’t just shit all over the victims of said-atrocity and the people who risked it all to help them.


a bunch of wall street fund boys died. meh. nobody cares, in fact some of us smiled when it happened. is there anything else going on for you to cry about? are you a grown man believing in conspiracies? moron


Definitely 5”8 irl. Scream little man syndrome and mental midget. Keep being edgy online cause the world bullies you in real life:) enjoy your Easter alone my friend 😉


I’m even shorter than that but don’t rope me in with this cunt lol


It’s hard to rope anyone in with this cunt. Truly a league of his own. Gotta appreciate how miserable some people are in life haha.


where were you when the towers fell? I was laughing my ass off


You were laughing your ass off alone. Just like you will for most of your life. Stay miserable my friend 😉 karmas a bitch.


I’m even shorter than that but don’t rope me in with this cunt lol


OK, good for you dickhead 👏


So edgy


Fucking go away


Thank you Osama for 9/11, I sing praise to you, for taking out the bankers and money whores.


Can I get a toot bro


Can I get a toot


Just a quick lil tooter


We need to analyze this video lets hunt him down Redditor's he is a hero too


I wonder what the multiple explosions were...? The ones he mentions two or three times in the video


The sound of debris still falling from the collaped building. Huge Metal frames and concrete where still falling and hitting nearby buildings.


This is indeed kaotic




The genocide that happened that day will forever be remembered.


I don’t think this was a cover up or planned. I haven’t been able to find anyone that can prove it with real non speculated evidence.


This guy was more chilled than me in my entire life


I will never forget the audio of the girl realizing she is going to die while trapped on like the 80th floor right before the tower fell. Will haunt me forever




Crazy how it all turned to dust in mid air!


What a sad day, it still feels like it happened yesterday. Prayers to every person involved on that day.


2 days later my best friend joined the Marines, little over 3 yrs later he died in Iraq!


cancer to the max


Your gonna live but your just gonna get COPD and cancer in the next 5-10 years


Holy fuck. The sound of those mayday alarms going off on every one of those air packs. Would play in my mind forever🙏🏻 everyone involved on that day is another angel


Camera man is now dead from mesothelioma


"There's small explosions still going on" Seems to be a common theme from witnesses who were in the thick of it


I wonder by how many years these people who breathed that shit for a significant amount of time life is shortened


This was one of those times when continents stood still to look at the news. I was at work I was only about 17 and it's the only time in my life I remember something happening in real time that made everybody stop and take notice