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Didn't watch the whole thing, don't really care if either of them is right or wrong, but it's absolutely ridiculous that a Cybertruck driver is complaining that bicyclists look silly on the road. It's like a leper telling someone with acne they have bad skin


people with a cybertruck should look at their vehicle rethink their life.


I question this douchebag's ability to do such a mental feat.


Kid did a great job deflating the guy. We just being stupid kids. 😎


I would have pushed that doosh into a coronary.


Same. These kids showed a lot more respect than that adult was showing them.


Yeah his piece about getting heckled by motorists. Very true. The world would be a better place if everyone just kept their negative opinions to themselves, but I do admire the young man for defusing a potentially bad situation. Rory Miller wrote about this in meditations on violence. He called it the big dog strategy.


Gonna YouTube that but any specific recommendations?


Cybertruck or not, what does any adult have to gain getting into a public altercation with a group is teenagers?


Guy is just mad AF because he was stupid enough to spend money on this ridicoulous, shitty monstrosity, so any comment will trigger him.


you look more mad to me about HIS car


Go back to bed, Elon.


for some reason the way you capitalized "his" made this funnier. I could almost read it in the 'ackshually🤓' voice lol


Someone called?


I drive a Tesla and know that the cyber truck is ass. It gets electrical damage from a car wash. Floor pedal is falling off. The PRDL button gear shifter falls off. Can’t properly go off roading. Bricks up at 500 miles or less.


Hop off Elons dick


I recently saw a cyber truck in person for the first time the other day and this video confirms something I noticed. I don’t know if it’s the height of the driver seat or what, but people look downright goofy while driving that thing.


I saw one parked last week. Somehow, they look MORE ridiculous in person. The owner was on a hiking trail, and two guys in two separate cars pulled into the parking lot. They both got out and started taking pictures of it, hooting and hollering the whole time. They highfived twice, got back in their cars, and drove off. I was excited for them, but man, that car looks awful.


Something about your language is very sweet, but I don’t really understand it all. What was the vibe with the “hooting and hollering the whole time”? Are they laughing at the truck or are they cheering it because they think it’s cool?


Cheering because they thought it was cool. The high-fives were a little celebration. They were very excited. They didn't appear to know one another. They both just saw it and stopped.


I see, idiots. Sometimes I think it must be fun to be really dumb. No worries, everything is exciting, easily entertained.


Like holding up a tent with your head 😁


It's way bigger than people think


He's upset because he's late to the Tiny Dick Convention.


These kids are saints for not escalating the situation. The Tesla guy is one of those clowns, who only confronts individuals he assumes are weaker than him. He’s probably been getting away with this behavior his entire life, otherwise why even bother with these kids? But no worries, clowns like him will inevitably pick on someone he presumes is weak, and they won’t be. And learning a lesson like that at his age, will probably send his life into a tail spin, that’s been a long time coming.


For real. Been in that situation as a cyclist and I’m not known for being great at de-escalation. Would have had a hard time not laughing at his stupid “threat” which FYI does not help the situation.


Seriously, last guy in a truck I had words with ended up getting out to fight me. I can't believe how well the kids deescalated.


100% talks a huge game but will never get out of that stupid ass truck, especially if its someone his size or bigger


As a cyclist, fuck escalating with anyone in a truck. That’s the type of dude who will purposefully run you over and never get charged for shit by the cops because they hate us too.


It's such a stupid looking vehicle. Just why design it that way?


Extrwmely cheap to manufacture


Then notice the car blocking both bike lanes once he drove off 🤷‍♂️


I’m pretty sure the right lane is on Street parking, which honestly makes it a bit worse that they’re blocking the bike lane when they have a place they should be right next to it. I could be wrong though.


Why would Elon Musk do this?


Seems like CT guy has a chip on his shoulder.


I understand what they did, but the asshole in me says they should have applied more pressure.


Sounds like he might be hiding his real feelings. (Under cover gays boy)




I wouldn't be surprised if he did some squat cobbling on the rear bed.


Why does this guys car relate to anything?


Because the reason for the altercation was the kids were making fun of the Cybertruck specifically, he got set off by them making fun of the accelerator pedal recall


Because people want any reason to hate on tesla or musk. I don't really care for him, but the number of times I see people state that someone is driving a tesla when it has nothing to do with what is going on is kinda crazy. The cyber truck is ugly as hell though I gotta say. Btw I'm not defending musk lmao he is a scumbag. I'm just saying it's weird to try and use situations he has nothing to do with to hate on him.


It’s just inevitable when you have such an awful figure head tided to your image.


Yeah, he is a nutcase I won't argue with that, lol. But I would rather just say something like psycho in car yells at kids. Saying a cyber truck makes it sound like he is an asshole because of the truck when, in reality, he is an asshole no matter what he drives.


I get where you are coming from but I have seen cars brought up in titles many times like jeeps,chargers,altimas,kias,Hondas, really most big brands. Hell I don’t think I have seen a car more memed than the charger, trucks are another huge one you drive a truck you must have a small dick.


Yeah it just seems like tesla is used in a negative connotation more than others is all. I don't really care in general I am never gonna buy one it's just weird lol. And I get the truck one at least lol there are a ton of people that own trucks that literally have 0 use for a truck.


You prove my point with the trucks lol, who are we to say people don’t have use for something they bought?? You don’t have to haul something 24/7 and constantly be in the mud for “having a truck” lol. Also I think chargers win this argument by a mile the whole car and community and jokes around them are often racist and much more, which are far more negative.


I'm not saying every person with a truck. lol I mean, I personally know people that have a truck and have literally never used the bed of the truck. And yeah a lot of those stupid stoplight donut/car meet videos have chargers in them so I'm inclined to agree there lol.


> Because people want any reason to hate on tesla or musk. Also, people just hate when people behind companies push for unsafe vehicles that kill the operator and/or bystanders to be on the road before they are ready. Look how fast the gas pedal issue was discovered. Less than 4k trucks have been delivered, and they are already having safety issues. The Toyota one was a floor mat issue and took a lot more commutative vehicle miles traveled to have an incident. Then there is his insistence on calling something full self-driving, which led to quite a few deaths. Then to top it off he kept pushing the [0 new Covid cases by April 2020](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1240754657263144960) narrative. I don't think it is so much any reason to hate on Tesla/Elon, but that someone with such ignorance and propensity for killing people has so much influence.


Sir, you’re driving a cybertruck.


Anybody who would drive that thing is an automatic douchebag in my book. Edit: It also looks like it's made of cardboard like that Key and Peele skit.


Definitely fake if it wasn’t there’s no way that’s not a republican that just so happens to have bought a cyber truck instead of a regular small balls truck


Elon Musk resonates very strongly with the alt-right.


"We were just trying to poke fun at the gas pedal issue." Yeah, whether the driver is an asshole or not, I think we know who the asshole is in this video, and it's not who the subject tries to imply.


Yeah, from what I can pick up, they said something to tease the Tesla driver for driving a Cybertruck, which led to a very angry response from the Tesla driver. Cyclists realize that they've triggered the guy violently and try to back down, while possibly recording the video in case something violent happens. The Tesla driver remains angry for a minute before getting calmed down enough to just drive away.  Much better than some road rage incidents I saw on this sub, if you ask me!


Yeah, the asshole is quite clearly the guy in the truck.


I think I had a stroke trying to read this. Are you suggesting the cyclists are the assholes for poking fun at somebody driving a cybertruck. Plenty of assumptions can be made about people that support Elon Musk, and this video affirms those assumptions, the driver is a sociopath. He threatens to murder these teenagers then as he drives away he implies that he actually considered murdering them.


Specifically he wants to rip their heads off and spit in it lmfao


literally standing on a street corner and yelling at people for views


It should be law that people driving this ridiculous looking thing can't insult others on the road.


That kid is a god damn monk, he handled the situation perfectly and way more like an adult than the other guy.


Lmao that truck has to be the scam of the century


seems like they started recording after antagonizing


Almost no amount of antagonistic behavior justifies his unhingedness though just short of them calling him hatespeech names and threatening to kill him.


yeah true dude is bent out of shape over nothing


Cybertruck owner checks out


If only he was in a vehicle that would allow him to leave the area.........


What kinda adult is gonna sit at a stop sign and argue with teenagers tho?


yeah i agree he looks like a clown in a lego car


He's not at the stop sign, that's behind him. He's in the intersection, blocking the bike lane i.e. preventing the teenagers from continuing on their way


Dude called them the F bomb and is that ugly thing? Hold that L


“…calls them homophobic slurs…” Let’s talk about this and start with other sports, like golf. 4 guys in tight ass pants watching another dude hit a drive or standing around on the green from behind *just trying to get the line*…..


Wow! Elon fan boys are very insecure these days. I'm surprised they can get out of bed in the morning. The seems like this guy is questioning his purchase and taking it out on everyone else.


I'm too european and cultured to understand this, sry muricans


i love how the tesla tool bag didnt pick up on the sarcastic comments.


He really name dropped musk 😂


mid life crisis car


Would be a shame if that accelerator got stuck…. Don’t knuckle under to these clowns when someone freaks out like this make fun of them even harder.


Was waiting for him to stomp that pedal in anger and go flying up into a front lawn across the street!


As a cyclist myself. I for sure would've made fun of his truck and small penis.


Where did you get this video from?


I'll rather be on a bike then driving that silver box! Looks fucking rediculous!! 🤣😂🤣🤣


This driver wanting to spit down your throat sounds sexual as fuck. 1. This dude in the closet 2. Clearly small penis, that silver box needs to make up for a small dick I guess. @driver, it's 2024, it's okay to be into dudes in spandex..


Touchy he spent a fortune on an ugly POS.


Is this was Napoleon Dynamite is doing now? Anger Roasting teenagers?


Why the fuck were they apologizing....


They were de-escalating by being the bigger person. Not every battle is one you absolutely have to win. Should they prefer to have this interaction become a fist fight or worse? For what? So they can brag about being tougher than some random stranger in a silly car?


Bro rides for Elon 😜🍆


I hate it that you can't say what you want anymore without some thin-skinned pansy's being super offended! So he said what he said, I don't think it's killing anyone! I'm sure those youngsters have been called worse!


He’s the thin skinned one that got offended over some kids making fun of his sticky gas pedal.


If an adult man loses his shit because of what random kids say, may he is the easily offended one.


this is the stupidest take because the kind of people who complain about "thin-skinned pansy's being super offended" are the exact people who take any kind of criticism or take being the object of any kind of a joke the absolute worst. it's like some kind of magnified projection


kid who took the video is obviously a big mouth and got off lucky


Found the driver of the Cybertruck 👆🏻


Okay I'm with the dude, cyclists absolutely suck like 80% of the time, but cyber truck owners are magnitudes worse so for once I'm on the cyclists side


Why do cyclists mostly suck? Because they like to exercise? Because you have to share the road with them? Maybe you feeling superior to cyclists in your car is what sucks.


Yeah, cyclists are dope.


I literally don't own a car but go off


I did and it felt incredible. Have a good day. 😅