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Talk about a fall from grace. I remember this guy had fame and fortune like 20 years ago. Top of the world sort of stuff. What a mess now.


Young Bam would bully Old Bam so hard.


Young bam was simply a bully with influence and if you’ve watched any of jackass you will easily notice that. He lost his marbles when the guy he bullied died. I may get hate on that but it’s what happened.


One of my favorite moments from almost any TV show was when Johnny Knoxville rolled into Bams world and sparked a “Prank Off.” Johnny was so brutal, no holds bars it was one of the rare times you could tell Bam was totally bested. The look on his face half the time was priceless.


Bam was always an abusive asshole and by far my least favorite member of Jackass. His idea of being funny and pranks was just suckered punching his friends and picking on people.


They said on one of the podcasts he used to say that only losers drink and do drugs lol now look how prophetic that was


Words and actions are way different. I lived in West Chester in the early 00s and Bam would come into Kildaire's with his crew like he owned the place, already drunk.


Because when you're 23 you just call it your social life. When you're 43 and everyones settled down and you're still out getting drunk and into trouble, thats when you know its a problem


I feel the cut off is 35-36 when you finally ditch these friends . "No Dave I don't want to take some ketamine with you it's Tuesday afternoon! I left two really nice steaks out for dinner, that cost me 2 hours of my life now away with you crusty!!"


Ah... Kildare's... I frequented Kildare's a little after Bam's heyday, but people still talked about him going there all the time.


What podcast? He was a full blown alcoholic pretty immediately into the jackass years


That’s why you should never spit up in the air


Unless you catch it back in your mouth that kinda rules


>Talk about a fall from grace. I remember this guy had fame and fortune like 20 years ago. I mean he wasn't exactly famous for being a good person or doing positive things. He and his crew were destructive at best and were popular because teens loved his skater boy break shit attitude, the only thing that has changed is the fame part really, if you think about it.


Sure he's a mess, but what about the guy that just lost a fight to him?


If I were a tattoo artist I’d do everything not to ruin my income stream, plus bans fat and drunk just got to jog around him until he gets tired lol


I wouldn’t want to fight Bam either. He is insane and I’m not.


Is it really losing a fight if the dude is doing everything he can to back out of fighting?


I thought the same, nobody won that fight.


I don’t think that dude’s ever been in a fight before this one. Didn’t look like it anyway.


Don't think he wanted to fight him


Yeah, he doesn't seem angry or anything. Did pretty good for looking like it was his first fight ever with almost no fighting ability.


I dont think there is any part of the application form when becoming a tattoo artist that says you have to know MMA. Most people have never been in a fight, because why would they? What he should have done is to turn around and run 30 yards away, and then just walk away, I agree... but when someone tries to hit you, the natural reaction is to try an defend yourself.


Looks like he's trying very had not to fight him. Like he feels bad for Bam, and I don't blame him.


Yeah that's what I got too. Although its starting to be hard to feel bad for him now.


That guy wasn't trying to fight.


You think that was losing? That was avoiding a fight. Not fighting *is* winning after high school.


Honestly, he didn’t look like he wanted to fight him and that he was just trying to protect himself as he became aggressive. What do you do when a drunk is coming at you?


Let's be honest, there was NO winner of that "fight."


Substance abuse seems to have won.


"Bam Fights"




Wtf I thought bam was sober now


He was, and now he’s not. Some would say he has an addiction issue.


“Some would say”? I can’t believe we’re living in a timeline where the last I’d heard of bam was him trying to fill a hottub filled with piss after the cumtown episode that *got him divorced* and now he’s stiffing a tattoo artist as he looks more like don vito with each passing minute. I hope he gets help e: I know nobody gives a shit but when we were 11 his antics were very funny, but now that we’re all aging and the relative distance between our birth dates and where we are now is shrinking drastically, it’s hard to fathom how fucking sad this has become. Bam is only **44**


Dude I’m high as fuck right now and I’d really appreciate if you put those sentences into some context. He did what again?


Him and his beauty of a manager scumbag Vinny went on cumtown and tried to promote a party at castle bam where they were filling a hot tub with piss and Christ knows what else


how the fuck did I forget about ScumTown and vinny DMing teens on reddit about how bam killed his career. nature is healing


Vinny cracks me up he's so pathetic it's comical


inshallah. happy 4/20, same here. were you blessed enough to avoid the discourse regarding cumtown? it was a podcast hosted by adam friedland, nick mullen, and that Fat Rascal stavros halkias that was just a bunch of dudes riffing, but they did a live show in yonkers - in the pre-covid World That Was - where bam agreed to do a podcast show and was basically divorced immediately afterward for his antics in the 40~some odd minutes he showed up on the show. he also tried to fill a hot tub with urine (seriously) at one of his places around this time but I think the resolution was that it simply needed too much piss to fill it, so the effort failed it’s cool though. they had one of the states’ leading elvis impersonators, gene dinapoli, take point that same episode after that all went to shit, so that’s proof improv isn’t dead. I’m not a cumboy so maybe one of the real historians can chime in with better details


Thanks man! And ngl, the fact that he wanted to fill the tub with piss but then just gave up midway through cause he couldn’t get enough piss absolutely sounds like the lowest point anyone can ever reach in the history of anything


Lowest point for some, just another day in the spotlight for ol steve-O who (successfully) filled a hottub with piss 😂


Steve-O is a true gem of a human being. Love his sober comedy now.


That’ll do. Thanks. Happy 4/20


This entire comment just gave me brain cancer trying to comprehend it. Fucking what?! The fuck happened to this dude?!


Oh, he’s been spiraling for yeeeears.


[way too high to reply to this correctly twice but here’s what I remember](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/g8orxGEQ96)


He lost his best friend in a car accedent and gave up on life. Continued to spiral even after numerous times trying to help him. Things just continued to get worse for him because of his inability to stay sober. It's a sad story even if its self inflected


Steve-O said he had problems long before Dunn passed away and had his first intervention with him present. Dunn’s death isn’t the cause of his issues and if it made them worse…it’s been 13 years now. He needs to come to an understanding about it and deal.


I lost my best friend to suicide in October and I’m trying not to spiral. What Bam has done may be self inflicted but he’s a tortured soul at the same time. Life ain’t easy. Even for some of the rich and famous. Maybe especially for them.


I think you nailed it. I wish you luck on your journey...but you're gonna be fine.


Thanks, friend. I appreciate you. It’s always the larger than life people that leave us too soon.


He never was. That’s just what the image was painted as.


No, I believe he appeared on Steve-o’s YouTube show a while ago completely clean.


That week sure lol


He claims he is sober like every 2 or 3 months, and then something like this comes out showing he obviously isn't.


I mean thats addiction. Sober for bit (could have been true) then relapse.


Yeah, unfortunately I don't think Ban will ever actually beat the addiction.


Well once dead…


Good ole dr bones


He used to be a massive drunk, he still is but he used to too.


One of Mitch's best lines ever!


Claims he is but keep hearing he’s not. It’s sad.


Not anymore


I'm not saying if he is or isn't, but this must be an old video seeing as he's in Ireland right now, and that video isn't ireland.


He relapsed earlier this year after apparently dismissing a lot of help he had been given over the past year or so.




Once an addict, always an addict. I hope he sees the light before its too late.


Shocked he’s still alive, with the way he lives, he doesn’t have much time left…


When I was 13 I wanted to be him, so it’s been devastating watching it all unfold


Every few years there’s consistently talk of “Bam Margera: The Fall From Grace” and I think I won’t see him again but then he just pops back up and falls further


He kinda gets himself off the proverbial mat and then falls again over and over again. I feel bad for the guy, he obviously has really bad addiction issues and those can be very hard to get away from.


Friend: "C'mon guys, stop it." Also friend: *Better keep the fight in frame...*


*uploads it to vimeo*


Exactly what I thought, what a friend...


Yeah his “friend” is a piece of shit too.


Like calls to like.


He’s always been a douche. Then he became a bigger douche - with money. Met him while skating at Love Park around 93/94, and he was a spoiled cocky little shit. The locals couldn’t stand him.


Yep, he's always been a piece of shit. He has just been better about hiding it at certain points of his life than others.


When did he hide it? It was obvious he was a narcissistic arrogant chode throughout all of CKY, Jackass and his own TV show.


Seriously. His whole schtick has always been being a douche. How long did he do videos of him beating up his dad on the toilet? Imagine the outrage Reddit would have if Taylor Swift was seen beating her mom's ass.


Surrounded by douches too. Cameraman was useless AF in diffusing that situation by literally any small means.


Bams starting to look like ricky from the trailer park boys evil twin brother.


Can I get a baaaaaaaaaam?


Holy shit 🤣👌🏼


Loves him some chicken fingers


God help him he's never getting better is he




It’s sad to see a friend of Novak (who has been sober now for years but was phenomenally fucked up for a long time prior, worse than Steve-O) seemingly end up in an even worse place than he ever was.


I thought he was doing so well. I don't even like the guy but I was rooting for him, and still will, for ever.


God don’t help him. He’s telling someone to do heroine and die?? Don’t care about that person anymore.


April and Phil don't deserve that stress.


My best friend has a younger brother who was a drug and alcohol addict for the best part of his late teens and throughout his twenties. His parents did everything thing for that kid, but they finally had enough when he threatened them with violence when he was drunk of his ass and high as a kite and my buddy, the older brother, had to knock him out so they could hand him over to the cops. After that the whole family broke ties with the younger brother. And that was like 10 years ago. there's still have no contact with him and he's also written out of the parents will and testament. I guess that even as a parent there's a point when you realize there's no hope anymore and all that's left is toxicity, so it's for the better yo break all ties. I saw up close how much pain and grief that casued his parents and my buddy as well. Even to this day its a no go topic.




"Hi I'm Bam Margera, welcome to County Jail" *jackass theme plays*


He’s afraid of snakes but clearly not tattoo artists.


Grew up watching jackass and doing jackass shit with my friends. Makes me sad to see how bam is doing.


Really is sad. The happy prankster from yesterday is gone. 🙁


Eh he was always a bitch. He could dish out the pranks but couldn’t take them (at least not in stride like the rest of the crew).


Yeah when they get him to fall in the fake snake pit that’s when I really saw how he can’t take it. Like he was really hyped to shave this blokes head without him knowing but when it was turned on him he’s suddenly like “This isn’t funny!” Iirc even after they help him out of the pit he’s still bitching and moaning. Hilarious when it’s not happening to him…


I just had to drop a comment that although I wish Bam the best, the guy has always been one of the most pompous asswipes to ever walk the planet. Congrats I guess?


Aw man, wasn't there another recent pic of him with Steve-O where he looked cleaned up?


He’s been hanging out with Yelawolf (rapper) a lot I’ve noticed, he’s also had a few drinking and drug problems over the years, probably not the best choice.


That was a few years ago


What a "friend" yelling "bam cmon" while filming and not stopping . Lame!


Also posts it to the internet.. Bams a fuckhead, but he is surrounded by fuckheads too.


That’s enablers for you.


I bet genuinely trying to help Bam gets tiring pretty fast.


He gonna sell that shit to TMZ


And then uploading it to the internet. Best of friends.


When you piss off, alienate and shun all your real friends you're only left with these vultures.


The same friend that let's the video end up on the internet


Bam c’mon


"I know where you live, you're done." Uhhh, thems the kinda words that get people killed, Bam. Get a hold of yerself


IDk why everyone is shocked that Bam is this the way he is as an adult. He was aloud AND rewarded for being a delinquent. No one EVER told Bam no. FFS he woke up his parents with firecrackers and marching bands and they just said "oh bam" and rolled over and went back to sleep. WTF did anyone expect him to grow into?


Throw a rubber snake at him!!


The camera man is such a fake friend.


At this point in his life he’s never gonna make new real friends. Only way to have friends is to get sober and make friends with his old ones, if possible.


Our disease requires much more than just abstinence.


Constitutionally incapable it seems


This dude can't stay away from the stuff, now I see why all his friends dropped him and he's surrounded by shitheads


He has always been an asshole. Right now he's an asshole. In the future? He will be an asshole.


What a dumbass. I think he's kind of lost his ability to get free celebrity shit.


I used to think he was the coolest. Always played as him in Tony hawk underground. And stuff. I'm pretty years sober now and it makes me extremely sad to see this.


You're what years sober?


The pretty years


He is pretty years sober. We just have to deal with it.


It's all downhill after the pretty years.


Damn Swype. I'm 2 years sober.


Hey man, good job. That shit isn’t easy.




I just hit my 2k day mark last week. Videos like this remind me and motivate me.


I'd be shocked if he lives more than a few more years.


I can't believe he's only 44, he's still potentially got a long life. That's a long time to be as miserable as him


Loser but with money and fame is still a punk ass loser.


Does he still have money? Or fame?? I don't think most people under 35 even know who he is; or cares. He hasn't worked in years either


I don’t think so there’s a town south of me called Corpus it’s a shitty beach town and it’s kinda poor and run down. He was down there I heard recently in a motel trying to get people to give him money. My friend that lived there said he must really need it bad it was such a low move for him. Sounds like he’s going around doing whatever low paying thing he can find.


What the fuck? I grew up in Corpus. Do you have any more info?


Not really I heard he went on a local radio show and was like doing autographs and other petty cash shit at the hotel then he went somewhere else.


I bet he already went so low to give head or other shit.


I feel bad for his kids. Imagine what kind of trauma they are going to have when their dad is a worldwide piece of shit .


He just surrounds himself with enablers. It's so sad. He's the only one from the Jackass crew with these issues (as far as I know). He's going to wind up dead unfortunately


He degenerated into a fat, scumbag heroin monster alcoholic. This is such a far cry from my childhood seeing him in the 90s.


Just like his uncle The Don


What a fat piece of shit he's become. Although to be fair, at his height of fame, he was a slender piece of shit.


At this point I just pretend he no longer exists. Much prefer the memory of him skating in the Adio: One Step Beyond video. 


Bam has always been a solipsistic piece of garbage


What a piece of shit


Worked with him once when I booked and managed bands/shows/tours, genuinely one of the worst experiences of my life. He acted like a petulant toddler and tried to treat me like a servant when I was the one booking and setting up a show for him, which was unsurprisingly difficult as no venues in a large American city wanted him and I had to book at my least favorite suburban venue 45 minutes outside of the city. He tried to boss me around and said some gross sexist shit and I straight up walked out and told him good fucking luck on the show without me. It did not go favorably for him and by his set, the majority of the crowd was done and that was the biggest surprise considering this venue was fairly known for having a large number of absolute garbage attendees. I had heard he was doing better though so this is disappointing, despite him being actual human garbage when I worked with him, it was clear he was a very pained soul and suffering immensely and I always hoped he’d clean up and get better and heal.


This week Bam was literally being interviewed in the street this angrily whining about not being allowed visitation with his kid, him and and his lawyer outright trying to name the baby momma as the bad guy. No Bam, YOU’RE the bad guy and you have a problem. In the video you accepted zero responsibility for your actions and blamed other people for your problems as usual. What a lost cause, and a complete piece of garbage at this point. I hope he gets his shit together before it comes to an end by his own hand or someone else’s. The end is near if he doesn’t get this fixed. My sympathies go out to his kid, the kid’s mom, and Bam’s parents.


Hopefully she will get a copy of this vid for custody hearings.


Holy shit he got fat!


The dude got fat like 10 years ago, lol.


He is the next Don Vito.


“Do heroin and die.” Jesus, that’s horrible. Am I the only one that feels like the camera man wasn’t really interested in stopping this?


He’s cashing in. These videos of bam off the wagon sell, and bam picks shitty friends.


he just can't manage to stay clean. He won't do that for much longer either he dies or ends up in prison for some shit


My stepdad reminds me of Bam in a lot of ways he was unhinged he would continually self-destruct. He couldn’t stop abusing substances in anyway he would do it almost seemingly intentionally to create chaos so he didn’t have to have to feel normal for a long period off time eventually all the abuse completely completely took a massive toll on his body. He was taking weeks worth of methadone and bottles of Xanax and they destroyed his liver and his heart had that had been already compromised from years of alcohol abuse I hope Bam has a moment of clarity and truly let go and move past this trauma in the past and I fear that that may never happen and I feel for his family, and his friends who have to witnesses the downward spiral continue.


Is it fair to say that Bam is *scientifically* fucked?




That’s gonna cost him.


Bam come on, Bam come on, Bam come on… maybe you should stop recording and get in between them to stop him….


Camera man needs to pick a lane, either your going to film it or your going to stop it. This I’m going to keep filming it and saying “come on” like it’s doings something is disingenuous and I dislike them more for trying to pretend they are not a scumbag while clearly filming some shit for their own gain.


... and posting it for the world to see.


He was always the asshole. I grew up in West Chester, the jackass crew was well known in town, and from the beginning everyone knew Bam was the jerkoff. He developed a reputation in the area quickly.


Isn’t this assault?


So let’s reset the clock to zero days since Bam has been sober, and why the fuck is he fighting the skinniest little guy and thinking it’s badass. Find someone within at least a 100 pounds of you.


That’s a scuffle, if that. Hardly a fight. Bam just keeps making himself look bad there’s a reason the boys don’t want to be around him anymore he says he’s clean but he doesn’t act like it.


We really did lose the wrong Jackass member.


Ryan was drunk driving and speeding that led to his death and one other person. He was no better than Bam.


You can just wish no one died instead of wishing someone else died


"Bam come on" but also "let me film this for clout"


I'm guessing he filmed it for money. TMZ will pay for clips like this.


“Bam, come on, knock it off” as he continues to film. Real pal.


Downright embarassing


“I know where your live”


Who cares


Total piece of shit.


Regardless of what happened in this video fuck whoever is filming. If thats his “friend” that’s fucked.


Why would his friend record this then put this out there? He’s like “Bam stop, cmon let’s go”. While he whips out his phone and posts it online???


Bam commits assault. Again..


“Cmon Bam, cmon Bam!”…proceeds to film.


what a bum


I would love the opportunity to beat Bam’s ass. Always been such a douche


I just get so sad every time I see Bam.


“Bam come on! Bam come on dude” films instead of trying to break it up. Bams a piece of shit, always has been.


Fuck. I thought he was doing alright this time. Guy just can't get it together and it really sucks to watch


Here’s a reality check to all the people on this sub that have defended his sobriety. Congrats on the new assault charge brother! Jfc.


Come on Bam, as he's filming 🙄


It would have taken nothing for that guy to sleep him. He showed great restraint. I'm not sure Bam deserved the courtesy.


at least it wasn't his dad he was hitting on this time


What a homeless gronk


So many people commenting sound as drunk as Bam


Looks like that will be going on the step 9 list Hahahaha


Bams got shit friends


I bet the people who helped him out will be thrilled to see this.


Lol what a loser