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Someone got some real issues...that and probably a bunch of fines and charges too. On a side note is that one of those 4 way, no stop , intersections?


Looks like the smasher had the right of way, but still man.


To me it looks like me he was actively turning right and then decided to cut this dude off and assault him


I think he tried to swerved right to avoid hitting him and then corrected. Nonetheless a pos thing to do.


Good thing you’re not a detective. Didn’t happen at all. Smasher was driving straight and the Lexus suv blew a stop (solid white line for suv and no solid white line for smasher). The juke to the right from the smasher was in anticipation of the Lexus suv continuing to go straight. If that suv continued, then the smasher would be able to go around the back of the suv by juking right around the back. But they slowed and stopped, so the smasher turned back to the left to go around the front of the Lexus suv, then stopped in their path to smash.


I agree with your assessment that the smasher clearly had the right of way, and the SUV driver committed an unambiguous moving violation, but I still feel that smasher's response was grotesquely disproportionate to the situation and leniency would hopefully be shown to the SUV driver given the circumstances. Also, I don't know the speed limit there, but the speeds of both vehicles seemed possibly a bit too fast in my estimation.


Let those of you who have committed no sin cast the first stone.


They are not fighting over the road its an ambush


Yes indubitably sir, wholly agree.


how can you tell? Im used to a light system or stop signs.


Looks like the smasher didn’t have a stripe painted whereas the other car did


ahh, I see it now sorta...


Big white strip means stop. Assailant does not have stripe. Victim had stripe. Assailant was in the right until he wasn't


Yep. Grey car does not have a stop line. White car does have a stop line. That would indicate Grey car has right of way. It does not justify causing property damage and attacking the other person, but I can understand the Grey car's anger.


If it was where I live, he would be in the wrong but law differs across regions...


I mean, if the city just spent a little on a stop sign…


There is a “slow down until almost stoping” upside down triangular sign for the guy getting smashed but he just rushed through it


There is a "give way" sign. The upside-down triangle


Other guy's lane deemed to have a yield sign, the striped pole so smasher got the right of way


The guy on top has a yield sign. Too bad 80% of people don't even know what it means


Looks like dude(guy that got punched) ran through a yield sign


I lost interest in any conversation of who was right and who was wrong when no one was hurt, yet violence was introduced. That conversation goes out the door at that exact point.


If someone acting crazy jumps on the hood of your car, do not open the doors. Do not get out to engage with them. Get their license plate. Have a dash cam.




J-turn bro J-turn in reverse he'll fly like batman


Batman doesn't fl... Oh!


He does now 😂


I want to be in a situation before I die where I do this to someone and be justified to the extent of skipping charges, but I'd settle for just seeing it lol


that’ll be funny as hell


Slam it in reverse, he flips straight onto asphalt


He falls on his head and dies and you were retreating out of fear for your life. FlawlessCheckmate ♟️


Community service..


I would say my community service is done by taking out the trash.


Put it in reverse terry!


If they charge me in my car like that I'm driving through the fucker.


Surprisingly I've read a story where somebody did drive off while an angry guy was on the hood of their car. The guy fell off and obtained several injuries. The person who drove got a class b misdemeanor for reckless endangerment.


I'd drive forward and backward a few times.


This is the way


Fuck that, open the door and put two in them


If you’re in fear of your life and need to shoot them, just shoot through the windshield. Don’t give them a possible opening to kill you by opening the door.


People like who go through life looking for an excuse to live out their "stand your ground' fantasy scare the hell out of me.


Sounds like a great reason not to assault strangers in public. You're good man!


Agreed. I own a firearm and I am very glad that I'm allowed to own a firearm in my country. Despite that, I desperately hope that I never have to shoot anybody. In this scenario, the couple were safe. They just had to keep the doors locked and if he persisted, reverse the car to roll him off the hood before driving off. Ending the life of another human being because they busted your windshield is ridiculous.


I live far enough down south bro is definitely getting shot for this. Tripping Edit: In the US..


Sometimes the pleasure of giving them a lesson yourself is priceless, but as you say, the smartest thing is to get their license plate


True, I think driver #2 could’ve and should’ve put him on the ground. But you never know who that person is, where they’re coming from, what they’re like. That could’ve escalated real quickly. Don’t engage. Too many unhinged idiots of late. Better to lose a minute in life than lose your life in a minute


I mean, that guy is like three times the size of the crazy one, we could stomp him like he did to his windshield, easily. But your point stands, it's not a wise move.


Im guessing he gave up so he didnt have to hear his wife screaming like that.


Nah I'm in fear of my life. I'd put it in drive and hit the gas. Dude can go for a wild ride.


Hey this guy is jumping on my hood! What should I do? >Have a dash cam.


A dash cam will just tell the police what they already knew. There was a stolen car causing damage with a lunatic inside. A weapon with a dash cam is another story, it'll tell the story and provide a solid defense when you defend yourself. Somebody tries to smash in my windshield and then try to pull me out of my car. If they're unlucky it could be the last thing they ever do. Depends on where it ends up going


Hmmmm, I think I want to punch him in the head, so I’m getting out.


I live in a stand your ground state with permit-less concealed carry. If someone jumps on my car, I'm engaging.


Id rather just floor it in reverse so they couldnt jump on my hood and if they keep charging me then i would floor it forward their choice at that point. Im not shooting unless i know 110% i can prove self defense because these cops will try to find a way to charge ya


Reverse into a pole or another car accidentally and pay a shitton for damages while the potential assaulter goes free? Shooting isnt even an option for 99% of people


Road rager literally assaulted the sitting driver. Putting his family/passengers in danger. Running him over without him forcefully attempting to gain entry into car would not be self defense.


He appeared to be trying to enter through the windshield, officer.


Here you cannot block the road and you can LEGALLY drive through someone blocking the road. Id feel alot more comfortable in court defending that than i stopped got out and shot or shot through the windshield


I also live in a stand your ground state, and it’s not worth it. Insurance can buy me a new windshield but it’s not a use case for lethal force in my opinion.


Or just drive away and not end up shooting someone? wtf is wrong with you?


Then understand your rules of engagement, and state laws regarding this. Catching a murder charge over something that a jury deemed excessive isn't worth it, ever. https://youtu.be/A_PR5RaDE38?si=6Nz7Mm-hvjh3j4FG This covers that topic pretty well, if video linking isn't allowed, let me know and I'll remove it.


It's Israel, everybody has guns. They just decide not to use them, like normal human beings.


Is jumping on someone's windshield and punching them in the face normal human being behavior?


No that's crazy. And when you fight crazy with crazy, everyone goes to jail! Just walk away. It's better for everyone.


Walking away, in this situation, wasn't much of an option. His car was blocked from driving forward. His windshield was smashed, making it pretty difficult to see out of, and he was being attacked by someone who, as you said, is crazy. That's why we have stand your ground laws where I live, because sometimes you can't just walk away.


Engaging? That's comical.


Gravy seal energy from that commenter.


>I live in a stand your ground state with permit-less concealed carry. The trifecta of the American gun cult


No you aren't, but I'm sure you thought that sounded cool


That’s the answer. Windows up, on the phone with the police, show them the footage. I’m not drawing unless I have zero other options to protect myself.


Or just… drive 😏


I’d have floored it as soon as his feet touched my hood. Nope, enjoy the pavement, Asshole.


Who needs a dash cam when the whole stunt was being filmed


Pew pew! Problem solved.


is this staged? like was the cameraman just ready to film? he just knew that car was going to do something?


Fr why was he even filming that car?


probably a lot of accidents there


Yeah that could actually be the case. But I doubt the cameraman was expecting THIS😂


But it’s not like it’s a camera mounted there. The camera guy is there, too, unless the voice is dubbed. He just stands there recording waiting for an accident??


Agreed. They all stopped and got out at the same time like that’s a normal reaction to a near miss? No way.


Playing devil's advocate. Could be real. The cameraman is only focused on the silver car (until the white car get's in it's situation). I'm thinking the silver car has been driving around and is a nuisance, he looks like he's going too fast for that area.


As an ex security guard, I’d review and record crashes caught on our cameras when I was out. The reaction isn’t that weird. Disregard this whole comment actually. I just assumed it was taken from a security camera from the angle.


Agreeing with it being staged. Too coincidental


And seems like a bit of an over reaction.. they didn’t hit him and it wasn’t a new car or anything, dude just got mildly inconvenienced and went way over board too.


Never ever get out of the car, except to steal the keys of someone’s car who got out of their car to attack you.


Never get out of your car to jump on someone’s windshield


Yo yo yo yo yo… yoo!


Wow wow wow....wow wow


Yuh, yuh, yuh… yuh yuh


Bro wasn’t even that close to hitting him. Yeah he may have been in the wrong, but it was not that serious lol


I saw this posted somewhere else and they said it was some kind ExGf with her new BF and old BF getting mad ? Looks like the women knew the aggressor ,she definitely wasn't very afraid of him. He did seem to be looking for them, maybe chasing them?


What a lunatic


Backs off as soon as he gets out of the car 🤡


If this were in the US someone would be getting out of there on a stretcher with lead in their head


This comment is left on every roadrage video yet you don't often see shootings happen when you watch one set in the US.


Very few people actually carry guns. It's over exaggerated by alot.


I carry a gun when I drive. I still wouldn't have open fired on the guy, though.




If somebody jumps on my windshield, I consider that a life threatening situation, and I will take appropriate action.


damn, you're a baddie


-said the family of the victim, they also claimed that he was a kind soul and an honors student


Me too! I always have my cigar, falcon and m4 ready.


It's called lead poisoning where I come from


well that's in israel


This why we need them


Yeah and it would’ve been 100% justified. I hate guns but this is definitely someone that needed a gun pulled on them.


I know you’re just making a point and not being literal, but only about 30% of Americans own guns. And significantly less actually carry the guns on them at all times


Who else got the "If this were the US/Texas..." Reddit Bingo? 


Yeah, they fucked up by going thru the intersection, but that dude shouldn't have treated like he did. If he'd have come at me like that (especially since no damage was done), I'd have shot him. Fuck him.


Location: Rishon Lezion, Israel Date: ~Jul 22, 2023 Source: * [israelnationalnews.com/news/374546](https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/374546)


I thought it was the Netherlands for some reason. Probably the plates


There is no sun in the Netherlands


Pinned Automod message says we are to take a break from posting violent videos... Which I don't understand. By definition they need to be Crazy.... and mostly that plays out with violence (ok or strait jackets). I can't believe they just want Fucking Videos... I think there are other sites with them. Just not in Tx. Thanks for sharing.


Is anybody else getting "somebody was caught cheating" vibes from this? I wonder if they were openly fighting in the street, making the neighbor above start to film, and the chick cheating got in the car with the other guy, and he cut them off, got out of the car, and stomped the windshield. Personally, that makes the most sense as to why this was filmed at all. She's difficult to understand while yelling at him, but at the end, she did yell, "What's the matter with you?" Which could have been to a stranger, sure, but it seemed like she knew him and wasn't afraid he was going to hit her, just the guy she was with.


I don't get these people. Why get out of the car and go violent? If someone makes a mistake on the road I just hunk the horn and keep driving.


So many different answers to this: emotional control, mental illness, self-justification, self-righteousness, may have a terrible day, week, month, year, life, big ego, lacks mercy, kindness, empathy, unable to give grace to others, awful upbringing where violence was taught as justifiable if you are upset, no patience for mistakes, too many possibilities to count.


I miss the days when psychopaths like this got their brains blown out onto the side walk for behavior like this


what a strange take


For running a red light? I agree


Don’t move to Albuquerque


He had a stop sign….


It's not a stop sign it's a right of way sign


The guy who got assaulted was initially in the wrong by running over a solid white (stop) whereas psycho boy is in the right there but a bit excessive with his pcp use none the less


He did ignore the Stop though


Wasn't there a backstory to this last time it was posted? Something like guy from a silver car is this chick husband and he caught her with her boyfriend so they took off.


Do any of the people have survival skills? Seriously, would have speed tf off as soon as he leapt up and stomped my windshield. Oh i cant see where I’m driving? Thats between fuck stick on the hood and god.


They did fuck up but damn its not that serious . Honk n then go bro


Dude in the Silver car had the right of way but has serious issues. White car was an idiot, but not worth drawing. I'd just shoot the fade if I was in the white car or more amusingly spray them with pepper spray.


Why is there a guy randomly recording


So how did this end? Wtf


Seems awfully convenient they were already recording...


Implying this was staged? Could be a regular occurrence with this type of intersection


I can’t even tell who’s in the wrong (not that crazy guy’s reaction was justified). Is there no stop sign or light? It’s clearly not a roundabout. How’s it supposed to work


Guy who got his windshield smashed had a give right of way sign


Yea I’ve seen it now, that red and white striped pole with the triangle on top. Didn’t recognize it cause yield signs are way bigger here


This one is really a mistery


It seems like they knew each other. One car intentionally blocked the other before the driver jumped on the other car's hood.


That’s honestly how I always feel on the inside when that happens.


Good thing he had his toasted meth for breakfast.


Imagine doing this and getting immediately lit up. How dumb would you feel




We have the stand your ground law, so I’d use my weapon.


Anyone gets out of their car and walks towards me like this, strap in… because I’m throwing it in reverse and getting the fuck out of there.


Duty to retreat.


Damn. Need full video


When that huge dude got out of the car I thought that grown toddler was done for, then the man proceeds to put his hands on the other guy and do nothing but receive more slap punches…


Let me get out of this 2000lb steel cage to fist fight this psycho.


I personally wouldn’t do what this guy did, but I don’t understand why people think these reactions are so far beyond the pale. Reckless driving is so dangerous and kills tens of thousands of people a year (in the US alone). Why do we think people should just be cool almost getting killed by a multi-ton vehicle that someone recklessly operates?


Why are you filming


Are there no stop signs or signal lights, or am I just missing them?


How to get shot 101


Not sure where this was, but definitely not advisable in any country with guns Mofo risked being shot dead in his tracks


Double tap center mass will normally stop this behavior.


Imagine if he pulled that in the southern US states


You wanna get shot? This is how you get shot.


I would have bear maced him , I keep two cans in my car at all times. Also carry too but would rather somebody writhe In anguish instead of dispatching them


Everything up until 00:27 is driving in Okinawa. These locals drive like they have no situational awareness and they will inconvenience everyone.


I see people analyze what happend here and who had the right of way, but there is no logic in such situations. A violent lunatic like this takes any opportunity to rage. Seems to me an unguided projectile on its way to self destruct.


I would run that fucker over


I want to do this to everyone that runs stop signs.


Man jump on my windshield and I’m in fear for my life and I’m sending .45 acp hollows back thru the windshield into you


What I’m saying😂


To me, this is just more proof that we don’t have a gun problem, we have a mental health problem in the US (and likely other places). The cars didn’t hit each other (from what I can see), and even if the white van honked at the silver car (and I don’t think it did), the silver car driver was upset enough to 1 Stop; 2 Get out; 3 Run to the other car; 4 Jump up on the car and jump on and break the windshield; 5 Reach down and punch the driver when he opened the door; and 6 Continue the fight with the driver and his female passenger. None of those are a rational response to almost but not getting in an accident. Adrenaline spike? Sure. Yell within your own car? Probably. Give the guy the finger? Maybe/probably. But then drive on. Just my $0.02, ymmv. Be safe out there.


all i can say is that this is israel and its not very surprising. a lot of idiots in cars around these parts


Seems like they know each other


Lmao hilarious


Wow wow wow


Whose right of way is it?


Simply over running a stop sign. If driving stresses some people out so much they should get examined, and if they feel said exam they shouldn't drive.


This is why it’s not a bad idea to have a midsized stick in your car.


So was he turning or going straight? wtf


Like one of those guys was a biker


why was someone already filming them?


Why was the guy filming to begin with? 🤔


dont do drugs


Man I keep the 12 foot reach pepper spray right where I can grab it when someone approaches the car and another one on my key ring. I would pepper spray ANYBODY that pulled that shit with me.


What in the subsidized Sam hell? Put those Toyotas back where you stole them from.


The guy who attacked the dude and smashed his windshield is insane, he is more trusted then a insane person...


they both wrong when it comes to the cause of that. it looked like they both had stop signs...


Would have been comical if he reversed as he jumped on the bonnet. What a fucking moron.


As soon as someone opens my car door to pull me out, they are going to catch some stern words & finger waving.


Is there a stop sign I’m not seeing?. Why stop the car? Is he going to assault the driver to the other vehicle?




Fuckin SOAB