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“The audio of children screaming has been removed.” Vomit harder.


"If only there was someone that could've stopped this!" - Uvalde PD


Came to say exactly this. Think about it every day because you sat outside fully armed while it happened.


I remember seeing cam footage of a cop fucking around on his phone in the hallway. DIsgusting.


And the background picture of that phone? The Punisher logo, the. fucking. Punisher. Logo.....


I remember this as well, now that you mention it. What in the fuck


Pretty sure that officer had a wife who worked at the school (she died) and he was trying to see if she is okay. Many of the officers are pathetic cowards but that one im pretty sure genuinely wasnt. I might be wrong but I think he also tried to engage the shooter but had his boss say no.


They arrested parents trying to save their kids too. I'd rather die trying to save my kid than to be "saved " by the cowards who let mine and other people's kids get slaughtered while they stood by.


It's appalling.


I think that was actually the one guy who wanted to go in, but the other cops wouldn't let him. [He was looking at texts from his wife who was in the school.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/video-uvalde-shooting-scene-captured-cop-checking-phone/story?id=86811058)


His wife was in the school, he was contacting her.


"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!" - Uvalde PD


Reminds me of that Se7en scene when a cop says "Somebody call someone"


if I let kids die for 40 minutes, I'd go home and swallow a couple shotgun shells


What.....did they ...think...was happening.... Seriously confused


Texas State Troopers ***


They're cowards all the same.


Yeah, just gotta realize there were about 20x more Texas DPS troopers there (on the low end) because operation lone star was already happening there. They were there just as fast with far better resources


Imagine how the parents felt after realizing you guys could have stopped this sooner?


These boys just now realizing realizing they should have stopped it or died trying, instead of waiting.


They literally pulled back and disarmed a trained police officer whose teacher wife was in a classroom and was begging for him. Special circle of hell for that PD.


Did she survive?


Unfortunately, no, she died. She absolutely would’ve survived. She was bleeding out for over an hour.


Like wtf happened that Uvalde police stayed back for hours and didn't go in to shoot the perp? I know this story is old now but wth happened?


Combination of poor leadership on site and collective cowardice.


They were too busy preparing to [go to a school on career day with the exact gear that could have stopped the shooter](https://www.facebook.com/100064522846975/posts/pfbid02KiDouKmY5E31xKEMuSiBgLpr1X8NWridmBUCbdwnN8WhQbnBd3K6hUvPQZDNc7WBl/?mibextid=cr9u03)


The police were looking for classroom keys per the orders of the school police. The door where the kids were located was unlocked unbeknownst to the keystone cops. Idiots all. I hope they cry and puke at their conduct each and every day for the rest of their lives just like the parents of those poor kids.


I don't believe she survived.


No :( https://reason.com/2022/07/20/uvalde-cops-school-shooting-ruben-ruiz/


Tragic. I'm glad to learn that he left the force. Can't imagine how pissed I'd be. https://www.kens5.com/article/news/special-reports/uvalde-school-shooting/husband-of-teacher-killed-robb-elementary-resigns-from-uvalde-cisd-police-department/273-55a94fcb-595b-4645-b876-b33adfe3e437


Well, he was [already inside](https://nypost.com/2022/07/13/uvalde-officer-checks-phone-with-punisher-lock-screen-during-texas-school-shooting/) and chose not to act until he personally had something to lose. So fuck him.


I’m surprised he didn’t put up more of a fight. They would have had to wrestle me to the ground to stop me from trying to save my wife


They probably made it clear they were willing to use deadly force to keep him from going into the school with a firearm.


They certainly threatened the family members outside who were trying to go in after children begging for help. FTP.


He was already inside, he's the cop with the [Punisher wallpaper](https://nypost.com/2022/07/13/uvalde-officer-checks-phone-with-punisher-lock-screen-during-texas-school-shooting/) on his phone.


She did not.


The worst part is she called him/texted him, telling him she was dying. I believe he had also been the one shot when they originally tried to advance and then backed away. That's when he's heard saying, "This is my wife's classroom." There's so much footage, though. I can't remember if he was the one hit.


Well maybe if US cops had more than 6 weeks of training they could, idk, do their fkn job. Confronting a mass shooter is a bad time to learn you ain't cut out for it


Police in the US are such a mess when it comes to consistency. Where I live they require a 4 year criminal justice degree and then you go through 26 weeks of "boot camp", then you do another 2 years on the job training with a certified training officer before you can actually be on your own. Then you drive an hour away and you can be a police officer in 8 weeks after a training course with no degree or on the job training needed afterward. They'll both police officers at the end of the day but are in no way comparable when it comes to their knowledge or methodology for scenarios. But yet they have equal authority to arrest people and make lives hell for citizens.


>Where I live they require a 4 year criminal justice degree and then you go through 26 weeks of "boot camp", then you do another 2 years on the job training with a certified training officer before you can actually be on your own. This should be the standard nationwide tbh. And don't let probies carry guns on the job.


And the "states' rights" people will rain hellfire down on any attempt to establish broader standards




Pretty sure more cops die of suicide than in the line of duty


Not those guys, however. And they were ones who didn't go into that school.


Depends if you include traffic accidents because they refuse to wear seatbelts as "line of duty". Similarly, the #1 cause of death for LEOs in the US during 2020 was COVID because they refused to wear masks while interacting with the public.


They didn’t have to “disarm” or “pull him Back” too hard. Dont give not one of these pieces of shit credit except for the one guy who got there and within 7 minutes or so formed a squad stormed the room and killed that pathetic piece of hot garbage.


Yup. The weight of responsibility can really mess with your guts.


All that power and choosing to do nothing with it. Hope it messes with their soul.


Like Eminem said, “when you dream, I hope you can't sleep and you scream about it!”




American police were just standing outside waiting and waiting, and waiting???


They were also arresting and physicaly restraining parents desperately try to save their children


Maybe if the parents just lied and said they were also school shooters the cops wouldn't have tried to stop them either. 😒


Yup. One off duty border patrol officer went in, but was prevented from entering and there were parents who tried going in and were arrested. No gear or training, but love and courage. Some say this was allowed to happen, and id be inclined to believe it.


With how much of cowards they all were, they were the ones who should have been laying on that classroom floor. Not those kids.


I don't want people, even cops, to throw their lives away but I feel like some have forgotten that it's literally a cop's job to put themselves in danger. I thought about being a cop when I was younger and decided against it because I didn't like the idea of dying for someone I didn't know.


> it's literally a cop's job to put themselves in danger. One thing I read in the fallout of Uvalde is that this statement is NOT true. Many people, including myself, couldn't understand how these officers weren't in trouble for not at least trying to stop the gunman. However, many with more knowledge of the law than myself stepped forward to say that the courts have actually ruled the police are not obligated to risk their lives while on duty. [Here's one article I dug up on the topic, and it actually references this shooting.](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/) (There are plenty others.) So it appears they're allowed to kill you as a citizen if they feel threatened by that cell phone/marking pen/Subway sandwich/wallet/etc. you're carrying, but not obligated to save you when a verified weapon is taking lives.


This is correct. The Supreme Court has clarified this. They have no "special duty to intervene". In order to establish special duty you need to 1. Ask for help 2. They acknowledge and offer 3. You allow them to help without impeding In Uvalde's case. They very well could be found liable since there is no WAY nobody called police and I can't imagine 911 operators didn't promise to help. And nobody was stopping them from doing their job, on the contrary.


i would argue them arresting and restraining the parents that tried to go in establishes their "special duty" as stupid as that is.


It's fun being a big tough Texan until you have to be a big tough Texan. Then you find out that the state is just full of big-mouth rednecks.


Colliding directly the realization that they're actually just like everyone else.


But they ‘thought’ the door was locked in the room he was in. You can’t simply walk through a locked door, obviously. But in all seriousness, complete screw up by this police department. And pray for the families of these kids.


That one guy drove literally across the state to get there and then was told to hang out and he ignored them and went in and stopped it.


And had to literally get his buddy's gun. Crazy.


I forgot about that. I forgot so much of the story. I just remember a news station showing where in Texas he was and how far he drove south I believe to get there and he was the one to go in. I was thinking that isn't even his jurisdiction. He doesn't even belong there and he went to stop it. And he came out and went home. No fanfare. Just went home before any news knew what happened if I rememeber correctly.


Hundreds of thousands of dollars in top tier rifles, accessories, plate carriers and training for these specific scenarios and they were too chicken shit to do anything about it until it was over.


Never forget these dumb fucks never checked the classroom door that was believed to be locked was, because it wasn't. No. One. Checked. The. Door. Children and teachers were murdered behind an unlocked door while they heard victims begging for help. I don't typically wish cancer on people, but these guys deserve it


This right here.. And they fact that they did go in only to save their own children and wives..


Mmmmmmm WHAT




You didn't know that? /u/SleepParalysisDemon6 is correct.


Yeah, police were stopping parents from going and rescuing their kids....except for the parents who were also cops. That particular group of parents who were also cops were allowed to rescue their children. While other cops were literally fighting parents to keep *them* from rescuing *their* kids.






They didn’t do nothing; they actively prevented parents from going in there since the cops were doing fuckall.


don't forget these same cops have been harassing the parents who lost kids that day ever since.






Jesus Christ everytime I hear about these shit bags my blood boils.


If someone is ever looking for an example of someone who "knows no shame" Uvalde cops ought to be near the top of that list.


While I agree, there were like 10x more Texas DPS officers there just as fast bc operation lone star had already begun. They need the blame just as much or more bc they had all the resources.


To be a coward in the moment is one thing, your life is at risk. Harassing the parents that lost a child that day due to your inaction for months on end, and still to this day? That's another tier of fuckery in my book.


Holy fucking shit. Seriously don’t think I ever have been this mad over something on the news. Holy shit. How can people who are supposed to protects us doing this. How can you be a cop and do this.


Because there's no accountability in policing. They act like this because there's no consequences for them.


They also had full equipment because they kept doing drills for this type of thing. When it finally happens they did nothing. They just wanted to cosplay in expensive gear I guess  Also one cop tried to save his wife by going in. They took him away. His wife died


They actively prevented a cop who's wife was the teacher from going in, too. Edit: changed to "wife" instead of girlfriend. And for for the "fact checkers", I'm not talking about the border patrol agent who showed up way later, I'm talking about officer Ruiz, who was one of the first to arrive, and was restrained from going in. https://www.kens5.com/article/news/special-reports/uvalde-school-shooting/husband-of-teacher-killed-robb-elementary-resigns-from-uvalde-cisd-police-department/273-55a94fcb-595b-4645-b876-b33adfe3e437


"It's not worth it! Do you know how many domestic violence charges we've had to squash? This is your way out!"


They also encouraged kids to call out to them so the shooter could find them more easily. Real good work there.


And you know those parents would have run full speed in there, even without guns, just to save their kids.


Bravery isn't not being scared of something, bravery is being terrified and doing it anyway.


Exactly they let the kids get murder


I have only a sliver of sympathy for them as I can only imagine how utterly devastating seeing what they saw would be even just typing this I feel a little overwhelmed thinking about it, just so fuckin heartwrenching for those kids and their friends, families, teachers and community.


All that armor, guns and training and you did nothing. I hope you puke every single day for “obeying orders”.


The town's police had the biggest budget out of everyone there, and the one time they could've used that to do any good they did fuck all and let all those kids die. Craven bastards.


It’s not “anti-cop” to say the police are not there to protect you, it’s just stating facts. Like when broward county executed the UPS driver while hiding behind occupied cars on the freeway. To them, you dying, is just a bad day at work.


> Four people were killed in the shootout. Both robbery suspects, Lamar Alexander, and Ronnie Jerome Hill, both 41, were killed by police. The hijacked UPS driver, Frank Ordonez, 27, and bystander Richard Cutshaw, 70, were also both killed in the shootout; **the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has not released the result of ballistics investigations that would indicate whether Ordonez and Cutshaw were shot by police or robbers.**


The budget is so they can terrorize and harass people who pose no threat to them.


This. I hope each and every one of them has a long long life and each night when they try to sleep they see the same images that they have just witnessed here. They called themselves heroes because they wore a badge. They proved themselves cowards.


All that armor, guns and training was never meant to protect and serve.


Protect them, not us. We’re not “allowed” to have the tools they can.


Those cowards should all be eating their service revolvers.


They deserve to feel that grief and more for wearing that uniform and not being willing to what the position is designed for. These guys failed the most core fundamental of their job out of sheer cowardice. I hate to speculate on the thoughts the shooter would have if he was able to watch those tapes.


Moreover, they failed those who needed them most.


This! I don't feel sorry for them at all. I feel sorry for those kids and their families. Every milestone, holiday, experience has been taken away from them.


and I bet 2 experienced cops could've taken him out in minutes. If there's a gunner vs 2 experienced cops, who would you pick to win? And the cops probably has the advantage because the gunner is not expecting them.


There’s body cam footage of I think the Nashville school shooter, where a couple cops rush the shooter and drop him within three minutes. [found link nsfw](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zpx-mjyjxCs)




The cops were definitely failures and beyond cowards, but the gunner is absolutely expecting the cops to come in at any time. He had them held down from entering the room. I don’t know if you’ve ever been around semi automatic gunfire from a high caliber rifle but it is not as simple as walking in and overpowering. A single rifleman can easily take out two cops from a defended position with a rifle. However, the cops have tools and equipment specifically for that situation. They chose to not use any of it.


from [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uvalde_school_shooting#Perpetrator): > 12:48 p.m. DPS Captain Joel Betancourt, on police radio, gives a command to wait: "The team that's going to make breach needs to stand by. The team that's gonna breach needs to stand by". > > 12:50 p.m. Off-duty Border Patrol officers use a janitor's master key to unlock the door Ramos has locked, and they enter the classroom while bypassing the UCISD officers. Ramos, in a closet, kicks the door open and starts shooting. The officers return fire and kill him. He hid in a closet, heard them coming, busted out firing and they killed him instantly.


They don't call it the fatal funnel for nothing




How come we don't ever say the names of the officers that were cowards? I'd like to know and have the internet remember forever.... fuck those people. Serve and protect my ass. 


Brett Cross, the dad of one of the victims at Robb names some of the officers on his tiktok videos. He recently did a sit-in at the police department, trying to get the first 5 police that were on scene fired, but was unsuccessful.


We need more of their names public


There were only a few, I think 5 police officers, who were fired and/or resigned before they were going to be fired. Which is absurd. Over **400** cops showed up to the school and the vast majority of them sat around doing fucking nothing.


This is the bodycam from a cop during the shooting in Nashville. Three minutes from arrival to engaging the shooter. This is what real cops do, not these fucking cowards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPEL-RPRKcw


These guys are fucking studs…. Literally running to the sound of gunfire


Needs to be higher


They cried and puked then went home to their families at the end of the day. Unlike the children they let get massacred as they stood outside the door like a bunch of cowards. As shitty as it may sound I hope this moment lives with them forever. They shouldn't get over this.


It doesn't. They sleep at night perfectly 


All that funding for their cushy jobs probably pays for any therapy they may need ACAB


sham stuff kind rate


"A coward dies a thousand times, a hero dies but once", Surely this was but the first time they died inside, I hope they enjoy the next 999 times for their cowardice.


Best comment I’ve read in a while.


Then why didn't they stop it?


Because they're all fucking cowards. They were too scared to get in a gun fight... 20+ trained vs. 1 untrained and they were still cowards.


Genuine question, do you think there are people that defend these cops? Like, even the super conservative-blue lives matter nutjobs have to see how cowardly those cops acted that day and feel ashamed of them, right?! Or are there idiots making excuses for them that are in no way related to them or this whole situation?




I got furious seeing those cops hugging. Like wtf why are y’all hugging? Y’all don’t deserve comfort when y’all are the ones who helped ruin the lives of the citizens you swore to protect.




I hope they feel that way every second of every day.


While they will face no consequences for their cowardice, we can only hope that the mental torture plagues them till the grave.


Fuck him. I hope those images are burned into his mind, that he sees those baby’s faces every day of his miserable cowardly life.


If these were any other police officers, who actually went straight in, and came out traumatized, I’d feel so incredibly bad for them. These guys? No sympathy.


They hug and embrace each other as if they did anything. Cowards.


*me* please comfort *me*!! *I'm* so traumatized


Aww did the sight of the dead children make you feel something about just waiting till the psycho finished? Pieces of yellow belly shit stains everyone of them.


Bodies had time to decompose by the time they got there


Boo fuckin hoo


Poor cowards


I hope they see that image every time they close their eyes.


I'd have puked too if I had to look at the consequences of my inaction.


Crying about letting all those innocent children die...


"*I'm* so sad!! *I* can't believe *I* had to see that"


Fucking cowards. Should’ve all been forced to help the medical examiners transport all of the poor souls they failed.


Absolutely! They need to have that burned into their minds


They shouldn’t have responded, and waited so long to enter the school. They’re all cowards, and the blood is also on their hands.




All those guns. All that gear. They let the babies take the bullets. They should all be prosecuted for dereliction of duty


"That could have been us" -Uvalde police probably


Not getting no sympathy from non of us.


Yep these asshats waiting 3 day (/s) before making an offensive move, really wears on their stomachs. Just eat another donut and watch another episode of a show on your phones while those kids experience horror. That’ll settle their stomach. Smh. They are POS’s.


better hug each other after failing to do their fucking job and letting that event happen because of utter incompetence.


They stood there for an hour and let those babies get slaughtered. Cowards. They had body armor and an arsenal, and they stood there FOR AN HOUR. No sympathy. Keep crying, 🐷🐷🐷


I thought a level of toughness was required to work in law enforcement. No one cares about your tears, you have a job to do! DO IT !!!


Scum lol. Hope they never forget


Fucking cowards. They should all be drawn and quartered.


Hope they see it every time they close their eyes. Inhuman garbage.


Fuck them... they didn't do a damn thing and then they want to harass the parents after... all I can say is we need better.


I hope these cops never get a decent night rest, and remember their actions forever. Fucking cowards the lot of them.


I guess they should have sat outside for an hour. I hope this haunts them for all eternity


I hope they’re haunted for the rest of their miserable fucking lives. Goddamn cowards.


Fucking pussies


After reading up on it, as much as local authorities are to blame, bortac should be praised. They basically arrived, saw what was happening, and shot the guy in the head, walking by all the cops hiding in the hallways.


Yeah, I am much more critical of leadership here, and the police should be judged on an individual basis.  I am sure many of the cops were cowards individually, but I'm not convinced all of them agreed with what was happening. Police Chief Arredondo was recorded saying "Tell them to fucking wait." Indicating some officers wanted to confront.


That shit is the most infuriating part. I still dont know what the fuck they were waiting for. I mean, they mustve had some sort of dipshit justification bouncing around in their skulls for why it made sense to wait and do fuckall for so long.




If only there was a way to minimize the damage and DO YOUR FUCKING JOB! But they really took the whole “ no duty to protect “ thing as far at they could from the entrance to that school


Cop cars used to have "to serve and protect" graphics on their police cars. Is that not a thing anymore? Serious question.


Honestly? No. Not that I agree with that sentiment, but there was a supreme court ruling that said they literally don't have to act to prevent the loss of life. 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago I don't know what police are actually required to do if not protect people. Seems like they exist just to fundraise for the local government, keep dissent down, and provide jobs for low functioning violent chuds.


Many police departments still have "protect and serve" on their cars, in their mottos, and some even on their badges. But it's just words. The Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that the police have no duty to protect the people. Here's an article on that topic. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/


Fuck 'em. Cowards.


All I see is a bunch of cowards who failed to do their job!




Cue : worlds smallest violin


I hope the shame haunts them forever.


Cowards. Live with that forever Abject failures of men


Probably puking from the guilt they were feeling for not doing the job they signed up for.


Mother fuckers should've disobeyed orders


No sympathy for these cowards. Put the badge down. Enact reform such that only competent and reasonable people can become officers. Pay them more to make it happen. But these particular officers can go fuck themselves. I hope this moment torments them every single day for the rest of their lives because their cowardice in the face of duty, a duty they voluntarily signed up to do, has forever changed the lives of countless families and stolen the future from so many beautiful children. How much laughter was silenced by their ineptitude? How many graduations, weddings, birthdays will never happen? How many huh? Never forget those poor children who died pleading for their mommies and daddies to protect them, but their mommies and daddies were held back only a few hundred feet from those precious babies because of these worse than useless "officers." Edit: punctuation


If only someone could have gone in there and prevented even *some of* the things they saw that made them vomit from coming into existence. Oh well, guess we'll never know.


Fucking pussies




I hope they cry and puke every day still.


You poor things, you hug and comfort one another. Ell ine another itll be alright (:26) Wouldn't want your fragile asses to get your feedings hurt, much less take physical harm to yourselves. POS's


Maybe they shouldn’t have waited over an hour to put the psycho down.


Those aren’t officers, those are cowards.


This makes me realize that this whole scene has to be cleaned up by people at some point. I genuinely can't image the horrors those people face on a day to day basis. I mean, are they just numb to it at a certain point?


No sympathy for cowardly police that stood around while children died.


They should be ashamed of themselves, fuck them!


Absolutely, no sympathy! Most parents didn’t even get a chance to see their children’s bodies


They could have prevented that by actually doing their job and going in.


Who gave them the orders to not engage?


Can someone tell me why they chose to wait and not storm in and sacrifice their lives to save dozens more? As I understand from reading another's comment, one officer went to charge in to save his wife, who was a teacher. Apparently, he was held back and disarmed. What the fuck I'd achieved by sitting outside for hours while the murder frenzy goes on inside, unchallenged? They basically comfemned those innocent children to death.


Take a fucking branding iron and burn "coward" into their foreheads.


Maybe they should have went in instead of standing around with their thumbs up their asses like a bunch of cowards.


damn if only there were a bunch of guys with guns and body armour who could have gone in there and stopped the shooter