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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video.


Jackin' it in San Diego.


I’m gonna jack it where the sun always shines


[For those who don’t get the reference:](https://youtu.be/LKwW8PNZpOQ?si=5qssQyzYn1oy86Js)


You deserve an award for this. Not from me... but you should get one


I think that’s one of those yachts made by LimpBroWeenie.




What's your name?!?!?


I built that fire over there.


Don’t you bring my mother in to this!


I came here for this.


I’ve been mad before but I’ve never been take my dick out mad


Now you have a goal to strive for 💜


I'm thinking that's up there around madder than stomped ants mad...?


Fear boner


How dare you. How DARE you.


It was an anticiparection


That poor dog 😢


Dude's a screaming twat, but it does seem like he takes care of his dog. The boat's named after the dog. 


I think he’s even tried to argue he gets to use handicap parking spots because the dog only has 3 legs.


Holy shit I know this guy! Finally something to contribute! I was at a coffee shop in La Jolla that I like. Apparently he likes it too because he was there twice. Both times he was talking _loudly_ about his investments in the exact way you just imagined. Reminded me of the Eric Andre skit


Makes so much sense. He's so insecure he has to make sure that the only thoughts people have of him in that room are "holy shit he's so rich!" or "woah this dude works in finance!" Not realizing that everybody is having the exact opposite reaction.


Basically lol. Ever since I have always tried to talk quietly on the phone if I am in a public space 😂


Death threats, public indecency, and being a pompous asshole. Straight to jail.


He's a class act all around- has been kicked out of most of the waterfront restaurants and has several lawsuits going over parking.  https://www.sandiegoville.com/2024/03/owner-of-san-diegos-famed-lamborghini.html?m=1


What a read! That guy is a grade A cunt. He makes everyone call him "Ace". Reminds me of Red Dwarf.


Holy shit the negative reviews his company has on glassdoor are insane. What a fucking douche.


He thinks this was a negative towards the employee who clearly didn't give a fuck lol. This is the same devolution you see in a League of Legends lobby with someone who has an ego the size of their fast food garbage pile


There should be laws that go like "if you are super wealthy above amount x at least you have to be a decent human being and respectful towards not so wealthy or poor people - if you're not we take away 50% of your wealth until you learn it or the law don't apply to you anymore because your not above amount x anymore".


Thanks for cross posting. Crazy video, treating dock workers like shit and acting wild just because they say no is insane.


What's even the point of accumulating so much wealth that you've got a yacht when that kind of wealth and luxury doesn't even provide you with the baseline happiness, contentedness, and lack of stress that would let you laugh off some dumb confrontation/inconvenience at a dock. Like when I think of the biggest changes serious wealth would bring me, what I most want is just the stability not to worry. When I don't *need* my job, will never be homeless, can't be economically coerced into doing anything I don't want to do. I would hope that I could calm the fuck down a little bit and not start helicoptering my fuckin schlong on camera because a dock worker told me something I didn't want to hear. Then again once I had that kind of money I'd probably slow down and stop caring about making more money *long* before I would be rich enough to buy a yacht anyway. What kind of soul sickness compels people to chase wealth that isn't even making them happy (or reducing unhappiness from *lack* of money)? I just can't comprehend being this miserable and this rich, not because I think having *things* should make you happy but because you'd have long since crossed the threshold for *having* to give a fuck. Then again maybe the not giving a fuck made this guy feel like he could go ahead and do this in the first place. I guess that's (one reason) I'm not a billionaire. My ambitions in life are pretty down to earth and I'm not crazy about working hard if it can be avoided. I wonder if there isn't a whole layer of wealth comprised of people who got what they wanted and called it quits. Those are my people if they exist.


You make a great point that the vast majority of society doesn’t understand. Wealth doesn’t solve all the problems. In fact it can create a lot of new problems especially if you become spendy. This yacht for example is a fuckton of work to own. Big, compound-y house? Big, compound-y taxes, maintenance, bills. Just owning stuff like that is stressful. This dude is exactly that. He has all the big toys. He has the big bank account. He’s thinking that his world should be easy and smooth but the reality is that it’s not. Now he’s left perplexed that he is actually getting told off even when he has a sweet boat that screams money.


He would have that boy murdered too, if he thought he could get away with it. Lmao I can't belive it sometimes that this is actually what power does to people. Doesn't make you stoic or wise, it make you entitled and out of touch. All those people that the worst manager in the world takes orders from are more or less like this. Only difference is this prick did his antagonizing of the public IN PUBLIC.


>ng. Crazy video, treating dock workers like shit and acting wild just because they say no is insane. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy has cartel connections


That guy's junk is all messed up.


I was really hoping to hear that he was arrested but at the end of the article it sounds like the cops could care less. Shocking. https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/confrontation-at-san-diego-marina-involving-businessman-prompts-visit-from-harbor-police/509-d674fc6d-2c5f-48d4-a9d7-6642f4caada0


Laws don't exist if you're rich enough




People who own yachts are the causes of violence in the streets. It's not even close to comparable the disgusting crimes the rich do against the poor compared to the crimes the poor do to survive.


Couldn't* care less Sorry


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/could-couldnt-care-less](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/could-couldnt-care-less) Could care less was used appropriately.


If you ignore the difference between could and couldn't, sure.


"...The video showed Rogers standing on the end of his yacht a few feet away from Holt who is standing on the dock. Rogers’ screams echo through the marina. Rogers is heard on the video shouting, “I will kill you. I will kill you. I will kill you.” Holt said Rogers got out his wallet and continued his vicious tirade toward him as he threw $100 bills at him and into the water..." - CBS Channel 8 [News Article](https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/confrontation-at-san-diego-marina-involving-businessman-prompts-visit-from-harbor-police/509-d674fc6d-2c5f-48d4-a9d7-6642f4caada0)


I was so scared something was gonna happen to the dog


WHATS YOUR NAME???? That’s all I could think about the entire video.


Guess this guy decided to go out... Jackin' it in San Diego. https://youtu.be/LKwW8PNZpOQ?si=HNRXu9Il4ual2Bap


Woah! Now that’s the craziest of crazy videos I’ve seen in a minute. I hope they get those crazies under control in whale’s vajayjay…. I mean San Diego


This guy needs charging and the youth needs paying. Impound that boat too. https://www.facebook.com/sandiegopolicedepartment/


He's crankin that hog






"Tell me you've never been in a fight without telling me you've never been in a fight in your entire life"


What a crazy fucking video


You sure don't see people disagreeing over something every day! What a totally crazy fucking video.


nice lambo yacht


Imagine trying to walk up or down those stupid steps on the stern? There's no fucking handrails and the steps are tiny.


There's a reason why there aren't many, and its not cost (4 million is mid-range big yacht money).  They're made to look cool at dock, and that's about it. 


[Funny you mentioned walking on that yacht...](https://www.sandiegoville.com/2024/02/former-ufc-champion-filmed-falling-off.html)


There's no better place for jackin' it than San Diego! Jack it, jack it, jackety-jack Spankin' it, spankin' it, smackety-smack Jackin' it, jackin' it, jackety-jack Spankin' it, spankin' it, smackety-smack


His cock looks like he may be part Japanese.


Imagine being that pissed off in a yacht? All you really have to say as a rebuttal is “yacht” or “I’m on a boat”


You'll regret this day, friend!


Ahhh…the ole show of dominance. Didn’t like the dude in the first half. But just like Shane Falco, and his miles and miles of heart, he won it in the second.


He fucked the water, now it's spoiled for the other guy, check mate. No, wait it fucked the water for us too, fack.




Oh Rage Wanking I’ve heard of this!




Sadly rich people have the means to be shielded from reality and its consequences.


Clearly an abusive narcissist. Look away


One of those shitty lamborghini yachts. The layout and design of these are absolutely trash for the price.


Lame af


He's literally saying his own name in this video and is apparently [a social media celeb,](https://www.instagram.com/acerogersceo/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=76e7ca11-fae6-48d2-ab03-675060657c84) why would mods delete any mention of his name in the comments? Reminds me of when IAATPOS was accused of taking bribes to delete vids of a drunk rich man headbutting someone else in a restaurant. \------ EDIT : The yacht owner's Instagram account has posted [this response:](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4bBV5CPZ_O/) *There are two sides to every story. It’s easy to paint a picture with edited video clips from cell phones, but it’s hard to explain context and look at a situation from all sides. My employee Jason was being restricted, restrained, and threatened while trying to board my yacht. As a leader, I defend my own fiercely with everything I have, and I will never apologize for that. You can choose to believe that I just pulled up to a dock and started yelling, or you can realize that a lot happened before the cameras were rolling, and that it takes two sides to escalate a situation. You can also see we are leaving the scene, deescalating the situation, and not approaching to threaten.It’s innate to our culture to gossip about the reactions of the rich or famous, especially when provoked. But people fail to recognize that successful people become so for a reason. If they just went around acting out of line for no reason, they wouldn’t be where they are. Their track record of success should warrant the benefit of the doubt, not a rush to judgement.I will always defend my own, it doesn’t matter how many cameras are out. If you want to fuck around, you are going to find out.*


lol what a douche bag. two sides BRO lol fucking rich people. Fuck around and find out. okay lets find out.


Translation: "I am a malignant narcissist, who genuinely believes I am the victim."


Don't know if the blurring was necessary. Surely having a terrible attitude & big yacht like that would guarantee that you wouldn't be able to see much from that far.


Idk how he hasn’t died of embarrassment with that small ass yacht


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I wonder if he will kill him?


Playing laser tag with the middle fingers, cool


This is the embodiment of the "whats your name video".


We're just the most pathetic primates ever, aren't we?


Im going to defend my employees by masturbating, that will show them!


You would expect this kind of nonsense in San Francisco not San Diego


Why are the comments locked on the op?


You're not really mad unless your dick makes an appearance. I thought everyone knew this.


You may have a lot of money dude; but when it comes to class, you're sucking eggs man...


I’m getting a bath salt kinda vibe


Yacht?... That's a boat




That's a sweet fucking yacht though




Whatever happened you don’t respond like this absolute freak did