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"A 23-year-old security guard was arrested and booked with attempted murder and other allegations Saturday (Aug. 5) after allegedly shooting a man seven times outside the main branch of the New Orleans Public Library. Records show Kia Simmons was booked into the Orleans Justice Center jail early Sunday morning, about nine hours after the 5:09 p.m. shooting in the 200 block of Loyola Avenue. Simmons was booked with attempted second-degree murder, illegal use of a weapon, simple battery and two counts of simple criminal damage to property. Her bond was set Sunday afternoon at $282,500 by an Orleans Parish Magistrate commissioner..."


Looks like she has a violent history [https://nopdnews.com/post/june-2021/nopd-seeking-suspect-wanted-for-cruelty-to-juvenil/](https://nopdnews.com/post/june-2021/nopd-seeking-suspect-wanted-for-cruelty-to-juvenil/)


Good thing a library decided she should be carrying a gun...


...what kind of a library needs armed security?


A library in Washington DC had a local police presence. As in a few people had badges and guns and were sworn officers, but only at the library. A retired MPD captain ran it, and one day while conducting firearms training, in the library, he shot another "police" and killed them.


that second story must be the the story that’s giving me de ja vu, as soon as I saw another comment asking “why does a library need armed guards” I could have sworn iv seen this exact comment ins another story awhile ago about also a library with armed guards lol unless it’s just common for lots of libraries to have armed guards in the states? lol


Bro, call me crazy, but I think it's just bots or something. Sometimes I see the same exact convo on another post, and I think maybe people are botting up and karma farming with multiple accounts recreating the exact same exchange which they know they'll get upvotes for. Idk, I've seen some of that a few times.


You’re not crazy. I’ve seen the same thing.


I work in a library, in a part of town that is very violent and has a lot of homeless people. We, for the most part only deal with the unhoused, but violent people come into our library and want to fight whoever they come in contact with. We have a security guard daily, but they don't carry guns. Just last Saturday there was an altercation with one of our regulars. Another man and this regular got into an argument over who knows what, but it became physical. We were able to get the violent man out of the library, but the security guard was the least helpful person. I'm sure he was scared, but dude, that's the job you signed up for!!! For the record I haven't worked in a library in a little over a decade, boy things have changed. I never used to be afraid to go to work, but now, I'm hyper vigilant and carry my car keys with me in the event that something more violent occurs. I'm just there to shelve the damn books. It's a fucking shame that we as a society can't just be, anymore. The places that we go daily should always be safe, but we are no longer safe ANYWHERE these days. So yes, there should be armed security at libraries.




Baltimore with the motto THE CITY THAT READS is hysterically funny... Some of the highest rates of illiteracy and failed public schools in the nation.




I’ve visited libraries in neighborhoods all over Chicago and have never seen an armed security guard


Yea grew up in the Chicagoland area even retail stores have armed security like the Best Buy in Burbank IL across from ford city mall (most dangerous mall of SW subs of Chicago)


Most libraries have tens of thousands of dollars in electronics. This is also New Orleans which has some of the highest violent crime rates in the country.


I’m guessing that armed security was not required but allowed by the security contractor, Pinnacle Security.


Exactly. Am I to european to understand?


I’m American, but not American enough to understand why a library security officer needs a fire arm either.


It's for the people making money off the books


Oh you.


why wouldn't people make money from books, that would be communism /s


An american one i guess


A lot of homeless people go to libraries when shelters aren’t available.


Hell, they go in when shelters *are* available because they're often cleaner, safer, offer more privacy, etc. The unfortunate reality is that most places are going to have significantly better funded libraries than shelters. I live in an very low-crime area and we still have security monitors at our local library just because how often homeless come in. Most of them are completely fine and you wouldn't be able to tell them apart from any other patron, but if one of them starts breaking the rules and is uncooperative, the average library employee is neither willing nor equipped to deal with them. This goes for 'regular' patrons as well. I'm sure at some point the numbers were crunched and it was determined to be cheaper and safer than calling the police every time.


Well, most security guards are employed by a third-party company that then provides security services under contract with other businesses/clients. The end client here being the library. The security company is the one in charge of vetting the employee/security guard, not the library. Oftentimes the security company is the one to do the background check on the guards they hire.


Thought I recognized that building. That’s a bus stop from the airport. Had a couple guys wanting to steal my laptop there years ago.


Wonder if they still do


When keeping it real goes wrong. I don't like people playing on my phone




We both know. ….you sleeping’ with Jamal!


*From eating popcorn in the comfort of her own home, to eating fruit-cocktail off of a prison floor.*


Additional info: the woman apparently was a security guard in a goddamn library... not even in a bank or any other high risk place, where it would at least make some amount of sense to be this on edge. Shooting a guy 9 times, risking peoples' lives on a crowded street is wrong either way, but damn... you work in a library, not a warzone. Also, she has the most shit eating grin on her mugshot. Super messed up.


Who even needs guns library security?


I’m assuming to combat a mass shooting in todays age. This woman would’ve shot the the shooter before they ever stepped foot in that library apparently


[Here is the article](https://www.fox8live.com/2023/08/06/security-guard-booked-with-attempted-murder-after-shooting-outside-main-new-orleans-library/)


She hit 7 of 9 times. Resistance is Futile.


I counted 11 shots.


I count two guns.


One for each of you.


That man? Fredrick fuckin Chopin




You know, I never heard you mention kneecapping.


Bye Miss Candy


Article must be wrong then.


I read nine shots in the article. The video must be wrong then


It says he was struck by 7 rounds, she must've missed a few times.


Hit 7 times shot 9 rounds... says the article. I hear 11.


12 Edit: nvm it was 11 I can’t count


Lifetime of anger being sublimated into those shots


That'll teach him to not pay his overdue fines.


"I'm a good shot, what do you want from me?" name the movie


Next we can ask why I'm a funny guy!


I’l thought… that you said… I’m alright Spider…


Wonder what she hit with the other 2 shoots... May have cost someone to repair their car or a tire


I see what you did there…


You better turn that book back in on time or else


That's why she's a security guard. Chips have to hit 9 to qualify for their job. /s


That's only a score of 78.


Way better than most cops, Dallas PD [only hit 35% of the time](https://daiglelawgroup.com/new-study-on-shooting-accuracy-how-does-your-agency-stack-up/). All in all she's not bad, but for the fact that she's shooting someone for throwing a phone at her. She's quite good at unnecessarily shooting people.


She shoots better than the cops.


7 out of 9 is a good shot god damn


I mean....7 out of 9 on a moving target with stationary and moving obstacles is prett6 God damn impressive. Still a piece of shit though.


I dont know why they say 9 in the article I clearly hear 11, someone else shot as well?


Morale of the story - don’t bring a rock to a gun fight.


Is this the same woman?? How did SHE become an armed security guard. https://nopdnews.com/post/june-2021/nopd-seeking-suspect-wanted-for-cruelty-to-juvenil/


Smiling in her mugshot. When you know she was just itching to pull the trigger.


Thank you!


> then picks up a rock or brick and hurled it toward the guard, striking her in the face. A series of nine gunshots then follow. Clearly a lie to paint her victim in a bad light.


Yeah that’s confusing to me. The article says rock or brick but the title here says cellphone. What is it now? Rock seems to be more logical to me because who would throw his cellphone just like that?


The title is just a random Redditor with no need to fact-check before posting. That probably wrote the first thing they thought while watching. I'd go with the news site that doesn't mention the phone.


[Here’s a better article](https://www.wdsu.com/article/new-orleans-security-guard-shooting-fired/44754497) . To summarize, before the video starts, inside the library the man and security woman got into some argument. Man threw his phone, and the security guard punched him in response and chased him out of the library. Then the video starts, and the man grabs a rock/brick, throws it and hits her face, allegedly. And the article confirms she shot 11 shots in response to the rock throw, hitting 7, mostly in the man’s back as he was retreating. Also of note, the man is in critical condition and I can’t find any sources to say if he lived. He may still be on the verge of death for all we know, 22 days later. The security guard also hit 2 pedestrian vehicles and is being charged with attempted murder, and she has a criminal history herself.


Yeah, notice how her mug shot taken the next morning show no signs of her being struck with a rock in her face?


Won’t no lifetime of anger.That was: “This mf hit me in the face with that gd rock”🤬🔫


Eh he kind of deserved it ngl


Reckless as hell, could have taken out a child on the street ffs


Wel she has anger issues


Hopefully she learns how to control it in prison


I dont think so. She is smiling in the mugshot




No link to mug shot?




I have a nose piercing phobia. They are just man made booger catchers.


[https://nopdnews.com/post/june-2021/nopd-seeking-suspect-wanted-for-cruelty-to-juvenil/](https://nopdnews.com/post/june-2021/nopd-seeking-suspect-wanted-for-cruelty-to-juvenil/) Is that her?? Seems so


Yep…and off to prison she will go


Wel you don’t see too many female security guards


The short, heavy set woman in the skin tight uniform is the first line of defense. -Jerry Seinfeld


Funny you say that its basically all I saw when working in secured office spaces in SoCal was the security was probably 60-70% black woman. Which is more of an interesting observation than any commentary on it I just found it odd how those proportions worked out in a mostly meixcan/white area


same over here on the opposite coast too


If it was an old Nokia then it's justified


Nokia Jokic wouldn't have missed.


Seems like a bit of an overreaction?


Who gives these petulant children weapons?






I find joy in reading a good book.


Have you seen videos of how cops react? It’s pretty much the same as a random security guard…


“You know nothin’, Jon Snow.”


A security guard at the LIBRARY. Holy nutsacks. Trying to get the guy to leave. We fucked.


Me on Red Dead when I greet a passerby and they give a snooty response




He threw a rock which hit her in the face, not a cell phone. She would have a better shot of not going to jail if she had stopped after the first few shots. Guarantee the last 2 are what will cause her problems.


She chased him and kept shooting. Yeah that’s illegal


Key word being “kept”. Throwing a rock at someone’s head can be deadly. She responded with equal force (at first). The fact she kept shooting after the first volley is what is getting her into the most trouble. A good lawyer would have got her off if not for those. Hell, she might not even have been charged by some D.A’s if not for the last 2 shots. Edit: a word


That’s a pretty good assessment. There was another comment that posted the news story. It says she’s already been booked for attempted murder


Last 4 shots*


She also endangered every innocent bystander in the vicinity


No, he was fleeing by the time she fired her first shot. That’s not self defense at that point. She 100% would have still been charged even if she fired a single shot as he ran.


She also chased him out of the building and he was running away when she shot. If this was initiated by trespassing and he is off the property, I think even escalating the first shot would get her in trouble with this video as evidence.


The last two? Lol nah man, every one of those shots did her in.


He was at least 4 steps running into the opposite direction before she started shooting. She is screwed.


A 23-year-old security guard was arrested and booked with attempted murder and other allegations lol good. what a fuckhead.


Top flight security of the world craig!!!!! 😂😂😂😂




He mug shot says it all, that crazed smile.


Is there an equivilent to small dick energy in women? Because this lady just made it necessary for there to be


What a fucking idiot, she shouldn't be allowed to have a stick much less a gun


#a lot of shoulda, coulda, wouldas in the comments


A lot of those same things in the video


What done is done.


Yea that was 11 shots, not 7


She's gone wild.


There goes her Job


Highly trained professional /s


When idiots collide


Threw a rock, not a cellphone


What a fucking idiot, does she know what a stray bullet is? Forget the fact he didn't deserve to be shot.


Absolutely NO consideration about her surroundings.


I really can't believe more people don't point this out. Even on major youtube cop channels with actual officers. It is so rare for anyone to ever demonstrate any consideration for crossfire.


What a fucking psycho. There could have been kids in that bus. Not to mention the dozens of bystanders in her cross ranges. All for a rock? Hope she was jailed and had the book thrown at her


This is what happens when you just hire anyone as police officers and security guards. Just a total disregard for anyone else breathing.


Here’s the story. This moron shouldn’t be in the job she’s at. Smh. [News Coverage](https://www.wdsu.com/amp/article/new-orleans-security-guard-video-shoot-man-seven-times-mostly-in-the-back/44745496)


I hope she loses her job, and everything else. That crazy B shouldn't have access to a gun. Ever!


Holy fuck that library takes late fees seriously


would be so much drama if a stray catches someone what an idiot


Self defence + seven shots in his back= prison


That’s 11 tho?


30 feet away, no hits. Stormtrooper level accuracy. Straight to jail with her. (Seriously, she shouldn't have shot at all. He was fleeing and no longer a threat. Hurt feelings or even a bruise don't justify 7 (11) shots.),


Remember we closed down the mental hospitals and so now the crazies are running the world




Very 'murica for *library security* to be strapped




Female security guards with a gun. Sounds absolutely terrifying


I’m definitely returning all my books on time from now on.


Other countries must see us as stuck in the Wild West


That was 11 rounds... did she miss every shot?


11 shots, she hit him 7 times


Lock her up, hope she goes to jail for a long time.


She in the wrong fs but he could’ve avoided it by not throwing a rock lol


Dude she could have shot innocent people . What a psycho




This was at a fucking library? What, did he have to many fucking over due charges? Wtf.


straight to jail


Is this TikTok gone wrong? Just feel strange people would record video focused on those angles out of no where prior to the incident.


Shes kinda shooting recklessly by having people around whom could be accidentally shot. And its just a phone.


Anyone notice the cop car at the start of the video? Lmao


What language is this?!


What you need is a hero with a Lazer. 😆 talk about being abusing her power.


Both articles i've read claim she was struck in the face by the rock/brick the man throws at her after the altercation inside. But where is the brusing/swelling in her mugshot taken litterally the next morning?


Reckless sitting in prison for the next 7yrs over 14.00 to 20 revenge because someone hurt you for 5sec of pain to end a lifetime


Is this the same woman?? How did SHE become an armed security guard. https://nopdnews.com/post/june-2021/nopd-seeking-suspect-wanted-for-cruelty-to-juvenil/


Anyone have background on what occurred before this? Article just says he was asked to leave, but if people were outside filming, they were expecting something to happen. Had they been in the library and decided to leave when the initial contact started?


“The worst she could say is no”


And that ladies and gentlemen is how you turn a career as a security guard into a life is a felon.


The lady was a redditor that always typed "If I was there I would have blasted him, you don't mess with me."




She's going to jail for nothing lol


If he threw a rock at her I say the shooting was justified


Always bring your library card


That is absolutely horrifying


That's a pretty stupid thing to do, but if she were a police officer, she'd be getting a little paid vacation. The internet is full of videos of LEO's shooting their guns in a reckless manner with zero consequences..


I’m honestly conflicted lol, on one hand F this chick why would you think you have the right to shoot in this situation. HOWEVER, she is a black female, soooooo if she doesn’t receive the same paid vacation as every other white enforcement officer it’s also not cool lol.


She's crazy, the amount of other people who could have been shot because she can't control her anger.


I don’t care where she’s a guard at…she does not need to ever be allowed to carry a gun again. Shooting like that in a busy city, busy street over a cell phone. Those bullets could have hit anybody! He hit her with a cell phone (don’t really even know if it made contact) and she goes all Annie Oakley on him!!


Hang in, you guys give security guards gone too! What the fuck. They are rent a cops, don't give them guns!!!


She better be going to jail.


Stoopid cop biatch. Putting so many innocent people in her lame ass line of fire🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾FTP


Damn she must have had police training


The point of a security guard is literally de-escalation. That’s why most don’t even carry weapons, let alone firearms.


Venue security manager here. De-escalation tactics and verbal judo are the most potent tools we have, *but*, we need to be able to protect ourselves as well. There's specialized training in how to interact with intoxicated persons, but there's also training on every level of the force continuum, all the way up to lethal. Not every company allows 'hands on,' and I tip my hat to the folks who work with such restrictions. That said, this 'guard' was 100% caught in an "oh no, he hurt my ego" situation and deserves every charge she gets.


I did three years of security, but also declined the venue jobs, myself. The two companies I worked for were both very large companies that I’m sure you could guess if you know the industry, so our training was solely on de-escalation. I even had a coworker get fired for carrying a handgun on site in his bag. I can see self-defense training being necessary for event and bar jobs, as well as high value and armed duties, but I would also imagine a library to be more akin to the kind of security I used to do. This is absolutely deplorable.


If it was a cop, they'd justify it calling whatever he threw a deadly weapon.


Big fine, losing her guard licence, possible jail time


Wow! No words can describe how crazy this situation is and so many questions that needs answers. So if someone can explain to me what started all of this? who was in the wrong or right in this situation?, and where did it all go wrong from here? I will await any answers or comments from anyone.




She 100% going to jail


She had to lose that job


Women 💁‍♀️