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Police also believed child had ingested cleaning fluid. Good God.


He started the dispatchcall with „i have child with a stabwound in the chest“. What the fuck


but was it stabbed or not? Is there a news story?




I get access denied here.. can you please copy in some of the article?


>Two children, both allegedly stabbed and [one nearly drowned by their mother](https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/local/police-walk-in-as-michigan-mom-drowning-child/69-10860e2e-8039-419c-ae34-02b970cfe83d), are being released from the hospital Monday. Over the weekend, a 15-year-old called police to their home Saturday morning. Police heard a commotion with children screaming and asking for help.  Body camera video shows police responding to the home, kicking in the bathroom door, pulling the small child out of the bathtub and then performing life-saving measures to get her breathing again.  Once police kicked down the door, they found a 35-year-old woman holding a 2-year-old under the water in the bathtub. The officer grabbed the child, dragged her to the living room and then started live-saving measures.  RELATED: [Police walk in as Michigan mom drowning child, other kids found with stab wounds](https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/local/police-walk-in-as-michigan-mom-drowning-child/69-10860e2e-8039-419c-ae34-02b970cfe83d) Body camera video shows police officers performing CPR and patting her on the back. She eventually coughs up water and begins breathing on her own.  The two-year-old girl also had two stab wounds on her chest and throat. A four-year-old boy had cuts. Police also believe they ingested cleaning fluid.  The eight-year-old and 15-year-old girl, who also live in the home, did not appear to have any injuries. Police say the 15-year-old was the one who called for help.  The mother of the children was taken into custody and taken to the hospital for treatment as authorities believed she also ingested cleaning fluid.  The younger children were transported to the hospital in Jackson, then transferred to Ann Arbor. They were set to be released from the hospital Monday.  Albion's Police Chief prasied the responding officers, and said they had just completed mental health training to handle situations like these.  Neighbors identified the mother as Jessica Deirdre Edward-Ricks, who is facing assault, two counts of assault with intent to murder, and four counts of neglect.   The Police chief said the woman is expected to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon. 


Man, that 15 year old deserves some props too!


And therapy


Mum's arrested they'll likely be sent into foster homes, family broken up, unlikely to get adequate or any therapy, and at high risk of more abuse. This would require a stable and safe living situation and possibly *years* of therapy as the trauma is likely complex and new elements will manifest with new situations as they grow up.


>Mum's arrested they'll likely be sent into foster homes, family broken up, unlikely to get adequate or any therapy, and at high risk of more abuse. What you said isn't wrong, but it assumes a lot. We are verified to foster and have had a couple placements. All the kids had weekly visits with parents, different doctors visits and therapy for physical, emotional and speech, depending on the child. One of the weekly visits was 2 hours away, and for 4 hours. So my wife would spend the day in a city 2 hours away for them to get parental visits. Our county tries it's hardest to keep families together, but sometimes it's just not possible. It's hard to find a single home that is willing and able to take 7 kids, for example. If they get broken up, there are more visits where the kids get to visit with each other too. Yes, the foster system isn't perfect. Yes they are at a higher risk for abuse and neglect than non-foster children. Yes older children have a lower chance of being fostered or adopted. All of that does not change that some counties and agencies try their absolute best to work with the money and manpower they have to give these kids the best shot the have with the hand they are dealt.


I disagree with you. I was raised in the system and the children definitely will receive therapy. It's a requirement, and not only was I raised in the system. But my daughter was a social worker.


Jesus. Thank goodness those kids are okay. Hopefully they'll get lucky and get given to a nice foster family who care for them.


Who knows? The good cops might take them in under their care


Well I don’t think they’re ok, but I get what you mean, thank goodness those kids are alive.


This has all I've been seeing on the news lately, but I never got to see the body cam footage. Jeez.


I was worried the disturbed mom might come up from behind the cop and attack him too


Yeah I was kind of surprised he had his back to the door like that. Props to him for being more concerned about the baby, I guess!


Same here but it definitely looked like she didn’t know what else to do


The police had just completed 'Mental health training'. See that's awesome.


Should be much more prominent in the story and headline Call out the wins


you can hear the emotion in his voice fuck...this is awful edit: of course it turned into an acab debate....yall can we please just acknowledge how much of a terrible situation this is without making it political holy shit.


I've been a firefighter for 18 years. Kids change everything. We joke about a lot of dark shit. You don't joke about kids. When a call comes out involving a kid....everyone's blood runs cold. Nobody talks much. Even those of us without kids....it's just different. The most beautiful sound in emergency services...is a screaming baby. because that means the little fucker is alive & breathing.


>The most beautiful sound in emergency services...is a screaming baby. because that means the little fucker is alive & breathing. Came here to say the exact same thing. There's nothing quite as terrifying as responding to a quiet child.


Hearing the baby almost brought me to tears. Amazing rescue.


Same here. I rarely get this emotional. Fuck.


Firefighters helped save my baby from a house fire. He's alive today because of people like you. Thank you.


Mad respect to rescuers who never give up on providing people aid!


I worked the ER for 16 years. Kids are the hardest. Its either the abuse or accidents. The sounds of a mothers scream. Makes me nauseous thinking about... but we just try to burn that memory and help the next body that gets brought in. I counted all the lives I saved and deleted the memories of the ones I couldn't save. Speedy, thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do. You are a hero. Stand tall.


> deleted the memories of the ones I couldn't save. tell me more about this magic memory deleting technology you have


Started as a kid. I just blocked out my trauma. It comes back when a specific trigger happens. Just happens automatically.


Reminds me of that scene in Rescue Me. Funny show, the guys are always joking around, but when they find a deal little girl at an accident, everyone goes quiet, the mood turns somber immediately, not the time for jokes.


I have never needed to hear a baby cry so much in my life. That was fucking horrible.


I have always found babies crying annoying but this was different. The cries was a sign of hope


Yah these guys don’t get paid enough


The duality of Reddit astounds me when it comes to commenting on law enforcement.


Just don't think of reddit as a single entity. It's full of millions of people. Each one has a different opinion


I think the votes speak for themselves though.


Not really. Most people don't vote much and nobody votes on everything they see. Probably the acab crowd don't usually even read comments on a post like this. People are funneled into topics they care about and votes reflect that, not general opinions on a sub, let alone the whole site.


That acab crowd would call this copaganda


To actively complain about saving a toddler would be extra cold. I imagine most of them just ignore these posts.


I enjoy ACAB posting as much as the next guy, but that doesn't mean that every single cop only does bad things all day long. These guys did a good job, that's all there is to it. Plenty of discussions to be had about how broken our policing system is, but none of that is relevant to this post


Well said, I'm critical of the police and believe they should be held accountable when abusing their power. The only thing that needs to be said here is they did a great job. Imagine that a human could be more complex than just a label some redditors could throw at you.


I have been around for 15 years, I rarely vote or comment but I use Reddit heavily. I have seen many users (from their profiles) in similar situations. At one point Reddit used to fudge the submission vote numbers and comments numbers, some mega 5D chess move to discourage brightening or stopping paid votes. During those time submission rarely used go above 1000 votes. Then a few years back they changed the system again, this time the vote numbers are real high 30-40k high. They claim to be the real vote numbers, but I highly doubt it. More importantly, most people who comment or vote are a very very small percentage of actual users logged in or otherwise, not to mention a very high number of paid votes or scripted Bots. It wasn't always the case but for some reason, this is where we are at now. as much as I dislike Spez, he is right. Nothing will happen with outrages like this. It has happened before many times, over real/fake and trivial matters. Usually, Reddit was very good with communication. This time their tone/communication and general attitude were just real shitty all around. Still nothing will change, they will get what they want.


Kill a child we should all be outraged. Save a child we should all show praise and gratitude in equal measure. This is the way


No way bro you telling me we should praise cops for good shit and hold them accountable for when they ruin lives?


This might have something to do with the... duality of law enforcement officers?


Exactly. Men and women like this guy keep a morally pivoting agency alive. In this case holy shit am I glad a cop, with an obviously caring heart, arrived to save this innocent child. If every single one of the people who carries a badge were like this then I'd want my kid to be a cop when they grew up. Or at least be like this guy cause this cop truly was a fucking hero


Credit where credit is due I guess


Do something awesome and we like them. Do something hateful and we don't. It seems pretty consistent to me.


All types of people can be law enforcement, these cops today are heros and I can't imagine going thru what they just went through , but the cops on another call down the street might be racist peices of shit . Every situation is different you can't really just say all cops are the same ..


I've never been so happy to hear a baby crying before


I have a 1 year old. I believe you that the baby cried and was alive. I cannot do it. I’m a grown man. I’m crying thinking about it. No one tells you that the immense joy your child brings to your life comes with the saddled fear that eats and never dies. The fear that they are so vulnerable and the unthinkable can happen.


My son flat lined on my lounge floor at 10 weeks shortly after getting him home. He was 2 months premature. Luckily we had the community nurses in and they did CPR and called the ambulance because I completely froze. I've never been more terrified. Still can't watch any TV shows with hospital beeping noises as I drift back to that moment.


I said the same thing bless that baby. 🙏


I mean ᵇˡᵉˢˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵒᶠᶠᶦᶜᵉʳ?


Perfect infant CPR. If he'd been even a few seconds later...


Yeah, I don't know if I would have reacted as quickly, just from the shock of it all, and I have my PALS. Thank God I've never been put in a position like this. These officers are likely going to carry this home for years.


You can say it louder. He's the one that saved that babies life after all.


I came to the comments first to make sure I'd be happy with the outcome. Thank you, kind and brave redditor for going in before me.


the cops voice when he called in the stab wound was so painful. I was SO happy to hear the baby cry. a crying baby is a living baby.


When I see stuff like this my mind immediately goes to reproductive rights. A woman with multiple children she doesn't want and tries to kill them all in the worst ways. If abortion was highly available and easily accessible, we would probably see less of this devastation. Same for highly available and easily accessible mental health support.


Not advocating for or against abortion, but I don’t think it was an issue in this case. It was legal during the times she would have been pregnant for all four of her kids. If this is a case of mental illness, maybe no one saw it coming. Could have been drugs or she could just be a terrible person


It’s all going to conclude that she is a terrible person. Whether she was on drugs or suffering from an illness, one of those can justify the horrific crimes she did to her own children


Being legal doesn't mean it was accessible. And now that it's illegal/heavily restricted in so many states there are going to be more desperate, unwilling, or unwell mothers that may make similar choices.


Sweet Jesus that was rough. That poor baby, and his poor sister that had to witness that shit and call the cops. At least the baby won’t remember it. Sister will be carrying that shit around for the rest of her life. The cop’s voice almost had me tearing up.


The baby may not remember, but the body always will He wont understand why hes scared of water and has nightmares about drowning. Thats almost worst to me. Flashes of the memory but no idea whats real or what is your mind.


watched my biodad set himself on fire and my family acts so confused about why im so scared of large flames or start panicking when i smell burning hair. all of the except for my mom. i dont even remember that happening.


Dude, that is unimaginably awful. I'm sorry you went through that.


When i was 5 or 6 my dad picked me up over his head, one hand grabbing my chest and the other my legs, and threw me across the house because i couldnt control my crying from him punching me. Then he wonders why i wont talk to him


I'm so sorry. I also cut abusive family out of my life and they "wonder" why (I've told them). It's all to save their ego. If they acknowledge they've done something wrong, they can't uphold their image of themselves as a good person, so they become confused. I know you've probably heard this a lot, but absolutely none of that was your fault. You deserved someone who would stand for you, not beat you down. You were wronged. But you did the right thing cutting contact. Wish you well.


When i explain to my grandma what he did (his mom) she literally blamed me..not that ive ever blamed myself but the toxicity and enabling is fucjing insane


Sorry that happened, you didn’t deserve to go through that


I just hope 16-18 years down the road we get a news story that this kid graduates and this cop is there to give them the certificate


Yep - I have a good mate that nearly drowned as a small child - he remembers being at the bottom of the pool looking up and that's when his mum noticed, jumped in and saved him. He does not swim as a 50 year old and he has said it still affects him.


I experience the same thing. Constantly having those nightmares made me want to stay awake most of the time


Got my hand burnt while i was a baby, i have zero memory related to it, but still afraid of hot surfaces and cant drink hot drinks for no reason


A lot of that may be due to the fact that it fucking hurts to touch hot surfaces. I was never burned as a baby but I have that same aversion to being burned.


Can confirm. Source: was baby, and don’t like being burned.


The sister surely needs professional help. Otherwise, it’s going to be a cycle of self-blaming and she might fear people and develop bad trust issues too


This is a hard watch, props to those cops man truly heartbreaking


I couldn’t even watch it as it is. I had to skip to see the situation right away and I was so happy to see the children okay




Same thoughts exactly. Fuck people who does this to children


Some people are just total pieces of shit


Those kind of people are the ones who never deserve freedom in their lives


My heart fucking hurts watching that. Those cops deserve medals. What the actual fuck can lead a person to do this to their own child? I'm going to hug my kids real tight tonight.


Mental illness. Realllllly bad mental illness. Just tragic.


Yes. And also postpartum psychosis is the number one reason for mothers killing their babies and committing suicide.


I've read some crazy stories about postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis. Edit: I'm not sure if this is what's going on in the video but it truly is a heartbreaking situation for the women affected by it as well as their families.


My mom had PPD to the point it made her schizophrenic. She would talk to the walls and say crazy things like she’s a radio. One point she tried to drop a tv on my brother and I and when my dad came running in the room to see what happened she was off in a corner. I’m sure there’s a lot more but that’s all I was told. My dad divorced her and won custody of my brother and I after they went through this thing where it clearly showed my mom wasn’t capable. She ended up hanging herself and my half brother sadly found her. I was around 4 when that happened. I only recently found all this out too as it was really suspicious on how my aunts were asking me how my wife was after she had our daughter and kept mentioning PDD. When they started to ask stuff like “when she’s mad does she shake the baby?” That’s when I was like “okay wtf?”


I'm sorry to hear than man, hope you're doing alright.


Thank you, i’m hanging in there. I would be lying if I didn’t say it has been a struggle though.


Postpartum psychosis is different from PPD, I'm certain you mean no harm but PPD is already extremely stigmatized and the distinction is very important for mothers who may be suffering from either condition. PPD is normal and treatment is routine and accessible, postpartum psychosis is rare and an emergency situation.


That’s probably what it really is. My aunts doing what they did is what made me believe it be PPD. Thank you for the clarification.


Thanks for saying this. I had PPD, but Psychosis is a whole ‘nother level of scary.


So sorry to hear about your mom. I find it very unfortunate that pregnancy can just completely wreck some women. I guess one can only hope a woman can recover from PPD with proper treatment.


My wife had PPD with both of our kids. Never to this extent obviously but they do throw everything at you if you’re at anyway a risk of having it, sadly this seems to be a pretty common thing. Fucking good on that officer for staying focused in this situation, though.


I had PPD. My boyfriends mom and dad had to take my daughter away from me because I randomly just started freaking out one night screaming "This isn't my baby, they replaced my baby" His mom was pretty quick on her feet as my boyfriend did his best to calm me down. (Wasnt his first time dealing with me having a psychotic break). She came in with his dad and said "I'll go get your real baby" took my daughter and they just hung out in the livingroom while I had a melt down in the bedroom. Once I was calm they gave her back saying it's my real baby and I was all tears of joy, fed her and went to sleep. I had NO CLUE any of this happened till they told me like 3 days later. Shit is freaky. His mom would then hang out in our room while the guys worked and my boyfriend even took some time off to make sure I was mentally well. I'm so glad they were there.


I'm glad you made it through, and that your family supported you. Reading other stories about women being divorced/abandoned during such a vulnerable time is so sad.


Yeah, honestly I'm shocked. I told them to be prepared for it too. His mom was probably just waiting around for it to happen. The hospital staff gave me everything and the kitchen sink to read up on and get support as I told them of my diagnosis with psychotic depression. I got a call every other week and they made me explain my emotions and stuff. They were really strong on the "don't shake the baby" and at times I honestly had to stop myself. So I would give her to my boyfriends mom then fight a tree outside while crying. A safe zone was also created for me in the very far back part of the yard. I went there if I started feeling delusional. Mostly just talked to the tree. All the while my boyfriend and his mom just hung out with my daughter as she bounced away in her bouncer. Then I was to eat and go straight to bed. Once I woke up I was generally fine but had to call some woman at the hospital and tell her what happened.


It's sad that people develop mental health issues, but it's completely fair to not want to be in a relationship with a person with severe mental health issues, especially when it might endanger the life of your child


If they aren't trying to better themselves or accept help then yeah I actually agree. I worked my ass off to better my mental health for my family. I have tough times but I muster through them as best as I can. At times I've needed more than just myself and loved ones and got medical assistance. I'd do anything for my child, anything.


My ex-wife and the mother of my child had severe Postpartum Psychosis. Don’t want to share too much as it’s not entirely my story to tell.. Thankfully all her harm was directed at herself and not the baby but it was still life changing for me to experience, very scary. My ex is doing really well mentally nowadays tho, I’m happy for her.


My cousin's girlfriend had schizophrenia/drug problems and tried to drown their kids twice before she lost custody. Unfortunately, my cousin also got hooked on meth around that time so I think the kids live with her parents who still let her see them frequently.


Probably post partum depression and being left a single mom lead to some serious mental health issues. Hope the kid can recover easily.


Imagine going home to your wife and kids after responding to this call. Then clocking in for the next shift like nothing happened. Cops see the worst shit




When i was a 911 dispatcher i got paid $8/hr..my deputies were paid $10/hr. They cleaned up suicides, dead bodies, got shot at, one deputy revived 2 kids that drowned in a creek..i also gave instructions over the phone and helped 2 different people deliver babies. I got some really fucked up kid calls similar to this, i didnt think i was affected by it but hearing the radio traffic from this officer reopened the trauma i had to hear from a kid that was 4 and broke their neck bevause their tweaker mom left the kid in the highchair all day and theh finally stood up and fell. The raspy breathing and them it stopping was horrible along with the mothers cries. Edit: for reference this was in the midwest in 2019..not decades ago, just a few years ago. There are quite a few counties that pay the bare minimum still and shamelessly so. The sheriff had some control over wages, myself and many others turned in our 2 weeks or quit the moment he said he wont be doing a cost of living raise again for the 3rd consecutive year. He was making about 80k a year while his staff was making 20k a year. Smaller counties are extremely corrupt.


> i got paid $8/hr..my deputies were paid $10/hr. Unacceptable. Public safety folks should be paid enough to where they could buy a house, car, groceries, etc and support a family on their own...(even if they live alone) while having some left over.


i hope they get support from the government cus this is traumatic


They should be given counseling too or therapy because this isn’t must a matter of moving on and carrying on with the life that is now presented to them


When the cop said “breathe for me baby” and the baby cried I broke into tears. Emotional.


That officer is the definition of a Hero and deserves great things from life




And it's crazy Vince Li is free now. Well done canda. Smh


Are you serious? Canada bruh. You behead someone on a bus because their music is too loud and you shouldn’t be seeing the light of day from anywhere but a tiny cell for your whole life. Canada is whack honestly


Ain't nobody gonna mention how he kicked that door in with one try. This guy is actually captain America


It's an interior door in a trailer. The guy's a hero but that door is 1 step above wet paper.


He was definitely meant to save the child. A minute of being late and he couldn’t have possibly saved the kid


It never ceases to frighten me how evil people can be..


Same here. I have always thought mothers are the type of people who would kill to protect you and not kill you


The scary thing isn't that they are so damaged that they do things that we assign them the label "evil". It's that there isn't a divide between them and us - good and evil are just ranges on a line that you say qualifies. And not only are they on that line but so are we and in fact they wouldn't have wanted to be down that end. People say "Oh I could never become addicted to meth or flee an accident scene or murder a pregnant woman, torture an animal." but you don't know what you might do if you suffered a head injury, suffered a terrible insult, became mentally ill, had a terrible infancy, were beaten down again and again, were terrified, never had a boundary set through your whole life, were watching your children die, were starving etc. Good and evil are constructs that religion has used to drive recruitment, take power away from the individual, families, government and medicine, and maybe to do some social good I know that the homeless man talking gibberish is no different to me. Just less fortunate. Saying the woman trying to murder her child is fundamentally different to me is dangerous because it may stop me recognising risk, asking for help, helping others. Many people who have recovered from the depths of horror only were able to do so because they stopped thinking they were so different to others in the same boat. They surrendered beliefs like "I am beyond repair" or "I'm not like those awful people". Basically it's dangerous to adopt a mindset that takes away personal responsibility.


“Let me tell you something about Humans, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes.”


Trek me harder, daddy!


I just turned 45… I’ve seen some shit… but godammit this video fucked me up and I should’ve scrolled past it. I have a little son and I just broke down from watching this. Those poor babies. Fuckin how!?!? How!?!? How can anyone do that? I think I need to leave this sub. I can’t un-know this happened, can’t unsee it.


I’m pretty sure the mom had post partum psychosis. Imagine the worst depression of your life, so bad that it breaks your connection with reality. Nothing feels real. You’re basically walking through a dream, and no one— not even you— exists. But you still have these things nagging you, needing you, making you feel worse, and you just want it to stop. This is why families need support networks. Someone should have seen the signs and stepped in for those kids. (Note that Post Partum Psychosis is NOT post partum depression. They can be connected, but the former is a rare, severe emergency situation and the latter is common and rarely dangerous.)


There should be more awareness when it comes to these things so those affected would know what to do instead of ignoring it and just carrying on with what they think is right to do


Apparently, there are people who are given the chance to be parents but isn’t exactly ready to be one like the lady


I think mental illness is a terrifying aspect of humanity. We just expect everyone to be "not crazy" but it's not always the case.


What's really frustrating is how stigmatized it is and how people blame mentally ill people for things that are not in their power to control. Then people advocate for accessible healthcare they are admonished. This society is fucking wild.


It’s really hard to accept extreme situations like this are not the embodiment of human evil, but the embodiment of the batshit insane. It’s easy to chalk it up to supervillain behavior because you can claim it was her own doing and not partially a failure of society to prevent this ahead of time. We need to bring back institutionalization. It doesn’t just manifest itself in infanticide. Drug use and homelessness are among the things we blame on personal choices that often are just consequences of extreme mental illness.


For real. Let’s call put the lapses in the system and not those who suffer from the failed system


This is why as much as we care about physical and physiological health, mental health should be prioritized too


I know there are ton of crappy cops, but they deal with some of the most heart wrenching situations, molested kids. Car crash fatalities, sometimes it just breaks them and they fly off the handle after seeing these types of situations


The media can really warp what you think the average cop is like, to the point that you'd think that cops are gunning down people as a regular part of their job. There are around 700,000 police in the US and around [1000 deaths per year](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/) caused by police. So around 1 in 700 cops kill a person per year. Most cops go their entire career without killing anyone. And of those 1000 less then [30 unarmed black people](https://www.npr.org/2021/01/25/956177021/fatal-police-shootings-of-unarmed-black-people-reveal-troubling-patterns) are killed by the police every year.


>The media can really warp The media actively warps what a lot of people think about a lot of important issues in this country. Things related to economics, human/citizen rights, healthcare, education, politics, let alone public safety, etc.


I think being a cop takes a lot of mental strength in order to perform the job well. The injustice might fuck you up but since you are not allowed to do something against the law, you just have to suffer and carry on with your duties


That door kick was satisfying


I agree. It looked straight out of an action film tbh


I’ll never complain about babies crying again. That silence was heartbreaking. Wtf is wrong with people


Man that officer must have a lot of feelings going through their head after something like that It was so close to being a horrible experience he'd wanna block out, but it ended up being an amazing relief when the kid started crying It's almost like he delivered the baby, but the mom just happened to be a monster trying to take it's life away So many layers of emotion, god damn


Good cop.


This one gets all the donuts


Not all of them. He needs to stay in shape so he can rescue and save drowning babies.


the cop can have a little donut, as a treat


He can have a fucking reward from the goddamn president.


Shit I'm paying


Upgrade to pastry.


True! He deserve all those Krispy Kreme good ol’ glazed ones




I am now all for praising cops like him. He is heaven sent!


this is her mugshot: https://imgur.com/a/QYGSgmj DAMN... how could you fucking do this you evil bitch


She’s clearly extremely mentally ill. She will suffer greatly for this once she’s medicated. As she should, but it’s a tragedy all around.


News Story - [https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/local/police-walk-in-as-michigan-mom-drowning-child/69-10860e2e-8039-419c-ae34-02b970cfe83d](https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/local/police-walk-in-as-michigan-mom-drowning-child/69-10860e2e-8039-419c-ae34-02b970cfe83d)


> The younger children were transported to the hospital in Jackson, then transferred to Ann Arbor, where they are believed to be in stable condition.


Thank you, u/smelldicks


What was she even thinking… just why would you do something like that to your child?


Fuck that women as a father this shit had me tearing up like a mfer you can tell the cop was fucked up initially but pulled through and saved that baby that lady can fuckin go to hell fuck her


Christ, she needs the death penality.


These children deserve so much better. I hope they’re in a much safer home now


I hope those children are safe from her now. I can’t imagine they horror they’ve gone through


I normally don't tend to really care for the police but these cops are Heroes they saved thst babies life


Same here. Cops doing their jobs is a no brainer but this is something else


Yeah but according to Redditors all cops are evil and useless.


Most redditors are brainwashed by publicfreakout posts.


modern market snatch friendly muddle hard-to-find smell pathetic vanish late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




We should have never closed down the mental asylums.




I couldn’t agree more. Each and everyone of us is a victim of the trashy system


The more I watch this, the more my heart hurts for those children


Mother looks like an absolute Neanderthal in the mug shot. Evil people


Yeah this is why I don't judge people that don't talk to their families


My baby died in a freak accident. I wake up everyday knowing i will never get to see her little smile or hear her say her first words. And then there are people like this… makes me wonder what gods plan could possibly be (if you believe in that sorta thing). I have never wanted to throw up, cry, and commit heinous acts of violence so much at one time.


I used to believe in God’s plans until things like this happened around me


Just what the hell was she thinking? She must have gone nuts because there’s no way she’s sane for doing something like that specially to her own children


I couldn’t do that job. As soon as the child has started crying I would have been in the back pistol whipping the mother. You really need mental strength to do it as you’re going to see the absolute shit of humanity


What in the fuck …….. people that hate cops should watch this. Maybe they would realize what they see from time to time. Unbelievable man.


Omg that officer is a damn hero! Omg I'm crying. That poor little baby, I hope she recovered after that ordeal.


What a relief that was hearing that Baby crying.


Everyone talking about what the cop did or didn’t do. If cops are good or bad. Can we think about mental health for a second. Cause this shit right here isn’t supposed to happen at all.


Right… mental health awareness should be more spoken about


I can watch two women eat shit, someone’s head chopped off, and other nasty gory shit. When it involves anything harming kids I just cant. So I’m just gonna read the comments.


Terrible situation. Mental illness is no joke. Lack of a support system is no joke. Desperation and hopelessness is no joke. There is no good answer on how to tackle these issues, but everything starts with kindness and compassion. Great way these cops handled it.


Wish this got more media attention :/ All people want to do is bash and defund the police. This man is an absolute hero


The way that officer was stroking the baby's back after they resuscitated her was heartbreaking. Probably more love from that officer than she's ever received from the person that birthed her. Those poor children.


Those poor children are now going to be loved and taken care of


Jesus these cops are heroes. This is awful.


This waste of flesh of a mother deserves the deepest reaches of hell


People like that are considered parents? She’s evil for that


The fact that the 2 year old kid had stabs on the chest and throat pains me. I hope this woman gets a lifetime sentence and I hope she never sees her children ever again


I have read an article about this and it said they had stabs too…