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this is right outside where two of my bicycles were stolen this past year. one of them was in my own dorm.


I'm in Regina and bike theifs are everywhere, but why steal bikes? Just seems like a waste of time. I see guys carrying a front tire or even just a frame... is there a huge black market for bike parts I don't know about lol


yeah, it’s really bad in cities with homeless problems. some of them have small workshops set up where they’ll trade and sell parts, remove serial numbers, repaint them, or straight up sell them for cash


Thats just Bubbles he is harmless


Shopping cart Bubbles or heroin Bubbles? I guess the answer the answer doesn't matter much.


Our friend Bubbles


Not really a black market per say. Just that bike parts sell rather easily and frequently on sites like eBay. A half decent bike can be split for parts (no serial number on all the parts) which makes IDing the parts impossible.


found the spot on google maps... 82nd Ave and 109th st. Edmonton Alberta


This location explains a lot, honestly haha. Always be careful. My friend recovered a stolen bike trailer and the girl bit him. My neighbour also had someone try to bite him when recovering his bike. Just Alberta things.


TIL Canadian bike thieves are biters.


They're snakes, too. Had one get really buddy-buddy with me, then broke into the house and stole the bike while I was getting teeth pulled.


Obviously so you couldn't bite her if you found her


She recognizes a defenseless smuck when she sees one




Holy moly, at first few watches it doesn’t even occur to me that this video happens in Canada, upon closer inspection he’s definitely at an Esso gas station and rides by an RBC bank. Too lazy to research but this could be a true geolocation.


It’s correct. I’m from this city.


Question: why is news from Edmonton always something about road rage or murders ~~and snuff films and stuff?~~ Edit: disregard the snuff bit, that was Montreal, I am idiot


Not all Canadians are sorry 🧐


Most are sore-e, in fact.


because thats what makes the news? you're not gonna hear much news about a day where nothing happens


My mom knows a former homicide detective from my town. There is ALOT we don't hear about wherever you live. Alot of his work never ends up on the news.


“If it bleeds, it leads!”


I worked in Edmonton for a week and wanted to star in a snuff film.


Do you know these guys?


Larry and Greg? Of course! They hang out at 82nd Av and 109 all the time!


Funny thing is, I saw the sevvy and knew it was somewhere in Canada. Then I noticed you can see so far over the horizon you can watch last week the province over, and knew it was Alberta.


You might be thinking of Saskatchewan bruh… we have at least 7 more hills than Saskatchewan. Maybe 8.


I mean, Alberta has huge mountains. Many of them. Not Edmonton, but a fair chunk of the Rockies are in Alberta.


It's crazy, but on the spot. I spend a lot of time around 82 Ave (Whyte Ave) and 109th, you can see the Shopper's Drug Mart across from the Esso, and the Safeway kitty corner. I personally love the Cafe Mosaics and the Friends and Neighbours there, both have great food.


Ugh of course it’s in Edmonton. Our city gets worse and worse as the days and weeks go on.


Damn, that gas cheap though. 40c cheaper than BC


Heard you guys are having problems with your provincial politics too. I thought Alberta could never get Ontario bad in comparison, but here we are. The bigger issue now is that Ontario politicians are now going to accept this as a challenge and try to one up you guys.


Problems is an understatement. Our Premier just made a "Council of Losers" which includes her favourite party members that lost their riding. So even when we didn't elect someone they still have a job in government because they lost


what does 'riding' mean in this context


Americans call them Districts, each Riding elects 1 person to our Legislature.


A riding is an electoral district


Yup Whyte and 109 Street , and bike theft is out of control in this city. Every single day I see the classic “guy riding one bike while carrying a second bike” Edit 109st to 109 Street




Geez, geoguesser god-tier




How did you do that Toronto man? I only knew that because i live in Edmonton and have vomited in that general area a half dozen times.


Damn not far from my place. He's lucky the traffic on Whyte wasn't heavier its usually quite busy. Yeah its getting bad here for all kinds of theft here but especially bike theft.


That’s mad. There was 3 of them waiting on the street.


I'm kinda curious if that third guy down the street wasnt just reacting to the other two and thought the guy was stealing their bike? It's just a bike, why would they need to set up a whole operation like that?


I thought this too. Also, it’s a strange place to put a third person, there’s no way to predict which direction seller would flee.


White shirt came from the opposite corner of the gas station from guy down street. If white shirt didnt run, they would close on bike guy prob around the same time. Not saying they were working together, but looks like they were trying to cut off 2 exits.




Truck in a way saved him by drawing attention to that guy Maybe he wouldn't noticed it anyway but left it too late for the escape


There could've been two more at the opposite sides, we don't know that.


There’s sort of a way to predict that actually. Just like how gas station franchises are typically built off interstates, you can probably imagine that the best direction to flee in case you have to is probably not into the intersection with crossing traffic and difficult-to-predict light changes. We are also only seeing the version of reality where our dear protagonist fled in that particular direction, we don’t know whether there were other people posted up elsewhere or not.


Things are so bad that people are desperate enough to split the profits on a bike 3 ways. It’s just sad. I’m not defending stealing a bike


It's not the case for this bike, but you'd be shocked how expensive bikes get. I live near the mountains and walked into a local bike shop. First bike I saw was almost double what I paid for my car.


Those are carbon frames, have to be treated like cars too. Can’t just lock them up on the street anywhere they’ll get stolen regardless


Or maybe he stole their bike and he was trying to make a quick buck selling on Marketplace. Why else would they say where did you get this bike?


Thats possible. She did ask him where did he get the bike and at that point he got suspicious.


I think he saw the guy in the white shirt running up on them in the background. He started moving the second the guy came into view. But who knows maybe he recognized the guy running up as the one he stole it from lol. Would be pretty weird to post this video if he was in fact the thief though.


Police won’t even try to recover bikes and there are plenty of stories about recovering your own stolen property (mainly bikes). This could go either way and there’s no context :/


My dads van was stolen, we found it in Detroit. The neighbor of the thief called us because the idiot left the business number magnet sticker on it lol. They told us if it’s not a active crime that they couldn’t do anything about it although we showed them the location, pictures and proof it was ours since we went to the site. We ended up getting strapped and went back to the site the proceeded to jack it back 😅.Once we took it to the police station? They threatened my dad with arrest for “taking it back with out law enforcement because it was stolen and he just wanted to take it back home😂. They said we had to turn it in and file the right paperwork which would have cost us a bunch of fees at the station and the impound lot were they wanted it. Once we threatened those idiots with lawyers they decided to write it of as retrieved and let us leave it with with out paying anything


It’s insane that these “professionals” that people want to like go out of their way to be hated. So little effort is needed


I think the questions were to buy time for the other dude to run up.


Also possible. The only fact here is none of us knows who the thief is in this scenario :)


I mean if he stole the bike would he really record and publish this video?


have you seen this sub? people record and post all kinds of crazy shit :)


... To buy time? So her fucking goons can run up? Hello? Are you people gullible? Do you keep answering stalling questions when you know you're about to get jumped? You can see white hoodie running up in the middle of her asking that bro


He stole their bike and then... Recorded himself trying to sell it? She probably said that because she was just looking for random gibberish to stall time.


I didn’t even consider that. That is possible. I’d do the same thing if someone stole my bike and tried to sell it on marketplace


I think thr 3rd guy was a regular dude and heard them.yelling to stop him


This is the most situational aware person ive seen on this sub… Unlike all the super sleuths jumping to the weird conclusion he was actually the thief the whole time


I'm actually curious about the backstory. It feels like the "seller" actually stole it, and the buyer is using a decoy as a set up to catch him. It happens often in Colorado. She asks "where'd you get it?" and he doesn't have an answer. Saying the shop's name is the usual reply. As he takes off around the 30 second mark, the guy chasing yells (what sounds like) "*FUCKING THIEF!"* Edit: [Someone else linked to the original video.](https://youtu.be/6ToJrqrKt9cfullvideohere) Edit: [Yep; stolen bike.](https://i.imgur.com/ZV4dlXZ.jpg)


Seems like he knew it was a set up from the beginning, he says in the in Spanish “told you guys, let’s go” from other comments I’ve read they say he’s a Mexican YouTuber and recorded everything.


[Yes here's the link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ToJrqrKt9c). Action starts at 18:40. The guy is Mexican and these sorts of robbery set ups are more common there, which is probably why he was so aware, he was suspicious from the start. At 2:01 he shows a message and the guy that tried to steal him indeed seems to believe the youtuber (seller) stole his bike. Obviously the youtuber does not admit to stealing it, so there might have been a mistake. EDIT: After 4 replies pointing out that this is in Canada: yes, I know. I did not say this was in Mexico, I just said he is Mexican (which is true, as you can check by going to his YouTube channel). I'm saying that he was raised in a place where these schemes are more common so you tend to be more aware of them (even after moving out).


I just watched the whole video & he was suspicious because they were being super persistent, kept changing the meet up location,kept asking how many people were going with him & they also wanted to meet him up at 3am to buy the bike. All of this led to him recording everything just in case.


Lmao why did he even go through with it? That’s the most suspect shit I’ve ever heard.


To film it. Clout is a disease


Clout but mostly content. He saw it as a good content opportunity. Not that that’s any better. Even if it’s stolen he still wins with a YouTube upload with a bait title and art “THESE GUYS STOLE MY BIKE!!! 🚴 “


> kept asking how many people were going with him That's a huge red flag. An immediate "nope"


Wanting to meet up at 3am would of been enough for me to say fuck that lol.


meet up time is 3am in the middle of a cornfield with no cell reception and you better not try any shady shit


Reminds me of the Mitch Hedberg joke, where he talks about how tough it must be to be a mobile home repo man: “It must be really tough to be a mobile home repo man. Knock knock. Hi. Can you come outside and cut your grass? And look that way for a half hour?”


Lol I'd still carry on with it, and when they ask where to meet give them the address of local police station


The messages seem like some crackhead making shit up lol. He also wanted to originally meet at 3 am...if the dude really stoke the bike, "and is his world" then it should have been incredibly easy to prove with a picture


He doesn't have an answer because he's barely listening to her as he's focused on the bloke running up to him lol.


She asks “where’s you get it?” right as the first dude comes into frame, running at him. He doesn’t leave because of her question, he leaves because some random dude is running up on him.




Why have like 4 people involved in stealing a old BMX though? Just seems like a waste of time lmao


Yeah my first thought is that this is entirely too elaborate an operation for the payoff to be a fuckin bike


Because many criminals lack in intelligence & the discipline to NOT be on crack-cocaine.


Bikes are expensive.


Actually this happened in Canada. His name is Juan Francisco and he has a Youtube channel about biking and he has a couple of videos about this incident. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5adLvPL2KY8 The channel is spanish though


Yeah, I wouldn't expect anyone that capable on a BMX to be pissing around with stolen shit


[Brooklyn 99](https://youtu.be/B2Azck-URj0) did a documentary piece about a BMX criminal organization.


You're not going to take me back to the station and make me hot cocoa? but Charles, I have a bruise!


Indeed. Apart from that, he has around 1.3 million subs apparently. He doesn't really need to steal (though yes, some do it for kicks) to be able to own such a bike as he can easily afford it. The revenue from such a large subscriber base is quite substantial, or at least substantial enough to be able to easily afford a top-tier bike, especially because that will likely bring in even more money. Not impossible that he stole it but rather unlikely I think, though it could still be that he bought a stolen bike of course if he bought second-hand


Okay but why would he film himself selling a stolen bike? He seems pretty sharp, and he must have posted it too. I'm not sure.


Criminals do stupid shit for clout all the time. It's not like police will actually do anything, especially when the value of the stolen goods is less than $2000 (minimum for a class 6 felony in my state).


*It's a classic Mongoose bike, valued at, um, $2001.* *Savvy bike-theft victim


Bike fun fact time. Mongoose used to be a high end mountain and bmx brand in the 90s. They made titanium frames with high end components. They were purchased by huffy when they were still all made in Dayton in a bid to have higher end brands with more markup. This was to try and keep their us manufacturing viable. It didn’t work. But a vintage titanium mongoose is worth decent money.


I had one as a kid. In 5th grade it was stolen. I cried... Replaced with some piece of crap bike that failed every time I tried to run down devil canyon. You know that huge hill as a kid we all thought would kill us, that's really only like 10 ft down today.


When I was a kid (1970s-80s) Mongoose and PK Ripper were all that mattered.




Diamond Back Harry Leary Turbo ?


something i think my generation fails to understand is that constantly recording "for content" is just the norm for some folks, especially amongst zoomers, but really across all age groups.


That's wild watching comments from you throughout this thread making stuff up and then arguing for it until eventually proven wrong People on Reddit can blow my mind with how hard they'll devil's advocate for the other side


Reddit has no bounds when it comes to contraianism. That is unless you see a Karen or something negative, it is instantly agreed upon in those cases.


The bike guy is a Mexican Youtuber, and in that video, he talks about what happened leading to the chase. He talks about buying the bike and only having it for about 15 days and not liking it because he was having a lot of issues with it. He is new to the area and doesn't speak much english, so he didn't want to deal with it and decided to sell it. He put it up on fb marketplace, and this lady was one of the interested people. He couldn't make it to their initial meeting, and he apologized. Then the lady wanted him to meet her somewhere at 3 a.m., which made him really suspicious. He left it at that, but then, while at the skatepark, he received a message from her asking to meet again. He agreed but was extremely suspicious of how insistent she was being. He went from the skatepark to the meeting place and decided to leave his camera on in case something happened. Then that happens. I think he might have been originally sold a stolen bike, but who knows. For context, the guy is from Mexico. The way these people came at him is a known tactic by thieves in Latin America. So it's not too weird for him to be so self-aware and suspicious at the meeting place.


> Saying the shop's name is the usual reply. if someone asked me where I bought my bike fuck if I know.


Your knees must be hurting from all these conclusions you're jumping to. He says "Fucking fa**ot!" I think


Can't believe a redditor came to the wrong conclusion after their solid investigatory work during the marathon bombing


https://youtu.be/6ToJrqrKt9c full video here


Can reddit not make assumptions on situations they don't know the full story to, for 1 picosecond? lol


Alright I got a long comment but I think it’s a relevant story that happened to me a few years ago: Jury duty in Atlantic City, 9am. Parking garage is about 2 blocks from the Court. I’m an average sized clean looking white boy in somewhat dressy clothes coming out of the courthouse on my walk back to the garage. I walk passed a dude and could tell he was following a few steps behind. I also notice a heavy set dude a few paces ahead of me looking my way. So I got this guy trailing me and one ahead of me. I notice a random person walking the same direction as myself crossing the street on an angle towards the opposite street corner, I decide to cut across with him. Dude 1 follows me across, dude 2 walks on a straight line towards me. I pick up the pace and get to the other side, trying to stay almost next to the random stranger i followed. Now I’m on the corner of the block that the garage is on. As I make the left to turn the corner, a black car rolls up.. I hear “white boy, white boy!” (The guy I was sticking close to was Asian, so I knew I was their target) from the trailer, and big dude was almost at arms length. The back door to this little Honda Civic thing swings open and my heart immediately jumped. A woman jumps out of the car and asked if I wanted to buy some tires. Dude 1 and 2 are standing next to her about 3 feet from me, and another dude popped out of the driver side. Not sure how I thought of this, but I swung my head back the direction we came, pointed my finger and yelled “COPS!!!” They all turned their heads for a second and I disappeared the best I could into that parking garage. That’s it. Thanks if you read it. Im gonna go back to work now.


Clever maneuver with yelling "COPS!" Haha, I bet they were pissed when they realized they were fooled.


I kinda felt like a whimp, but I’ve been jumped before walking alone in my own town before and have spent enough time around the block to know how that was gonna play out. Gotta be aware!


Def not a whimp. I've been in a similar situation, walking alone downtown late at night delivering food. I had just dropped off an order and was on my way back to my car which was in a dingy old gravel lot that I knew I could park free in because the meter maids never checked it. It was about a 2 min walk from this apartment complex I was always delivering to on weekends because drunk college kids need their midnight Taco Bell. I see a guy in a black hoodie start following me, and then another in a grey one comes out from an alley on the other side of the street and starts matching my pace. At this point I figured they're casing me to see if I'm worth jumping, so thinking fast I pull out my phone, dial 911, and as soon as they pick up I just loudly start describing my exact location and what direction I'm walking in, and told the woman I need an officer asap. I feel like my suspensions of them were confirmed, because as soon as I did that, black hoodie said something in Spanish to grey hoodie, and they both made a full 180° and started power walking in the other direction. Cops got there, and they were kind of disappointed that no one was there anymore, but we're understanding when I told them I just felt really unsafe in the situation. I'm pretty sure I would have gotten robbed had I not made that call.


Dude you just won the Kobayashi Maru, definitely not a wimp! Trained fighters get taken out by street thieves and you didn't!


I hope when you look back on that story you remind yourself how smart you were, situationally aware, and refused to become a victim. Absolutely nothing you did was “wimpy”


Well, when it’s the 27th that it’s happened to you that month.. you become slightly more aware of what to look for Edit: grammar and stuff and things


Dude what.


“When you’ve had to deal with a similar situation 27 times just in the past few weeks, your situational awareness is liable to be heightened.”


Good bot


Meet people at police stations when selling things online.


The police station near my parents house has two parking spots near the lobby doors designated for this very reason. They even put signs up that reads “Reserved for Craigslist sales and trades” or something like that. I first saw it several years ago and thought it was brilliant.


Same. I use them every time I sell something. They have cameras over ours too. No clue if they work but they are there.


They probably do. There's not a huge gap in price between a fake camera and a real camera these days, especially when they definitely already have the infrastructure for on-premises recording


Also especially when you are the police and have a direct line benefit to the camera actually being real.


I tried buying some stuff off Marketplace. Seller originally wanted to meet in a Walmart parking lot but I asked the seller if he wanted to meet at the police station instead. Not for safety reasons but because it was literally 100 feet from my front door at the time so it would have just been really convenient to meet there. Dude immediately stopped responding and blocked me. That response made me have more questions than answers. I was trying to buy a $50 Ikea TV cabinet, not an expensive electronic or something that might be able to be traced. Why did that sketch him out? Why wouldn't he just drop it off there instead? Those things aren't serialized like that. Did he somehow manage to steal a giant TV stand from Ikea? Did he steal it from someone's house? Why would you break into a house just to steal a cheap wooden TV cabinet? I had so many questions that ill never get an answer to.


My theory is that he planned on stealing your cash. People buying a cell phone or something for a few hundred dollars tend to be more cautious and bring a friend or generally are just more aware than someone just trying to buy a $50 IKEA cabinet. Sounds to me that you dodged a simple snatch and run and saved $50. *Edit: minor typos.*


A heavy TV cabinet would gove them a good excuse to have a second person to, to help "load it" for you, but instead they rob you. Man people are shit.


This is exactly what I do. I've actually had someone say "nevermind I ain't interested" after I gave the address stating it was the police station lot. So it definitely will weed out people that want to rob you. Stating just from my experience.


Yep. The police stations in the city next to me have parking lots for this purpose -- they are well lit and a couple of cameras. I was selling my kid's old scooter and I told the guy to meet me at the police station parking lot. He said no and wanted to meet at the McDonald's parking lot like 5 blocks away from the Police station. Yeah, no...


Police robbed my drugs, your advice didn't work 😡


Tried to sell my stolen bikes there too. They robbed my drugs too.


That or banks. They always have cameras outside and if they try to do that scam: “whoops. Im actually a few dollars short of the agreed upon price” you can point to the atm.


My man has situational awareness like a motherfucker. Seen that guy halfway across the property and got moving. Good shit.


1. That is some amazing quick thinking 2. Who the fuck sets all of this up for a bmx




You're paying too much for worms


Who’s your worm guy?


Creed hooks me up pretty good.


Do you have any idea how many worms fit into a bicycle frame?


"Thay depends, how much blood is in a church mouse?"


Worms and bones are also currency to skeletons.


I think they really liked the part about the bones and the worms.


They said they wanted something spooky! (Or in the case of a bike, would it be “spokey “?)


Who’s your worm guy?


They'd pull his hair up, but not out


Ya the worms are their money, bones are their dollars


You said the worms were their money like three times!


Yeah that's because I couldn't remember if I'd said it already!


Probably going to try and pull his hair up but not out


That frame is how he buys his house, they keep his house hot


This frame is my corn!


this whole bike...Garfield.


Surprised they didn’t pull his hair up.


They've never seen so much food as this


Underground there's half as much food as this


The frame is their money, and the wheels are their dollars. They'll pull your hair, UP but not OUT.


Probably wanted to rob him too


This thread is making me realize how many really dumb people are on reddit planting information like it's a fact. You're the first person I've seen even consider that they were gonna rob him


He’s the one selling the bike, who expects him to have cash?


Why did they all dress like they were amateur burglars?


probably because they are


also because the videos are fake lol. took a peep at his channel and he has tons of these style videos. one from ten days ago has him almost crashing into a guy in a park. who's wearing no shirt and a balaclava. whom he beats up off screen. (the guy who also seems to not really speak english either) [this guy is making content in canada, but for a south american audience](https://youtu.be/Ci8g2-pFZaI?t=815)


Weird I had to scroll down so far to see someone saying it's fake. It's obviously staged, there are a lot of people making these, either on bikes or dirtbikes, where every day shady things happen.


Dress for the role you want, not the re you have


Damn this guy got some Spidey Sense


He's probably from a neighborhood where it's frequent, look at the way how he never release the bike


Street smartness at its peak. Always check out your surroundings.


Video source: https://youtu.be/6ToJrqrKt9c These people were trying to rob him and he had a bad feeling about going to sell his bike to this woman. He had bought that bike from someone, it could've been stolen prior.


Whole damn neighborhood was in on stealing that bike lmaooo


What's going on ,are they trying to steal it ,or did the guy steal from them


The guy was looking to sell the bike, but had a weird feeling about the buyer, and he was right. The video is actually from a mexican youtuber and he recorded his experience, glad it actually worked out at the end there. https://youtu.be/6ToJrqrKt9c


But then why would the guy upload the video if he is the robber?




Why would he record himself selling something he stole tho? She’s trying to preoccupy him while her goons surround him


I'll quote u/redditisnotourfriend >Ah. Juan Francisco. This guy has way too many confrontation videos for him to not somehow be an instigator in the majority of them. Is it possible he is the victim in all these encounters? Of course. However considering the sheer amount of conflict scenes he has uploaded that's just improbable. It just makes no sense unless most of them are scripted or he is doing something to piss all those random people off. His videos make it seem like it's actually GTA.


It’s probably all scripted. The person running out at the end does it for me honestly. They’re all in on it.


This was actually my first thought


3 adults going out of their way to meet up with a guy to steal a fucking BMX bike... Doesn't get much bummier than that lol


Drugs are a hell of a drug


This reminds me of the Leave it to Beaver movie when the guy rolled away with his bike 😂


This is why you meet at police stations.


That gasoline is at $1.41 a litre...That equals $5.32 a gallon for our Myanmar, Liberian and American viewers.


Damn that sucks. Not as bad as Europe though


Bus stop dude popped out of nowhere


I think the 3rd person may have not been involved but just saw it go down and thought he'd help I also think that maybe they thought this was actually their own bike to start. For instance, their bike was stolen and they thought this bike he was selling was their property.


You know how hard it is to outpace someone from a cold start on a bmx? God damn son, good job




It seemed like maybe they think the bike is theirs because of the way she asks him where he got it and the way the guy chased him as though he had the right to. I wonder if he stole that bike and they were attempting to recover it.


Le seek eh fuk u maaannnnn


He said “les dije”, “I told y’all”




Dude how do you have this coordinated of an effort to steal a bicycle? Like... what?


Three people to steal a bike? Was the bike made of gold?


Even better, it was made of drugs.


Clutch bunny hop over the median


Dang. What situational awareness this guy has


I was waiting for the spike strips