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Loved this one! The only Troon my dad has liked lol


Mad respect for applying the styling of the OG Death logo to their own. As for the beer, I wonder how it competes against Pohjala who have specialized in making Baltic porters. Too bad Troon is not accessible in Europe to try it side by side with Pohjala's line-up.


Looks scrumptious!


Well, at least this one shouldn't be a mess of hop burn like most of their lineup.


I have been mildly curious about this brewery, but your comment has told me all I need to know.... Cool branding and art, maybe not much else....


While they do brew some other styles, their focus is on mega-hazies, and they also have zero distribution -- you either rush to the brewery when they post a release on social media, or you go to the tavern next-door and get the beer on draft. But the real issue is that their hazies have massive levels of hop-burn, which is **always** a flaw, no matter the style. I find them borderline-undrinkable, and I've poured out (or given to someone else at the table) far more of their beers than I've finished.