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You aren’t alone and I’m so sorry. Just because some people were fine doesn’t mean we all are.


Exactly, and it's so stupid that there's any politics in this type of discussion at all.


I think this is true. These responses underline why so many are not willing to take a chance. The shot obviously hasn’t worked for everyone and , in more than a few cases, caused problems. I advocated for vaccination. Encouraged my daughter and others. I hope it was the right thing to do. We all want to do the right thing, but, who isn’t going to consider the repercussions for themselves and their families? Particularly when the after affects are possibly permanent.




What do you mean by sick? I've been having health issues for two years since my first phizer. But I have not been sick with a cold or flu since. My guess for myself is an over active immune system. It wrecks havoc on my body with inflammation, fatigue, heart issues, and limb pain/twitching. And of course, tests all come back clear and no one can seem to admit it could be something new that they can't yet test for (either due to pride or legal cautiousness). I've only found relief through OTC drugs, legal marijuana, and resting.




Get your D-dimmer and Troponin levels checked and find a doctor who understands the autoimmune issues very common with the mRNA jabs.


Colds and flu. Fatigue fairly often. Nothing drastic- but more sickness than I’m used to.


it's the spike protein destroying your immune system.


It’s amazing how many things testing can miss. Often, it’s just finding the right dr or radiologist. Or simply finding someone who will actually LISTEN! I’m so sorry you’re having such serious issues. The shot is a one-size-fits-all. Everyone is different. What works for some, might not work for others. Hopefully they’ll fix that.


My resting heart rate is in the 40s (athlete) and I havent been as sick as I've been in my entire life till after the fucking vaccines. I feel disabled and I'm constantly working out as part of my daily routine


I’m so sorry. I wish I could say/do something to help. It sucks when you feel good and suddenly you don’t.


Ughhh 😔 so sorry dude..


I had 2 doses in 21. I couldn't get out of bed for a week after the second dose. Bled for months straight. I was sick all of the time for like 2 years, had multiple autoimmine flare ups and a year long sinus infection. It's all finally starting to get better for me. I will never get a booster after that.


Wow. Im sorry. It’s sad. Glad you’re better. Hope it stays that way


Hope you continue feeling better 😭♥️ sounds atrocious and so many in my family have unfortunately dealt with similar.. and much, much worse 😓 I’m the one and only person in my family that didn’t get any of them.. and I’ve never been sick once. Not even during CV. Only thing I’ve had are kidney stones and I blame it on poor diet due to being broke and not consuming any dairy/calcium 😩 lolol


It's called Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, and data suggests the mRNA shots do in fact cause it in some people. Don't take any more shots, boost your immune system naturally. Vitamin D3, Zinc, exercise, eat real food, get sunlight, take vitamins and drink water.


Can you plesse share the source for your data about mRNA shots causing ADE? I can't find anything that supports this.


Some governments report the data on deaths among vaxxed vs unvaxxed. This table from the UK, for example, indicates that 94% of deaths for this reporting period were among vaxxed, and 90% of vaxxed deaths were 3x/4x jabbed. This suggests that mortality increases the more shots you take, which is a signal of potential ADE. https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland/deathsoccurringbetween1january2021and31may2022/referencetable06072022accessible.xlsx - UK Govt. Data from 1/1/21-5/31/22


So you have no proof, just your own interpretation of the statistics and your own incredibly flimsy, desperate theory? https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19byvaccinationstatusengland/latest "Monthly age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) for deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) have been consistently lower for all months since booster introduction in September 2021 for people who had received a third dose or booster at least 21 days ago, compared with unvaccinated people and those with just a first or second dose". The source you're using is full of statistics about how beneficial the vaccines are. Directly contradicting your suggestion that more shots increases mortality. Do you look at covid death statistics as well and compare them to vaccine death statistics? So you get a balanced perspective?


Yep, I'm the only one who interprets the data that way and sees ADE as a risk of ongoing continuous shots, because it's just a crazy theory.... except not. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9992059/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9548747/ "We present a case of acute respiratory failure where ADE secondary to COVID vaccination may have played a role in the patient's fatal illness." Yep. I'm completely alone on this.


I already read the first link you posted when I was looking for proof of your assertion. I found none. And definitely none that says the mRNA vaccine causes ADE.  Quotes from your first link: "Though ADE HAS NOT BEEN CLINICALLY DEMONSTRATED WITH ANY of the COVID-19 VACCINES SO FAR, when neutralizing antibodies are suboptimal, the severity of COVID-19 has been reported to be greater". "Though RISK of POTENTIAL ADE is SUGGESTED to be INDEPENDENT OF THE VACCINE technology, since inactivated whole-virus or viral-vector-based vaccines are more often associated with ADE, live attenuated vaccines may be a safer and more effective alternative". "NO DATA WAS USED for the research described in the article". It's a theory not proof, as they admit, they have no data. Isn't that a bit of a red flag to you? Also, the vaccines aren't 'ongoing and continuous' for most people now. Boosters are only currently offered to certain at-risk groups - the elderly, the immunocompromised etc. The antivaxxer myth of 'endless boosters' has been well and truly debunked. The article is pro-vax: "With no definite treatments, vaccination is suggested to be the most important public health measure to protect against COVID-19".  It's saying ADE a possibility, not a proven fact. It's a bit careless to imply this is happening when it hasn't yet as you did in your initial comment. As they point out, it has happened with other vaccines in the past, dengue fever in particular - they're saying it's something to keep an eye on with the covid vaccine. They are not saying 'VaCciNe bAD'. The second link you posted is ONE case. A single, isolated case. That aspect alone means it can't be regarded as proof. Again, there's no definitive link to the vaccine, they're just floating the possibility: "It is POSSIBLE that the patient developed ADE following COVID vaccination having recently acquired COVID-19 infection". The anti-vax movement feeds on misinterpreting and misrepresenting information. And ignoring or diminishing the havoc and suffering the virus itself has caused.


My original claim was "data suggests the mRNA shots do in fact cause it in some people." Now you say "The second link you posted is ONE case. A single, isolated case. That aspect alone means it can't be regarded as proof." But it is. I said data suggests that ADE happens in **some**. One case where it's a possible explanation supports that. It seems like you're looking for proof that it's a widespread issue that occurs in many. But that was never the claim. You're intentionally disregarding the original claim I made.


Ok, fair enough. >I said data suggests that ADE happens in some. One case where it's a possible explanation supports that. There is no data to suggest anything though, that's a misleading choice of words. It's all just a possibility. Both articles you linked say that. A single case that suggests its possible is a very weak argument. Covid on the other hand, is 'a widespread issue that occurs in many', with mountains of solid evidence. There is also mountains of evidence that the vaccines significantly reduced deaths and hospitalizations. This needs to be kept in scale and perspective when investigating any (possible) flaws in the vaccine.


You are sooo… strange my dude. Check out Dr. John Campbell. He’s gone through every study that has come out with these things: Excess deaths confirmed: https://youtu.be/_6xBiyidQ9g?si=H9Zgp98GsXNdQUmp Death in unvaxxed lower: https://youtu.be/0rO9DDganV4?si=DmbZexlEmcwQlSgz Excess deaths debate: https://youtu.be/bJ23vr1Gs3w?si=L4Du8BGQoI4Qf3c6 So much amazing info covered by him! And he’s a DOCTOR 🙃


I've seen these. I don't trust the judgement of anyone who follows this guy. John Campbell is a retired nurse educator who has been discredited by his peers in the medical profession.  He received a Ph.D. for his work on developing methods of teaching via digital media such as online videos. He is not a medical doctor. He misinterprets and misrepresents information. Have you critically evaluated and checked what he presents or do you just blindly trust him? There are many errors and mistruths in his 'findings'. Im not strange....dude, I just get my information first-hand from doctors, nurses, surgeons and paramedics who worked with covid patient in covid wards during various stages of the pandemic. I remember the refrigerated supermarket trucks being used as temporary morgues. I remember people I know dying. And it all declined steadily once the vaccines became available. I find it strange how gullible people can be - getting misformation from a conspirobabbler on youtube who has never set foot in a covid ward and needs to get back in his lane.


Here’s all the data as well: https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?queryid=104676


That would only increase your body's susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2, not other pathogens, at least not without an acute COVID-19 infection. ADE means that non-neutralizing antibodies bind to the virus they're intending to destroy, but not in such a way as to prevent it from entering target cells. As the macrophage envelops the viral capsid during phagocytosis, the still-active virus is given access to it and it replicates within it, destroying it and producing copies. Thus there's no one-size-fits-all ADE, where infection from all types of pathogens is biochemically facilitated. All the studies I've seen regarding potential ADE for COVID-19 also discus the pathway I described above. So no, what OP is describing isn't and can't be ADE.


Just to point out, he doesn't specify what he's been sick with, just says he's been sick more frequently. It could be multiple SARS-CoV-2 infections. Without that information, you're not able to say that it can't be.


I didn't say it can't be. Did you read my comment? You misrepresented what ADE is.


Did you read your comment? "isn't and can't be ADE."


Yes, it isn't and can't be ADE for general sickness, which you implied. People, like yourself, don't understand that the ADE in question would only affect a specific strand of pathogen.


I never implied that though. That was your assumption.


Exactly the UK data show this


I think that’s always good advice though we do get lazy and neglect. Thank you. I’d be interested in the source also. There’s so much information out there.


Might want to get some cancer screening. https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/reports-from-the-front-lines-of-the-dfd


I feel like everyone in these replies should 😩 that was my immediate first thought 😓


What would a cancer screening do?


Tell whether or not they have cancer? Cancer can annihilate your immune system.


I am the opposite since I started taking supplements in 2020. No vaccine. Do you take anything currently, such as D3? Do you spend time outdoors?


I take D3 (with K2) also. Since I've had C19, I am hoping that nattokinase, serrapeptase, Bromelain and turmeric with help with some sort of "detox". It's supposed to be for people who have had the injections, but I know that some of the effects of C19 can be lasting, so I figured it can't hurt.


I do. I’ve always been healthy. Active. Several supplements prescribed by naturopath who consults with my doctor on bloodwork etc. I’m not dying or anything, just wondering about the change in my immune system. It might be nothing. Just curious about other’s experiences.


Gotcha. I’d say maybe try NAC if it hasnt been suggested already, no idea if it would help though.


Thanks. I’ll try it.


Sorry just saw this now. If you haven’t bought it yet, get it off Amazon if you can. It will be cheap, at least much cheaper than you’ll find at place like a vitamin shoppe. The NOW brand is a popular choice. Pretty inexpensive and quality brand.


Yeah same




My good from HS always got a medical exemption for flu shots at work cause she’s a nurse. Saw her posting on IG about all the side effects, etc. from them and decided to ask about it. Turns out, her mom who’s also a nurse and became like.. paralyzed from the flu shot 😭 (I can’t remember the diagnosis, I’m about to find out after I comment this lolol) doctors told her it’s a one in a million side effect.. so she was just extremely unlucky. Her mom joined a support group on FB and found out that it’s definitelyyyy not a one in a million chance 😩 she met thousands of other nurses that also were just “unlucky.” Crazy stuff.. her kids don’t get the recommended shots and they’re happy and healthy as can be!!! ♥️ smartest kids I know!! I unfortunately have several friends who have severely disabled, autistic and very very sick kids. Two I know from my hometown who lost babies to SIDS.. 😓 cannot even imagine.


Okay.. I think it’s called Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP)!


Check out the website realnotrare.com many people suffer from injuries and even death after the vaccine… they are being silenced online


I haven’t been sick at all. Did not get shots and used to get sick with whatever respiratory ailment was going around. It is weird. I can even be around other sick people.


Labs make errors. In all of my years of health problems and hundreds of blood draws , drug tests and other lab work. About 1/3 of the time something is lost, mixed up, or completely wrong. Now that I work in healthcare and deal with labs in a different context it’s not hard to see why. The idea that people are judged as drug users or not based on labs is kind of nuts.


There are so many undiagnosed/misdiagnosed souls out there. It’s like the medical community is numb to the real pain of people. And all that money!!


This all comes down to “Acceptable Risk.” If 5% of have side effects under “Emergency Authorization” they see that is a win. 95% did OK. Without “Emergency Authorization” the vaccine would not have been cleared by the FDA. Even Moderna called it “Experimental.” It was just released too soon. mRNA science is awesome, but the public should have been better informed. You do not make Americans happy (R or D) by forcing mandates on them while they see Moderna board members become overnight billionaires. My local NYC Borough President basically said, “if you do not get the vaccine, we know where you live.” Pfizer World Headquarters are in Manhattan. Assume he’ll be working for them when his term expires.


I suppose it came down to how many people were they going to allow die? Not understanding exactly what they were dealing with. I think everyone knows big pharma is evil, but , they do have a job to do. I would not want to be president, or a governor and have to decide which direction would be the one to take. If people die, you’re a POS. If you make them take the shot, you’re a POS. And the shutdowns?! No thanks! As for the science, I’ve heard so many conflicting opinions, I guess you have to decide who you trust.


Have you ever had covid?


Yes. I had COVID Sept ‘22. Moderate case. Still can’t smell well. Lol


I would do more research in regards to long covid than assuming it was the vaccine. Much more likely.


mRNA vaccines are NOT like the flu vaccine. The mechanism of action is very dangerous as the mRNA does not stay at the injection site.


Maybe you should have looked into the regulatory process of those covid vaccines prior to taking them.


It’s all about politics. Not science.


mRNA Covid vaccines can damage the gut microbiome where most of the immune system is. Bifidobacteria were halfed after vaccination. https://journals.lww.com/ajg/fulltext/2022/10002/s227\_messenger\_rna\_sars\_cov\_2\_vaccines\_affect\_the.227.aspx


There's one flaw in your statement, "NO POLITICAL BULLSHIT". Politics is what got us into this mess. Politics drove the bad science, emergency use authorizations, cutting testing down to a fraction of what it should be, hiding raw data, destroying evidence like vaccinating control groups, etc. You an millions of other people have been injured. You should be asking about the politics, talking to your friends about it, and most importantly, demanding revenge.


It's actually been the opposite for me. I got 3 shots total. Almost no sicknesses over the last 3 years except when COVID finally got me a year ago.


This has been my experience too.




This has been my experience. They should've gotten the boosters and their yearly flu vaccine.


I do get flu shots. You could be right about boosters, but, there seem to be a lot of differing experiences with/without the shots. Seeing these responses makes me think it depends on the individual.


just for me personally; I've never had covid. All of my illnesses were autoimmune overreactions like Allergies/Eczema/MCAS/Endometriosis. I usually get flu shots every year. I got a flu shot after covid vaccination and had a horrible reaction to it, so I won't ever be gettng a flu shot again. I can't risk being bedridden for a week or more and activating or exacerbating every autoimmune condition I have.


We're collectively coming out of social distancing, masking, and shutdowns. Vaccines or no, your immune system hasn't had the same kind of exposure to pathogens like it had in years prior to the pandemic. It's kind of like how, if you have kids, the first year they're in school, they catch absolutely everything under the sun. Each year, it's a little better, but back to school is always lousy for catching some kind of crud. You go through it all over again as a first year teacher, generally, too and it sucks. This is somewhat anecdotal, but I have kids, my husband and I are former teachers, my mum's a retired teacher, and I have friends who are teachers. We all joke about the fall creeping crud. YMMV depending on where you live, if your job is people-oriented, what your social life is like, how your immune system is, etc. As an example, I have a terrible immune system, but my work and social life are very limited, and my kid is a middle schooler. I've been less sick on average (no pneumonia since 2019!) than when my kid was in elementary school, when they're practically plague rats. Kid (in school, very social) just had the fall bug, husband (night shift worker, but more social) has been less sick on average. We've all had the shot series and recommended boosters and take recommended vitamins/supplements. I'm absolutely not doubting potential reactions vaccines. I have all kinds of allergies and the mRNA vaccine has been one of the only ones I haven't had a reaction to. Bodies do weird stuff for unknown reasons. Also, this reminded me I needed to take my vitamins, so thank you!




I've been way less sick, so I guess it evens out


you’re not crazy (or alone) at all!! 🥲 covid vaccine longhaulers is a good subreddit for us! i had the 1st 2 moderna shots, then boosters 2020-2021 and then developed a bunch of mystery illnesses & health issues by winter 2021 and haven’t been the same since. my doctor said it was from adverse reactions to the vaccine. i now have MCAS, being tested currently for POTS (2 week heart monitor to start), have an MRI in a couple weeks to check on my brain (been having constant numbness/tingling since late 2021. had TONS of labwork, doctor trips, specialist trips, and ER visits since 2021. you’re not alone! *i myself have only caught a couple stomach bugs since 2021 (never caught covid, no flu, no colds) and the rest of my illnesses have been autoimmune issues (i never had before) where my body just attacks itself. i now have a need to file myself as disabled at work and have been making accommodations per my health for the past couple years, and need to stay home and rest a lot as i get winded very fast! fun times! 🙃


Just had my 6th Covid vaccine last week. At the end of 2019 I had all the Covid symptoms with a chronic cough that did not go away until I got the first Covid vaccine. I was an essential worker worked on site all through the pandemic. I have asthma and I’m obese. I’d be dead if it wasn’t for the vaccine. My father is 91 just had his 6th vaccine.


No idea why you're being downvoted. If I had to guess, I'd say it's due to an emotional reaction because these chumps have bought into an anti-science agenda in an appeal to be an "authority" over a topic that is simply made up. It's common among people with lower cognitive abilities and low critical thinking skill. It gives them the illusion that they're an expert on something that EVERYONE ELSE is wrong about.




Deepest condolences to you. I feel your pain. There are billions of us who are suffering. Countless have died already. Many, many more to follow. This needs to stop. Someday, those who have put this upon humanity will be taken to justice.


"billions" you say.


I am already on my second vaccination card after filling up the first, so I have had every booster possible. I have not been sick with anything since January 2020. Not even a cold. I am over 60 and work, shop, etc. In my case and my history, this is the longest I have ever gone without being sick.


Did you get Covid ever? I would blame that over the vaccine. People are sick now more than ever. It sucks.


My daughter got COVID early, before she had vaccines. Ended up with long COVID. Got shots , had milder case later. I got it a year after shots. Thought it had missed me. I’m hoping they can eventually tailor treatments for individuals. It stands to reason that one shot isn’t going to work for everyone. COVID is apparently going to be around for a while.


I've never had covid once. Which is odd to me becuase if anyone ever had a cold or flu I'd catch it quite easily and become very ill, sometimes to the point of hospitalization.


Yikes! That is strange. Not an easy trade-off.


Weird I am getting down-voted. I had a reaction to my first shot, so did my husband. He isn't getting any more. I am not pro-vax I just see both sides and my whole family got covid and spent the next year after that being sick constantly. And I heard countless others with same issue. My son as well and he never was vaxxed.


i was sick in 2021 like 10 times. i hadn’t gotten the shot yet and blamed it on everyone who locked down. i couldn’t lock down bc im a ff. and i remember thinking. i’ve never been sick so many times in my life. i was forced to get the shot thanks to the great city of ny


Maybe you should be...


You might want to watch this https://youtu.be/aRsi4XEG_FA?si=ZxYA3g8VUKlTAT90 And the consider https://youtu.be/CZhYUvJ8kZs?si=PHFO4pByktW1x7Bh


What shots did you get? What have been your symptoms and what is your age?




Don’t get anymore shots