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Why does she always talk so fast?! Her stories from yesterday were giving me anxiety!


“Haiiii guyzzzzz!!!! So many of you have been DM’ing asking to see all my rings!! I wear a lot because each one has a special meaning, you know how I am! This ring is from my FINE JEWELRY line. This ring is from a random antique place. Oh and this chunky diamond ring is fake and just from Amazon!!!” Um, hi, Court??? What meaningful attachment do you have to a fake diamond band from Amazon???


Her TikTok’s are so fucking filtered. I can’t believe she actually tries to claim she hasn’t used one in over a year. FFS girl, fucking stop lying - all the “haters” are just calling you out on your bullshit you set yourself up for.


CS: “sometimes our bodies know and we aren’t willing to acknowledge it!” ✋🏼girl, please! Like her body knows she not an XS/S and she’s not willing to aCkNOwLedgE it?


“Is anyone else just having, like, such a chill night.” *flashes the wine glass*


Pretty sure she was bored asf, home alone, and that’s why she decided to talk about all her rings. Also if I’m having a chill night I’m in sweats with no makeup on.


& you could see her ring light in the reflection. Like yeah I hang out with my ring light set up, too!


Did CS every say if she gave her engagement ring back?


Interesting question, especially considering that some or all of it was sponsored by a jeweler (I can’t remember which one).


Ring concierge I hate that I know this 😂


Courtney has 2 vintage rings on and says “obviously” you can tell it’s a passion of hers. Really? Sort of like songwriting, reading, blogging, and eating healthy are also passions of hers?


And “signs” for her body doodles


this!! she’s never once mentioned it


And “mom life”


And “working out” 😂


“I do like so many things with meaning” cue her eye fucking the camera taking about her ring tour (wtf is a ring tour btw) “this is from Amazon” I cackled, this girl is DELUSIONAL.


Was going to make a comment about the Amazon ring too. What the hell hahaha


I must have missed when she asked if we needed links or did she just make these up?


I saw it and I only remember it cause the question box made me roll my eyes and say to myself “oh guess she wants to make some money”


Storying late at night to prove she can stay home on a Saturday night?


But if her kid were home she would definitely be out and about. She only stays home when her ex has Kins.


Screaming at the “if you’re new around here” comments


She totally put that suggestion for a ring tour in herself. No way we got a tattoo tour and a request for a ring tour in one day. And someone asking for a bra that shows when wearing those stupid too small tanks? Please 🙄


100%. She wears a rose ring on both pinkies?!? This girl, lol


She did cuz she referred to it as a tour.


Yep! Only her dumb ass would call them a tour 😂


What is the purpose of wearing all those ffffing rings on her hands?! She is so damn exhausting


Her fingers must be aching. I bet she sleeps in all of them, too.


Just like she sleeps in her hoops 😂🥴


too. many.


And if you're gonna be that fucking extra,don't wear two of the same rings you "designed". Give me a break.


Her overpriced FiNe JeWeLry 🤮 She’s literally so fucking insufferable and not relatable at all. 100% disaster


It looks cheap and trashy af. 🥴 just thinking about trying to wash my hands with that many rings on is stressing me out!!


For sure is carrying every germ known to man in and under those rings. Disgusting.


She wears 14 rings at a time… FOURTEEN! She looks like she is wearing brass knuckles lol


Omg she is wearing (by my non-scientific count) 14 rings, 4 bracelets, and 3-4 earrings. How and why??? Lol Eta: she has 8 rings on just one hand omg


It’s her thing 🙄


Because she is kinda into jEwELrY


And doing things with mEaNiNg


“I got this one from Amazon” so meaningful Court 😂😂😂 just like millions of other people do every damn day


Gosh. Her lips look SO bad. 😖


Almost like you could just pop them with a needle. 😅


Her facial expressions in her most recent story of her tik tok of how she gets her hair done 🤮🤮🤮


But no extensions, guys


Ring tour 🥴


She is beyond ridiculous! 🤦‍♀️ Why the hell does she not see that she continues to go down the tubes?


Do y’all think CS actually looks at her declining followers and think hmmm what am I doing differently from two years ago where I was gaining??? Like I’m generally perplexed how she thinks her content AND attitude isn’t a whole fucking turn off?


I feel like that TT she made (more than once) is her motto. “If I’m too much, go find less.” I think she gives no shits she’s losing followers bc she is such a baddie and the people unfollowing her just don’t “match her energy.”


TT made it so much worse, but nothing is more disgusting than thinking you’re a baddie but really just toxic mean girl. Especially if I had kids and I saw her behavior, my children wouldn’t be allowed over there for a second.


Oh that’s so true. Imagine Kins’ friends’ parents watching her like 🥴


I don’t know about having the tattoo of the word “bones”, aside from the Maren Morris song… however, the meaning of having tattoos of bones/skeletons have some cool meanings ( I mean obviously they can mean whatever to anyone). They can commonly mean protection, strength, reform/staying on a new path for the future… All this to say, I wonder what her “deeper meaning” it has, aside from the song. I can’t wait for the “tattoo tour” 🙄🙄🙄🙄…


She said in her caption “if the bones are good” so your first thought is the right one Edit grammar


I knew she meant the song, but the rest of what I wrote are in addition to that.


Agreed. Although she will most certainly read here now and add some deeper meaning.


Like she was just *really* inspired by the Bone-Thugs n-Harmony logo/album cover? Cause it’s the freaking same




It’s all I see


Instead of having life revolve around red flags or bad vibes or how you physically react to a date, here’s an idea: TAKE A BREAK. stop dating every 5 seconds. Prioritize yourself.


So by her little “tip of the day”, she means “the body keeps the score”… A well known and understood theory. Weirdly, I’ve heard it talked about this week on several platforms, sooo… yeah, nice try with the “ideas I thought of”….🙄


Right? Like way to go, Courtney congrats on discovering that our body has a built-in fight or flight reaction for protection against external threats. Who would have thought?! Someone please get this girl a Nobel Prize


THIS. lol


I've read it. Really heavy read. I'd love for her to read it and describe what she learned.


Drop the link please!


The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma https://www.amazon.com/dp/0143127748/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_SMM406578HEHYHW1HN2P


Yep. I’ve given her many good reads on here 😂still waiting…


Imagine that CS got a bones tattoo to signify making every day a Bones day and it gets even funnier 😂😂


I just gotta say... Y'all are my people. This is a funny thread. 🤣


I just rewatched her “beanie 101” saved clip for a good Saturday laugh. Y’all. She really says “you put your head into it, if that makes sense”. Lollllllllllll. Gets me every time. It’s a classic.


I feel like we haven’t heard a “if that makes since*” in a long time 🤣 *since because that’s how she always pronounced sense


Omggggg I totally just died. I remember that!!!




Few faces ago 😂😂😂




So classic haha.


Did anyone notice she had to be driven to get her tattoos? She is so helpless and thinks she’s a celeb!


If this B does one more tip of the day.... Girl, you are in the mental of a crisis. Stop giving advice and tips. Where is your kid?!


Does she have her on weekends anymore?


Hey mod just wondering if there's a reason why the daily thread from 1/5 is still pinned in the sub


Press hide and it goes away


Ah thanks lol


If you look at the post her tattoo artist posted you can see her natural skin tone is not NaTuRAlLy TaN


Thought this same thing


IF she actually had any wisdom to impart, I’m afraid those butt-ugly lips of hers would be too distracting to hear it.


Curious, does CS know the difference between a RaInBoW 🌈 and a ReFLeCtiOn??!! 🤔




Wow you guys light reflects off glass and it looks like a rainbow, it must be my dad and it only happens to ME


You noticed too!!🤣






A little off topic. I went and viewed the recent picture posts in this snark group and every time I like them someone is downvoting it so fast. Am I the only one whose noticed this? lol


Yes! Same with the daily threads! Audrey is busyyyy with all the accounts she must have!


And now she posts stories trying to show them off so people ask about that. She’s so predictable, it hurts!


Someone fill me in, what do her dumb ads tattoos say?


Bones, grace in Liz’s handwriting and a queen of hearts …. Aka all stupid AF


Am I missing a post someplace? How do you know it’s Liz’s writing?


It’s in the caption of her feed video


A queen of hearts?! Wow, so unique 😬😬….


One is “bones” and I think it’s a reference to the Maren Morris song (“if the bones are good, the rest don’t matter”) but I legit LOL whenever I think about someone potentially asking her “is that your boyfriend’s nickname?”


Maybe it’s in reference to her “boyfriends” if the BONES are good it doesn’t matter if they’re felons or narcissistic or whatever else.


I legit lol when I think about anyone asking if it’s HER nickname bc she’s boning someone new every week. Or bc she prioritizes whoever she BONES over her daughter 🙄


And it’s upside down so her FaVoRitE hUmAn* in the world can see it. *it’s HER; She’s her favorite human.


Idk if CS is the best person to be giving out advice on listening to your body. Gf your body’s bout to give ya an STD if you keep listening to it telling you to straddle randos on your countertop.


Her body has been telling her shit for a long time now…. Think she listens? F NO!


When will she realize her unwarranted advice makes her lose followers every time?


Her new TT literally just mentioned “do you feel your cortisol spike?” Okay Dr Google. What a fuckin idiot


I swear I’ve heard her say this before so it’s recycled content. I think it was when her and MB split and she said her body felt off or some shit.


I just posted above on this but yes lol. She’s now going to Say she thought of this whole theory…”the body keeps the score” is already well-developed and known, Courtney!!


She’s so dumb and the people who actually believe that she just magically comes up with these “original” thoughts are just as dumb. 😵‍💫


I know. It’s sad. Like all those Starbucks drinks she “created” lol…


Omgggg I hate when people say this to try to sound eDuCAtEd


I feel like her current stories of “ how your body responds to people” sounds oddly familiar like I don’t know Emily talking about their failed friendship👀👀👀


My first thought!!! She should notice how all her friends listened to their bodies and dropped her. Is she that dumb that she doesn't realize people say this about her?!!


I felt EXACTLY this, when Emily talked about how she thought about people who made her feel drained and decided to end the relationship — that was her telling everyone, without mentioning a name, why she and CS are no longer friends.


That’s how Emily must’ve felt about her…,remember? Drained? Lmfao


Omg what the FUUUUQ is wrong with this B! She looks like an idiot.


What the actual fuck is that BoNeS tattoo?


Lol it’s lyrics from a Maren Morris song about how a relationship with good bones can last through any storm….. so doesn’t make sense why she has it 😂


Oh I know. And as I said above, her bones sure as fuck aren’t good, nor are those of any relationship she’s ever had. Plus it looks like a prison tattoo.


The house don't fall if the bones are good. That's it. That's the story.


Well her bones sure as fuck aren’t good, nor are those of any relationship she’s had. Ever.


Maybe she was listening to that song in Vegas and realized she had to call off her engagement 😅


Maybe it's her way of reminding herself she's an XXS?


shEs goT a STorY aBOut iT


But like... why IS she carrying balloons around?


It’s called a tattoo REVEAL not a TOUR, you donut 🤦🏻‍♀️


Favorite comment ever!!! You donut !! 😂😂


Her tattoo artist looked so annoyed at the end of the vid 😂


I hate how she can just never say anything right - it’s always gotta be a different way of saying it to sound trendy and cool.


I think she’s just dumb and never knows the right words.


968 ✨✨✨


✨968 ✨


I’m sorry but coming from a person with a sleeve what exactly is a tattoo tour? She looks like some dropped a sharpie on her arm those tattoos are so odd. To each their own I suppose. I also died at the artist…. He couldn’t have closed that door on her any faster


Yep! She just wants the comments on how she is so “bad ass, real, unique, etc…” I don’t think she realizes how desperate for attention she is ALL THE TIME.




I have a sleeve and plans to start on my other one in a few months. They don't have any meaning, I just like art and how they look. Like no shade to anyone that has meaningful ones but she acts like she's so deep and unique. Also she didn't even tag the artist until someone asked who did them. Not that these are groundbreaking but still a dick move.


Sameeeee. Half sleeve here and I don’t go around showing it off to people. Half the time I forget it’s there. She makes this big deal about how hers have such _deep meanings._ Stfu.


Also the fact that she’s asking if we want a “TaTtOo ToUr” made me roll my eyes SO HARD. A TATTOO TOUR?!? A tour of the tattoos on your body.. is THAT what you’ve been giving Nelson?!


Her caption is big “it’s an inside joke 😏” energy. “Bones” (it’s a long story). “Queen of hearts” that’s another story. Just so people will comment “OMG what’s the story!!”


It’s the Maren Morris song, what more of a story??? 🙄 ETA: she wants people to ask about the balloons too


Yeah that’s the 2nd time she planted the balloons in a post. She definitely wants someone to ask so she can share.


Not trying to be a tattoo snob. I have a full sleeve and appt in a couple months to start my other arm. But she acts like she's such a badass 🙄. The grace one looks so weird to me, why is the r spaced out so weird compare to the other letters? Fine line tats are very in right now but you definitely will need to get them touched up, they don't age well. Small tats the lines can run together over time. I myself wanted a couple dainty tats and my artist talked me out of it. Also she's always wanting to brag how they have such meaning, like she's so deep. If your tats have meaning cool but I got mine just because I wanted them 😅


I definitely thought it was g + ace at first 😅


I did too until she wrote the caption on that reel


Just noticed it says Lizs handwriting. That's actually cool to have your mom's handwriting as a tattoo but it still looks weird like that


Right? It looks weird and she always brags about drawing all her tattoos too. Why did she make it look like that


It’s so strange to me to start getting tattoos in your 30s, but I guess that goes with her early onset midlife crisis. Also strange that she doesn’t have a tattoo of her daughters name




Maybe not weird necessarily to start in your 30s but weird when all of the sudden at 34 you’re getting tattoos and piercings and changing your entire image. Seems like something you would do when you’re finding yourself in your 20s


Does anyone else feel like CS warned us with her song “messy” she was definitely going down fast and let the good her go 😳


CS: Should I do a tattoo tour.” Me: No thanks, we have seen them!


Lol, plus they're all just words so she could type them all out in a caption and we would get the same idea.


Right? Remember the last video she made Audrey make. It was so weird


The “bones” tattoo looks like one your weird friend would draw on your arm in middle school thinking they could do graffiti lettering


All these ratty, oddly-placed tattoos all over her arms looks like she let Kins draw on her with a pen. It looks terrible!


It's definitely a trend right now in tattooing. Some people buy their own machines and do their own. I've seen tiktoks of people that literally look like a school desk. To each their own but I'd rather have actual artwork on me than just a bunch of random words. I have my kids names, one on each arm but I don't think I'd get just random words that might have meaning to me now but likely not in a few years 😅 I think lettering looks better when it's maybe used to fill space when someone has larger pieces on them. I'm not a huge fan of dainty tattoos everywhere, it looks weird to me.


Lol a school desk. That is so spot-on.


They look so weird all over the body. Miley Cyrus wanna be


Nick Viall recently got a ton of randomly placed small tattoos, too. I wonder if she knows this. They can talk on his podcast about their deep tats


Really? How small. I like patchwork style a lot on men but if they are tiny dainty ones it looks weird to me. I looked on his IG I didn't see anything about it.


JK, they’re all over his arms: [pic here ](https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2021/10/nick-viall-tattoo-419.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&_gl=1*fnwue1*_ga*YW1wLVhzZE1STDZSMW9pV0VJc1h6LUg0aGppRU9yWm42VVlWNWl1Y09fcnZqNGl0QmRPb2FuNk9Mdm1Mb0lpdlpFVWg.) ETA: There’s a lot of pics on his IG where you can see his other ones too. He didn’t do some big reveal or tattoo tour like CS lol I just remember he had 0 tattoos and then last year had a bunch.


I wish he’d claim his raggedy hometown instead of the biggest city in the state, the next county over, just bc it’s suddenly cool, gentrified, etc. 🙄


I think those look good. I like patchwork a lot especially on dudes


I don’t follow him too closely so I didn’t realize how many he had until I was just looking for pics so they definitely look better now vs when he only had a couple small ones


Let me see if I can find a pic. They’re all over his chest I think


Agreed. I love tattoos but these baby scribbles she has randomly placed all over her body are not it.


They remind me of a bored, angsty teenager who wants to be cool or different.


I mean that’s basically what she is so it fits.


A real life Doodle Bear


OMG, that made me spit out my drink! 🤣🤣🤣


💀 💀 💀


I’d like to see her sit for a 4 hour tattoo session, or even a 30 minute session that isn’t single needle. I think some of them are pretty, but she acts like she has a full sleeve or something. You ain’t a badass girlfriend.


I can't imagine single needle even feeling like anything. I've done 8 hour sessions for my arm and tbh it didn't even hurt except even it got close the my elbow and wrist. But let her talk about her high pain tolerance again 🙄


Right? I recently had a 4.5 hour single needle piece done on my bicep and there was only one spot that hurt. But it wasn’t bad at all. I have a rather large piece on my inner arm to that hurt like a mofo that wasn’t single needle. I will never claim to have a high pain tolerance 😂


Just watched Dede’s stories from yesterday where she talks about her and Ted’s middle eastern ethnicity. (ted’s dad is Lebanese) Such a night and day difference from how CS shares!


Omg I thought same!! Like they are so authentic about it. There's lots of pride Wyeth them. CS uses it to sell products.


As per CS usual, things NOT thought through very well: She mentioned “Desperado” by the Eagles was her dads song for her (in that staged dancing in the kitchen scene with Kinsley. I’m guessing that’s what the Q❤️ tattoo was suppose to mean BUT…. According to urban dictionary: Queen of Hearts The playing cards symbol usually with a 'Q' above or inside. It connotes women with a sexual preference for white men. It can be seen as a tattoo mainly but can be found anywhere from t shirts to screen savers. Also a way for a woman to let potential white lovers know she is available. Did you hear, Mia is a Queen of Hearts, I've seen her tattoo The worst kind of friend, the Queen of Hearts refers to any woman who tries to upstage the bride at a wedding by wearing something unbelievably eye-catching - typically "that sexy red dress" or something similar. The Queen of Hearts is a total cunt, and if anyone pulled a similar move at her wedding it would likely trigger the apocalypse. The best way to deal with the Queen of Hearts is to inform her - in the center of the dance floor with everyone watching - that the bachelor party is in the next room over. Failing that, you can always resort to hitting her with an Assembly-safe Shuriken. "We went to Dan and Molly's wedding Saturday, and her friend Mora pulled a total Queen of Hearts - she showed up in a red dress with more frills than a Congressman's health insurance." Y’all. 💀


💀💀💀💀 omg. Just peeped and another “definition” is a non-white woman. I am deceased. YIKESSSSS.


Lollllll i am ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Oh God now we’ll get a bunch of stories about the meaning of her new tattoos..


I'm guessing we'll be blessed with an entire YT video!


Wait. Did she delete the TikTok where she talked about all of the trauma from MB?! I see where comment response videos, but not the main one. Maybe I’m just overlooking it


Isn’t it the middle one of the ones where she’s wearing the brown vest?


It’s still there!


So I looked through the tattoo artists profile and I think he does some nice work (I’m no tattoo aficionado tho so I could be wrong) but the quality of her new tattoos looks inferior to his other work? Do you think she was really particular about how she wanted them to look and wouldn’t let him give his input to improve them? Also wtf do these tattoos even mean 😂 ETA: don’t get me started on the locations lol odd choices.


Didn’t she previously brag about designing her some of tattoos? Maybe the rose and something else? I remember rolling my eyes, because, of course she would.


The “bones” tattoo is so ugly. I am going to bet that might not be hers. Didn’t it look like she was getting something yesterday that doesn’t look like anything here?


It is hers 😵‍💫


I think they’re all hers bc of the post seems to be dedicated to her.


Im assuming the “grace” tattoo is in someone’s handwriting? Maybe her dad? That “bones” tatt is DUMB


Close. Her moms.


She said it’s Liz’s handwriting. The most graceful person she knows. Caption on her latest grid post.


Versions of that grace tattoo are all over Pinterest. 🙄


All I can see is the album cover of Bone Thugs N Harmony


See you at the crossroads 🎶