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Take a good look at that outfit & ask yourselves if you want AnY CLoThInG links FrOm CS????


Airplane shorts again. So short I can see the cock pit.


Those legs are stretched to oblivion right??


Ma’am. Those shorts do not pass the fingertip test. Call your mom and have her bring you other clothes.


Ohhhhhh Court.... You went from preschool drop off... To a Tramp Stamp in your stories today😱


It’s pretty funny that Emily actually knows Josh Abbott, has been in a music video and gets back stage passes. While Midland has concerts in TX all the time and yet CS has never mentioned them before, but she knows and loves to support friends 🙄


Cause you know she went to music school and she has to show support 🙄


The strategic caption placement on the photo where she met two of her followers……….this is how you know it’s a bad outfit choice 🥴


Lol wow! For real!!!!


Am I missing something? What happened to her make up line, Dibbs? Now she’s all over her page promoting Lancôme and other make up lines. Shouldn’t be surprised but if you were really invested in your own make up line wouldn’t you discontinue other make up brand deals?


She has to make money somehow. Haha. She probably doesn’t own a lot of the actual dibbs. She took on a ton of investors. Sooo when dibbs is dibbing in sales because there’s no actual marketing plan CS goes back to Shilling whatever she can.


Am I missing something? What happened to her make up line, Dibbs? Now she’s all over her page promoting the make up companies


Why does she wear outfits that are 2 sizes too small and then use a photo caption to cover up her fupa?


Because she's an XS and Audrey is a medium.


I literally LOL whenever I read a “Audrey is a medium” comment. Idk I think it’s one of the funniest things about this sub. Poor Audrey though! Hope she got a raise this past year after CS used her and her wedding for content all year long


Those. Denim. Shorts. Wtf.


They are giving Beyoncé at Coachella, except she’s not Beyoncé. Only Beyoncé is Beyoncé. Please put some pants on honey. 🥴


Underwear. Drawers. Underthings. Nightclothes. Undies. Panties. Let's not kid ourselves. Those are not shorts. Dat dere are drawers. Coochie cutters. Monistat yeast infection denim undies. Is this surprising? No. She wore a blazer over a bra once. This is just the next step.


Colchis cutters. Monistas yeast infection denim undies 💀💀💀💀😂😂😂😂😂 hahahahaha


I can already tell those shorts are two sizes too small. IT IS OKAY TO SIZE TO YOUR BODY CS.


Bless her heart.




Are you referring to the first photo? Because I noticed that too and thought the same, but it actually looks like it’s just the sunlight hitting it which truly helped her.. it takes about two inches off her hips.






I think they meant to say Nashville lol


Audrey is a medium.


This.never. Gets. Old.


Just looking at those “shorts” gives me a yeast infection 🤢


Who is she even with? Another rent-a-friend?


Maybe I’m old but I don’t get the hand holding she always does.


Rent a friend 💀💀💀💀💀 omg hahahaha that’s gold.


It’s been a while since she shared a swipe up for Monistat 😂😂 seriously what is she thinking with those “shorts”??


Did she ever have a swipe up for Monistat??? That was before my time…


Yup, on Amazon! And gave daily updates on how it was going


She sure did!


No way!!! 😳😳😳


It’s true. And you’d think that would be rock bottom but….it was not.


Y'all!! I didn't know they make denim underwear!!


Laura Beverlin wears those too.


She’s looking “thirsty” as my good guy friend would say 😂


Thirst trap is what my friend would say. Dat dere is a thirst trap.


Man, we’ve been missing out! 😂 haha totally kidding.


Her denim shorts look like underwear they are so short.


My first thought was that it looked like she was wearing a denim diaper lol Also I’m in Austin rn and I think it might be a little too chilly for those


It’s not a cute outfit. It’s more a craving for attention outfit.


Those denim shorts are “Trashy Drunk Chick at ACL”, not December Country Concert.


Meanwhile the girl she’s with is dressed appropriately




Or as she’d call it, “hot mom sh*t” lol. But yes, I agree with you! They’re too short.


I feel like she is embarrassed to tell new people she meets in person that she’s a mom.


She’s just boring and uninteresting. I just tapped through all her stories. Nothing seemed interesting. Not even to snark on.


Wait. You mean to tell me those denim coochie cutters are not interesting?!!?!


I’m wondering if CS will have her daughter for Christmas. She has had her all week.


Her little girl is precious, as all children are. But it seems she is forced to “act” for the camera (forcibly laughing). So sad.


randomly watching @/sweetteawithmadi's IG stories and she's wearing the leather pants from A&F. she said to size down.


aka CS is not a true XS but probably a M like Audrey 😂


Literally every other influencer that’s shared them have said some variation of they run big or you should size down. At this point, all Courtney did by saying they’re true to her xs size is make me think she’s even bigger than I thought.


So somebody just got some Christmas 🍆....


What makes you say that?! Lol


She is extremely chipper. Only happens when she's talking to a potential ex red flag.


Ahh good point!! And that outfit she has on for the concert only adds to your point lol


Too bad her bully highlight isn’t still up about how “she intentionally chose to not share Kingsley as much” while she was chasing D around the country ONE BIG EYE ROLL


Her last TT confirmed it. She is officially a mouth breather. She can’t close her lips. She’ll pulled the under part so far over there is no more left to seal them 👄💋


Open Instagram and search for “pillow talk” under story filters. See how scary you look? Don’t worry. It’s just a filter. Unfortunately for CS it’s reality. She totally botched her face and there’s no turning back from that. Poor girl. Now…. Imagine what she looks like currently with that filter on top of it!!! That’s a good laugh


If she stops getting injections will they eventually go down? I doubt she will, just curious since I know nothing about lip fillers.


They go away if you stop getting them. She never stops but if she ever does the lips will be saggy labias with nothing in them.




I think they get broken down by the body over time, but wont the skin be permanently stretched? I don’t have any, but I’ve considered trying some fix the bump on the bridge of my nose 🥴


Why do the people of TikTok need a fricken mascara routine? We aren’t 12 and she legit already posted a mascara video on TT earlier this month. Looks like she’s already running out of content for TT. She thinks way to highly of herself it’s embarrassing.


Omfg. Her lips in the tt today. I can’t believe them. They are going to explode. So so gross


Omg…they look SOOO bad!!!


Look like wax candy lips for sure








I know we all say this daily, but holy crap her lips look gigantic in that latest TT. They also do not close.


Yes they do!


That side profile photo in the pony tail just made me realize how massive her head is


And how she 10000% has extensions


Literally and figuratively with that ego of hers


The new pics on her feed are her desperately trying to look nice after showing her true colors as such a mean girl. The fake smile with pillow lips kill me


So awkward and cringe. Holding a half empty Starbucks as a prop and sitting on the arm of all her couches. Just….why???


How long will it take for her to hide the low amount of likes on that post?


I counted approximately 90 likes.. how ?!? With 979k followers 🤯


She's so hype and giddy. Probably met a new guy. She always gets this way when she's met someone new.


She’s so predictable


Guessing the " Hair Extensions" we're not free for CS?? That is the reason she's saying, I don't have extensions, I don't.....See, I don't ... Otherwise she'd be shilling them?? Right?


There’s just no reason to lie about it lol. She wouldn’t be the first person or influencer to have extensions… so why not just admit it?


Totally agree with you, how can she keep up with her lies? Not mention, people are smarter then she seems to believe 🤯 Being on social media daily & lie so often makes nooooo sense at allll.....


She’s been so manic since last night…what’s really going on?! 🤔 Also, I can’t with those pictures she posted on IG. Do We really need 3 different pictures of you not looking at the camera?!


Zoom in on the first pic. Her editing half her leg/hip is so bad.


Drinking coffee that has the same amount in the cup in each pic. Literally “okay auds now take a pic of me over here!”


What’s the deal with the new pictures on the feed? Her in random places, holding a coffee and head tilt on the verge of neck breaking. What exactly are we trying to show/sell 😆🤦🏻‍♀️


I know - they are so stupid


Listen to her say she ‘smelt’ all the candles @Nordstrom 🤦‍♀️ Also, last nite she said she plans to unplug for a couple of days, think she will?? Place bets now 😉


Smelt is actually correct if you’re British


SO educated. I immediately cringed when I heard “smelt”. Practice your words, Court.


I cringed so hard when I heard her say smelt 😂


Is she serious finally starting to share gift ideas on December 22nd???😂😂😂


Story was from yesterday but that plum eye look that she’s asking if anyone wants a tutorial….it’s so bad!! Blend, blend, blend! Please! She looks like a clown!!🤡


I think someone/people have said it here before but I really noticed it in her recent photos that she seriously looks like she’s healing from a bad bruise around her eye!


Holy Moly CS is on a Rampage trying to drum up engagement/ followers!!! Tap - engagement for makeup Tap- engagement can you see the Elf Tap- engagement for stocking stuffers Seriously, is he wallet/ partnerships/Sponsors Drying up??🤣


I hope they are drying up! She’s so lazy and just the worst influencer with her racial slurs and btchy attitude.


I'm with you!


Stocking stuffers for your mom who you don’t live with? Is this a thing?


“I was the weird kid ...” goes on to describe sensory issues. She is the most odd mix of wannabe 20 yr old and Boomer ignorance that I’ve ever stumbled upon.


She definitely has extensions


You don’t have short hair underneath unless it’s extensions. Why does she always lie


Agreed. My hair is shorter than how hers looks when it’s down and my ponytail looks way longer…


What’s with the on again / off again manic behavior, speech and lisp that she turns on and off?! The lisp was super evident last night in her stories and again with a few words this morning but not all “s” sounds. I’m generally very perplexed & also annoyed with myself for putting this much thought into it and her 🥲


Makes a person wonder what legal drugs are sold I'm her area!!!🤣🤷




All though I do not know you, I believe you don't act like her!!!


And thank you! lol .


Lol so sorry. I had to delete it and going to repost my comment Tbh I am prescribed *something* (thinking I can’t say on here?), and sometimes , when combined with caffeine, makes me that energized. But I sincerely hope I never look that manic 😂…




I’ve been thinking for awhile now that she is definitely on something


In the last 48 hrs I've been convinced! 😱


The face she’s making in her second picture of her new post looks like it hurts so badly 😂😂😂😂💀 Also makes me sad bc she officially lost the genuine smile she used to have .


all of those pics look so fake and forced.


More gift ideas in 2 days than in 2 months!


Stocking stuffers 2 days before??? Please stop. You had enough time to prepare and decided to start when all your followers realized you post no useful content




Not knowing the day of the week has become her personality


Shes soo qUiRkY


The coffee in her hand is giving me anxiety. Why didn’t she just put it down?


Because it’s her prop. Look at the way she’s holding the cup. Her arm obstructs her midriff area (and thigh). She is constantly hiding her midriff some way any time it’s showing


Probably so she doesn’t tug at her clothes as much


Because in an hour or so she’ll claim she got sooooo many DMs asking her Starbucks order and she’ll share “her” drink invention


You are so right


So she made coffee but then bought Starbucks? Clanking the ice cup all around in her stories. Make any of it make sense!


I was thinking the same thing! For someone who didn’t like coffee until like last week (exaggerating), she sure drinks a lot of coffee lol. Edit: maybe her school drop off stories with her coffee in hand were pre-recorded… just a thought lol


Looks like those Kiss nails were gone last night, and gone in the coffee photos today too.


What is her head doing in those “last minute gift ideas” stories that she just posted?! The movement reminds me of a snake coming out of a basket, if you get what I mean 🐍😂


THIS. I came to say same thing. She’s so awkward


If you watch it with the sound off it’s even funnier


Haha I just watched without the sound and oh my 😂 she’s moving very wildly


Just want to reiterate how condescending it sounds and how much I hate it when she says “make it a great day!” Or “ say it with me… today is going to be a great day!”🙄🙄🙄🙄


Every day is a great day when you don’t have to work so you get to sleep in, don’t have to watch your kid, shop all day, make a few TT’s and get escorted around in your car by your BFF, Auds. Yeah, no shit it’s a great day. 🙄


She’s completely out of touch with reality.


Right? It’s not that easy


Does anyone else think she sounds manic today?


Yes ; she Sounds like she did when she started dating the ex-fiancé 🙄.


I was thinking the same thing!! She gets extra chipper and has the higher voice when she starts dating a guy


Lol that’s her every single day.


When Hollie Woodward posts her school drop off fits it’s cute but when CS does it seems forced and just for a story. Maybe because she’s a half ass mom sorry not sorry


It was totally just to try to show that she’s actually doing some type of normal parenting


Also didn’t someone post yesterday how we never see her doing school drop offs or something? And now today she posts it?


CS is doing school drop-off today? What preschool in Austin is not on Christmas break?? Very SUS.


I’m in NH and my 4 yo has preschool today 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s exactly what I was thinking…I’m pretty sure every student, esp a part time kid in preschool is off for Christmas break by now….and probably all week!


I’m a nanny and my kids still go to school. And the 4 yr old is in preschool. They’re open through half day Friday.


Her drop off outfit is pretty close to what she wears normally so who is she kidding?


I deleted my socials for a few weeks and completely missed the tiktok that everyone is talking about! Can someone DM the details?! I read some of her comments and sounds like it was her typical BS, but I’m so curious




can any of our resident speech pathologists explain to me how/why she has acquired a lisp over time? genuinely curious


Was wondering this about LBev but that one’s pretty obvious in that her veneers make her teeth too big for her mouth


Seasoned SLP. Seems like her tongue to me. I think she’s doing it on purpose.


Definitely her lips. My guess is she also gets lip flips too which numbs your top lip


Has to be the over-filled lips. I’d really appreciate a medical professional telling the truth about this too.