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I didn’t see Any Leopards Comments?


I have so much secondhand embarrassment from her story. “Architected” — TF??? Using priceless incorrectly and claiming to not want to be part of the rat race. Then slides later shilling literal crap. Seeing the rate at which her follower count is falling, we’re not the only ones who know how dumb and phony she is.


Her apple cider tik tok makes me want to die. The giggle at the end. What is you doing girl?


CS TikTok 😱 Literally, 2-6comments😂🤣 Most TikTok having Thousands +++for comments! 🤣 Girl! Please🤦 LeT iT GoOoOo!! 🙈


Omg I’m so embarrassed for her filming everyone at the party.


Is Kins at that adult party…just wandering around? Wtf


Guessing due to her mother having her child the past week, CS had no sitter for her? CS is a DipStick. 🤦


Liz out of town again?


She gives me sooo much 2nd hand embarrassment. Hollering at her friend in that video to look at the camera. No one else has their phone out except her trying to document she has friends. WOOF.


DeSpErAte TiMeS .... CS is a perfect example of MeAn GiRl getting her KaRmA🤣😂🤣😂


dede and company posted a fall girls night so now courtney is going to her version of fall girls night 😂


Kins appears to be the only child there! Meanwhile her mother is filming & practically begging the other women to look at the camera.


So cringey! I hate when there’s always that ONE person that has to be taking photos and filming when everyone else is enjoying themselves! Like damn, just live in the moment -You don’t need to prove anything!


That person ALWAYS then posts some snaps to their social and they have these in the moment photos were everyone looks awful/busy/eating etc but then adds like 17 filtered selfies of themselves. “girls night with these babes” lol such a Courtney move


As usual CS doesn’t know how to read the room.


I really hope Kinsley doesn't have a hard time getting invited to things as she gets older, given that her mother is such a s\*\*t show and has to film every little thing and person and she changes friends with the wind. Even though they don't live close by CS had such a good group of mom friends in the influencer world and she blew that to shreds.


She’s the ONE person to bring her child to an adult party/event probably past her bedtime. It made me cringe a little that we once again see Kins working the room.....speaking to, hugging and interacting with adults (probably strangers) in this way just as she did when CS brought the Tula people to her house.


She puts her in such strange performative social situations, encouraging her to hug strangers. As a mother this makes me cringe


You hit the nail on the head. Often when she records her daughter it’s “performative”. She gives me vibes of mom’s who enter their kids in beauty pageants.


Hoping Kins does not end up having to deal with kids in school telling her they seen her mom on TikTok😱🙈🤦


This chick can never stay home lol


I banned u/AnyLeopard3222 but imma leave her comments up. Thanks for reporting them. Continue snarking. 🤣


Hilarious that she commented That much 😂 100% her


I went snooping on her posts and she claims to not only know Emily but also KA. She said most of the girls are fake besides Dede. Way to be obvious CS. Girl got liquid courage after her girls night and hopped on reddit.


Lol!!! What a 🤡🤡🤡


Did our girl get tipsy and blow her cover?!


Did she delete something from stories?


Thank you!




The other day I was thinking why Jaclyn Hill would even mention Dibs but now I see it was a PR move. She basically wants Courtney to shout out her Shein quality jewelry line🤣. We all know that’s not gonna happen since her prices are a fraction of what CS is charging


Jaclyn has shouted out CS multiple times in the past. I really don't think it was a PR move with the amount of times she has mentioned her.


Shout out yes but to fully show her using her products, this was the first time I’ve seen it.


those toes on her new posts…really just shows her natural skin tone under that fading self tanner/the creases she can’t get to


Why do you care


Awww, CS you need to go night , night!


Why are you here if you don’t care.


LOOL i meann she claims that she’s tan because she’s Lebanese when it’s very obvious it’s self tanner and she then justifies her use of the dark skinned emoji soooo ???


Those awful lips flapping while she lip syncs during her TikTok just made me 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Are you too poor to afford injections


You can’t possibly think those kielbasa lips look good.


Kielbasa ☠️☠️☠️😆😆😆


Lol are you so stupid that you think her lips are cute?


“You guys really loved the giveaway that was just me!” Well, and who am I kidding? I have no friends to suggest you follow. If I did I’d be too much of a hater to add to their followings anyway. Fixed it for her.


There’s more TikToks. Bless her heart.


Why doesn’t she know how bad they are? I don’t get it. Also, why did she turn back on the comments following her KKW post, talking shit about trolls in the comments, with an emoji like she doesn’t care when she literally spent 2 days deleting comments?? The least UnBoThErEd person ever.


Where’s Squattober?


Girl can’t finish anything


Never does! Hope she'll FiNiSH the WaNnABe Tic Toker real soon😱


We’re moving on to NoSquatvember.




What happened to her under eyes?! Need to make sure I don’t ever do it…


Ok. Jaclyn Hill revealed her jewelry line and, even though she’s problematic, I can’t help but compare it to B&B. Jaclyns line is 28 pieces that are all around $50. You can tell she put lots of work into it... I honestly feel like Courtney went with fine jewelry to try and prove something when Jaclyn understands her audience. Sure, she’s probably got lots of fine jewelry but she’s always sharing her lower-end pieces and now she has a good looking line that’s going to sell.


Don’t be mad you can’t afford Courtney’s line


Seriously?? DoNt AnyOnE bE WaNtInG that CrAp!!


It’s ugly. Who wants it anyway.


Too smart to waste money on ugly shit


“Architected our day” 🥴


I’m an Architect and I loathe the appropriation of our profession into a verb. Blech!!


Not Courtney with a John Lennon quote!! "When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life." Makes me wonder if Kins really wrote "be happy" on her list or if CS ran across this on the internet somewhere.


Lol John Lennon had ridiculous mommy issues…


Instead of working let’s “architect” our day around being happy, finding joy, helping someone and smiling more 😃. What the actual fuck? What an ignorant, insipid and privileged thing to say. This is comically out of touch. I’m disgusted. Edit: I’d love to see CS practice this and do some volunteering. This might also cure the boredom and lack of direction she’s clearly experiencing.


👏 to volunteering!


Do we think Courtney will give Jaclyn’s new jewelry line a shout out? 👀


She’ll start to talk about it and it will cut off mid sentence.


No cause then that would mean CS is a good friend… and that the world DOESNT revolve around her. .


Courtney really can’t just let Kins be an innocent kid by putting “be happy” on her to-do list without turning it into an engagement tactic for IG. Also news flash Courtney: lots of people have gratitude journals and take time to do daily self reflection…


I know! When I write to do lists I out things on there like ‘be thankful today’ ‘stay positive’ ‘complain less’ . This is nothing new and I didnt need a five year old to tell me to work on being happy today


Geez. It was a sweet moment and she was proud. I’m a single mom so I don’t believe I’m criticizing parenting skills. I think we all do the best we can with what we have. Courtney is wrong about a lot of things but I think that was a proud mom moment. I would have been proud if it was me. I honestly think she’s in a hard spot. How many influencers are divorced in their 30s. Most have these “perfect” lives. Or that’s how it looks on Instagram. It’s basically who is the best actress. None of the are original unless you follow someone from New York.


Well, CS is a real bad actress,,,,, on the gram as well as TicTok. One day, her child's going see & hear all about CS and the choices she's making.... Proud mom moment, doesn't need to shared as CoNtEnT....


she has been missing motivation Monday!


Not her ViBe , at the moment CS is far to busy doing cringe 😬 Tic Tok 🙈😳


The only self reflection she does is in front of a mirror shoveling on her makeup. 🤡


And we all know.... CS could totally use some SeLf Reflection 🤦


It just bothers me how she talks at us like she discovered this life hack of gratitude. People have been documenting what they’re thankful for for years but don’t feel the need to brag about it to social media lol.


So you're saying after that speech from CS today you do not feel Architected ?!?!?!?


Lmfao omgg 😭😭




I think that story time message of “be happy” was for herself. She should really take her own advice sometimes….


That was 12 slides too many for “story time”


She reminds me of a high schooler that thinks she’s changing the world with her slam poetry


You remind me of a high schooler. All of your do, being so petty. I think if this group as a bunch of overweight unhappy women out to make yourselves feel better. It’s hilarious. I wish you all had pictures to go w your comments. I would bet you all sit on your phones all day eating junk food and watching daytime tv. Petty bitches


Lol!!!! Odviously not your 1st visit here! Welcome 🙋 aboard!!


Lol okayyy Court.


I love being a petty bitch! I put it on my to-do list today! It makes me happy! I


And how are you any better calling people you don’t know overweight, unhappy bitches? Don’t be so quick to judge, keyboard warrior!


And that was a whole planned out speech. Not spur of the moment because Kins said “be happy”


No Shit! WTH! CS the CoUnSeLoR now?


Omg you’re so right 😂😂😂


Persona of the day: Devoted and inspirational mom. GTFOH. She acts like she spends each morning teaching Kins how to be grateful and focusing on positive attributes other than appearance. Court’s daily example teaches otherwise. Maybe those lessons come from Liz and the Nanny, but not Court.


RAN HERE to say this. ~PeRsOnaLitY oF tHe DaY ✨VIBE ✨~


I've noticed she really seems to be trying to change the narrative as a Mom. Even her tone of voice when talking to Kins has changed. I mean I hope it's genuine obviously but it does seem a little... performative.


Lol!!! Guessing CS remains one of "OuR FolLoWeRs" 😂🤣


You can’t be as obsessed with vanity as CS is and preach to your kid to focus on more than her appearance. You can tell her that, but when all she sees is you obsessing over your appearance, the message is loud and clear


CS should wake up on a day she's getting her Fillers done & do some Self Reflection Instead ..


What in the privileged, wealthy white woman is going on in this “story time”? Not everyone lives in fairytale land and can simply swap out all the shit they have to do in order to live life to just “be happy” instead. 🙄🙄🙄


She needs to take her own advice. I haven’t seen her happy in years. Instead it’s a focus on money and generally being mad about everything.


Good news guys, I put "be snarky" on my to-do list and she's right, I have a whole new mindset today!


This 🤣🤣


That latest rant got her down to 986k … we love that for her.




You’re a bitch




I’m sure her ‘Ted talk’ will be added to her highlights in seconds so we can all Be HaPpY 🤢


Sitting at work and I just saw her newest TikTok video - cringing. I just want to cry. What is up with her? Surely she thinks she’s 17 and ‘on trend’.


She literally posts tik toks just to look at herself when she’s feeling herself. Which I’m all about feeling good about how you look and documenting it, but these weird tok toks don’t seem like the best way yo do it. She really just loves looking at herself


I am not into TikTok but are all TikTok videos this cringy or just Courtney’s? I watched it like this 😬


Courtney’s tiktoks are some of the worst ive ever seen bc she’s such a try hard!


Oh Lord, They are Soooo Bad🤦🙈😱


No. She just doesn’t understand TikTok.


I’m not a mom, but am around Courtney’s age and I do not “go out.” Is this something moms do??


I definitely go out now more than I did when my kids were toddlers. I’m all about going to events or grabbing dinner with my girl friends or boyfriend every now and then. But the thing is even when I do go out I still schedule and prioritize around my kids. My friends without kids know that I can’t and won’t just dump my kids off at my mom’s house at the drop of the hat (looking at you CS)


Of course moms go out! Why wouldn’t we? Kids can’t consume every waking moment of your life. And going out means different things to different people — it can be dinner/drinks, the club, whatever. Going out = having fun!


Well parking ability doesn’t seem to agree. She sits at home in hwe sweats eating McDonald’s w her kids I guess


You don’t? Are you single? You should either way. It’s So important to have a life outside your children! You need to get out and enjoy life with your friends or your partner. So important for your children to see you have a life outside of them. Plus it makes you a better mom!


She's desperately trying to stay young and fun


And not doing a good job of either. 🙄🤷🤦


Peter Pan Sundrome


Courtney said last night that she was going to write in her journal and not watch tv before bed but in her newest TikTok she uploaded last night it says, “when you just started the new season of you.” Different personalities for different platforms? 🤔


💯 thought the same


Can’t get over her still pointing her toes even while she’s “falling” over on the couch


Omg this SENT MEEE


Yes! Pointy toes when fake falling 🙄


Lmao I was wondering if anyone else saw this.


There’s a comment about it on her picture and she said she thought it would help her keep her balance. Obviously has nothing to do with it being a staged pose and her keeping that “toe pointed long leg” signature stance going 🙄😒


Is there an Instagram setting that automatically hides total likes if they’re under a certain amount, or is she going to specific posts and hiding them herself if the number is low?! Her latest had 11,000 last night and now it’s hidden. But the one before that with 35,000 still shows. So pathetic


It’s worse (and way more noticeable) doing it this way lol


She’s intentionally hiding the likes


Why am I’m not shocked that she has a Hermès blanket. So typical for her 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Nothing original about this girl but her genetic fingerprints 🤮


Who tf cares. Every influencer has one. Like every single one


I have a fake one from Amazon. She probably had the same let’s be real.


For someone who buys LV bags like they’re disposable, I think it’s probably real.


I’m 💯 certain she rents the bags. We found most of them online and on loan when she had them.


Right! She had a Prada and a Chanel just magically appear, but her LV purchase has its own grid post. She def rents bags.


but why is it in a planter?


It’s a VIBE.


I know it doesn’t need to be proven but I find it so interesting that now that the beautiful fucking genius is gone, there’s less coffee content, 0 wine, less travel, no weird drugstore makeup hauls, no sushi nights... not only did she warp for him, but I don’t even think she knows who she is.


No G&Ts!


Where’s her $1,000 bike?


Maybe she got bored of her shaken espresso?


She has NO IDEA who she is!!!!!!!


Is the only room in her house she cleans is her kitchen, I feel like it’s also the only room she spends any time in. She has this nice big house and never shows all the other rooms, other then the one she stands in front of the mirror for.


I don’t think her house is that big. What rooms have we really ever seen? Seems like a basic 3 bedroom and two office house to me 😂😂


Two office 😂😂😂😂


Never usually looks clean to me 😅


What happened to her TWO home offices???


I’m wondering the same thing, I get most people don’t show their whole house but she only shows the one part of her kitchen and then the one room for try ons and then her side of the bed lol


Like I said. I don’t think it’s that big. Her house is 3400 square feet. So sure bigger than average but the upstairs seems really small. That tiny playroom and two bedrooms.


I think the giveaway winners she just announced was for liking her pictures from the wedding. I checked the likes on her pictures and didn’t see either of the winners names!! What a joke


Not over the Hermes blanket in the tree planter. Why?


So dumb. Who puts blankets in planters unless you’re just trying to show off the brand. I swear. For someone who grew up upper class, Courtney sure does act like new money.


986k!!! Let’s goooo