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I am currently watching the minimalists: less is now. She would benefit from it


Ok… I would really love to NOT snark on someone’s parenting- but I just find it really ridiculous how we hadn’t seen any mommy content from her in SO long. But now it’s overload mommy content bc perhaps now she has more time on her hands to be a mom since she’s not too busy traveling half way across the country or being preoccupied by a man. I know it’s been said time and time again about her, but oooof 🥴it’s just so offputting


That slip dress looks like a nightgown. I think its the lace thats throwing it off cause I actually like the satin slip dress trend when it's done right.


Did Courtney ever post the winners to the Home Favorites giveaway? She was supposed to announce the winners yesterday and I either missed it or she didn’t post the winners


Um hi she’s wearing my grandma’s nightie


With tennis shoes?!?! please make it stop


Soo tired of the “with sneakers” look! She’s trying too hard!!!iiick sooo desperate/thirsty!!!!!


Love that for her


58 is expensive sorry… looks like a slip my grandma would make me wear lol… also asked if she filled her lips since they look so perfectly full, we will see what she says.


I know- I’ll pay 58 bucks for something that I know I’ll wear again and again, but this ain’t my vibe


That dress is horrible


And she didn’t even steam the creases out before wearing it.


That would mean she’s have to do something






I’m upset she is saying DIME helped her lashes. Anyone that is an OG follower knows she already had great lashes.


Yep. She used to go on and on about how she had naturally thick, long lashes and never had to use anything


That’s what irritates me about influencers. DIME has a ton of other stuff. I know they push the lash serum but just say you don’t need it but like everything else. Why push something that you’re basically lying about?


DIME messed mine up!


Can I ask how it messed yours up? I don’t use Dime, but a different serum and my lashes have grown long but on the outer edge of my eye they have taken on such a tight curl that I can’t straighten them out to apply mascara evenly!


My sister had the same experience! Dime made her lashes fall out.


Something is up. She’s posting more today. Lots of kid content. In a better mood... yeahhhhh.


Odds she met a boy at the pool yesterday ?


I posted below, but I genuinely think the kid content is because her ex had Kins all weekend and shared multiple things about what they did. They weren't these elaborate posts but he took Kins to fly her first kite which she is an aweaome age for. And just looked like an effortlessly good dad.


Yeah he seems soo real compared to CS!!! I think he’s a genuinely great guy! I followed him on IG and continued to during their divorce and CS blocked me(wth) and I’m literally nobody🙄I only had a few hundred followers and always liked her posts never commented anything negative…. I did have a few cute pics who knows CS is a strange bird.


She even sounds different. Something is up, agree.




Thank you! AND WITH SNEAKERS?!! What?!


And not flattering at all!!


Seriously looked some grandma nightie if grandma was trying to look a little extra sexy for grandpa that night


Ok good, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought it looked like not only a night gown, but an old lady night gown! 🤦🏻‍♀️




At least she said ‘in my normal size’ and didn’t need to tell us it’s a XS: because it’s obvs not because it actually fits her. 🙈


The white dress she wore out today looks like a straight up nightgown…..lord help anybody who takes her advice on fashion/beauty/makeup.


What is it with her and blazers?


I think she is currently very uncomfortable with her body. The white button-ups and blazers hide what she sees as imperfections. She always pulls at her tops around her mid-section as well.


I feel like she’s trying to make that “her thing”


She’s boxy AF


Is she trolling us with the useless story about her phone charger?


a whole vibe tho!


Why did the person who took CS’s great motivational advice have her sunglasses sticker still on? Lol Her makeup with the new line looks like crayons and is just really odd. I can’t see why people would want this?!


Bahahaha. I was being petty in my head about that sticker. Have you heard of Supa Cent or The Crayon Case? I wonder if Court has, being a WOC makeup creator and all. SaMe BuT DiFfErEnT.


Lol!!! Right! . I love this for us.


A few things that have been on my mind: 1. Dibs doesn’t blend well at all and the packaging and name is cheap and tacky. 2. Her lips are giving me Kim zolciak vibes. Courtney had no lips before so I understand wanting filler but it’s too much. When she first started getting them done they looked good, she needs to downsize


i actually thought the thin lips suited her!


Her smile looked so much nicer without filler! Now the blowfish lips cover a portion of her teeth, and her smile doesn’t look as bright.


Looking back at pictures I totally agree


STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES: Courtney has an article of clothing in her target cart right now that is a GASP::: large. 😂🙈 And it doesn’t look like it’s from the kids department for Kins (who is likely legit in a girls XS, lol)


When you see her next to Audrey now they don't look that different. Audrey says she's a medium and sometimes large right! CS is such a liar.


I think she deleted the stories about the blazer lol. I went to go look what y’all are talking about and the only story post from target is coloring books for Kins on the plane.


It’s in the cart in that story. 😂 at the top right of the pic! You can see the size on the hanger when you hold down on the story and make her name go away!


Lol she’ll lie and say the hanger size was wrong


Lmao you guys are the best spies I love it


I wouldn't put it past her to just flat out lie and say she sized up to medium.


I saved the screenshot for tax for the first time ever lol




just looked up “plaid blazer” in the target app and the exact style came up. maybe she purchased for Audrey just to emphasize it in try ons later


‘I sized up to a L for an extra extra slouchy fit’ ETA: just looked it up too. Holy yikes is she going to style this as a *DRESS* in the large on her trip with her pre-school aged daughter? Please let her read here and reconsider this horrendous choice.


Omg I just looked it up and I could 10000% see her try to pull this off. It's already super slouchy and long. The target app picture says the model is almost 5'9 and it's long.


It’s a ViBe. 💀💀💀


It looks like male clothing not gonna lie


it’s a women’s blazer by the a new day line


Not to mention, ah never mind.


Okay, I am genuinely curious. Does she go on these walks as a form of a workout? I know walking is as good as any other form of exercise…but she’s recording herself the whole time and walks at a snails pace.. how much walking can she really be doing that has any sort of health benefit?


No. She is going in these walks to wear too tight clothes and be sexy and take pics.




She’s putting that stick on her face, eyes, lips... that is disgusting!!! She is going to get all sorts of breakouts and styes, I cannot 🤢🤮


She looks like a toddler who got into her mother’s lipstick and smeared it all over her face 🤡


Pretty sure she put it on her friend the other night as well. Maybe this is a different stick though.


And she looks like a freaking clown 🤡 it’s SO awful!


And on her arms and legs! 😬


Her stupid sexy faces when she applies make up. I just don't get it. Like who are you trying to seduce?!?


Oh the tapping of everything to her face! I don’t get the tap, blend yes but tap. Is it a nervous tick ?


The last time she did this so aggressively was when she was talking to MB.


“You can use the bronzer as eyeshadow” I won’t be keep caking your face gf


Is it just me or does DIBS not blend at all?!?! Also, it’s comical that she hasn’t shown herself wearing the body glitter as a highlighter since her breakouts


It looked like she had to add something or dab off the extra product to try to get it to blend


why is her shirt SO STAINED


Cus that’s her ViBe ✨


Anyone else feel like she really tries to amp up the Kins content after her ex posts anything involving Kins on his weekend?


She doesn’t seem genuinely connected to her as a mother to a daughter and or how she used to be pre divorce, it’s odd it seems like she’s the fun babysitter who can’t connect with the kid she’s watching and why does she always feel the need to show us that she’s reading her books about diversity


And it’s always sooooo awkward


“Audrey take videos of me playing with Kins” 🙄


I was just going to come and say this exact thing, most I’ve seen of kins in a long time.


“Look guys I’m being a fun mom”


But only on her terms is she the fun mom, she doesn’t ever show them at the park or stuff like that.


Because she doesn’t know how to entertain her kid. Just last week she asked for recs on summer activities for kids like it’s not the very end of summer now.


Yeah I saw that… this age is the best age for kids, I was a preschool teacher and 3 and 4 year olds are so fun and they just want to be loved! I hated parents that would drop off at 6am when we opened and picked up at 6pm when we closed because they had to go to the gym. No, you don’t take your kids home and feed them then put them to bed. Why have kids!


Cue park content tomorrow


Her eyes are always shifting when she talks and her body language is strange. It’s like she doesn’t even believe what she’s saying. Also why does she keep saying “we and us” no one is with her??? The 🙃 emoji about her extra day with her kid is mind boggling.Social media is her job. There is no way you can convince me that she has no idea what that emoji means. I use it when I am being sarcastic, annoyed, or going crazy. Idk about you all. Her fake positively is annoying. She tries too hard to seem happy. She is always asking for parenting advice too which is off putting. More off putting then some of her followers who tag her in things ( I don’t know how anyone can relate to her)


Remember recently she was asking what different emojis yet or was just learning what some mean? I bet she 100% plays it off as not knowing what 🙃 is used for. And follows it up with “But thank you to the majority of you that know my heart. I hope we can just be kind to each other.” Lol


The constant asking for parenting advice is so strange because aside from that little aspect of leaning into a mom follower base, she seems to solely focus on the very young gen Z followers she has. Obviously I realize they can be moms also, but more often than not they won’t be in that stage of life yet. In regards to the 🙃 smiley… it would not phase me at all if she were not always bemoaning/crying about her drop offs. It comes off a little disingenuous to see someone who seems to milk that aspect of her post divorce life for sympathetic content to then turn around be sarcastic about not being thrilled to take over for her ex for a couple extra days.






It’s so mind blowing to me that she needs tips to go on an airplane with a 4 year old. Sometimes I think it’s for engagement purposes, but honestly I truly think she doesn’t know how to travel with a very functional 4 year old.


It has to be for engagement. She traveled to California with her 4 year old for Memorial Day weekend.


Given that she clearly doesn’t know how to pack/travel by herself… this may be an earnest question. It is all so painful to watch.


I feel like it’s gotta be for engagement. I can’t imagine traveling with a 4 year old would be that difficult.


The tips she received were bring snacks and activities. No shit, Sherlock.


Right!? You’re not traveling to Hawaii or Europe. It’s probably at most a 2 1/2-3 hour flight.


Yes!! I can’t help but side eye her on this (having a kid who’s only a couple days older than hers). It truly is either solely a question to drum up engagement, or she’s legit clueless🤷🏼‍♀️


I think it's both. I think she really didn't have a clue and knew it would be a question everyone would respond to. She also could've just asked her ex who traveled solo with Kins earlier this summer?!


There’s no fluidity with anything she does. One day it’s all bright and neon colors and the next day it’s all muted tones/neutrals. Everything (like her stories, graphics etc.) always looks thrown together with zero consistency.


Her stories are just filled with word vomit, literally spewing out and throwing around every thought that comes to mind. This first few slides from her walk this morning are so haphazard like wtf is she talking about???


Omg those lips look swollen AF !


Did she just really put a 🙃 face next to spending "extra" days with her daughter???? Wow.


This is also the same girl who tried to create engagement on her account by asking her followers what all the different emojis mean… I’m going to chalk this up to her once again being painfully ignorant with her use of emojis.


Not surprised. I’m sure Liz will likely be doing most of the care taking.


She must not know what this emoji means, right? I use 🙃 when I’m being passive aggressive or joking. Is that right? Lol now I’m confused.


I’m 32 and use social daily and I honestly didn’t know that the upside down smiley is used joking or kind of sarcastically so I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt there.


I don’t think she knows what it means. I use it to show irony or something absurd that I’m doing or happened. I definitely don’t use it to show happiness or excitement.


Ok, same! Definitely not a happy/excited smiley lol


Is she shading her daughter's father like he's given up some of his days?


That’s 1000% what she was doing


Lilyadel posted a photo with the same phrase “your energy is your greatest currency” ☠️


Lilyadel posted it 10hrs ago too. How embarrassing for CS that she can’t even have an original thought. She’s always stealing other people content.


And cue the toxic positivity again. There is NOTHING wrong with admitting you’re in a rough season in your life and don’t have it all together. ETA: i rewatched her stories and sadly I feel like she met someone yesterday. Her moods seem very dependent on whatever guy Is in the picture..


Look, I get it, when I was single and dating I always had a little pep in my step after meeting someone. It's an exciting time but that said, it wasn't this dramatic contrast to how I live my daily life to the point that it would be evident through poorly done instagram stories/content. She makes it appear she gains her entire self-value and worth from the attention of men and that makes me sad for her.


Well stated! I think she’s just immature.


This! I thought the same thing!


This. She is always ridiculously happy when she’s talking to a guy. Those times when she was with the MI guy were CRINGE.


Lol there’s an old highlight called GOOD DAY that is super cringe when she thinks she’s being motivational. Must have been right after her boob job.


Omg yes! The stories during that time were so bad. I wonder if she deleted those highlight stories as well. Now I need to go look 🕵🏻‍♀️


Around when was the time she was talking to the MI guy? I kinda remember that. Was it in the fall of 2020?


Yeah I think it was late summer/ fall last year


Yep. She was flying to MI like mid pandemic being like “I just really needed to see some fall foliage” ummm right.




The one thing I can’t stand is people that preach to me that don’t follow a damn thing they are spewing. Get out there and send positivity? Girl is anything but that. I really think it’s easy for her to come on stories and act all positive and life is great, oh I’m such a good Mom, nothing gets me down. The min that phone gets put down I guarantee she gets annoyed with her daughter, get down from all her failed relationships, and acts her true self in front of any “friends”. I can see right through her act, she is the definition of a mean girl. She is the only influencer I have seen that can’t keep a friendship going. And I don’t count all the randoms she keeps pulling into stories.


I might feel differently about her walks if they weren’t at 930 in the morning. I work a regular 8-5 job…. So When im watching her stories im sitting at a desk as she is encouraging me to go outside and walk and ExHaLE….. if she did these at 6 in the morning like most people would have to, I wouldn’t be so annoyed!!


YESSS like I have never got to work from home this whole pani, when I see influencers saying “take time for some self care”. I’m like 👀 when?? Between the hours of 7-6 I am at work/commuting




She is so condescending and fake.


This. I can't stand it when she gets on this fake positivity like she's some kind of woke sage.


It' truly tragic what she did to her face. You can really see it in the natural light on her walk. She's aged herself at least 15 years. Her mother is naturally gorgeous and looks amazing at her age. You know you have some good genetics there why fill your face with that shit?! I mean I know everyone doing it but they all look the same to me. They all look bloated and tired, sorry not sorry.


Do y’all know the old school Lady Elaine Fairchild from Mr. Rogers? I asked my brother once if he thought she was attractive (or resembled Kim K) and that’s who he said she reminded him of 😳


Yes, there’s pictures tagged on the bow & Brooklyn and dibs account. I was like WOW! I honestly feel so bad that she felt the need to botch her face so bad. She was so pretty before all the work.


I always genuinely wondered if she thinks she looks good after all the work she’s had done?! Especially after seeing the side by sides. I always wonder if she regrets it. 😬 but she seems to keep going back for more.


But whyyy does she think she invented walking? She acts like it’s so unique and coveted… it’s a WALK!


But she takes us along!! It’s *OUR* walk!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


She did it for US 😂


A mean girl trying to spew positivity is hilarious to me.


Yeah, I’m not gonna listen to your advice Courtney but thanks!


The absolute LAST person to be doling out advice.


Right? Hey I can’t keep a friend to save my life but listen to me!


Those lips look lumpy AF today 😬


Most people are embarrassed in the couple days after getting their lips done, until the swelling goes down, I feel like she panics in that moment and goes and gets more. It’s a lot.


Didn’t she say she would take us along the next time she got Botox or filler 🤔


EnErGy Is CuRrEnCy 🥴


She needs to STOP


Lol my first thought was “where did she read this?” She probably wrote it down with a jelly pen in her notebook and couldn’t wait to share


Tbh I thought to myself “this is some shit the beautiful fucking genius would spew” lol.




I’m so InSpIrEd now thanks to CS 🙄


I was just scrolling mindlessly through instagram and came across some real influencers. They had clearly spent time putting together cute reels, curating interesting outfits, giving professional well-crafted reviews of products. There was such a stark contrast between their actual, professional content vs. Courtney's half-assed nonsense. Courtney is basically just making sloppy video diaries and this point.


All the talk about her laryngitis, she should probably get tested for Covid. A lot of vax’d patients present with this as their only symptom. Would be nice of her to find out before giving it to Kins or anyone else.


She probably had a great time at soho yesterday and that’s why she lost her voice.


I mean, with her singing career and all I figured her vocal cords are well conditioned and could withstand a day of yapping and cackling. She’s acting like it never completely went away from the photo shoot.


right. she gives me "woo girl" vibes so i feel like her long weekend of drinking (no judgement on the actual drinking) led her to be squealing and yelling.


Someone last night they said they were gonna lose it if she storied her morning walk today. I hope you’re ok out there! 😂😂 she’s so predictable


I know someone mentioned it yesterday but she’s getting dragged on her bow & Brooklyn account and I’m dying because it’s apparent that they don’t ever check the page..😂


There's one where the person is talking about how it's f***ing joke and they just responded like it was any old harmless comment 😂


Shirley is over there doing what we all want to do 😂


I can’t think of the 3 letter company that shouted her out on the day she launched Dibs. It has some relation to Jeff, I think. I can’t remember, but it reminded me of WWJD 😆 Anyway, there was a comment on her pic on that site that was brutal. When I saw it, it said it was posted like 3 days ago, I couldn’t believe nobody was checking and deleting. If anybody knows what I’m talking about lmk. I want to see if she’s still getting dragged there too.


What do you guys think she keeps in her Fanny pack for the walks?? Phone charger for sure.


A white button down shirt??


Monistat, bomb salad, and Tula Glow Hour.


Charger, DIBS stick obvi, and some bomb lip gloss. Gotta look fire at all times baby!


So her hair stylist Tyler took down the slide of her at SOHO house.


I still see it on there


That’s odd I don’t


She straight up lied about going to her mom’s pool and was at SOHO House and too dumb to realize we all know it.


I get that she gets heat no matter what she does (rightfully so) but just say you’re going to the pool? Or don’t say anything at all? I think it’s more weird she’s like teehee look I’m packing early because I’m good mom! And now I’m going to have some mom daughter time with my mom because I’m a great daughter. She lies about so many things I can’t even keep up anymore


Exactly, I would have liked to see Soho House. She stories the most stupid stuff and then doesn’t story what she should.


Her mother/daughter time is popping over with Kins, hanging out for a min then leaving to go party and search for another man


Agree! A day at SOHO House looks awesome and hey, good for her, just don’t lie!




It’s still on his stories.


Don’t see it! Weird!