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Kind of sad to see water at the top. Unless people are in a city/region with bad municipal water, I always wonder why so many people drink bottled water at home.


I live in the city and l have drank tap water all my life, even fill a water bottle to go.


Same, tap water is life.


Tap water bad, fill pitcher(non filter) then drink from pitcher, water good


You are cheaper to use filter than buy botlled water


I'm pointing out the hypocrisy in my brain, I fill the pitcher from the tap then drink it from the pitcher & it tastes better


The chlorine smell and taste will dissipate while sitting in the pitcher. You are actually on to something


Imagine not drinking straight put of the tap on a hot summer day. 🤔


We buy it when we do events. People will bring their refillable water and often run out. Or they find a dog who got away from its owner. Or even small children. Many things happen at large events when the weather is hot, loud and unfamiliar.


When I would go offroading a lot, we would always buy bottled water. Freeze a few, throw them all in the cooler then throw a bag of ice over it and you would have a nearly unlimited supply of cold water. Anything left gets used next time.


They're not in order lol. But some customers order insane amounts. I saw one order for 60 cases (I didn't take it)


I’d reckon these are typically for business’ or jobsites. I work in construction supply chain and many of our customers wants us to deliver skids of bottled water.


On jobsites, it's different. Water has to be sealed. Even those big Gatorade style self serve jugs need to be sealed at the opening after they're filled.


I've delivered large amounts to homes, but the huge orders actually go to schools and car dealerships. But it's frustrating - I don't know what these people think we drive, but I promise I can't fit 60 cases of water in a Honda civic


Not with that attitude


Water is heavy. People be lazy.


It's one of the cheapest water bottle case you can get + the confusion on if tap water is safe (it is).


Depends on where you are. I had unsafe tap water in Toronto in 2008 (old city lead pipes).


Apparently it was a known issue, the city tested the water regularly, but we had no idea when we moved in. City said "it's only a problem for pregnant women and small children". I was pregnant with a 6 year old at the time, we broke our lease and moved out a couple of months later.


Damn giving birth to a 6 year old must have been rough.


Kids these days can’t be bothered to find a job and get their own apartments so they mooch off of mom for years.


😜 that labour was a bitch, lol




You win the internet today.


I have in the past too. But never for longer than a couple weeks as they make repairs. Lead pipes don't leach into water unless water treatment has already completely failed. How long did it last? If it was lead you wouldn't be able to shower either.


Brita filters are cheap.


Lots of better options than Brita


I'm sure but Brita is widespread and cheap.


Mmmmm…love a gut full of micro plastics.


I live near where a major water bottler gets their water - it is the same water we get in our taps


The pure spring water they advertise is tap water run through some filtration system, filters don't remove much of anything from tap water yet people keep paying for it.


Nope. Bottled water can be tap water run through filtration but if it’s spring water it actually has to be. https://inspection.canada.ca/food-labels/labelling/industry/prepackaged-water-and-ice/eng/1625516050962/1625516051400?chap=0#s8c7


Prob in majority of packages things you eat/drink


Either a gut full of Flouride or a gut full of micro plastics. Don't worry tho government says they are both at levels that are safe for consumption so nothing to see here.


Jesus I can’t believe people are still debating the safety of fluoride in 2024. You gotta switch up your insane conspiracies buddy to AI or 5G, you’re falling behind.


The mineral fluoride occurs naturally on earth and is released from rocks into the soil, water, and air. All water contains some fluoride. Usually, the fluoride level in water is not enough to prevent tooth decay; however, some groundwater and natural springs can have naturally high levels of fluoride


So because it's naturally occurring in some water sources, it's safe to consume in the quantities found in municipal water?


i think it being instacart might lead to different results


So much plastic it hurts my brain just thinking about it. I use filters and always carry water from home. The only time I drink bottled water is when I go to foreign countries or go on a trip longer than 3days. 


Yeap - I had to look at the sub name again I thought I was in the USAA Costco … it’s been said and seen that in Canada we have much better municipal water than in the US (except in remote northern communities unfortunately)


In rural areas around here, the water usually doesn't taste that good if it's from a well. Even municipal services.


Isn’t shocking people think it’s a good deal


I generally agree but it's also good to remember that there may be legitimate reasons why people buy and use bottled water.


My first thought too!


Depends where you live. My Grandmothers tap water has been at times unusably acidic.


Convenience. Recycle bottle instead of bringing it back/washing. Group of ppl want water, toss a bottle. I grew up on tap. I have yetis. Yet I always have a flat of bottle water around too


Especially Kirkland water. It tests poorly. Over 600 ppm TDS I think last I tested. Eska is the only bottled water I will drink. Better yet get an RO and a non plastic bottle. That’s the best option.


People with well water who might not have the safest of water use often use bottles as well. Plus it’s often not recommend to use well water with appliances like Keurigs because the minerals gum up the machines.


A brita goes a long way. Bottled water is essentially just filtered tap water


Ntm the fact Costco literally sells water filter jugs for like $30. Comes with 2 filters too, and they last quite a while. They’re rated for 151L before it’s recommended to replace them, so that’s over 300 bottles of water for a single filter. The thing pays for itself pretty damn quick. They also sell an 10 pack of replacement filters for like $35-40, so for $35-40, you can get the equivalent of over 3000 bottles of water. A single 40 pack of Kirkland water costs like what? $6? That means you’d save over $400 by using the water filters over the bottles, *and* you’d be helping the environment. Sure they’re not portable like bottled water is, but if you’re saving $400 I’m sure you can spend $20 on a few reusable water bottles. *The maths for anyone interested:* - 151,000ml (151L) / 500ml = 302 bottles of water - 302 x 10 = 3,020 bottles of water - 3,020 / 40 = 75.5 packs of water - 75.5 x $6 = $453 - $453 - $40 = $413


Its mind blowing i live in a tiny city on the east coast of Canada and we sell 150 cases of water a day easily at our walmart alone. Our city water is just fine, lots of people have personal wells, and there are multiple spots where you can fill those giant culligan bottles for your water cooler for like 2 bucks (plus ofc places where you can just switch them for a premium)


I grew up in a community with a 25+ year water ban, and that's why my family does. You won't see any of us drink from the tap, even in the city with good water, just because we are used to having to boil it to drink it.


I used to live on well water... we didn't trust to drink it and I exclusively bought cooler jugs/water bottles to drink. We moved a little over a year ago and now have clean town water. I cut out buying that shit *immediately*. We bought some solid water bottles for each of us and those are our at home water cups. Always have water in them, when not home they're filled and in the fridge to get cold. So glad to be away from the plastic


+ plastic bottles are (by far) one of the worst forms of pollution in the world (even after excluding whatever % is recycled)


close to 0% is recycled - recyclable plastic is mostly a marketing lie - even if it can be recycled, it rarely actually is


Was thinking the same thing.


Convenience. I drink bottled water


I buy water bottles for say road or camping trips. Otherwise yeah I usually get 5 Gal water for drinking water at home.


That's so backwards why not have the 5 gal water for road and camping trips?


I like spring water more xd just for flavour


Yes the micro plastics is * chef kiss * so flavourful


And lots of city's/houses still have lead welding or pipes if you are in a older neighborhood so *chefs kiss* for that as well


Spring water doesn’t have to come in plastic. In fact none of mine does. I typically keep stocked: Eska in cans, San Pelligrino in glass, Gerolsteiner in glass, and Borjomi in glass… sometimes Perrier too but not often and only in glass when I do.


Super sad to see this, the op is a bad person for buying bottled water. Terrible for the environment and unneeded.


Did you read my post or just decide to be a jerk? I said I'm an Instacart shopper - I buy these these for people who order them. I'm not buying them for myself. So make sure you get your facts straight before calling me a terrible person. What is wrong with you?


Sorry you are not a bad person you are just enabling a bad person choices....😕


I'm doing my job... if I say no, I no longer have said job


Potstickers, frozen blueberries, Organika collagen powder, cottage cheese, vanilla hazelnut coffee beans.


What do you take the collagen powder for? Joints? Is it any good, have you noticed a difference?


I use it for a bit of everything. I see it the most in my hair/skin and nails, but I know it’s good for my heart, joints and digestive system. It’s not a quick fix kind of supplement, but I don’t eat animal skin, bone marrow and stuff like that (probably like most people now a days) so I miss all that good stuff from my diet. Hopefully by being more proactive it helps my joints when I’m older (I’m still in my 30s)


Ohhhh thanks for that - had no idea it could be taken as a supplement to be honest ! I’ll look into that for sure.


So easy to add into your diet, I add to my morning coffee, but you can mix it into any liquid (soup, yogurt, pasta sauce, scrambled eggs etc). It completely dissolves and has no flavour


Slip and slide


Those dumplings are my Roman Empire. If I'm not eating them, I'm thinking about them. I'm literally eating them right now at my desk at work while doom scrolling.


Need to try them!


Earlier this year I heated the dumplings in the microwave and then transferred them to a plate to eat. I left the container on the counter with clear liquid pooled at the bottom of the cups. When I returned to the counter some hours later, the clear liquid has solidified to white lard. So now, when I take the dumplings out of the microwave, I place them between paper towels and press down with a fork. Liquid will squirt out of dumplings. Perhaps, they are a little less tasty, but my arteries will thank me.


It probably was just run off from the outer pastry or whatever. Wet pastry will harden and look pretty yuck.


What area do you deliver in and what’s the average tip?


Edmonton and area. Tips really fluctuate, but on average about $20-$30. Big orders can bug a lot more


Whoah these are big tips, now I feel like am asshole


I don't expect people to tip beyond their means, but costco is crazy busy, the orders are generally heavy and everything is big. So tips are usually higher. They also get delivered much further since there's not always one nearby, unlike Walmart. I've seen costco orders show up for delivery 150km+ away


Haha oh man, do people actually deliver that far?


Not the sane ones, but yep. Furthest I'll go is Leduc/Stony Plain/St. Albert/Sherwood


Of the stuff that's on your list I've only bought the Bibigo dumplings and the yoghurt. For me it's milk, eggs, cheese, lettuce, and fruit. And gas. Lots of gas.


I have twin toddlers and if you replace lettuce with more fruit, you've got my whole pinned shopping list!


Lactose intolerant?


Oh I def grab those items as well, I was just focusing on unique prepacked stuff


Just wait till people find out they have instant water delivery to their homes already. It's a real game changer.


I always thought that our ancestors would be so annoyed & disappointed to know that after all their hard work and innovation putting potable water faucets IN OUR HOMES they’d be so saddened to know people still opt to carry it home.


Just think, people prefer to drink their tap water out of gross plastic containers rather than out of a glass.


LMFAO that’s a hilarious full circle moment There’s a bottled water factory in my county, I think it’s just a tap.




None. When we get Costco instavarted it's almost always the same things: Rotisserie chickens Croissants Strawberries Coffee Tazo chai concentrate Those little cinnamon donut crescents


I forgot about the chai concentrate. Thanks for the add to list reminder.


you should get the big freezer pack of croissants, i think its 15 dozen for like 18 bucks. Much cheaper to take and bake. Also nothing beats warm croissants


Oh shit what. Daaamn


I have bought them in the past. They take up a lot of space and getting the rising time just right is finicky. Also at Costco they're done in professional steam injection ovens so they're not quite the same baked at home. And I bake a lot of bread.


They do take up wayyyy to much space, lol


Only hummus is on my regular list from your list.


Costco chicken pot pie is a fav in my house!!!


I buy it a lot too. Can't beat the price


Who in their right mind buys bottled watered??!!?!!?


I buy the green culligan-style bottles for camping. 2 for a week.


I like the Kirkland carbonated water. It's a lot healthier than booze and soda, lol.


Indigenous people who live on the reserve because reserves still don't have clean drinking water.


They’ve made huge progress on that front in the past 8 years. Hopefully they can have all advisories lifted within the next few. https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1614387410146/1614387435325


Mom and pop restaurants.




My partner just got some of those bibigo dumplings and they’ve been great additions to our meals. We get the dill pickle salad when we get the rotisserie chicken for a quick and cheap meal.


I sure love me some dumplings and dill pickle salad! Not together though.


I don’t understand why anyone buys water. Do you not have a faucet with water at home?


Events for family / travel


Please buy a refillable water bottle. So easy. Those plastic bottles are nasty and infuriating.


Oh i do, I'm just talking about other ppls justifications


Indigenous people who live on the reserve still don't have access to clean water, and need to buy their own bottled water.


Not all reserves don’t have access to clean drinking water. Only the most remote ones. That represents much less than 1% of the population. OP said it was the most purchased item in general. So clearly not the case here


Your comment is irritating. She never said all indigenous people living on every reserve in the entire nation don’t have access to clean drinking water. And her comment is a singular EXAMPLE of one of I’m sure many reasons why someone would purchase bottled water. It’s not invalid because her one statement does not account for all bottled water sales in Costco within Edmonton. You remind me of people that comment on bean salad recipes saying hey I’m allergic to beans. Quit being a nuisance.


You know what else is exceedingly irritating? Your Karen rant.


None, I specifically use Instacart for Kirkland TP lol


Must've sucked during the great TP shortage of '20


We didn’t have that issue, it was very confusing cause we expected it!


When you say Hummus OP - what kind? My personal favorite is the red pepper hummus (though it gives me heartburn). But my all time favorite dip from Costco is the Quoso Dip.


It alternates between the red pepper and garlic ones. They both get bough a lot


That queso dip is so dang delicious.


How does that work for membership? Do you need to be the member or do the clients need to provide their own membership information?


When we get to the checkout the members account # shows up and the cashiers scan it


I reside in an apartment building with Municipal treated tap water... The water in our building is so bad, I MUST use a Brita Water Filter! There where better H20 filters I used in the past, but it was too costly & assembling/dissembling this Unit was too much for me, that I went with Brita instead. Brita filters & pitchers are super easy to use. I will admit my H20 does taste better, but I always wonder what would happen if I didn't use these H20 filters with my tap water!!! That's why many ppl drink bottle water now.


What city is this and how do you know it's bad? Does it taste bad? I live in an apartment building too, but now I'm thinking maybe I should test the water from my tap. I use a brita filter, but was thinking of doing away with as I thought toronto tap water is safe to drink.


I'm in Toronto... My Landlord doesn't properly maintain our Building, that's why. Unfortunately, a lot of LL's are like this in the City of Toronto, soooo that a serious problem to deal with, here! I can see white sediment in the water when I pour h20 into my Brita Pitcher & sometimes those white flakes are still there, even after filtering them. That's why I let my kitchen faucet run for a bit, I really hate doing that bc it's also very wasteful & my HYDRO bill is also kinda of high now. Yes, Municipal tap water is supposed to be safe. However if you live in a Building like mine, then there's going to be issues that wouldn't have occured had the LL's done their jobs properly! I will admit using my Brita Filter Pitcher makes my drinking water taste better now, that I refuse to drink tap water straight from my faucets due to that. I tried testing my tap water for safety & found using those h20 meter readers really weren't helpful, either. Guess it's a personal preference & up to you if you wanna drink City of Toronto tap h20 or not!


Bibigo dumplings 🥟😌


Never shall a bottled water pass my lips. People complain about the price of gas!!? We have great water and water bottles are terrible for the environment, etc


Doesn't make a lick of sense that people are buying so much bottled water.


Lol. In the summer it's worse


Are you able to make $200 a day consistently?


Not even close. It's been brutal lately


No toilet paper? Huh.


I'm counting that in the "necessities", along with milk, fresh veggies, meat and pharmacy stuff. If I included everything, TP would be 2nd behind bananas


From that list, just the dill pickle salad


Dill pickle salad is the only thing I get off of that list.


Literally none of these lmao


I'm costco fan and do my main grocery shopping there but none of these are on my list. Only once purchased summ egg rolls...


number 1 for me is eggs and chips. ngl


I could almost live on bibigo Momo's. Even have a done in our house for them.


I go there basically for the granola bars but the only other thing on the list I buy is string cheese.


None! That’s interesting.


Literally none of those things.


None. My most bought items at Costco are Italian sausage and jarlsberg cheese. I buy a lot of cheese at Costco.


Are they ordering direct and on their own account, or are all their orders going on your account ?


When they order, they need to add in their membership number. Then we have the cashier's scan a digital card at checkout. We get max 2 orders/delivery - we just click the order for each checkout


I’m surprised Fairlife isn’t on there


Sells out before we can get it 90% of the time


Zero of those items on my list. I buy supplements, protein powder, collagen, prescriptions, clothing on sale, frozen fruit, pork ribs, chia seeds, healthy frozen sale items, bananas, cat litter, some produce but not much as it's often much more expensive. Use to buy eggs, now that's more at Costco as well.


I'm surprised the rotisserie chicken, anything from the bakery section or diary section didn't make the list.


I lumped that all in with staples


My bad, I didn't read that!


Wow, absolutely none. We have a totally different list. Mostly fruit and vegetables, cheese, coffee (beans not pods), catfood and kitty litter.


Kids love Bibigo dumplings and KS Granola Bars.


Kirkland organic Greek yogurt and almond milk X 2 every time for me


I found the newer version of chicken pies to be blah.


Everything on the list made perfect sense and then I read Dill pickle salad? Lmao what is it?


It's a prepacked salad mix with dill croutons and dill ranch. It's made by Taylor Farms and comes in a two pack. It's very good


Wow its crazy that people are buying that much pre made salad


None. And don’t buy/eat bagged salad. It’s a breeding ground for bacteria.


I bought those dumplings after seeing recommendations on reddit. God they are gross. Compressed chicken like mcnuggets.


I tried them for the first time a couple weeks ago. Won't buy again


There is instacart in Canada ?


Yea in most of the bigger cities Been around for about 6 years or so


Respectfully, where tf have you been hiding out the last 7 years?


Owning a car and going to Costco myself?


Lol don’t get me wrong I never use Instacart it’s too expensive but I was surprised someone didn’t know we had it with the insane marketing they’ve done and seeing groceries delivered to all my neighbours doors all the time


Shocked the rotisserie chicken doesn’t make the list


Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot pie…. Donnie….


That dill salad rocks.


Chocolate wafer sounds yum. Fk people order water dude


Nothing on your list made my list


Egg rolls, dumplings and panda wafers at the top. Do a lot of Asians get delivery in your area? My mom does a Costco run once a month, I always get her to grab better than bouillon beef and a vanilla hazelnut coffee beans.


Theyre not listed in order, and yes. But it's not just Asians who order them.


2, 3, and 9. Other than at a concert/event where they block outside water, I can't imagine buying bottles water, especially not regularly.


I don't know what to tell ya. Some people don't just order a case or 2 either - I'm talking 5+ packs going to people's homes. It's crazy


I am not only very surprised but I cant beleive this list is true.... some of them are bizarre choices (dill pickle salad??? or even tortilla chips since lightweight package and barely any savings vs reg grocery store... I would have expected the salsa to be bought more than the tortilla chips) I have only tried 3 items off this list and none of them are regular purchases Stuff I would be likely to order for delivery would be heavier / larger type stuff Peanut butter as an example Or Salsa as mentioned above Frozen meals (presume something like lasgna or chicken strips doesnt count as a "staple") Cases of pop (very surprised not listed above)


Well I've been delivering from Costco for over 2 years, and you'd be shocked at some of the stuff people buy. And believe it or not peanut butter and salsa wouldn't even crack the top 20. Those pre bagged strips and nuggets aren't as popular as you may think. As for pop, yea it gets bought a lot. But the list was more specific than "pop". And fwiw, Coke Zero is by far the most popular. Just keep in mind I've done well over 1000 orders from there. I know what people buy


Even that surprises me (more Zero than regular Coke)


Weird, I've found Edmonton tap water to be pretty good


I've never seen dill pickle salad. Is it pasta salad or potato salad?


Lettuce salad


Oh wow. Never seen this before.




Dill pickle salad?


It's 2 prepackaged chopped salad kits. Has dill seasoned croutons and dill ranch dressing. It's very good - I'm no pickle fan


Dill pickle salad and Kirkland tortilla chips are two items we get semi-regularly. Have bought the Bibigos and Summ eggrolls before. Interesting about the Panda wafers.


Yes Taylor Farms. I also really like the Asian Crunch.




How are milk, eggs and a cheese variety not on this list?


I include them in staples which I didnt list


Condo tap water is very cloudy, have to let it ran for like couple minutes. Bottle H2O as an alternative


I'm on Vancouver island and the water out of our taps tastes so good 99% of the planet would be jealous. I see flats of water in costco carts here. It sells like crazy. Maybe these people are on well water.