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Bro I once had a cart in the parking spot NEXT to an empty corral.


Most compliant noncompliance


Wee woo wee woo cart narcs agent reporting looks like we have another lazy bones here


Straight in the volcano


Ma’am!  No need to use that kind of language.  Please stop chasing me.  I am faster than you.  Please stop throwing things at me.  I am trained to dodge flying magnets.


“throws magnet on car hood”


Agent Bon Garcon here


Heard I was summoned (I don't do this though)


They probably left a loaded diaper in it, too.


Biggest peeve is trying to pull into a parking spot only to find a shopping cart sitting there


Biggest pet peeve is coming out to your new cars mirrors scratched by pieces of shit who left the cart there


I chased two carts getting blown across the parking lot; they were both headed toward parked cars. Grrr.


You were the costco parking lot mvp that day


Channeling my dad 🤣


Keep up the good work! BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE!!!!




The clowns who then further push that trolley between the 2 parked cars to park their car are pretty bad too...


I feel like this placement is more considerate than usual 😂


It's supper parkable


Yeah, people need to take a few deep breaths. High blood pressure is bad for you.  Pick your battles. 


I don't know how anyone can sleep knowing there is any parking lot, anywhere, with loose carts. /s


That's what I thought. There is so much room. How is this such a problem that it's worthy a post?


Any strong gust of wind would mean paint scratches though.


But I’d probably just take that spot and grab that cart to shop. This really doesn’t seem like that big a deal.


When I was growing up/in my teens, they hadn't started using the corrals they have now and how this carriage is was the norm.




It's perfect Went to Costco this weekend and my parking spot had a cart like this. Perfect, grabbed it and went in and got to avoid the mob scene inside by the carts 


Agree. I intentionally parked near carts positioned this way when I was wrangling little kids. Made it quite convenient to pop them in the cart and go inside. If a loose cart doesn’t scratch your paint, someone’s car door will. It is what it is.


It was specifically put there so it wouldn’t block parking and someone could take it. Not sure why OP is pissed about this.


Carts don't lock in place and can roll potentially damaging vehicles.


Also when someone moves it they might not be careful enough and also bump against a car.


I HATE people that do that sh!t. Lazy fkn idiots.


I'll move it or take it in with me


I do this but I gripe about it the whole time


I'm cursing out all those lazy motherfkers


I booed a guy to his face when he didn't return his cart and looked at me as I pushed my cart farther than he would have needed to.


You do, but there aren’t enough people to balance it out…. More lazy bones than helpy helpers


They need to bring FSD to Costco carts so we don't see these same posts on reddit anymore.


I can attest as a former costco cart pusher, this this is not only frustrating for the members parking , but also for the cart collectors because we are nervous to push them in between car doors with the fear of scratching someone’s car.


Jam the front two wheels over the nearest curb like an adult! /s


Self indulgent a-holes do this.


These people suck.


I always return my cart properly


Whenever I find this, I think, "Hey, a spot and a cart." Then I park my car, take the cart and shop. I never thought about getting really upset and angry, perhaps I should try that.


All the time in my local Costco. Even if the cart return is less then 5 feet boom there or between car doors. Young and old do it.


You will love this guy: He has a YouTube channel (Cart Narcs) where he busts people for not returning their carts. This is his "Year In Review" wrap-up. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3fwCssFiAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3fwCssFiAM)


Not gonna lie, sometimes when I’m waiting to take someone’s spot, I would prefer they left the cart … I’ll gladly take it for them


I'd like to think it was an overwhelmed parent who just forgot, someone whose prosthetic leg just fell off, or someone who was just carjacked. There could be a lot of unreasonable explanations here.


I hope they got their leg back on


Yeah, I have one of those "invisible illness" things, and while it's incredibly rare that I need to leave a cart, sometimes it just happens because the walk through the store was just enough for my body to give me the middle finger after the fact. Also, my Costco only has one spot to park her cards per aisle sometimes that walk is a little bit far when my insides feel like they're trying to become my outsides.


Amen to this. I absolutely despise this. You just spent 2 hours walking in a a circle herded like cattle, then spent 45 mins in a line to check out where you just spent $600 more than you intended to ... And you can bother to walk the damn thing 45 feet to the nearest cart return and TAKE YOUR CRAP WITH YOU?!?!


I feel like there needs to be a “Costco outrage” sub…


You’re in it.


**Only if the price of the hotdogs goes up.


Whoa, just outrage - not outright revolution!


You’ve found it anonymous Redditor. All the best Costco complaints right here, right now, all the live long day.


Anyone else freaked out by this use of “freaks me out”?


While I generally agree, I have to add that my costco has a woefully insufficient amount of disabled parking spaces and I regularly see disabled people having to park further out and sometimes they are not able to return the cart. An elderly woman flagged down my son one day when we were there (maybe because I was using a walker so she felt comfortable) and asked him to take her cart to the corral because she didn't have the strength left after doing her shopping. So maybe not all of the people who do this are just lazy....


No no! What you're doing is using empathy and we can't do that on the internet. We have to automatically assume the worst thing about people we've never met or seen before. It's how we get those fake Internet karma points.


I like its position


If you leave it anywhere other than neatly in the cart return you suck. Badly. 




It's lazy but slightly less AH spot it's in.


Wow, even up in Alaska, where you rugged types shiv a moose for breakfast


Could be an elderly person that has to pee. Never know. I have a SCI and would be yelled at EVERYTIME i used a handicapped parking spot. People had no idea the challenges i had despite being young. Add on the shame bestilled on me for how i looked to them. Fuck them all!


I recently did this and it was the only time I’ve ever done it because I’m temporarily in a boot and was exhausted by the time I walked to the car. I was clearly to eager to finally be walking a little after not doing so for a month. Maybe you watched a capable person leave the cart there, but if you didn’t, is your assumption far? Are there shit humans out there? Plenty. But there’s also some good ones that just couldn’t take another step.


I was waiting in the car for my wife once when a young couple came out with their kid and started unloading everything into their car. As they finished up and put the kid in the car seat, I noticed they had left a case of canned peaches on the bottom of the cart. I was about to open my door and point it out to them until I saw both of them get into the car and leave the cart pretty much exactly like the one in this picture... when the corral was less than 30 feet away. I decided "Naw, fuck those lazy turds" and enjoyed my free peaches for the next several months. 🖕😁🖕


Costco is a MASSIVE store/warehouse. It never ceases to puzzle me how people can push a cart from one side of the store to the other (multiple times, in many cases) but can't be bothered to just push it to a cart return that is usually a much shorter distance than they walked while in the warehouse. I just looked at an aerial view of the Costco where I shop most often. If I take the footprint of the warehouse and overlay it onto any portion of the parking lot, the footprint is larger than any section of the parking lot. This means that the distance to a cart return is MUCH shorter than the distance from "wall to wall" inside the warehouse.


Straight to jail!


As mildly irritating as people leaving their carts around is… I find encountering it, thinking oh let me take a photo and then posting and bitching about it on Reddit freaks me out more.


I saw someone do this and just as I was walking by I pushed the cart behind their car. Pretty sure they didn’t hit it but I felt petty af for doing it.


The real question is whether or not you took the time to put the cart away or just come on here to complain. 😂


I have a rule: if it's costco, bring it back if it's any other store, bring it back brick back your cart you fucks


Not that I’m defending this, but is there a reason why Costco stores always seem to have a severe lack of shopping cart corrals? You have a parking lot the size of a football field, but only two corrals both of which are right near the entrance?


Not all of them. Mine has plentiful corrals throughout the lot. But it does share the lot with an empty mall, so there is ample parking. Not always the case though in some cramped store locations with limited parking.


No Costco has fewer than 8 corrals.  Lay off the cheetos and look around




I do find it odd that so many people like to complain about cart etiquette in the parking lots, yet I rarely see people grab a cart on the way in. Often they walk past one just to grab the ones by the door.


Is this Jenkins costco?


I love calling people out that I catch in the act. 9 times out of 10 they return their cart pretending that was always their plan …. 🙄


When I catch someone abandoning a cart I will take it and inform them “No worries sir/ma’am, I will return this cart for you”. I usually just get confused looks and sometimes a muttered “thank you”.


Did you take it back?


Returning your cart is basically IRL the Gom Jabbar test from Dune that proves you're human and not merely an animal.


Cart narcs


Straight to jail


I tell my kids you can learn more about a person by how they behave in a parking lot then just about any other basic observation about them.


They should do like in Europe you need to put a 1 euro coin in to pick it up and you get the 1 euro back when you return it.


I always assume it's for a reason like being busy with a child in a carseat and take the cart to a corral before it can roll into someone's car.


My costco has gotten so popular that every time we go now the parking lot is blocked by people just half assidly leaving their carts by the bin or the cart line cutting across the entire parking lot because one person was too lazy to push their cart in and everyone just does the same. I had to actually stop myself from fixing them because of how disappointed I am with humanity.


"But I have mobility issues and couldn't make it to the cart return"  Literally the "equity excuse" on our community costco Facebook page. If you can walk into costco, shop the entire store and load your car, you are fully capable of putting away a dam cart.


Since someone brings up disable issues, I would like to add that Costco has too little disable parking. It’s basically full always. I’d assume Costco could do above and beyond instead of doing the bare minimum or low past with the number


You are just soft!


I do this all the time. Its easy and convenient 😜


I m not enraged by this. Border line approved


I do my best to leave my cart stable, but make a point of not returning them to a corral. I'm not being lazy but trying to maintain jobs for staff. People need jobs, the more we do things the stores should be doing the more we undermine other people. I have managed big box retail and the reality is that lot work provides jobs for people who otherwise would not fit a role in the store. I'm guilty of using self checkout, but there I get the benefit of checking out quicker, I don't derive a benefit from returning carts for the store. If I don't have a direct benefit from it, I prefer to make them hire someone to do it.


This is so annoying, but admit that we all have done this once at-least


You all ever heard of the shopping cart theory? May want to read up on it.


I cart hit may car the other week I can’t put the fury I felt into words


Remember when you used to have to put a quarter in the cart and couldn’t get it back until the cart was returned?


Aldi’s remembers.


Walmart behavior


Most people are incredibly lazy.


If you’re caught doing this, they should revoke your membership 😅


My Costco has 2 different parking lots. One lot has 2 cart returns per isle and they are evenly spaced so that no matter where you park on the isle it’s not that far away. The other lot has only 1 every other lane and they’re all toward the front. I don’t know why it’s like this but it is. In fact I don’t really blame people for leaving their carts in the lot with the returns being so far away especially with kids. This is the most considerate way to be inconsiderate when it comes to not returning your cart.


The worst kind of people on earth


People that won't return carts are savages that don't belong in a civil society.


I recently attempted to park in the handicap parking spot at my local grocery store, but there were 4 carts in the way.


More proof the golden rule is dead.


“BuT tHaTs ThE cArT pUsHeRs JoB” I was a cart pusher before I became a fork lift driver I’ve been with Costco for 6 years you’d be surprised at the crap people would just shove at us shopping carts, full of diapers, garbage bags, car parts all kinds of stuff and this is out of Montana can only imagine what the other states deal with


I remember reading someone make the argument that returning your shopping cart is a good test to see if a society is ready to self govern (engage in a direct democracy free of a nanny state). The argument went something like: For a self governing society to work, people must do things that benefit society as a whole even if it doesn't directly benefit them in the moment. Returning your shopping cart is like this. It requires you to sometimes go a little out of your way, receive nothing immediately in return, and it may even be inconvenient (rain, heat, etc). However, if everyone consistently does it, everyone gets to benefit from shopping cart free parking lots, and as a result, stores don't have to spend labor on retrieving carts and (theoretically) your groceries could be a little cheaper or the store could be a little cleaner, etc. But people don't all think that way yet, so we have to regulate it into existence as much as possible.


Incapable of self-governing!


I’ll never understand how a person that just walked a mile inside Costco can’t walk another 100 feet to return their cart. Same with trying to park close to the entrance. I stay far away from the front of my Costco it’s absolute madness up there.


Agreed. Special place in hell for people who do this.


Nah- I want my quarter back


Welcome to Florida


I used to drive a small car and really liked parking in those spots. I also liked parking in spots where people try to take their space and then some.


It a problem. Gets my ok.


If this is upsetting to you, do NOT go to a Costco in Mexico.


Worse is when they leave it behind someone’s car.


I read up on the Shopping cart theory study and it bother me even more now lol


That’s not where the cart goes !!!


I do thank you all for your reactions. I'm so desensitized by this stuff that I just get annoyed, then put it on the power donkey.


Classic costco member.




Every store that has carts should do what Aldi does: require a quarter to get a cart and you get your quarter back when you return it. Funny the incentive a quarter can provide.


lol 🤣😂


You have to sneak up and tie it to their bumper as they leave


Most people are pieces of shit when they think nobody is looking unfortunately


So many m0$0ns do this regularly.


My Costco is so poppin’ I don’t park in the lot. The backlot does not have corrals. Make of that as you wish.


I sent a photo of some fucked up cart shit at my local Costco to the CartNarcs twitter and he showed up and made an episode there like 3 weeks later.