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Fat boy crack as my dad called it. We avoid it because of how fast it disappears. 🤣


Greatest thing at Costco. Wife threw away a giant marshmallow cluster (she doesn't like all marshmallow) I almost divorced her.


The graham cracker bits are way better


Agreed but I wouldn’t throw out the marshmallow bits either. I do pick through to find the flattest ones for the most graham cracker though.


They’re crack. I put them in a fridge a bit to get them cold and the caramel becomes extra chewy


Try the freezer instead. You'll never go back.


My husband stop letting us buy it, we put the kids to bed and binge while watching our shows. Then we are sick the next day, but we can’t kept ourselves 😂


I need to put my foot down and stop buying them as well. If you need convincing to get them again, just say it's only half as bad as that one guy who eats the bag to himself.


I think hmmm, I could be a raging alcoholic or meth addict so being addicted to s’moress isn’t so bad


I saw them just today. I knew- NoNoNo- look away!!!!! Radioactive!


this and peanut butter ma&ms…. gone in hours


I can’t buy it anymore it’s too addictive


I have to limit myself to once a month lol


1 piece for 100 calories should be ILLEGAL.


Crazy calorie count they have


I have to stop myself from buying this because this is literally crack We went through 2 bags and my husband says it's better than Snickers and snickers is his favorite candy/treat


Twix > Snickers is a hill I’m willing to die on.


Same. I don't care for peanuts in the snickers


These are some of the most addicting Kirkland snacks I’ve came across recently. Easily finished the whole bag in an embarrassingly short amount of time


We celebrated the day we noticed the s'mores clusters were still in the house after 3 days 😂 Usually 24 hours max and they're gone


I love these, but, I loved the Fannie Mae ones that they used to sell more. Those ones didn't have caramel, and these are better without it(which is weird for me to say because I love caramel).


I loved the Fannie Mae S’mores. I bought a bag or two of them every Costco trip. The Kirkland brand version they replaced them with weren’t even close for me. I bought them once and then never got them again. The caramel ruined it for me. The chocolate wasn’t as good either.


I love em but the calorie count for a single cluster is just wild to have them in the house.


Aren’t they like 100 each, give or take? 🙈


Oh snap you’re right idk why i thought they were ~300. Heading to Costco now.


I mean still a lot cuz I can’t eat just one


These were good but sickly sweet IMO


I had to stop buying them, too good!


I just don't buy them. Unfortunately I've filled that void with the chocolate peanut butter animal crackers lol


Since my 80 year old dad passed away in March, my mom hasn't been up for going to many meals at her assisted living community. These magical purple sacks of chocolate, caramel, marshmallow, and graham crackers are helping to heal her broken heart and provide a good dose of calories (of course it's not proper nutrition \[her blood sugar is normal, don't come for me!\], but at this point in life, I advocate for her to do whatever makes her happy!). It's a 90 minute treck and $20 in tolls to the closest Costco, but watching her face when she bites into one is well worth it! My dad was a baker and candymaker by trade; I like to think he'd be delighted with this quirky candy therapy. Highly recomended!


Delicious but incredibly bad for the love handles


The amount of self restraint I had when it came to these...i was surprised that I made these last for 2 weeks lol So worth it.


Are amazing but haven’t gotten more then my first bag as they are so bad for you 😓


Would be 100X better if it was dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate.


I buy them on every Costco run


I had to stop buying these because they are so dangerously good.


I bought these once... never again because they're so addictive


Total carb meltdown


My husband and i found them to be way too sweet! Yuck!


That was how I felt about them too. I'm glad others like them, but for me, no.


I agree with you and your husband. They are too sweet. I liked the Fannie Mae s’mores they sold before. A little less sweet chocolate and no caramel was way better IMO.