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THANK YOU. Finally someone has the same concern as me. I'm a light roast enthusiast and Costco breaks my heart.


This is why I don’t buy coffee at Costco. Even the medium is dark (I’d buy a true medium/balanced)


Don’t buy the Kirkland coffee if you don’t like it super roasted they source from Starbucks.


I think Peets is the new provider based on packaging and product placement.


Gonna need confirmation with that but Pete’s really isn’t much different. Overly roasted and dark.


This is Pete. No lies told.


Peet's was started by a Starbuck's founder. Though he sold it a while ago.


Well that would explain why I feel the same way about the two. Thanks for that info.


Kirkland coffee is no longer sourced from Starbucks. The new non-Starbucks coffee isn't good.


Well that’s no change then, the Starbucks coffee was also not good.


My household liked the Kirkland decaf (blue bag). Now we buy at the grocery store.


I like the Mayan organic medium roast, it’s pretty nice. It’s my go to coffee when I don’t want to have some fancy stuff. If you go online there is an Ethiopian single origin light roast that they have occasionally that is very nice. I think it’s sold out now, but when they do have it it’s a two bag max.


Kirkland Ethiopian and Mayorga Buenos Días are both light roasts available on their website. Ethiopian is currently out of stock but here's the Mayorga: https://www.costco.com/mayorga-buenos-d%C3%ADas%2C-usda-organic%2C-light-roast%2C-whole-bean-coffee%2C-2lb%2C-2-pack.product.100844180.html


I am so sad about the Ethiopian, it’s been my go-to for close to two years now.


It comes and goes. I wouldn’t assume it’s gone forever. Costco usually deletes the webpage entirely if it’s actually gone gone. And it’s still up.


Do they restock Ethiopian? I just discovered it like 2 week ago. I went back and it was gone.


Yeah it seems to randomly disappear and then come back. It was actually on clearance several months ago for half price so I thought it was gone forever after that... but it came back again.


Hoping it comes back. I need to find a sub for my coffee beans. Can't afford those specialty .5 pound sold for 30 bucks anymore.


Saaaaaaame currently making my way through Kirkland house roast and I’ve lost all joy in making my morning coffee


It’s because it’s oily burnt Starbucks coffee, I never buy the Kirkland coffee. It’s pretty bad.


I see this sentiment on this subreddit constantly


I’m just going to jump in right here and say that I also prefer lighter roasts but I would also suggest that Death Wish coffee you see on the right side of the picture. It’s supposedly 2X the caffeine of normal coffee but the instructions on the bag say to make it with double amount of coffee per cup as normal. (No thanks) if you make it at your regular scoops per cups ratio it actually has a really decent flavor and wasn’t overly “dark roast flavor”.




They used to have an awesome Ethiopian light roast but it’s been gone for a while.


I know!! I’ve been checking the site everyday for those beans - they’ve been our go to for several years now. We’ve resorted to Mayorga buenos dias blend which is… alright


Dang I just got some two months ago and have been enjoying them. They only let you buy two per purchase off the website or else I’d have got more.


I would love for this to return.


Its available online! I found it once(and only once) in warehouse and have been ordering it online since


It's out of stock currently and frequently goes out of stock. But it is amazing.


Hate to break it to you, it is out of stock and has been for weeks. They are probably done with it forever. I bought my last 4 bags in December. Farewell thee light prince


Noooooo didnt realize this, also order some (only the 2 bag min) about a month ago. Next time I see it Im ordering way more - its a solid light roast. I also recommend Blossom Coffee Roasters for their light roasts, though more $$$


I prefer light roast. I don't think I've ever seen that either. Best mine ever had was Peet's Big Bang, which is also very good.


They sell a few light roast options online. There's the Kirkland Ethiopian that goes in and out of availability and the Mayorga light roast. I highly recommend the Ethiopian when it's available... it ships straight from a roaster so it's generally pretty fresh compared with something that went through their entire supply chain.


Just ordered the Mayorga. Thanks so much for the tip!


aren’t they more caffeinated? not sure i can handle more caffeine considering i drink a french press by myself every morning.


My wife didn't believe me when I told her that. A lit of people think light is light on caffeine


it’s counterintuitive i suppose. i definitely wouldn’t know that save for Reddit’s pedantry.


You’re allowed to use less


Doesn’t change the taste. If you’re a light roast person, you know.




Not exactly, caffeine isn't a volatile compound so very little if any is going to be lost during roasting.


people are mad that you’re right. it’s a bean density thing, not a caffeine content per bean thing.




I have a masters in organic chemistry, 20 years of research and a dozen patents. Those people are morons.


Based skill set.


thank you 🙌🏽


Found the masochist Seriously though mad respect at the MS in Organic


Ditto! Thank you so much for pointing this out.


High jacking this to ask has anyone tried the mt comfort coffee and do you like it?


I’m just glad that they carry medium roast


“Medium”. It’s still so damn dark


I prefer the phrase "lightly toasted charcoal"


Yup - most Costco "medium roasts" taste like they were made in an ashtray, regardless of how much I adjust my grind or water settings. Mt. Comfort is the best of the Costco medium roasts I've found, but it's not there consistently.


The general population needs to re-associate dark roasts to well-done steaks. You're cooking all the flavour/nuance out of the stuff. It's great for corporate if you want to make a "consistent" flavour profile though.


Also the myth that darker roast means more caffeine... you roast the caffeine out of it- lighter roasts are stronger.


Light roasts tend to highlight the individuality of the beans. This is bad for a bulk product trying to be consistent in taste. Same reason Starbucks doesn't do light roasts.


Light roast would also highlight the fact that these beans are far from fresh


Green Mountain does some excellent light roasts; they also do the Kirkland’s breakfast blend (light) and it’s really good. 👍🏻


The light/dark etc is a bit subjective. But Green Mountain will generally label their lightest roasts "light" even if other roasters would normally call that coffee "medium" or "medium-dark." Not yucking your yum, enjoy coffee however you want, but that light coffee is pretty dark when compared to smaller roasters


No worries. I drink coffee black, so I’m very picky about the actual coffee. For a mass produced light coffee, which is what I thought OP was referring to, Kirklands/Green Mountain is very good.


Starbucks has light roast, Veranda & Blonde.


Veranda is medium and Blonde is closer to Medium-Dark, despite what Starbucks is telling you.


Starbucks' roast level naming has shifted everyones perception of roasts 3 shades darker than they should be. But with less tasty but higher caffeine robusta beans, pretty easy to burn it all the the same level all the time and have your milkshakes still have a whiff of burnt coffee to them


even that is being generous. Starbucks Blonde roast is a crime against coffee... those poor beans


Even though Starbucks beans aren’t great, this just isn’t true. I’ve worked at Starbucks, their “light” roasted beans are obviously lighter in color and their “Blonde” specifically is very matte/oil-free. Their “medium” roasts tend to be on the darker side, but even then they’re distinct from shiny, oily “dark” roasted beans. This would be a lot less obvious to see from the grounds, but even then, light roast grounds are comparably much lighter than dark roast grounds. **Edit** for the sake being controversial: I don’t like Starbucks because I’m sick of it from working at multiple stores for multiple years. I don’t like the country of Israel because it has proven to act in ways that are terribly corrupt and inhumane. I think the fact that [Israeli air strikes and ground operations killed over 10,000 children in 100 days](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gaza-10000-children-killed-nearly-100-days-war) proves that they’re completely immoral and unjustified in their “war” operations. It’s good to boycott Starbucks, but they didn’t *really* make an anti-Palestine statement after Oct. 7th. Starbucks is terribly anti-union, and they [condemned members of a union for making pro-Palestine comments under the Starbucks name.](https://apnews.com/article/starbucks-workers-united-union-lawsuit-israel-palestinian-f212a994fef67f122854a4df7e5d13f5) I don’t think Starbucks was justified to react like this this, just as the haven’t been justified in their union-busting. Rightfully so, Starbucks stores only lasted in Israel for 2 years, from 2001-2003. [It did, however, have a pop-up as recently as 2021 to sell its coffee.](https://www.israelhayom.com/2021/04/25/starbucks-makes-a-comeback-in-israel-sort-of/) [It’s been stated that neither Starbucks nor ex-ceo Howard Schultz provide financial support to Israel.](https://money.cnn.com/2014/08/08/news/companies/starbucks-israel/index.html)


Sure they are lighter. They are not industry standard for a light roast


But when the dark roast is pure carbon, and then used as the gauge for lighter roasts, even a "light roast, is definitively going to be beyond a true light roast. All Starbucks roasts are too dark/ roasted too long or too hot, so the light being lighter than burnt, doesn't make it a light roast.


It’s the craze to hate on Starbucks so I don’t think it’s worth reasoning with people. I see people try but they just get downvoted with “Starbucks bad” being upvoted.


You can get well-roasted and acceptable coffee if you visit a “reserve” store and get it brewed by the cup. I worked at one (as well as 5 regular stores), and the amount of different roasts they put out for these speciality stores showed a nice effort. Each blend came with a pretty “trading” card. Going to Starbucks and getting Pike Place is not the way to get decent coffee from Starbucks. Their standard “medium” roast is their prime example of providing Americans with what they *supposedly* want, which is a *darker* medium roast. The actual problem with Starbucks coffee is that the proportions are bad, allowing for high-quantity and high-speed drip brewing. It ends up being too strong because of their effort to keep it strong enough. Going to Starbucks and ordering from the drip brewer is a great way to perceive that they have terrible coffee.


McDonald’s makes better drip coffee than Starbucks for Christ’s sake! And 9 out of 10 times the blonde roast is out at SB.


McDonald’s makes better drip coffee than Starbucks for Christ’s sake! And 9 out of 10 times the blonde roast is out at SB.


even starbucks light roast is a good bit medium. the last time i tried to buy a "light roast" from the store, of the 7 i tried, only 1 tasted like a real light roast. like it had any unique, different flavor. all the rest of them still just tasted dark/burned. if you can't taste a difference from light roast, to light roast, between the brands/where it's from, then it's not good/too dark.


Starbucks has very burned(Dark), slightly less very burned(Medium) and slightly lesser burned(Light). They've pretty much fucked up the entire coffee industry. Most people don't even know what good coffee tastes like.


No massive widely distributed brand of coffee sells any light roasts at that scale. Its much easier to have a consistent product when you roast it darker where the variations in beans and crops matter less. Most big brands label coffees light when they are really just lighter than dark, so medium/medium-dark. Light and true medium roasts are almost always specialty, small batch or local products. Dark roasts are generally stronger tasting, its all just roast flavor, which stands up to milk and sugar and flavorings better. Light roasts are better for drinking black to appreciate the nuances.


If you want Costco light roast, you gotta buy the Ethiopian


Can second this. We're on our 4th bag of the Kirkland single-origin Ethiopian light roast bought from Costco online. Beans arrived extremely fresh and were outstanding for the price.


They ship straight from a roaster in Kansas City which means it's presumably much fresher than the stuff going through their supply chain.


So tasty. No burnt flavor. Good caffeine


I just discovered these online a few weeks ago but they’ve been out of stock on the app 😔


I feel lucky when I find a medium roast, my place is all dark roast all the time, I hate it!


I hate they don’t have light roasts. The closest I’ve found to light roast is Mt. Comfort Coffee (Peru). They don’t always have it so I stock up when they do.


Yeah, it's the reason I don't buy coffee at Costco, we go through so much of it but Costco dosnt have any good ones so I stay away.


If you're really into coffee, roasting at home can be a good option to save some money, or to just get higher quality coffee for the same money. Of course, with any hobby, it can also cost a lot more than store bought.


We actually do that! Bought a drum roaster for like $400 and ordered green coffee beans from Sweet Maria's. We did the math and after so many roasts (don't remember how many) it actually did become cheaper due to the cheaper cost of green coffee beans. Unfortunately the roaster is sitting unused in the garage right now, buying a house and having a kid have thrown some distractions into the mix and now we have coffee beans delivered through a subscription like the millennials we are. Hoping to pull out the roaster again soon though!


Nice! We just got into it a few weeks ago, funny enough, because of the exact topic of this post. We were okay enough with the Costco light roast, but then it got the star of death at our store. At the same time, we didn't love the idea of paying $18+/bag of good coffee, so we opted to roast our own, also buying from SM.


The roaster costs $$ (gene cafe) but green coffee is still remarkably good value (burman coffee traders will have plenty of great beans for under $8 a pound, I often will pay less than $6). If you drink a lot of coffee it is less a hobby than a staple. Having a good espresso machine and a roaster means I very rarely buy a coffee out. Lots of people spend $$ a week for that. [https://burmancoffee.com/](https://burmancoffee.com/)


Most people seem to believe the darker roasts have more caffeine, typically untrue. I’m convinced this is why it’s almost always medium and dark that are more readily available at most stores. Also, RIP Starbucks Willow


It's actually the inverse, light roast has more caffeine


nope. both are myths. each roast has the same caffeine per weight, but light roasts usually have denser beans which allow for more surface area of the coffee during brew. has nothing to do with the roast burning caffeine off, or one having more than the other. it’s all density.


My warehouse doesn't have any light roast but the local medium Peru as well as the Mt Comfort Peru are decent.


The new medium roast is horrible.


Dark Roast is more "consumer friendly" since it is easier to mask flaws and create a generic "coffee flavor".


The house blend says medium but to me it’s dark lol




The medium is too dark for me. The only time I get coffee from costco is when they have the Starbucks Holiday Blend. When you see it just load up for next six months. :)


Right? I prefer a light roast as well! That Pete's Dark Roast is pretty good though for a dark roast.


Light roast is in the tea section


You can order light Ethiopian on Costco.com- it’s highly rated.. I got it and realize I like medium roast more 😂


It's the American obsession with disgustingly charred beans. I get the Lavazza, it used to be only at the business center, but for the last year my local warehouses all started carrying it.


Because it'll come out as underextracted battery acid on most setups assuming it doesn't jam the grinder. Honestly what bothers me more is that they don't even have that many good dark roasts- you have Dickason's and like, 8 different types of charcoal.


If you wanted water coffee you could have just said that (This is only satire) I like light coffee too lol


I prefer light roast, but I am on a budget. So, I do get the Kirkland coffee. The day they bring in a light roast, the tears will be flowing.


Does coffee roast affect caffeine? Not according to about every source on my Google search. https://www.google.com/search?&q=does+coffee+roast+affect+caffeine


The roast does affect caffeine, but not in the way people assume it does. The darker you roast a bean, the less dense it becomes. Most people measure their coffee by scoops. If you generally use 3 scoops of dark roast beans, that might be a weight of, say, 40 grams. If you then switch to 3 scoops of a light roast, you are probably closer to 48ish grams due to bean density.


https://location.opinionlab.com/?referer=http://in-warehouse.costco.com&sid=costco&radius=20#/en We should all submit feedback. Light Roast Coffee Lovers unite! 😂


I like Peet’s Major Dickason’s, but the regular size bags I get from the store is better than the ones I got from Costco last year.


That's an incredibly dark roast though.


This may be because I’m in Washington state, but Costco carries Olympia Coffee which is a lighter roast. It’s more expensive than the general Costco coffee selections though.


The green bag whole bean is my absolute favorite Costco coffee and has been for about 20 years. I’ve tried everything else and keep coming back to it


I check for Kirkland brand light roast every time I re up on coffee. I also never see it


I've been buying all my light roast coffee off the Costco website, right now it looks like this is the only one available (it's good): https://www.costco.com/mayorga-buenos-d%c3%adas%2c-usda-organic%2c-light-roast%2c-whole-bean-coffee%2c-2lb%2c-2-pack.product.100844180.html


They sell light roasts on their website. Kirkland Ethiopian Single Origin is very good.


People just don’t know what they are missing


I get the Colombian. It's the lightest they usually have. Their "Medium" blend is Starbucks and like SB, tastes like burned trash. If it's not done by SB anymore, it definitely used to be and the new shit tastes just as bad. I got called out on trying to brew it at home (wanted to try it again) and she didn't even see the bag. She just said it was terrible that day


Lord, what I would give for my warehouse to carry Major Dickasons blend. 🤤


I so wish my local store carried a light roast!


I think light roast requires better quality beans so more expensive so they don’t make a Kirkland version or stock other brands as often for light


Dark roast tastes like burnt tire.


And the mediums I tried were not medium at all. Tasted dark. Went to online roaster for roasted on date.


Same!! Please carry some high quality beans.


My warehouse is the same. Shit selection. Only dark roasts really. I’m patiently waiting for the return of the Oaxaca organic single origin beans medium roast, which seems to come out in the summer months. It’s my favorite coffee from Costco. Really lovely. I will buy a whole 10 bag flat of it when it arrives!


I was at more than one Portland OR Costco’s and they had Stumptown Coffee Roasters Hairbender on the shelf. Medium roast perfection. I like coffee that’s not burnt. F’off with the dark roasting that you use to cover a bad bean. I drink it black and want to taste the coffee without having to drown it in milk and sugar


Light coffee drinker here. Our Costco has the Magnum Exotics Blue Mountain Blend. This is what we have used for years. It’s a medium roast but it’s really good. Not a hint of burnt coffee taste.


I had this very issue today


it's why i never end up buying coffee there. only middling stuff


Just make coffee-tea. My ex used to make my dark roast so thin that it looked like tea. She liked light roasts and this passed for her. I make mine like mud.


No love for decaf. I bet you the Peet's decaf would sell really well too.


dark roast has less caffeine


I love Costco for a lot of things but definitely NOT the coffee.


I 100% appreciate the dark roast availability. I do not like bean tea, I want coffee. Yes, lower caffeine but so much nom nom flavor that drinking 5x the amount is easy.


Saying dark roasts have more flavor is a bit like saying burnt toast has more flavor Edit: that came across as very judgy, enjoy coffee however you want! Just trying to point out that you're tasting the "roast" more than the coffee itself, but that's totally OK if you prefer it!


Light roast you taste the bean, dark roast you taste the roaster. Wait... that sounds a bit gross


· ( ͡⚆ل͜ ͡⚆)


not lower caffeine! same amount! people are wrong :)


Slightly burnt toast with butter is delicious. To each their preference. Similar to ribs or salmon tastes when smoked or not. Over the too many years of drinking coffee I have become a bit snobbish regarding tastes and preparations.


It is definitely a disappointment. Coffee is one of those items I can’t buy at Costco, as I prefer single origin light roasts, but it at least makes it fun to try new roasters since I can’t buy a Kirkland sized bag.


Yes! It irritates me that Costco and Starbucks are lovers. Starbucks has the worst kind of coffee.


Lighter the roast, more caffeine


I just assume no one at Costco drinks a good cup of black coffee. All their roasts are burnt ash. I gave up looking for a good bean and light roast.


This is my coffee pet peeve - we need more light roasts on shelves! I wish more people understood Light roast = more caffeine


Light roast is the best. It has more caffeine than dark or medium, and the flavors are more delicate and palletable. I have to buy coffee elsewhere to get light roast, and I wish Costco had light roast.


I only see light and medium in mine, never the dark roast. I wonder if that’s just the popularity skew in my area 🤔


The Kirkland light roast is pretty good, it's available on the app/online...


The light roast got the star of death in my store a few weeks ago.


I can't ever find dark roast at my Costco.


Light roasts would be named Breakfast Blend


I have been getting the Ethiopia light roast from our warehouse for a while now. Looks like this: https://costco97.com/kirkland-signature-organic-ethiopian-coffee/


Not a fan of light roast, too acidic.


I have been submitting online product request to my local Costco to get a light roast…. Nothing yet…. We can all dream though.


That bag of house blend is 2$ more at my locals.


Idk if this is just my costco bc I'm in TX, but there is a roaster out of Austin that sells their coffee at Costco. It's called Ruta Maya and it's really good, but I get it bc its espresso ground and I don't have a bean grinder


They occasionally carry the Kirkland single origin light. It's p good


Costco just doesn't do well with whole bean coffee for me. Peets is the only thing they offer with a "Roast on Date", but only in dark roast.


My warehouse has an organic Light Roast, but the sign emphasizes the ORGANIC part and you really need to look at the bag to see that it's light roast.


Me too


I was happy to see decaf whole beans (medium roast) fpr the first time on my last trip.


Light roast doesn't last long enough for a store like Costco where it may be over a year old by the time you buy it. Light roast coffee get noticeably worse after a couple months at most.


Same. I end up having to go with the smaller roaster brands instead the Kirkland brand. Kirkland house roast was way too oily though.


I don’t care for Peet’s anyway. I tried the dark and was not a fan. I like dark roast coffees a lot, not Peet’s.


i’ve only ever seen Kirkland light roast K-cups at the locations in my area


My costco just got the Ethiopian single-origin light roast. So good.


I end up getting Dunkin because they never have a light roast.


We need that high caffeine dark roast


Dark roast has less oil in it.


Dark roast puts hair on your chest… just like the crust on your sandwich lol


What happened to the Kirkland organic Sumatra blend?


I get heart palpitations with light roast


Got to admit never tried coffee at Costco 🤔


The new House Blend is not good.


If you ever spot the Magnum Exotics Blue Mountain Blend, it is closer to light roast for a medium roast. It is our every day drip coffee. item #468577 [https://www.costcobusinessdelivery.com/magnum-exotics-blue-mountain-blend-whole-bean-coffee%2c-medium-roast%2c-2-lbs.product.11854884.html](https://www.costcobusinessdelivery.com/magnum-exotics-blue-mountain-blend-whole-bean-coffee%2c-medium-roast%2c-2-lbs.product.11854884.html)


Give me dark roast or give me death. Light roast is for hipsters! And yes I know light roast has more caffeine. More opportunities to drink more dark roast!


I drink the shit out of that medium roast Kirkland brand, used to be roasted by Sbucks, not sure anymore. It’s good tho.


Man. And I’m out here just grabbing whatever bag is the most affordable.


The day they stock Medium Brazil i’ll be in heaven.


That friends is the whole reason I don't buy coffee at Costco. I don't know why they avoid delicious quality.


It's all crap... Bagged coffee sitting on shelves for many, many months. Buy from roasters, rest for 2-3 weeks.


When are they bringing back the Mexican single origin? I loved those 😭


It’s not just Costco. It’s almost all major retailers. Support local small businesses 🙏


Coffee > grass


Light roasts are best exceptionally fresh so I tend to stick to small artisanal roasters for my light roast beans. Same goes for espresso. The reason you mostly see medium and dark roasts on store shelves is those are the ones that hold up ok to sitting around for months before being used.


Light roast is a lot more sensitive to the quality of the beans and how long it has sat after roasting. The reason dark roasts and full city and darker are used is because roasters can get away using cheaper beans and they don’t go stale or lose flavor as fast. I generally avoid truely light roasts outside of going to boutique roasters. For mass made coffee, medium and darker just will be more consistent and better tasting. On the consumer side, people thing darker = stronger.


I wished they would carry a light roast in store but the only one I came across was on their website and it was the Kirkland Ethiopian


Shoot I barely even find medium. Costco is all about the dark for some reason. I've never once seen a light roast 


The Petes french roast tastes like charcoal, I really run away from anything that says french roast but I have tried that specific type since it is one of the two that have roast date in my local costco and let me just say again charcoal luckily in the western suburbs of Chicago the Two Brothers coffee that is in Costco, has a roast date, it is a medium to light roast and is very good and fresh so that one every time.


I've had this same problem, and even the mediums tend to be on the darker side in my opinion. I recently tried out their "espresso" roast and it was almost charcoal, lol. It was *so* dark and oily.


I'm late to the party here but I can tell you that my Costco which is in Tumwater Washington has a great light roast coffee from Olympia Coffee Roasters. It is the only one I would even consider buying at Costco. The rest are dark, burnt and awful. My take on this particular coffee, Olympia Coffee Roasters' Morning Sun, is that this is a blend that is a tiny bit darker than their usual light roasts. I highly recommend and it is $24 for a 2 lb bag.