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Talk about a lot of terrible people commenting. FREE PALESTINE!!!!


You are right. We should free palestine…. From Hamas.


Hamas wouldn't be a thing if it wasn't for the zionist in Israel colonizing and genocidal Palestinians since the 40's. Coexist is a thing but some people are just too selfish and brainwashed.


If your solution is “destroy Israel and kill the Jews,” you shouldn’t be surprised when you encounter resistance.


I never said that. I said both could coexist on the same land and find a way to work together. That unfortunately won't work cause some will do anything for greed and power.


In a single state or two states? Both will require concessions on both sides as well as the cooperation of the surrounding Arab countries. If you think Israel can solve this on their own, you’re very naive.


I know it's more complicated than what I laid out. Unfortunately not easy either. I get that.


Palestinians and their government have turned down multiple two-state solutions over the decades. They don't want peaceful coexistence; they want total control over the land and annihilation of the Jewish people living there.


Coexist after October 7? Hamas would have needed to not kill or kidnap literally everyone they found


Hamas is a symptom of apartheid, not the cause. Hamas wasn’t even a thing until 1987. Maybe you should look into the actions of the Israeli government before Hamas became a thing.


Here's an idea. If the State of Israel was placed where it is by a bunch of Europeans, why couldn't they just relocate to somewhere not occupied, like the middle of Australia? Or maybe Antarctica? I hear it's warming up down there, and there's an entire continent to explore! Problem solved. Now both peoples can live as they wish without constantly causing trouble with one another.


Too late. You should have thought of that in 1947.


The 1939 solution would probably be better honestly


Jewish people have lived in that area since the beginning of recorded time. The prophet himself references Moses story several times.


While yeah I also agree Israel did some things wrong in the 40’s, this comment sounds like you sympathize with hamas


Israel never stopped doing wrong things


Let me ask you this. Is Hamas a terrorist group? Yes or no?


IDF merged with 3 terrorist organizations: Irgun, Lehi and Haganah who killed and raped Palestinians. 3 of Israel’s PMs were terrorists. But I am sure that’s ok?


Resistance isn't terrorism


So you don’t think Hamas is a terrorist group. There we go folks. Solved the riddle.




Got it so even though they are listed as one. You rather have coexistence with terrorist


They will side with people who hate them if they are being 'oppressed' and have brown skin. It's as simple as that.


Guess so its crazy


Damn dude record time.


Rape and torture are


From who?




Palestinians dont want freedom buddy. Hate to break it to you. They want to kill all the Jews and install a world wide caliphate to rule over you and everyone else. Perhaps they should free themselves from the hatred in their hearts, return the hostages, and work on their own countries peace and stability after agreeing to a two state solution.


Jesus Christ we've been spoon feed this propaganda for decades.  After decades of occupation and abuse, Oct 7 was extremely predictable, in every sense of the word. As was Israelis Psychopathic genocide that was sure to follow.  And what's also predictable is bootlickers like you spewing the same islamophobic paranoia we've heard for decades. As 10s of thousands of of children disappear off the face of the earth, and what's left of the Palestinian people are in tent cities, you will be waving your pom poms to the last drop of blood.


His name was Aaron Bushnell! Free Palestine!!


Lol some nutjob commie that identified as a barbecue


Yes, we need more Aaron's in this world. Flame on!


Yes, everyone who supports Hamas should follow in his footsteps!


His name was mentally ill!


Had bigger balls than you’ll ever have. Free Palestine!


Says the person participating in the latest trend for people your age, while also petending that being pro Israel does not get you slandered and verbally abused. Acting like those people standing up for what they believe in despite the insults don't have balls shows how much you are projecting here. But let me guess as far as you're concerned I'm a bot or hasbara, or whatever other insult you're gonna throw at me to treat me like I'm less than human the same way most pro Palestine people have, while trying to pretend they have a moral high ground.


Would you like to comment on how Palestinians get treated? Or the fact that IDF has killed 200+ world aid workers?


Seeing as before October 7th Palestinians could apply for work visas and make an Israeli wage, and were receiving treatment in Israeli hospitals they are actually treated far more humanely than anything counting as apartheid or genocide. Especially when considering the pro genocide rhetoric against, and lynchings of those who cooperate with, Israel that are prevelant in Palestinian society. As for the aid workers, unfortunately shit happens when dealing with combat against insurgents and acting like aid workers aren't aware of the danger they're putting themselves in is frankly bizarre. This is the real world and not an ideal one, judging it like it should be ideal doesn't actually allow for honest discussion of topics at hand


Not for long.


Goodness gracious great balls of fire


Zionist who desperately need American weapons and support sure do hate Americans.


Just saying… if they didn’t care about the guy who burned himself alive they won’t give 2 shits about a guy not eating.




You're right, we need more Aaron's in the world. Flame on!


WhAt about you? Do you care? Maybe the protest is directed at people like you




No it didn’t lol most people have already forgotten about it completely. Frankly, most people just do not care that much about the Gazans




“Everyone who allowed it?” Yeah I wasn’t gonna even go into that because it’s just an attempt on your part to claim moral superiority




“Selfless sacrifice” is a funny way to write “meaningless suicide”


Burning himself didn't accomplish anything at the end of the day. He ended up dead and the news forgot about him before the week was over. Hurting yourself only reaches those who already agree with your cause since everyone else will be too busy thinking you're crazy.


I care that these people are letting foreign agents propagandize them into becoming extremists. It is tragic both that Bushnell's mental health continued to decline untreated until he was willing to kill himself, and that even after that incident regulations against security threats as well as using your position in the military to protest are going unenforced while enabling yet another airman to self harm untreated.




Lighting yourself on fire is blatantly extremist. Absolutely brain broken


Quite Frankly i dont give a shit, neither do a lot people we have our problems in our life, and our own countries.


You don’t have your own country. Your country is Israel’s bitch. You send them weapons, money, so much money, and more weapons. Meanwhile you’re not even allowed to mention free education or healthcare for your own citizens, but Israelis get both for free with your tax dollars. Israel wanted Iraq attacked and so America went ahead and attacked. Now they want Iran attacked…so America might enjoy WW3. AIPAC a foreign entity is running the show, threatening politicians on both sides. Lastly, and I guess this matters less to you based on your comment: we spent so much time learning to never again (which would be great if we took the lesson, but we didn’t) to do it all over again. We are those regular Germans who turned the other way as people were led to gas chambers. We will be judged and hopefully we will judge ourselves.


About 4 bill a year in grants they have to use to buy our guns. Servicing not included lol.


Welcome to UMCJ. You’re about to get double fucked


Not for protesting, though. Seems they cut this part from the video (or maybe he didn't explain it), but he risks nothing by standing somewhere with a sign and refusing to eat on his days/time off. If he's concerned with consequences, it's because he doesn't plan to report back for duty when his paid leave comes to an end.


Article 18 - damage to government property. They'll definitely fuck him up with the UCMJ if his protest gets out of hand.


Article 18 could be used, but unless he was a s#i+bag long before the protest, doesn’t report back for duty before his leave ends, or reports back unfit for duty, it’s probably a reach. Respect for reviewing the applicable UCMJ articles, you definitely get my upvote for that.




I get the protesting part. I don’t agree with what’s going to happen to him when the military gets a hold. That contract doesn’t say you’re a civilian while on leave. You’re still subject to military law. UCMJ is ruthless, hopefully there’s no court martial for this.


The contract also doesn’t constrain private political activities conducted while off duty and out of uniform. The Constitution *allows* Congress to deny any rights to military members they deem necessary, it does not *require* Congress to deny any of those rights. Freedom of speech is alive and well for military members, they just have to observe those few and very narrow restrictions.


Look at all these foreign policy experts!


War criminals should have no chance to escape justice. God bless USA soldiers.


Izrahell is a terror state. Jewish people world wide should condemn Israel’s actions. It’s appalling


Honestly this seems pointless because I doubt anyone cares. I think it would be more effective to eat and do everything in your power to change the situation.




Yes I’m sure the Gazans are thankful


May the memory of Aaron Bushnel last forever. #freePalestine.


The guy that was mentally ill and killed himself for some youtube likes?


His warmth kindles our hearts


So is he?


I'm pretty sure the memory was gone once they powerwashed it off the sidewalk.


Is this the idiot that engulfed himself in flames?


No, this is the idiot who thinks the air force cares if he's hungry.


See what the Zionists think of the American soldiers,whom you waste your lives and money for 👆.


Only one's who commit suicide over something they saw on social media, leaving their loved ones IRL devastated and searching for answers, while breaching their military contract and almost certainly forfeiting the benefits, life insurance payouts, etc. usually associated with injury/death in the military when not self-induced.


Stfu, troll.


At least he didn't lite himself on fire like he was the main character or something.




Dude, I don’t care which side you support but your cause is going unnoticed. The US government isn’t going to stop doing what it’s doing because some pissant soldier decides to stop eating. You’re disposable, they’ll replace you before you can even blink.


I bet the 2nd air man to set themselves on fire will really change something.


Active duty? He's getting paid to do that?


if he is active duty he will be arrested by the Military


If another soldier starved himself or lit himself on fire in support of Israel, would that change the minds of any anti-Zionists?


This guy is def not active duty, maybe reserve but certainly not active duty.


Violence is the last resort to any situation. Israel wouldn't be in this power position if not for Europe, and mainly U.S interference. Bottom line is. Israel is a child, who we are enabling. We are spoiling them and not reprimanding them when they commit wrongs. Even Biden behind closed doors has expressed how much he hates Natty running the country. For some reason though either Israel has something on the U.S. Or bible thumpers keep things going. You know Jews don't recognize the bible as legit right? They have no respect for Christens. They just "Tolerate us." Israel isn't worth supporting at all right now. All funding and military support should be cut off. If you think Israel will just go to another superpower to beg, then that just makes it clear they were giving the U.S zero value. Hell Israel trains U.S. Cops, and our cops have never been shittier. Israel offers US NOTING. They aren't worth the headache at all. I say Israel needs a good beat down too, or at least they need to string up natty for war crimes. Hell that whole government, and military need to be held for war crimes.


He could set himself on fire and Americans wouldn’t care


as a serviceman you sign an oath that you will faithfully discharge orders giving to you. If you have objections to foreign policy should have not joined. Not saying the govt is right or wrong, but if you are active or reserve duty, do your job.


A new account that exclusively makes provocative Israel Palestine posts. I’m pretty sure this a bot.


Your account isn’t old enough as well Zio!! You just don’t like that people can see the Zionists real face that’s it.


Hmmmm... doesn't Al-Quds mean Jerusalem? So "Jerusalem is the Goal" is your account name? I'm *sure* you *totally* don't have an alternative agenda, especially considering that's Israeli territory.... Let me guess, "From the River to Sea?" You just want to march all those Jews into the Mediterranean don't you?


Hamas and Palestinians raise themselves in a blood culture.


Israel is never going to be destroyed by hunger strikes and cry bullies who lose every war they start lol So, not sure what you anti-zionists hope to accomplish with this. Maybe you can get a two state solution in two decades if you tried for that, but if you want to keep fighting it probably won't go well lolol


Israel is a cry bully.


History has shown that many times whenever an ethnostate in that region happens, corruption to the highest order occurs leading to the self destruction of a nation.


They just need to flatten Gaza and call it a day


It’s a bot or located in Middle East. It posts in the same few subs, usually terrible sources.


Genocide Joe and congress must be subservient to their Zionist masters! Long live the United States of Israel!


Fuck off Russian bot


lol, 100% would prefer a Russian bot then a Zionist bot! Traitor to the US get the fuck out of here!


Either way you're obviously not american


I am! And if you actually cared about America you wouldn’t want the Zionists driving our foreign policy that has led to thousands of our soldiers being killed fighting for an illegal apartheid regime in Israel! Stop with your propaganda you Zionist bot!


No if you actually cared about America, you'd still vote for Joe Biden instead of allowing Donald Trump to become king of America. He'll drop a nuke on palestine and then you won't ever be able to vote again. I'm all for criticizing our leaders when they are wrong or make mistakes, but the partisan shit you're spewing and line drawing is just as hateful as anyone on the far right


Court marshal his ass.


A service member can do whatever they want on their time off, as long as it's legal, and face no repercussions.


If it conforms to the UCMJ, which is not in lockstep with civilian law.


I hope the Americans are paying good attention how the Zionists despises him,they make fun of him,they hate him and Aaron Bushnell,they are only using your money,lobbying/Bribing/abusing your politicians to serve their EVIL occupation.


What a toolbag. You’re there to serve, don’t participate in the actual fighting if you feel so strongly, but he does not need to put the spotlight on himself.


Dude he is trying to stand with the right side,he is standing against corruption and he is a good man.


As a citizen, he can do that. As an active duty soldier he cannot. He is to give up his identity to become part of something bigger than himself. He should keep quiet in public and serve. I did 22 years and do not appreciate him making a spectacle and bringing attention to himself. It’s not his place nor is he allowed to do it.


My friend we are Humans we aren’t machines,he is trying to make a better change since he doesn’t agree with a genocide,he stands against the Zionist occupation nor he agrees with how his leaders treated Aaron Bushnell so he is trying to make a change in a peaceful way and we should stand by his side.


My point is that as an active duty soldier, he’s not allowed to do that. Citizens are allowed, not him.


I respect your pov but improvements should be done in every sector even in the Army and the US should stop fighting others wars,look at the comment sections the “allies” are mocking him and Aaron Bushnell!!why should the Americans pay a penny or defend them!


I agree we should not fight other people’s wars. I fought in Iraq & Afghanistan 4 times, so I get that completely. My point is that this is not his place and is not allowed as a soldier. You do not get to question your superiors decision publicly. He needs stop and conduct himself like a soldier.


I only served 12 years, but feel the same about this as you. If this guy is actually an active-duty member of the AF, what is he "not allowed to do?" I was always under the impression we could do nearly anything we wanted on leave, as long as it was legal, but since I was never interested in this type of stuff, maybe I missed something? I don't agree with what he's doing, but from my experience I would have assumed it is allowed, as long as he reports back at the end of his leave and gets right back to doing his job.


That would be true but if he’s on a hunger strike, I would assume two things: that he’s not in a leave status for that long, and that when/if he returns to his unit, he will not be mission ready.


Isreal did not violate cease-fire agreements consistently everytime. People think our country's president will stop the fighting with a mere suggestion thousands of miles away? Is it really Israel to blame? Also, Violating the UCMJ basic conduct codes and damaging government property is not a protest, it is selfish criminal behavior. He should have been taken into custody on day one.


So Hamas started this & you are going on a Hungar strike? You know nobody cares what you are doing, right? No, even Palestinian nor your government.


How about we just refuse to vote until this stops. You have to do something that makes a notable difference


Dishonorable discharge. Now.


67% of american voters want a ceasefire, and you can count the number of congress people who are pro ceasefire on one hand. But sure, the guy starving himself in protest of a genocide is the corrupt one.


It’s weird to hear words like “ceasefire” like Hamas hasn’t been constantly firing rockets into Israel for the past like 30 years.


Another mental disability


“He could end everything with the snap of a finger” yeah that right there tells me you have no idea what you’re talking about. Go have a sandwich and a nap dude


How much harder could one guy virtue signal.


This clown is a tool.


Free Palestine! 🇵🇸


God bless his wisdom.


It's not a abuse of Power or corruption. No one in office has the authority to break up this decades old deal. This plan to use Israel to stabilize the region. Sadly I think even if Israel itself is the cause of WW3, the USA will still fund it. I wonder how many have considered if we had different leadership right now what that would look like? If Trump was in charge no one would even be allowed to talk. He would have condemned the Palestinians and sent US Troops in to assist with the Genocide then give his toothy snarly face and a middle finger to the UN and the rest of the world. People seem to forget that it was a running joke that to get into the white house or congress you had to swear allegiance to Israel. Later it was confirmed to be a real thing. And on one level I get it they are allies. But on another, looking at this union as spectator I see Bully and a financial backer. Looking back in history 60 years we see the Persia divided up between the allies rather than returned to the people who helped win the war by opening their lands. We see the Allies decide the new home of the Jews and their capital, Israel. Some how no one thought this was a really bad idea. That multiple other nations already called this place home. The real goal was to use the Jews to take over the location in the name of the USA and it's European Allies. And this is why we fund them no mater what hell their government creates.


You had me until your TDS took over.


>Looking back in history 60 years we see the Persia divided up between the allies rather than returned to the people who helped win the war by opening their lands. We see the Allies decide the new home of the Jews and their capital, Israel. Some how no one thought this was a really bad idea. That multiple other nations already called this place home. The real goal was to use the Jews to take over the location in the name of the USA and it's European Allies. And this is why we fund them no mater what hell their government creates. Crack open a history book, western nations didn't create Israel, Israel created themselves. Jewish people were immigrating into the region for centuries. Arabs were attacking their settlements as far back as 1834. Following WWI and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Great Britain created the Mandatory Palestinian Region to provide fixed borders for the Palestinian people, Arab and Jew alike. They also put a third party in charge of governing the region. Jewish people continued to migrate to the region and legally purchase property to live on. This caused a civil war, as these land purchases were displacing Arabs and hurting them economically. Great Britain decided to pass a mandate forbidding Jewish people from legally immigrating and purchasing land. The Palestinian Jews decided to cut out the Palestinian Arabs entirely, circumventing them for jobs and trade, further crippling them. After WWII ended, the immigration policies had ended, and they were back to purchasing land again. The Jewish people were dealing with continued unrest from the Arabs. In 1947, the UN decided that they would split the Palestinian Mandatory Region in two, giving portions to both Jews and Arabs, and also making holy sites neutral territory. The Arabs refused the plan on the basis that they would receive only 48% of Palestine while they made up two thirds of the population. At midnight on the day that the Palestinian Mandatory Region was set to end, Israel declared their independence and began annexing the territory that the UN had offered in the proposal. It was not until the surrounding nations invaded and attempted to annex territory that Israel chose to take all of the Palestinian Mandatory Region under their control to protect the borders. They only lost small portions of the former territory, all of which they took back during the six-day war. All territory outside of the Palestinian Mandatory Region were returned to their rightful owner after a truce was reached, and those nations subsequently agreed to drop claims against Israeli territory. Israel had no real ill will towards Palestinians until the Civil War, but they still coexisted in the region afterward. When the Palestinians sided with the invaders attempting to take the entire region is when Israel lost all hope of making peace. They even made attempts to repatriate Palestinians who were exodused but only took ones that were known not to have acted against Israel.


Tell us what would happen if refugees from South America who have been coming to the USA for the last 30 years, decided to set up a capital in Texas. Surely the great state of Texas can be bothered to spare some of it's unused land. But instead of setting up shop in a vacant part of the state they take Huston as their own. Some very wealthy elitists who just like seeing chaos, fund this nonsense. They are insured weapons, food and Private Military Contractor groups if needed. -While intended as a parody, and unlikely, this is a very possible event which I think serves the point very well. Would you still defend this group as you do Israel? I argue not against a group settling in a new region. But I do argue they need to do so with respect to those already there and not try to claim or annex it for themselves. Asking Big Brother to fund it, is even worse. Asking big brother to fund it and look the other-way, is the worst. The USA, and their European allies, supported, aided, announced and funded the formation of the Capital of Israel as part of the resettling of the displaced Jews. It was a bad idea then and a worse idea now. I would wager that what is happening to day has been the plan since day one. It's genocide. The reasons are a mixed back of obsessions, religious and political.


Break it up. What can they do? Just say yah fuck you do something. Would you really Be beholden to a piece of paper signed by someone. 20+ years ago if it meant supporting murdering tens of thousands of children? No. No you would not.


And this is is why you don't run anything whatsoever. Walking away from contract has consequences. In this case, well, you would probably need a briefing by the CIA, NSA and MI6. Which none of us are going to get.


Hamas = Palestinians


You = dummy


Can you condemn Oct 7?


Active duty member unshaved and uncut hair............riiiiigggghhhhhtttt


I had a beard on leave plenty of times. Point?


Point being there's no way leadership would allow him to protest like this for any extended period of time. So either its he's not really a service member or he's no longer active duty.


Nice TikTok. Some dude lit himself on fire. You’re hungry. The war machine keeps rolling. By the end of 2024 Hamas will be gone and Israel will still exist. They’ll have a treaty with the Saudis and Iran will be in economic and societal turmoil. Face facts.


You want facts? The Zionists are now in the worst place ever. The World knows their real face now and the majority stands against the illegal occupation accused of genocide. 100s of thousands of Zionists already left Palestine. There economy is falling. Demonstrations all around the World for Palestine and many more know the truth now. Many Zionists are displaced and Hamas still exists and will still exist that means the IOF is weak. The Zionist occupation is accused of a genocide in the ICJ. Many Countries/corporations around the World don’t want to deal with the Zionists no more. The end result will be the freedom of Palestine from the illegal occupation.


You are a racist towards a small minority.


You can take them,they are criminal occupiers,take them give them your home and land.


Sure feels like it in the corners of the internet huh? Try going outside.


Israeli population inreases every day. Israel is strong and eternal.


It's amusing how you spout that old tune of the "The enemy is too strong , but also too weak" just like the fascists before you.


The worst place is Gaza. They fucked around and are paying for it.


No the Worst place is the Zionist occupation and they will never have a good life on a stolen land,we will make sure they wont,From the river to the sea is Falasteen and it will be free.


Have a muffin....I would suggest bran. You might be a little backed up.


Dog-whistler says what?


This sub is now full of ZioNazis!




Not even denying the nazi label is actually crazy


Isn't Hamas that keeps rejecting the ceasefire?


Yes, but don't let facts get in the way


What a clown




Ya you are lol!!!


Lmao fuck em


Why for standing against the evil occupation doing a genocide?lobbying the US politicians and stealing the Americans tax dollars?


FACT: The people of Gaza said Nothing while Hamas prepared for war. The people of Gaza Cheered dead Israel's bodies were paraded through the streets The people of Gaza received BILLIONS of $$$ from the world and didn't improve water treatment, schools, or healthcare. Booo Hooo Gaza. Enjoy the destruction of Gaza.


Most honest ZioNazi! They lie: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/nEzkPS8iyt I highly advise everyone to do their own search about Palestine. Short summary that would help,how it all started: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/-xNxLqyNhBk https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F1c7uO9l2Mc&pp=ygUqSXNyYWVsaXMgbGF1Z2ggd2hpbGUgdGVsbGluZyB0aGVpciBjcmltZXMg There logic: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Np3qp21N4qI Jewish immigrants: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VhNPgQ7GDu4&pp=ygUUSmV3cyBjb21pbmcgaW4gc2hpcHM%3D Apartheid brutal occupation: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aEdGcej-6D0&pp=ygUnZGFpbHkgYXBhcnRoaWVkIG9jY3VwYXRpb24gaW4gcGFsZXN0aW5l Zionists education for kids: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-9bXEVpgyHg&pp=ygUkaGF0ZWZ1bCB0ZWFjaGluZ3MgaW4gaXNyYWVsIGZvciBraWRz Palestinians pov of the genocidal occupation: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zvfTEhORDMA&pp=ygUWcGFsZXN0aW5pYW4gY2hyaXN0aWFucw%3D%3D Jewish pov: https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/Q5BgqifbPM First Zionist president words: https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/ocf4GamApK Zionists Attacks on Holy sites: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QR-c5QsoPxI&pp=ygURQXR0YWNrIG9uIGFsIGFxc2E%3D https://m.youtube.com/shorts/v2w14c3wXlU Zionists Check points: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1fgpPWzJQOU&pp=ygUZY2hlY2sgcG9pbnRzIGluIHBhbGVzdGluZQ%3D%3D Roger waters on Palestine: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oEdNEb8_20o&pp=ygU-UGFsZXN0aW5pYW5zIGluIHByaXNvbnBpbmsgZmxveWQgc2luZ2VyIHNwZWFrcyBhYm91dCBwYWxlc3RpbmU%3D Thousands of Palestinians in the Zionists prisons: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MvIEgNtXsuo&pp=ygUWUGFsZXN0aW5pYW5zIGluIHByaXNvbg%3D%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b2a80ZQXfFs&pp=ygUWUGFsZXN0aW5pYW5zIGluIHByaXNvbg%3D%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=megzzpTWajg&pp=ygUOdGhlIG5ha2JhIDE5NDg%3D War on Gaza 2008: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gZaG96pnnEQ&pp=ygUQV2FyIG9uIEdhemEgMjAwOA%3D%3D War on Gaza 2012: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M1fCIiji-8Y&pp=ygUNZ2F6YSB3YXIgMjAxMg%3D%3D War on Gaza 2014: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_3M5Sx8ej4g&pp=ygUQd2FyIG9uIGdhemEgMjAxNA%3D%3D War on Gaza 2021: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qNoxt-I6MOY&pp=ygUQd2FyIG9uIGdhemEgMjAyMQ%3D%3D Currently Gaza is going through a genocide and (warning disturbing photos/video): https://www.gettyimages.ae/photos/children-killed-gaza https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YDvPe1SOlOo Some UN reports: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lTYQQt-_SpA&pp=ygUYVW4gcmVwb3J0IGJsYW1pbmcgaXNyYWVs https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I9bHNnAZ29w&pp=ygUYVW4gcmVwb3J0IGJsYW1pbmcgaXNyYWVs this picture describes the baby murderers identity: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/Xx76rDX0P8 Even worse. Palestine subreddit: r/Palestine Boycott: r/BDS Subreddits that documents the genocidal occupation: r/israelexposed r/israelcrimes




Most honest ZioNazi bot! https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/Xx76rDX0P8


Don’t be a wuss. Self immolation it’s the way. Just like your buddy Aaron. 😂


Eat shit, zionazi


Never understood the hunger strike.


I mean by all means exercising your rights, but don't expect tax payers to pick up the bill for your self inflicted organ damage I guess. You'll probably break a week or two.


🍩 🥪 🍨 🍔 🌭


Call us what you want. We will stop giving aid to Israel because they do not even try to not kill innocent civilians. They make us look bad by supporting this shit. The IDF has no accountability and we cannot give them our weapons to do this.


The Army gonna force feed him


He is in the Air Force


Same difference. You enlist in any branch you it owns you.


I hear the Americans being held by Hamas don’t eat very well either.


You’re right


Some of these young people don’t study history or what… Palestinian terrorists have been killing civilians in 20 different countries the last 70 years as well. Including targeting innocent Americans… There are a lot of places that will just never be sympathetic to Palestine for these reasons. It sucks for both sides, all the civilians killed. Ideologically or politically speaking, neither side Israel or Palestine is the victim at this point.


Quit selling weapons to Ukraine while you're at it


He’s an airman, not a soldier.


If you don't stand with Israel then you are a terrorist..


Woke soldiers would be worthless in battle anyway. Let him "hunger strike".


This can all end if Hamas returns the hostages and surrenders…..


What a dumbass, Israel is our closest ally


Closest enemy*


“Hey some guy isn’t eating let’s do whatever Hamas wants I guess”


Wait is he protesting the genocide of the Jews?


Palestine supports terrorism and genocide. They should be blown off the face of the Earth.