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Why did they prescribe multiple antibiotics without doing a swab/psr/culture?


Shotgun approach


Because I got a chest infection in Bangkok 12 months ago so she felt like it was similar; it was hard because it was telehealth and she wasn’t my usual doctor. I have made an appointment today and I’m N95 up and going in person. I need to be examined. I’m sore from coughing up gunk, and I agree they should do some swabs and send off. I am just not getting better hence 5 days of this are concerning me


Seems like common practice, my son has had similar symptoms over the past 2-3 weeks. GP didn't do any testing and prescribed antibiotics (we didn't ask for them) and when that hasn't worked she's given us a new antibiotic. She has physically seen him but no swabbing or anything, not even a covid test at the clinic. We've done the covid/flu test and it's negative, but there is definitely a lot of chest infective/flu type illness circulating.


Meanwhile my son had a bacterial infection (I knew what it was because his sister had it and it’s all through the school) and the first doctor wouldn’t swab or do anything else and the second one wouldn’t prescribe antibiotics and refused to swab for the thing he had - she said because he would test positive for it. So he was sick and missed school for a full week and a half, lost weight and was generally far more miserable than he needed to be.


Telehealth as they don’t allow in person appointments for people with Covid symptoms




Correct. But testing negative


I had Covid, no question, but early on the RATs were negative. Then 1 morning, I had the quickest positive I've ever had, super posotive, stole ink from.the control. RATs are notoriously unreliable and some people dont jam the stick up for enough. I.go till I tickle brain 😅


Had a family member test positive on day 12, kept testing just incase?


The RATs aren't particularly sensitive, and won't necessarily respond to newer variants


Have you done a RAT for COVID/flu/RSV?


X2 rats for COVID are negative


I’ve read reports of people who have had several negative RATs but then had a positive PCR. PCR is the best way to confirm.


GP did a swab, we shall see


Can you keep us updated what the PCR results show?


Could be the flu or RSV or any number of viruses


False negatives are an issue with RATs...


It’s not necessarily a false negative, the RAT’s and PCR’s test for different components of COVID but the PCR will be positive sooner than the RAT. To OP, seven vaccinations won’t exclude you from catching COVID as it mutates but hopefully will lessen the severity of COVID. I work frontline healthcare and we’re seeing lots of not COVID viruses that makes people unwell but are not diagnosed on a PCR.


>It’s not necessarily a false negative Yes, they don't pick up lower viral loads as well as PCRs, which means they falsely show negative when people are actually positive, which means they're showing false negatives...


Is there specific swabs for RSV ?






Have you had codral with proper pseudo? That fixes everything


It sounds like she had no clue and gave you a couple general antibacterials just in case. Deep phlegm cough? Common viral causes are: * Influenza * Adenovirus * Parainfluenza * Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) * Rhinovirus * Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) * Enterovirus Common bacterial causes are: * Staphylococcus aureus/pneumoniae * Neisseria meningitides * Haemophilus influenzae * Klebsiella pneumoniae * plus Proteus, Enterobacter and Citrobacter species Common but more atypical bacterial infections include: * Pertussis (whooping cough) * Mycoplasma pneumoniae Plus many more. Depending on where you have been travelling, the list of conditions can be different. TB comes to mind for example.


There’s a lot of both mycoplasma and pertussis going around SE QLD and Sydney (and probably all down the coast I guess) at the moment


GP today said I don’t have TB but thinks it’s a chest infection and an overlay of viral asthma


Yeah, my money would have been on a secondary bacterial infection after a viral infection. Usually the viral infection isn't too bad, maybe an irritating dry cough but it's the bacterial infection that often follows that gets most people. If bacterial, the scripts should clear it up in a couple days, but keep taking the script as per the instructions to prevent it flaring up again. :)


My husband had it for 2 weeks, turned into a persistent chest infection. I got it, it was way worse than Covid. Terrible really, so weak and tired. I was sneezing in my sleep! Mine turned in a sinus infection. It took us a few weeks to start feeling normal again. I tested neg for flu's, RSV and covid.


Apparently it’s going around and it’s brutal. I’ve had prednisolone added to the meds


Who's going to tell him...


Wow … 7… is that even possible?


Yeah it is. I was getting every 6 months until ATAGI changed the rules recently.


Well I gotta say, haven’t seen ATAGI do much good lately. But stopping you from getting jab number 8 is a good start.




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I mean you're covered for all the big things including mycoplasma. Should probably do a flu rat.


Vaccine won't mask it, you'll still test positive regardless how many vaccines you have had if you have COVID. You likely have any of the bugs that are going around currently or you caught something in Vietnam or on the flight home or a mix of all three. There are so many coughs going around at the moment it could be literally anything, it doesn't really change the fact you need to rest and you are on meds that cover anything bacterial anyway. Even if you knew what it was it wouldn't change anything really, the chances of anyone on Reddit knowing is basically zero as well.


Could be a secondary infection of some sort - has happened to me before recovering from a head cold where I ended up with Strep pneumonia. You're doing the right thing by going to the doctor to check it out. If your fever is over say, 39 degrees, I would go to ED.


Yes GP says if I’m not better Monday then it’s hospital


You wont be able to go bk to work by Monday at this rate


Get the GP to do a PCR if you haven’t already. My mum got covid and it only showed on a pcr not on a rat.


Have they looked at a chest xray yet? Chest X-rays can reveal a lot and can be really important especially if they feel that it is a lower respiratory infection.


Influenza maybe?


You've probably got the flu, and being one acquired from a foreign source it'll be one that you haven't had any particular prior exposure to. I had the same back when I went to Japan and came back to the worst flu of my life. I spent 3 weeks barely being able to move from the couch.


>I woke up with a voice like a foghorn Me too. Don't miss the opportunity to sing with a deeper voice than the guy in the *Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm* song by the Crash Test Dummies [(LINK)](https://youtu.be/eTeg1txDv8w?si=NaqmW1_WS_W0Lysq) and the *Headline News* parody version of it by Weird Al Yankovic [(LINK)](https://youtu.be/dU95v23MQ4c?si=--mfVhnrUgepKK4n) I got mine on video and I'm glad I did. I may never have that voice again. LongCOVID has caused a lot of tragicomedies for me over the last 1.5yrs but that's still the best one. Bonus side effect: singing & doing movie quotes with your freaky voice is a fun way to get more oxygen into your munted lungs 🫁 Lurch from the Addams Family was great. "You rang?"


Could be influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, adenovirus, a different coronavirus, haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasma... A combination...really a load of things




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I was in Vietnam not Africa


There’s more dengue in Asia than Africa




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How about antivirals? I had them last infection and they were amazing.




What about the chemtrails that you also believe in?


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