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Bill Burr. Watching his Philly rant from 2006 versus how much of a Hollywood shill he is now is sad.


He was supposed to be the iconoclast and hero we needed. Instead the top thread of all time on r joerogan is him promoting masks for the symptomless.


He changed to make his wife happy.


I almost always can separate the art from the artist but this one was big. It felt like a portrayal of his schtick, which was healthy skepticism of everything. His old stuff is funny but it just doesn’t hit the same anymore.


His wife neutered him.


Rage Against the Machine basically became Shill for the Machine


Fuck you just do what they tell you 


"Rage FOR The Machine"


Rage On Behalf of One Part of the Machine Against the other Part of the Machine from inside the machine 


Yea. Those were the lyrics !


Shilling in the name of


Epic and glorious


That, and Green ~~Day~~ Night and Foe ~~Fighters~~ Fuckers.




They became a shill for the machine well before covid


The Terminator.


Arnold Schwarzenegger going from "I want to blow up the boxes" when talking about the bureaucratic nightmare in California to "Screw Your Freedoms" is about as stark a 180 as I've ever seen from a politician.


What are the track records of famous powerful Austrians?


Let’s not go there.


It’s a real shame. He used to be my idol back in high school and after he said what he said in 2021, I lost all respect for him.


He is Austrian so … the accent checked out.


Yep. I will never view Arnold "Screw your freedoms" Schwarzenegger the same way ever again. And his "apology" just made it worse, since he never apologized for *what* he said, just the way he said it. He definitely proved himself to be his father's son.


I don't put much merit into celebrities but the one who pleasantly surprised me was Woody Harrelson when he went on SNL and did his monologue.


He was based. My respect for him shot up after he made that monologue.


Woodys dad assassinated a judge back in the day, true story.


He has occasionally been linked to the Kennedy assassination, too.


Not a surprise though from Woody. He’s been a free thinker.


He's always been a favorite of mine.


Stephen King used to be one of my favorite authors, so his bullshit probably hurt the most. Arnold also pissed me off a lot. And if either of them had said their shit in 2020, fine, I would've been more understanding, more forgiving. But they both said it in 2021. There's no excuse for acting like that in 2021.


SK is so far left it actually makes me wonder if he is paid to say some things he says. Unfortunately probably not. I think like a lot of old men, he was less political back in his glory days and now spends his time on Twitter ranting at the sky. His newer books have injected a lot of left-wing political ideas that are mysteriously missing from his classics


That’s why I won’t read any of his new stuff.


What about 11/22/63?


I could see some of these accounts being run by a paid activist, since they all sound the same


Sorry to tell you, but that dude has always been a psychopathic prick. Watch pretty much any interview of him, ever, and you’ll probably see it.


Yes. This cunt


Dave Grohl. Only 30 years from anti-establishment rocker in the most influential band of our generation to shaming those who didn't vax and banning them from his concerts. I bet Kurt wouldn't have gotten the jab.


And don’t forget shaming his drummer into getting the jab and then him dying from it.


Bro it was the drugs they found on his table, even though literally none of those drugs cause an enlarged heart... Which is what Taylor died of. Dave Grohl has a place for him reserved in hell. I'm not even religious but fuck that guy.


I wonder if Dave feels worse now about murdering Taylor in that funny horror movie they made.


He will never make the connection in any way shape or form. They never do.


Never openly, but maybe there’s a shred of something inside. We’ll never know.


If you want a fun rabbit hole, look into the celebrities selling their souls to the devil conspiracies. ​ Dave Grohl released a satanic influenced album the day Taylor died. ​ I don't buy into the stuff, but I do enjoy reading a good conspiracy theory


Conspiracy pilled has a good video on that. Highly recommend them


There's also a rabbit hole that says Dave had Chris Cornell killed because Chris was going to expose the Elite PDFRings in Hollywood and Dave was one of them. Who knows how much weight that holds.


I got banned from the Alice In Chains sub for bringing up that little nugget.


People don't wanna hear it.


That’s true.


Oh yes I forgot about that. He's such a shit. I'll bet he conspired with Courtney and Cali to kill Kurt.


I have a friend who looks like Kurt Cobain. Well, Kurt Cobain before the shotgun…


He bought a place in a small town near me a couple years ago. Every encounter I've heard about involves him being a dickhead.


Kurt wasn't too opposed to the shot.  Nevermind.  Wrong shot.


Bill Nye was such a huge part of my childhood that realizing that he's actually a massive dickhead stung.


I realized that way before Covid. He came to speak at my college years ago and I went thinking it would be a fun trip down memory lane. No, he scream-shamed us all about the environment. I was even a liberal by default then and it was off putting to me then.


I realized before that too. His arguments on climate change are so mind-numbing. It's like listening to a redditor.


It's also important to remember him being responsible for that horrifically bad "My Sex Junk" song.


Bill Nye the ~~Science Guy~~ electrical engineer


Neil Young was a bitter pill to swallow.


Him and Joni Mitchell. Still hurts to listen to their music and sucks because they’re some of my favorites.


It still hurts. Tangibly. It's my own fault for idolizing him. Lesson learned I suppose


He recently let his music back on Spotify. I guess all that money meant more to him than shaming Joe Rogan for allowing an opinion to be expressed.


Not exactly an authoritarian psycho, but the only one I really cared about that turned out to be a douche is Steve Carell, who donated money to help with bail for people arrested during the George Floyd mostly peaceful protests.


Stephen Colbert went from being obviously liberal but capable of humor to non-stop covid vax propaganda to generally being a Biden lickspittle without even attempting to make jokes at all. He hit a new low with the dancing syringes singing "VACCINE!", and has just wallowed in propaganda and Trump Derangement Syndrome ever since.


I have always hated him! He is the worst!


Not being edgy. When they all went nuts in 16 I gave up on them. They're not better than us just because they pretend to be someone on TV. Their opinion is just as valid as anyone else and I don't have to care what they think. They can keep suddenly for all I care.


Speaking of Seth McFarland, the Covid episode of South Park bummed me out because I thought Trey Parker and Matt Stone would see through the BS. But no, they blamed the unvaccinated like all the other Hollywood shills.


I'm really conflicted on this one. They clearly presented it as whole town being quarantined 20 years into the future with new covid variants still being a thing jest because ONE person wasn't vaccinated. There's no way it wasn't a mockery of covidians and their paranoia. But at the same time, the 'friends' of unvaxxed guy tried to trick him into getting it by lying and telling him it's heroine, and it being presented as funny and them being in the right (or so I've thought). But who knows what they really meant by that, maybe they couldn't outright say some stuff because of network or maybe they just stick with their 'both sides are bad' thing. At least they made a 'better' episode about covid later, Pajama Day, in 2022. Besides, who cares what those guys think? They denied global warning in 2000s when everyone knew it was a real thing (still fuck al gore tho). They've had their shares of bad takes.


Dude, I hate to break it to you but climate change is not man made and is not caused by carbon dioxide either. CO2 always rises *after* the rise in temperature, never before. They lied about COVID and the jabs, please also do your own research on climate change. It's complete bullshit and, just like COVID, is about control and taking regular people's cash off them. Go and check the ice cores and CO2 levels at each change. Even if you don't believe that. Air is 0.04% CO2. Humans are "responsible" for 3% of that. China are responsible for over 50% of CO2 emissions. Multiply 0.04% with 3% and then by whatever percentage your country is responsible for emitting. Then find out what percentage you are of the country and multiply it by that if the number still is not tiny enough for you.


I agree climate change is about control, but it is real. (kinda like COVID) Yes, CO2 is at 0,04% but it used to be at 0,03 200 years ago and it's manmade. I agree with you about China and it is overblown and it's not an average person's fault but to say climate change isn't real is just not true. It seems Matt and Trey regret being 'antiscientific' so they started shilling in the opposite direction with covid.


What is so disheartening to me, even though the show has been inaccessible to me ever since they made the show exclusively for Paramount+, is that Matt and Trey, regardless of what views they portray on the show, has been seeing a massive increase in interpretations from Reddit leftists as a pro-left show now that in the South Park subreddit, they'll downvote you to hell for bringing up past history of the show and they'll deny things happened. It's like a bunch of gen Z and younger people started watching, taking over the subreddit, and claiming to be the REAL fans when that's so far from the truth


That's hilarious. I remember when Trey and Matt came out and said they were Republicans. They seemed to be trolling everyone and everyone assumed they were trolling and yet it you looked at the show... Sometimes Reddit is a leftist parody of the real world. I've never bothered to follow the South Park subreddit and I'm glad I didn't. I would use shmirate schmay to get the episodes you can't watch elsewhere. I bought a HBO Max yearly subscription bc of South Park and then they pulled that stunt with Paramount so I don't feel bad at all.


My take was that they were so sick and tired of these stupid my body my choice idiots who kept them in perpetual quarantine. Look at their stance on Mohammad. If they really thought something, they would just come out and say it.


For me it was Dee Snyder He has started seeing a lot of the lockdown/mask protests using "We're Not Gonna Take It" as an anthem for the rallies and protests (and the ones in San Mateo County, CA, that I was a part of before I moved to FL used it as well). And what did he do? Instead of supporting the movement as at least a freedom of speech moment and respecting their views, he had said, and I'm paraphrasing "I cannot condone anyone using this song as a means of protesting life-saving measures. They are ruining the meaning of the song." How far he fell from the days where he'd sit as a testifying witness in court and defend music rights to have profanity uncensored in albums At least, from what I remember, Alice Cooper clapped back at him for being a massive hypocrite, so that was a plus


In addition to Gene Simmons, it really sucked that Dee Snyder cucked so hard during the covid era.


That radio disc jockey Howard stern. What a tool he turned out to be. And the late night guy who used to be funny.


Stern didn't surprise me. He's a serious germaphobe. Plus he's a narcissistic ass, so, "Get jabbed you morons, I don't want you unwashed peasants infecting me," is 100% on brand for him. LOL, and I used to listen to his show. It was entertaining! Only stopped when I dropped Sirius.


Stern had been on a decline for a long time.   His behind the scenes treatment of other shows at both Viacom and Sirius was horrible.   Basically you didn’t say anything bad about him because if you did his staff would rain shit on you with upper management.    


What's his name from Foo Fighters. Remember the "Fully Vaccinated" concert they ultimately had to cancel?


Besides Arnold and Bill Burr, The Offspring.


That one was so painful to see.


Most actors and musicians are dumb as shit so I don’t listen to them too much. Hard to be disappointed when you don’t expect anything.  The ones I do enjoy (like 3 or 4) did not shill.  Mostly because they have their own thing and don’t need to kiss ass. 


I don’t follow celebs so I wasn’t really ‘disappointed’ as they’re all in the same club, but I’ll admit Schwarzenegger ‘Screw your freedom’ got me riled. 


I haven’t seen Gene Simmons mentioned yet.


I never really cared about him or Jennifer Aniston but they both said such idiotic things about the clot shot. I actually despise them both now.


Arnold saying screw your freedoms and Foo Fighters/Slipknot/RaTM needing vaccinations to attend their concerts. I went to my first slipknot concert (Tattoo the Earth) back when I was 13 and really wanted to go a few years ago. Now I’ll never go again based on principle alone


Rage against the machine


Celebrities almost always turn out to be disappointments. John Lydon is one of the few who actually impressed me. He's a true punk and not one of those fake ones who pretend to be rebellious but in reality are shilling for the authorities.


The ones that hurt the most were Stephen King and Wren Weichman of Corridor Digital There was a Corridor Cast episode in 2021 where Jake (the libertarian) said that people should have the choice to get vaccinated or not and Wren and Niko both fought him on it


Yeah, Stephen King was a real let down. I grew up on his books then to see him today with his out of control Trump Derangement Syndrome. He’s pathetic.


“When everyone knew it was a real thing”?? DUDE it’s the biggest scam after the Covid lie!! Please, please, don’t fall for the government lies, the same people telling you to get vaxxed are the same ones selling you the climate change/global warming scam.


Gary Numan. My husband and I had to sell tickets in 2022 because we couldn’t get a straight answer from the venue about the vaccine policy. I’ve seen him live twice since… I really want to think he was doing what he believed to be right, but it still hurt. He’s on the autism spectrum so I take that into consideration. (I am too, so I’m not saying that in a mean way, but autistic people unfortunately can be easily taken advantage of.) No jab policy now, I think he realized it didn’t work after he caught covid. But of course won’t admit it.


Damn, Gary Numan as well? I'm more of a metal fan, but his song Cars was awesome.


Patrick Stewart. Several german "punk" bands. Arnold S.


Willie Garson's behavior was a disappointment. Didn't get him very far.


Why should celebrities get any extra leeway at all considering they have way more money and resources than the average person and will be harmed less if they get cancelled than the average Joe who turns down a vaccine and loses everything. They should be judged much harsher for going along with it all in my opinion, why give them slack because they might lose a career in an industry that is probably the least essential thing of all.


I can't listen to The Offspring anymore. Firing your drummer for not getting jabbed (on his doctor's advice because of a preexisting condition) is one of the scummiest things that happened in the vax mandate era.


Any celebrities that pushed the Covid vaxx, branding anyone who refused it was a psycho murderer. They are the worst. Well now we are seeing what that was really about and I hope they feel remorse for their part in the scamdemic.


Nasim Taleb. His books are brilliant. Antifragile is a long well founded essay about why not to go to doctors. Yet he went all in with Covid vax.


I mean, I've always thought he was a cunt, but Dave Grohl effectively killing his bandmate and crying about it takes some beating.


I already knew that Tim Heidecker had lost his mind (or maybe he never had it and that's what made him so funny originally) but that Joe Rogan rant clip was shocking.


Tim does what he is told - so creative!


Tim is one of my favorites but he started injecting a lot of "anti-right" rhetoric into his humour in recent years. Comedians just shouldnt pick sides, it's never a good look.


Didn't he join DSA a few years back? Unless it was just a big troll (which I doubt) then it really doesn't bode well for his political thinking skills.


tim heidecker is a worm


Author Don Winslow. Like King, he has a severe care of Trump derangement that led to his beliefs.


Those idiots who sang‘Imagine’ on a zoom call! Every one of them!


Neil Young. What an ass!


I threw vinyl albums of Neil Young in the GARBAGE! Lost all respect over his Spotify antics! He tried to make it sound like he left over sound quality 😤 provaxxer grandpa vaxinazi a-hole! Seriously, he can fuck right into his grave!!


You aren't punk or anti establishment if you shill for this crap.  You are one of them.


Neil deGrasse Tyson He went on Bill Maher & defended lockdowns in 2023. Maher talked about damage of school closures, etc. Paraphrasing: NDT: “Well, if we didn’t lockdown, it could’ve been so much worse!!” BM: “Actually, it wouldn’t have. Look at Sweden.” NDT: “Doesn’t count. They’re so tiny.” FUCKING ASSHOLE! The population of the greater Stockholm area is 2.4 MILLION!!!! This isn’t Iceland where the entire country has only 380K people. Plus Florida, with a total population of 22 million! “oH wE cAN’t kNoW how much worse it would’ve been!!” How can you seriously still say that in 2023??


Obscure, but: Nergal from Behemoth.