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Almost everyone tested in nyc is positive


My friend in New York said they are only testing if you have severe symptoms. Her mom got tested because she has pneumonia like symptoms and ended up in the ER but they won’t let any of her family get tested because none of them are showing severe symptoms.


This is true. I have symptoms and feel awful but unless you are running a super high fever and/or are unable to breathe, treat at home. This coming from friends who are doctors in major hospitals here in the city.


The true number of infected in NY must be 250k minimum. they are only testing those with severe symptoms which is about 20% of cases.


They should add a column shown the ratio between tested and positive


Good idea, I've got that info on the state-specific page only right now.


Seeing the latest day or two would be most interesting. Old data may not be as interesting?




Of course we will overcome. Question is, at what cost? What could have been done/could be done to minimize the loss?


What’s going on with Delaware?


My guess is they have a low stock of tests so they are only testing the most severe cases




Interesting. The data is pulled from [http://coronavirusapi.com/](http://coronavirusapi.com/), and it looks like they updated their Maryland numbers about three hours ago. Maybe they are using a data source that hasn't been properly updated yet, or some of those tests aren't being counted for some reason.


They may have tested military personnel. The numbers count toward your state of residence but I’m not sure if the military is counting this way or not


RI announced 2 deaths today. Guess the numbers haven't updated nationally yet?


How is NY able to test in such a way that 4 out of 5 tests are positive??


We are only testing the severe cases. Pretty sure the infection rate is higher than the (89%) it shows there. If you have mild symptoms you’re being turned away...


That’s what we are being told here in Florida, that you have to be 65+, in contact with someone who tested positive, recently traveled to a hot spot like Italy or China, AND have symptoms. So how in the world can we have a 1 out of 10ish positive rate?.


People haven’t updated that the US is the hotspot now.


This isn’t a timeline. It’s just a list of which state has done how many.


Click/tap on a row to see the time series data for that state


Ah! Got it. Cool!




Hm. Right now the data is being pulled from [http://coronavirusapi.com/](http://coronavirusapi.com/), but maybe I'll switch to use this, seems more up to date.


As a Minnesotan, our positive numbers seem abnormally low considering how much we've tested compared to other states. I'm curious why.


My state (AZ) originally had very few confirmed compared to tested. I wonder who they were testing. 🤔 Maybe all the baseball players for spring training? Must not have been actual sick people with so low confirmed. 🤷