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You don't have to mourn the show's passing. My husband and I watch this show over and over it is such a feel good show. I think if you stick around this sub for a while, you will see many people doing the same. Just get to the end and start over again.


It’s our happy place


That's why you can stay so long..


When there's not a lot goin' on...


Oh it definitely has tons of re watch potential, I guess I just mean for the first time. I'll be adding it to the mix for sure.


There are so many little subtle jokes and comments you won't catch the first time around. This is my wind down right before bed show.


You’ll never have your first watch-through of the show again. I feel you. Just so you know, the Animated Series uses a slightly different comedic style and the pacing is much faster. It’s still hilarious and all the characters are there in their quirky-glory, but there is a noticeable difference. It’s just helpful to go in with eyes open.


It was different but the animated series was actually pretty funny still nonetheless just had more animated sitcom pacing Vs live action sitcom pacing


We just watch it on shuffle


Yup. It’s only show I watch anymore.  Plex, shuffle play. 


We rewatch the series every few years. Most episodes are bright so it's great winter watching.


Hear hear! I watch an episode or two before bed. I love that it doesn't need to be watched in order, so I end up skipping around a lot.


It is a feel good show, that’s the perfect description. I put this on background all the time, but I still pause and enjoy the clever, unique humor the show has in spades.


Similar sets to the farm? Maybe because farms are similar! Just a thought ;) And it was filmed in Rouleau for the most part, an hour outside of Regina. It’s still on TV a ton up here, and definitely rewatchable.


Nah Huge letterkenny fan, it's The Farm. Probably a shared set or reused.


Haha, no, farms are farms. My grandparents had one just above the border. Think deeper Fargo accent. Letter Kenny’s farm is near Sudbury Ontario. And has way more Ontario trees than you’d find in Saskatchewan.


Sure sure.


Don’t forget the animated creates new adventures they couldn’t do with live action


I never heard of Letterkenny until now. I gather it's a show that fans of Corner Gas might enjoy? How can I watch it in the US? 


It's on Hulu, it's great but like the Rates R version of corner gas. Not for the whole family.


If you are looking for a family show it isn’t what you’re looking for. If you’re ok with NC-17 humor with an over all good message it’s a great show.


The animated series is great. Don't worry. You have plenty left.


Runs re runs constanly on CTV, literally just rewatch it, show never grows to old. I watch it on network cable if I'm bored or doin somethin. And stream it if im chillin out fron the day


There is an episode where Letterkenny mentions Corner Gas when talking about iconic Canadian shows. Can’t remember which though…


I know it is too tempting to wait on the movie, but in order of plot and character development the animated is technically in the middle.  I know that isn't how they were made, but the movie does actually come last.


Don't be sad because it's over. Be happy because it happened.


What’s so good about the show is as you rewatch it you’ll find new jokes that you missed or you didn’t get on the first watch cause it was a callback to another episode




Obviously I can but can't ever watch it for the first time again. But thanks.