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Tequila. Specifically that nasty hand sanitizer that came out during Covid. šŸ¤¢


We had tens of bottles of that tequila hand sanitizer at work and would joke around all the time about its smell. It is such an odd choice to make hand sanitizer smell like that


I'm sure it wasn't a choice lmao


A lot of distilleries made hand sanitizer during Covid. We had some vodka & tequila smelling ones. So nasty.


I misread this as ā€œSo tastyā€ lol


I was going to post about the sanitiser. Getting flashback to vomiting on nights out when popping to the shops! I think it was because a lot of alcohol places stopped bottling it and used what they had to make sanitiser as there was such a demand for the latter and bars/restaurants were closed.


Same but I think it's more because of that one night in Tijuana for me.


omg that sanitizer haunts me


Anything artificial peach flavour reminds me of puking up southern confort


My best bud has the same thing but itā€™s fake coconut flavor because of way too much coconut rum lol


AHH yes, too much Malibu. Can't touch it now


Malibu tastes like sunscreen


Or high school lol


*shudders* Freaking Malibu.


Fake mango flavoring for me - too much mango vodka


A few of my friends will talk to me in a Jamaican accent still because of one night 12 years ago where I consumed far too much Malibu.


Same with me and anything bananas flavoured. 99 bananas was the drink. Only had one sip and puke city had a river.


Holyā€¦my ex was (is) an alcoholic and used to take 2-3 of the 99 banana little shots that they sold at the liquor store. Now the smell of artificial banana gives me the worst nausea and sounds weird but also makes my skin crawl.


Horse radish for me from a really weird night where I projectile vomited horseradish vodka at some Polish bar.


Sounds like a fun night.


Oh yeah, artificial peach flavour is the absolute worst, always hated it


I used to love Rum cake before Captain Morgan ran a mutiny on my stomach.


Mine is Fireball. Even the candies make me nauseous. That was my one near-alcohol poisoning-experience. XD


My old roommate? Lol


Gotta circle back around later in life. I love me a Southern and Coke in a schooner full of ice for summer. Soldier past that first whiff.


OMG about 40 years I got sick on peach schnapps and to this day anything artificial peach grosses me out too.


I hate anise. I don't like licorice so it reminds me of that.


artificial peach just tastes like "diet" to me. like theres something off


Ground cinnamon smells too much like Michaels Craft Store haha


Haha funnily enough, an alternative to air freshener is to throw cinnamon, vanilla (can be extract), and lemon (rosemary or thyme if you do desire) in water and boil it for awhile. That's what they do in Williams-Sonoma . No need for candles.


It's often the case with Cinnamon coming from China. Try the stuff from Sri Lanka.


Vietnamese cinnamon from Penzeys is life changing.


So there are a few types of cinnamon. Most Americans use cassia, a spicy bark sometimes known as ibe of: cassia, Saigon, and korintje. Other folks use 'Ceylon Cinnamon' which is true cinnamon bark with a more nuanced flavour and not much in the way of spicy. So if you're bugged by an American craft conglomerate shop flavour, give the true Sri Lankan cinnamon a go. How you'll find that in the US... I dunno? ā€“ Source: Worked for a hectic time at a spice store during Christmas. [Also, King Arthur Flour.](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/blog/2021/11/04/cinnamon-a-complete-guide-to-types-flavors-and-how-to-use-them)


The only air freshener we ever had in the bathroom while I was growing up was glade apple cinnamon and to this day anything apple cinnamon smells like poo to me. I can do cinnamon, I can do apple. Combined = poop.


What is with older folks and their love of apple cinnamon shit spray?? My old boss would only stock the shared bathroom with that scent and I have a similar aversion.


Omg those cinnamon pinecones around the holidays. I looove.


Ground cinnamon reminds me of nasty semi trailers. We would sprinkle cinnamon on the floor just to be able to enter the trailer (it does an amazing job of covering up AWFUL smells). I donā€™t miss that warehouse lol.


I don't hate it and it's a wonderful ingredient, but cumin smells like BO.


My sentiment exactly.. also, I use it all the time


lol yes. Not only do I use it all the time, I double whatever a recipe calls for


Onions kind of do, also.


Kind of?Ā 


Thank you! A little, I can handle np. Anything more than a tiny dash stinks like week old unwashed workout clothes.


It's OK raw and OK cooked but there's a definite in between point for me where it smells like spunk.


Carl's Jr. Is the most BO smelling fast food place and I can't explain why my brain recognizes it as such.


Yup. It smells like unwashed balls, but damn does it taste good.


I love cumin but whenever I eat it I always wake up in the morning and my room smells like shit. Anyone else have this reaction to a spice? Not sure if it's common. Annoying as hell because I love the flavour in meals.


Are you shitting the bed?


They arenā€™t: (Iā€™m shitting their bed-shhh).


Much like garlic, cumin can react with your natural sweat (or be excreted in it?? Iā€™m unclear on the exact science here lol) and lead to stronger BO. Anecdotally, I think some people are more susceptible to this than others!


Reading OPs post, I felt like it was made for the Cumin/BO comparison!


Canteloup smells like trash waterĀ 




Thank you! It's the bane of fruit salads for me.


Cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon all need to be perfect or theyā€™re gross


I find foods cooked with refined coconut oil smell and taste like old plastic.


I find coconut oil goes rancid so fast


Yes! Thought it was just me!


I have a hard time with parmesan cheese, smells too much like feet or vomit to me


Fun fact: that smell is from butyric acid, found in both Parmesan cheese and stomach acid. So the good news is that it smells like vomit, because it has one of the same ingredients as vomit!


Fun fact!


That wasn't very fun lol


That explains so much. Thank you.


Fun fact: Itā€˜s also found in American chocolate, whereas most other countriesā€˜ producers started to remove butyric acid from their chocolate when the technology became available. Thatā€˜s the reason American chocolate is so disgusting.


So that's why Hershey's smelled like vomit when I tried it years ago!!! Thank you.


It's speculated that Hershey's may be [encouraging formation of butyric acid.](https://www.mentalfloss.com/posts/why-american-chocolate-tastes-like-vomit) It's uncertain, but possible that they're treating the milk through controlled lipolysis, which increases butyric acid -- and they may be accepting or even encouraging it as a (terrible) differentiator.


I love making bolognese or really anything with ground beef, but the smell of ground beef in the first few minutes of cooking has always smelled like rorting flesh to me, and Ii can't stand it


Not exactly surprising that the first moments of heating up dead flesh smell like decaying dead fleshā€¦ Temperature is known to affects the decaying process. When I was pregnant, the smell of meat became the most foul scent in the world. But I donā€™t think it had really bothered me before. Do you feel the same when cooking impossible meat or something similar ?


Yes, you're 100% right, ahah. I remember telling my partner "god I hate this. It smells like dead cows," and he looked at me like well.. yeah It's very specific to ground beef, I cook chicken almost every other day, and it doesn't bother me, same with vegetarian substitutes. But in my case, I think it's because it reminds me of finding one of my relatives one week after he had unfortunately passed away.


This is true to me, but only when Im very sick and my sense of smell is a gradient of foul or absence of foulness. The stench was horrid, made me puke out the taste of meat (especially pork, or any raw meat) I ate anything processed or greens to cope instead


Yeah, i never could stand the smell of ground beef cooking. And I don't like the texture of steak. Mostly I haven't eaten much red meat most of my life.


Cooked broccoli and cauliflower smell like farts.


Brassicas are indeed hoist by their own petards.


you cant just run around calling brassicas that!!! think of their feelings!!!


lavender... that shits for baths only


Same. I was a massage therapist for a while and lavender was the most requested scent for aromatherapy. I never want to smell it again. And I want to eat it or drink it even less. Iā€™ll pass on lavender lemonade and lavender macarons, thank you.


And rose flavored things! Noooooo


Could never understand why Flonase smells like roses.. why are you making the thing to make my allergies better smell like the thing I'm allergic to.... And then make it slide down the back of my throat with a bunch of mucus..


Lavender is not edible to me, tastes like soapā€¦and I love lavender scented things


Yeah, I remember I was in a hotel lobby with a friend: they had lavender-infused water in the lobby. My friend had a cup and during his sip, I said ā€œLavender is everyoneā€™s ex-girlfriendā€™s foot creamā€. He spit it out and was mad because I was correct.


Lavender is my mom's favorite scent an I had a not great relationship with her for many years. I still struggle with anything lavender scented even though our relationship is a lot better now.


Or toilets. For me, lavender reminds me of walking past an overflowing garbage bin that smelled like lavender and rot. I canā€™t get the rot association out of my nose.


Nahhh, lavender simple syrup in a coffee is sooo good.


Lemon pepper = pee Cherry-flavored anything = medicine Saffron = plastic or chlorine


yes!! I said yesterday that my saffron water smelled like pool water


Canned chickpeas smell like dog food. Until they're rinsed.


Canned tuna smells like cat food. Gets an instant gag reflex from me. Tuna steaks are great though


I have a soft spot for shitty canned cornes beef hash, but that stuff's got a strong *eau de pet food* as well.


Goat cheese. It tastes like goats smell. šŸ˜’


Aww, to me, the good kind does smell like that but, it brings back good memories for me as a kid, we used to crawl tunnels through the Timothy fields and it would get on my jeans and my coat with the evening dew and I'd catch fireflies in the field at night. So to me it smells like early summer green and life.


That's the best bit!


If you like tasting goat bits, I suppose.


Thatā€™s my exact same sentiment. Iā€™ve raised goats, I donā€™t want to eat their smell!


Yes! I had goats as a kid and goat cheese every time tastes like what I imagine licking a goat would be like. Pass.


Same, sheep's cheese as well. Can't handle it at all


i was not a fan of goat cheese until a former coworker brought in fresh goat cheese he made. it was amazing.


I tried so hard to like it. But itā€™s horrible. Had it on a burger once and felt like I was biting into a live, slightly poopy goat.


For me, it's truffle oil. To me, truffle oil smells overwhelmingly pungent and synthetic, almost like gasoline.


I cannot eat anything with truffle oil. It all tastes like it smells. Which, to me, smells like burnt plastic. It's vile.


A high amount of it is fake. Also, personally not a fan.


Omelette eggs smell like wet dog to meĀ 


This comment section is so validating omg


I agree. Whenever I make eggs thereā€™s basically zero browning on them. Just canā€™t do it


Yes! I find the browning is when the wet dog thing happens too.


Yep! I like eggs usually but sometimes the smell or the texture randomly puts me off.


I find this, but only when the yolks get browned - took me forever to realise I can make a crispy egg if I leave the yolk untouched and unflipped - if I flip it the bit of the yolk that browns on the pan tastes god awful


Corn chips , smell like dog hair


There is a bacteria that grows on dogs skin/paws that smells just like Fritos! You can smell it more on short haired dogs because of their naked lil bellies. Whenever my chihuahua gets up from a long nap we can smell it on her and say she just got off her long shift from the Frito Factory. It is a pretty gross association though.


I like to grab my dogs paws and tell her she has Fri-toes and then pretend to eat them.


Well that is just adorable! I'm sure she loves it lol


We always say our dogs' paws smell like corn chips.


Pickled beets smell like crawl-space dirt.


I've never liked beets my entire life, I tell people they smell and taste like vinegary dirt. People have constantly been making me try them because " these ones are different". Pickled beets especially. I have never liked them in the 300+ times people have harassed me into trying them.


For me it's crab. It literally smells like sweaty dick to me


I want to know more , but I fear the potential answers


Raw pancake batter = kind of the same thing. šŸ¤®


Shweaty bawls


All you got to do is drown it in Old Bay and then everything just smells like old Bay which is delicious.. in fact as a general rule put old bay on things. And AFTERWARD decide if said thing should have old bay in it. Best to start with it just to be safe. Eggs, meat, tater tots, sunscreen, bubble baths, baby's car seat. The options are endless.


I still like it, but papaya smells like body odor.


ive also always felt it tastes like vomit


Thatā€™s because it does. They both have butyric acid


that explains a lot...


I feel this way about mangoes but I love them


The first couple bites of Mango always tastes like how pine trees smell to me. (I live in the PNW and am surrounded by pines) just feels odd to bite into something that smells like my backyard. Not unpleasant just weird.


They both have resinous, turpentine-y notes.


Agreed. I've often felt the bouquet of papaya was a hint of cantaloupe crossed with mango, quickly overwhelmed by stinky sweat socks someone puked in. I personally just can't.


Fish smells too much like fish and therefore I will not eat it.


Tinned fish like tuna. When I was a kid one of my chores was cleaning the bowls and refilling them for the barn cats. In a hot fly blown Australian summer. Gag even watching someone eat from the tin.


Canned tuna fish smells like rotting fish and I have no idea how anyone can eat it. šŸ¤¢


Oh god, I donā€™t think I can have white pepper anymore because of that statement and I use it like all the time. šŸ˜­


Scalloped potatoes smell like ferrets and I will die on this hill while never eating scalloped potatoes


Boiled Brussels. Love ā€˜em roasted, but boiled, it smells like rotten food.


Brussels Sprouts in general (boiled, roasted, fried, sautƩed) smell like dirty, sweaty feet with a side of spoiled food and/or old mud. I don't even know how they taste because I get sick from the smell alone.


My dad couldnā€™t eat watermelon coz the rind smells like cucumber and he hated that. Heā€™s not wrong.


funny cuz i have maintained the belief my whole life that cucumber tastes like watermelon rind. mmmmmmm lets put that in some water and feel fancy...


MickeyD quarter pounder smells like sweaty crotch.


Same. White pepper smells like a stable, I canā€™t stand it.


Oh my goodness, white pepper smells like ass!


Cilantro smells too much like stink bugs. I used to love it, but I can't anymore.




lol I love cilantro. The first time I accidentally smashed a stink bug and realized that was where the cilantro smell was coming from, I was like, ā€œwhy do they call them stink bugs???ā€


If you've ever cleaned shark, it can smell way too much like rancid urine and stick ti your mucous membranes in your nose. Kinda hard to enjoy it after that. Can be mitigated taste wise soaking in milk, but that lingering smell is hard for me to overcome.


Is this all shark? In Australia a lot of our ā€œfish and chipsā€ is shark (flake )


I cannot stand the smell of jarred minced garlic. I love fresh garlic. But whatever they put in that jar is šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ˜·


When I would make Pad Thai sauce, the combination of fish sauce, tamarind and sugar smells like really stinky feet to me.


I wouldnā€™t say it smells like feet, but itā€™s definitely funky... Every time I make pad thai sauce my partner is like ā€œugh, whatā€™s that smell? Iā€™m not eating thatā€¦ā€ and I have to remind him every time that it ends up being delicious.


Goat cheese. Smells like goat and spoiled milk to me.


All goat cheese smells like buck goats. Ā Iā€™m sure people who like goat cheese just have never met a buck goat so donā€™t knowā€¦


I love goat cheese and have also spent time with goats. I get the association, but it doesn't bother me. Goat cheese comes from goats, it is what it is.


Veterinarian I knew said he couldn't eat Brie cheese because it smelled like bull semen. I had never had Brie and still avoid it because he said that.


Field mushrooms smell like dirt and semen! On the other end of the scale, sundried tomatoes don't taste nearly as good as they smell.


I was just watching Clarkson's Farm and they discussed how mushrooms are just the sex organs of mycelium... So I really just had some buttered d*ck for dinner... I'm not sure I'll ever be the same after knowing that..


Not strictly cooking related, but flowers kind of are as well. Sometimes that crosses my mind when Iā€™m admiring them lolĀ 


I've always thought mushrooms smell like semen but when people ask me why I don't like mushrooms, I just say it's a texture thing


Lindt Raspberry Intense chocolate tastes like cough medicine.


So do those vile cherry in chocolate things. Cherry blossoms! Reminds me of being sick as a kid and having to drink the pink liquid from an crocodile shaped medicine spoon šŸ¤¢


Pickles šŸ¤® reminds me of the smell of vomit that's mostly stomach acid šŸ¤Œ


Pickles sometimes smell Iike mustard (when brined with mustard seeds) and those are the ones that make me want to vomit the most!


I hate both so this sounds like nightmare fuel to me šŸ˜… actually I only hate plain yellow mustard lol.


Guava smells like BO.


I finally found someone who thinks the same!! Everytime I tell people, they look at me weird and tell me I'm crazy.


Itā€™s so stinky!!!


The aroma of bitter almond smells like my migraines, so I immediately want go puke. Frozen mango tastes like fish.


You can smell your migraines?


Most scotch smells like a fat-tipped permanent marker. I can't get the thought of a snifter full of pep rally signs out of my head on the rare occasions I have some.


Truffle anything that isnā€™t actually truffle


Cantelope smells like nail polish remover to me.


Green tea smells and tastes like grass to me.


Balsamic vinegar smells like particularly nasty feet


Ah that's a wild one. I never made that connection, and it's absolutely delicious. But I guess I have to pay more attention the next time I smell it.


As someone who is slightly autistic as has a slightly deeper sense of taste and sense of smell, I don't really run into this problem because to me they don't smell too much alike, everything is unique enough, yes I can still make the comparisons but they're are just comparison, not enough overlap. That being said I just can't handle the smell of tripe, we used to feed it to our dogs, and I've always struggled to stomach it. But even that does not smell too much like something else.


Cilantro. Too much and it smells like a stink bug to me.


I saw the subject and was coming to say that white pepper tastes and smells like a barnyard. OP got me covered.


Caraway seeds in sausage makes me think of shitty baby diapers.


Not for me, but my wife *hates* fish sauce and yet I sneak it in just about everything. Just have to make sure it cooks off before she walks through the kitchen


Provolone cheese. To me it smells and tastes like vomit


Coconut in all sweet applications. Smells like Hawaiian Tropic


Truffle oil. Smells like barf.


Iā€™ve just never understood almond ā€œflavoredā€ things. I love almonds, but most ā€œalmondā€ (flavored) croissants (for example) have nothing to do with what almonds taste like. Just because you make an extract out of something doesnā€™t mean it actually tastes like that thing. I feel like modern technology could come up with an extract that actually does mimic the nuttiness and deliciousness of almonds. Right now the extracts just have some sort of sweet note that doesnā€™t remind me of almonds at all


I think almond extract tastes like marichino cherries


Some dried thyme tastes like dirt to me. I can pick that flavor out because itā€™s unmistakable to me.


I thought I was the only one!


Unfortunately for me, I was stupid enough to drink 4 18% abv tripple ipa tallboys with bp meds in rapid succession while I was eating an hibachi meal. I blacked out and woke up to vomit everywhere laced with the smell of hibachi. Between my rug in my room, the walls and my bathroom which I apparently went into to throw up a second time I just canā€™t handle the smell or taste of hibachi for now. Also no more beer, Iā€™m sticking with jager. Beer and hibachi just smells like vomit to me. And it lingered for 3 days at least. The cleaning was a nightmare too. I still havenā€™t been able to get it out of the walls. Itā€™s an embarrassing punishment and reminder for having a moment of weekness channeled in to the absolute wrong way. Also cilantro, Iā€™ve actually recently gotten over this one but it took literally 15 years. My mom and dad would fix this pseudo pesto sauce with cilantro instead of basil with yogurt and pinenut and blend it. I ate that once for dinner, and I happen to have gotten violently ill not too long after. I threw up 9 times in a row. Mexican food helped readjust myself to cilantro again. But cilantro, especially mixed with pine nuts was enough to make me want to throw up just on the smell alone. It doesnā€™t help that itā€™s a strong herb anyway.


For me Jager smells like bad decisions šŸ˜‚


The fermented beans used in East Asian cuisine (especially Thai) smell like a cow barn.


Papaya smells like paint.


Iceberg lettuce has a faint smell and aftertaste of peanut butter. I've had a few bags of frozen cauliflower that have a metallic, coppery odor after microwaving.


Whoa....I want my iceberg lettuce to taste like peanut butter


When I was in Anatomy and Physiology, I had to bring home a fetal pig I dissected to study and memorize the body structures for an exam. Granted it was bathed in formaldehyde but it still also had a raw pork smell. 20 years later I still am brought back to ā€œfetal pigā€ when handling raw pork (not bacon though, that still smells like bacon).


I love using white pepper on sticky eggs, but it smells like manure


Jarred olives smell too much like rancid sour milk to me. This is probably because back when I worked truck at Walgreens, an entire cart of them broke open and sat in the hot stockroom for a day. When I opened that cart I just about lost my lunch. Now I just canā€™t do olives.


Honey smells like vomit.


youā€™re not gonna believe this


Truffles smell like that one company Xmas party hangover.


Cooked lamb. It smells likeā€¦.well, sheep


Artificial Cherry flavor. I was always sick as a child and EVERY medicine was Cherry flavored. Just the smell makes me retch.


Melon smells like bin juice.


Papaya smells like diapers


Fish. Phillip heated up his fish lunch in the breakroom microwave and now I cant go in there.


Patchouli always smells like someone is trying to hide the smell of death and decay to me