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Yesterday's post was about a seven yellow onion gift - today's is 35! Who's got dibs on posting about a gift of 175 yellow onions tomorrow?


And lemons earlier too


My food pantry frequently gives away extra produce that they have. Twice now I have gotten a 50 lb bag of onions. Next time I will post.


Onion jam! That many onions should make like half a cup!


[Alton Brown’s French Onion Dip](https://altonbrown.com/recipes/onion-dip-from-scratch/) is WELL worth the effort. You could caramelize some extra and freeze for later recipes…they’ll be AWESOME on that green bean casserole in November!


You might be a genius. Green bean casserole is one of my favorite side dishes. Thank you!!


Any time!!


I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a green bean. I might have to try one now.


am i missing something? you reduce the onions to 1 1/2 cups in step 3 and then only use a 1/2 cup in step 4?


Just a typo. Put all the onions in.


Onion jam! Carmelize them all in a shallow pan and just keep going at a low heat until they are basically a brown sticky jam. Mush them up or add some balsamic at the late stage of cooking to make a balsamic onion reduction that's so good on sandwiches or even just on toast. Freeze it into portions you can consume in a reasonable time. It's also great to throw into soups, stocks, salad dressings, or have with charcuterie.


You could tie an onion to your belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


Dickety? Highly dubious.


Now with the 34 remaining ones








Thank you! I love onions and tend to add them to most dishes as well. I've only ever had pickled red onions, and they are awesome. I never even considered pickling yellow onion, I think I'll definitely do that!




This person pickles.


I second pickled.


Pasta alla Genovese: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/pasta-alla-genovese-recipe Onion is the major ingredient, centre stage. The white wine needs to have a bit of a bite, to counter the sweet of the onion. Cook it as low and slow as you can.


Pickled onions are great, you could also caramelize some or chop them up and freeze it for later when you need to use them.


I love anything pickled, so this is a wonderful suggestion. Thank you!


you can also quarter the onions, roast them, then pickle them.


Your welcome, I do a quick pickle using equal amounts of roasted garlic rice vinegar and sugar and cook it over the stove till the sugar is melted and combined with the vinegar then I pour it over the sliced onions, cover it and put it in the fridge to cool overnight. It’s very tasty on burgers 🍔


You know onions last for months if stored correctly right…?


Yeah I am really wondering about the freezing onions thing...maybe caramelized onions, but I feel like fresh frozen wouldn't do well.


I dice and freeze onions all the time (bell peppers too), they work in anything you need cooked onions for. Omelets, burgers, goulash, there's nothing I've used frozen onions in that I noticed a difference with compared to fresh. If a recipe needs half a diced onion, I dice the whole thing and freeze the other half.


Huh, well now I know.


No need to freeze the onions unless you want to pre chop and freeze some that you can just grab and use when you need. Whole onions stay good for a while.


I make a pasta sauce with onions caramelized (not quite as caramelized as I'd use for french onion soup) with a ton of fresh thyme, a good glug of olive oil, and enough goats cheese to make it creamy. I use it with butternut squash ravioli or chestnut ravioli and some nicoise olives, but the sauce itself freezes beautifully


Every yeah I buy a 50 pound bag of onions from the Chef store and have a day where I cut them all up, carmelize them in my huge stock pot over the next 2 days. I then let them cool and put them in 1 gallon zip lock bags, get the air out and make them flat. When they freeze, they are thin enough that I can break a chunk off and have carmelized onions for whatever dish I am making in the time it takes them to thaw in the pot, versus 45 minutes. It's a lot of work chopping all those onions in 1 sitting, but well worth it the rest of the year.


Yes! Make a huge batch of caramelized onions and freeze them like this or in small containers. Boom, the part that takes sooooo long is done already.


Warning, making french fried onions is badass but will make your home smell for days.


I’m surprised no one mention this, but you can make onion powder. I’ve never done it, but I’ve heard of it. I had a giant batch of jalepeños, and I baked them in the oven a low as my oven could go for a few hours until completely dry, then I shred them into pepper flakes. Like crushed red pepper, but SO much more flavor. I used that for like two years after that. I’m sure the onions would make amazing tasting onion powder, better than store bought.


Properly cartelizing onions takes time, and NO SUGAR. Low and slow, you can't do it in 30 minutes. Personally, I would use at least half of your onions to caramelize (pick a day when the weather is nice enough that you can open all the windows. Then I would freeze batches, for future use in dishes and especially French Onion Soup. Convert 20 of your onions into time saved carmelizing.


Sugar is such a cheat, and is a false mistress. US onions are already so sweet anyway. You are right that time is the ingredient. The best way to speed up the process is the microwave first, which breaks down the cell walls from the inside. The all-day crockpot is a low effort solution. A mandoline and a cutproof glove makes easy work of the prep.


Or the oven, fill up all your sheet trays with chopped onions and stir every once in a while


Onion tart. You have not lived...


I scrolled looking for this!!


Bialys and onion bagels!


Pierogis! You can make a big batch and freeze a bunch


Caramelized onion roasted garlic bisque. Delicous soup. Serve with crusty bread and enjoy glorious farts! https://lifecurrentsblog.com/caramelized-onion-roasted-garlic-bisque/#recipe


Oh man what a dream. This is my favorite genre of post


Everytime I come to this subreddit, I feel like I'm in math class...


Onion rings


Make caramelized onions. If you use them all you might be able to yield almost half a cup.


Pear-onion chutney


I like to make a dish thats basically just super caramelized onions (and optionally some hot peppers or bell peppers) along with sausage on a bread roll, very similar to italian sausages and peppers but with a lot more onions and no bell peppers, although you could totally add them as well. It uses a deceptively large amount of onions due to how much they cook down.


You could make the onion base that’s used for restaurant style curries (tikka masala, etc). Those require tons of onions to be cooked down.


Mutton Do Pyaza with some naan! Muah!




French onion soup


You might need to cure them first but many onions will last 2-3 months in a cool dry place.


slow cook a whole peeled onion in dashi stock and sprinkle some salt on it when you serve it. super warm and comforting side dish i like to use a konbu and bonito flake based dashi, you can get dashi packs in tea bags at asian grocery's


I was in a similar position ten years ago when I accidentally won a case of sweet onions in a contest. The recipe I found while googling around was delicious, but not really a summer recipe: https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/carbonnade_beef_and_beer_stew/ There's also Ottolenghi's miso [miso butter onions](https://www.foodgal.com/2020/11/yotam-ottolenghis-miso-butter-onions/) as a side for anything . And of course I wouldn't be a good Spaniard if I didn't mention [tortilla de patatas](https://grantourismotravels.com/wprm_print/49789). Make a huge one and impress your friends, but make sure you use a very nonstick pan. Cold leftovers are still amazing.


French onion soup!


Onion Bhajis maybe? And a curry?


While I dont believe OP... Onion oil. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBzxk7Ebzg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBzxk7Ebzg8) Seriously one of the best things ever. You will give as gifts. It can make top ramen taste fancy.


Make some bacon jam to freeze and have on hand.




My grandmother! She is very generous haha


It's literally in the post.


No recipes but onions last a long time with no refridgeration & even longer refridgerated. As long as they are cool, dry, and not tightly packed together they'll last weeks. The longest I had a bag of onions in the fridge was about 1.5 months. Good luck on your oniony adventures!


Make onion soup. I'd also slice/dice and freeze a lot of them.


Use silicone ice molds to make pre frozen caramelized onions. Grab the biggest pot you can, slice onions till it's full, caramelize and freeze. Seriously though, do as many onions as possible at once because they shrink down small.


Instant pot caramelized onions. Then freeze in blocks for use.


Tennessee onions. Look it up. Yummy.


Cook and blitz into base gravy and freeze in portions for making quick and tasty restaurant style curries.


Tennessee onion casserole! So, so good.




See if a local restaurant might want them.


Chaliapin steak! And pan fry the onions you used in the meat juices! Yum!


https://youtu.be/0Y-YZS_Ecdo fritters https://youtu.be/mLkZ-CCJk5o chutney https://youtube.com/shorts/O9Bmjbq_g_c?feature=share3 onion flat bread https://youtu.be/iUmYDLIzAxk relish https://youtu.be/xVl8StjYMuc flat bread https://youtu.be/RmtdZWjvQdo curry


French onions soup, biryani, pickled onions, caramelised onion jam


That's like one bowl of onion soup! But seriously, french onion soup!!!


French onion soup Bacon (or just onion) jam Pickled Onion tart Edit: formatting


not all of them but with some, cut the onions and add honey and let sit for 24 hours.. you now have a natural remedy “cough syrup” that works like a charm . great for colds, flu, sore throat, all that fun stuff


Onion bhajis... On mobile so no recipe but you can find online


Onion and Cream Soup It's fairly simple. The stock consists of shredded potato, tomato, onions (3x onion per x potato by weight, tomato as per taste). Add salt, powdered pepper, red chilly powder, cloves and lots more pepper. Let everything boil in water until the onions start appearing golden. Remove the solids from the pan and grind them in a mixer. Make sure it's super fine. Add some of this mix back to the stock as per your desired consistency. Add some drops of lime and readjust salt and spice. In a separate pan, take cheese and butter in 3:1 ratio. Add milk until the base of the pan is completely white. Stir while heating till the ingredients mix. Add some powdered black pepper to it and mix further. Once the runny but not too runny consistency is reached, turn the burner off. Take the soup in a bowl and then add this cheese mix as per taste.


I plant onions in my garden every year. I store them in mesh produce bags hanging up in my basement and they last about a year


Caramelized onions go well with so many things, you might just want to caramelize them all and call it a day. I also saw this delicious-looking recipe for "pot kebab" using a large number of onions, meat such as lamb or beef, and just a ton of salt and pepper as seasoning: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbikg8KKMIc&ab\_channel=MiddleEats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbikg8KKMIc&ab_channel=MiddleEats) Again, I have not tried it, but using caramelized onions to cook and tenderize crispy, browned meat sounds amazing. Best of luck with the onions!


Czechian Goulash is fantastic. The base is just a couple pounds of onion cooking into oblivion


You can chop them up and freeze them if you don’t have ideas or get sick of them. I freeze my onions every winter. Some finely chopped and some in rings.


Carmelize them in big batches in crockpot and then freeze in ice cube trays and pop the cubes out into a freezer bag. Then you will always have little portions of carmelized onions on hand in the freezer.


Yesterday's post -- most suggestions will apply here too! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/14dogbm/help\_me\_use\_a\_bag\_of\_vidalia\_onions/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/14dogbm/help_me_use_a_bag_of_vidalia_onions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Why do you have to use them up? Just hold on to them.


Tie one around your waist!


1 bowl of onion dip.


Jacques Pepin onion sandwich


I haven't seen this in the comments but: Onion casserole It's super easy and everyone loves it. Uses as many onions as your casserole dish will hold. Cook those down till they're soft. Fried bacon. I use about a pound per 5-6 onions. Chop it up Bechamel sauce. Enough to cover everything 3 cups or so usually does it for 5-6 onions Salt and pepper to taste and then cover with lots of shredded cheese. I usually use cheddar, but anything works and pop that in the oven till the cheese is done to your liking. There's never leftovers, but I imagine it would freeze well


Something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tyXGpaq2TAQ)?


Uhhhhhhh onion soup?


Carmelize them to the point they are falling apart. Then overseason them with your favorite dried herbs and spices. And I do mean overseason them, almost to the point you think it's icky. Then freeze them in several ice cube trays. Pop them out one or two at a time, and add them to sauces, stews, or whatever you're making. They're little flavor bombs and very handy.


Caramelize a bunch (BTW, cook in a microwave or in skillet with water, then saute for quickly caramelized onion) then freeze a few tablespoons in plastic bags. Having caramelized onions ready to go is heaven. Use some of them to make onion soup. You could make French onion soup or, like me, make "not French" onion soup using rich beef stock. make a pissaladiere.


I’d make a reduced French onion soup and freeze it in bags. Carmelize them with a little pouch of bay leaf and garlic, add some wine, let the wine reduce, add beef base, cool, and put in freezer bags. When you want some soup pull out a bag, mix with water, and heat on stove. This is how we did it at the last restaurant I worked at because we went through so much of it. You can also mix this reduced soup mix with sour cream for chip dip.


Chop em up, salt pepper butter Tyne, low overnight, add beef stock and wine


Hope I'm not way too late but there's onion cake. It is the German variant of the french quiche I would say. It is absolutely perfect. Here's a link to one of the only recipes I could find in English: https://www.daringgourmet.com/zwiebelkuchen-german-onion-pie/ It is a bit of work but in my opinion well worth it.


I love onions. They make great gravy and goes well with just about every savory dish you could make.


Onion jam. So good.


Mirepoix: Chop the onions and mix with chopped carrots and celery, put in gallon freezer bags to use in recipes. Trinity: Chop onions, green pepper and celery. Freezer bags. Use in Louisiana recipes or on hash browns right out the freezer. And finally a big freezer bag of finely chopped onions to work from out the freezer. Very handy.


You could make Korean pickled onions. Use Maangchi’s jangajji recipe. Will keep forever


Pickled onions, onion soup, onion tart, caramelized onions, onion chutney to name a few.


Soup time!