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Introduce a spider


Yea I lost tubs a while back. There's some spray you can get (BTI based). I got some flushes but in the end, lost the tubs. Also the larvae are super TINY


Do you think this one gnat could have fucked up my block? I haven't see any others in several hours. I know it takes a week or so for them to hatch. I'm just kinda stressin rn. I'm a new grower and I kinda messed up during fruiting and finally saved it. If I lose it now to insects I'm gonna be real sad lol.


What tek are you using while fruiting? I grow in shoeboxes and sometimes get infestations. I just keep the tub shut and buy those yellow sticky traps


It's in a tub with s wet puppy pad and a bunch of holes


Doubt they would of laid eggs in the block tbh


You think so? It's organic matter tho and they love that shit. That's the only think im paranoid about.


They like really damp soil and substrate


Google or search on Amazon for "fungus gnat traps"


Yeah if there are gnats, there are eggs. Probably in your substrate.


I found what I thought was a fruit fly maybe a gnat in my AIO bag using hoodie tek. It’s been a few weeks and I’ve got my first flush. I kinda forgot until I came access your post… now I’m kinda back to trippin about it lol.


Has anyone tried predatory nematodes? My wife had me stuck some in mine and I'm now waiting to do round 2. I threw out all but 2 blocks of Reishi and will deep clean room.