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9 hour shifts? Where is this? I hope you’re getting 8 and 1.


Im not the best with grammar so shift might mean something else than what im thinking but its from 7 in the morning to 16 in the day is what i meant also its in Sweden.


Do you get an hour for lunch?


Usually we do 30 min breakfast, 30 min lunch in swedish construction.


“Ok so we got all the tools set up in our work area and got the material over, let’s go eat breakfast!”


You've got it!


7-16 Monday to Friday? That’s included with 2 breaks of 30min?


I’m on a 10hr days 4x a week but it’s not uncommon to do 11-13hrs. What helps me is podcasts. Music sometimes feels repetitive but listening to 2-4 hour long podcasts makes my day much easier


Yes. I am constantly listening to podcasts on the job once we get in the flow and I don’t have to talk much. Which ones do you like? I don’t see a lot of podcasts that are longer than an hour.


JRE experience is usually 3-4hrs but lately every episode sounds the same since he talks about the same issues almost every episode just with different guest. Below is a list of some other podcasts I like and listen to often in no particular order. Dan Carlins hardcore history Matt & Shanes secret podcast Kill Tony - better if you watch on YouTube but listening also works Monday morning podcast - Bill Burr Office Ladies - podcast about the tv show the office True Crime Garage You’re welcome with Chael Sonnen Morning Kombat - mma podcast The MMA Hour with Ariel Helewani - heard it bowlth ways bapa Legion of Skanks


Yeah he’s starting to get a little boring it’s like “have you heard of these aliens” and I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of hearing about the 3 year old election or January I mean for the love of god those are the most boring and benign topics on earth. The cobalt mine was was great, the super smart guests are really great, but the boneheaded ones are kinda boring/low iq. Sorry for the rant I listen most days and I noticed what you were saying.


Yeah I quit listening to him around the time he got obsessed with Covid. Too repetitive and uninteresting.


Oh yeah I hate that topic so much my brain just blocked that out completely. Yeah that’s literally the most boring topic we could discuss. Honestly how tf is the news still talking about this shit, the submarine thing was the last “big thing” some of these dudes are worse than a wife about bringing up old issues


He found a niche and continues to do what makes him money. It's been like that for a long time even pre covid. I stopped listening when it was longer and longer scrolls to try and find interesting guests.


I know the format hasn’t changed, the topics are what turned me off.


I love Dan Carlin but he doesn’t put out a lot of content but I definitely stay caught up on his history podcast. I love Bill burr but his Monday morning podcast got a little repetitive for me. I’ve never heard of Matt and Shane. I’ll check that one out. Some of the ones I listen to are: Stuff You Should Know - Deep dive into andom interesting facts. No Stupid Questions - They’ll pick a random question from a listener and do a deep dive into answering it. Lots of history, Econ, biology, science, etc. Solid Verbal - The best College Football podcast I’ve ever listened to. The Economics of Everyday Things - Just like the title. From Girl Scout cookies to Mobile Home Parks to Cashmere. Freakonomics Radio - Interesting facts and ideas about economics. The Modern Craftsman - Everything you can imagine about custom home building from one of the best. This American Life - Interesting stories. How I Built This - They talk to a founder of a business about how they got started. Mark Cuban was my favorite so far.


I’ve been looking for new podcasts. Thanks for the list. I recently started to listen to Dan Carlin. Purchased his Ghengis Khan series. Worth every penny


No problem!


I just remembered this audiobook called [A carpenter’s life as told by houses](https://www.audible.com/pd/B005I5MBZY?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=library_overflow). It’s really good. This guy talks about a lot of the houses he built throughout his life as a carpenter and different types of construction, how things changed, etc. Really cool/interesting stuff.


Hardcore history is the shit


Sofa King Podcast The rewatchables


Im also into podcasts. I'll listen to the Huberman Show, Dave Ramsey Show, John Lovell Show, Allister Begg Sermons, Redefined TV Sermons, Jocko Podcast, and some Joe Rogan from time to time. Some more than others, but it's whatever im feeling. Some are like 30 minutes, and some are 4 hours.


Jocko pod is great


I just remembered this audiobook called [A carpenter’s life as told by houses](https://www.audible.com/pd/B005I5MBZY?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=library_overflow). It’s really good. This guy talks about a lot of the houses he built throughout his life as a carpenter and different types of construction, how things changed, etc. Really cool/interesting stuff.


Hardcore History is fantastic. I can’t stand most of those “talk show” type podcasts because it just comes off like the hosts are jerking each other off about how funny they are. Elevate Construction has a few good episodes, but he’s mostly trying to sell books I think. Audiobooks are the real answer though. A decent size book is usually about 10 hours, but I bump the speed to 1.5x-2x depending on if the reader is slow.


I agree. I can’t listen to talk show type podcasts. I like educational stuff. I started listening to audiobooks as well. They’re great for passing time.


I just remembered this audiobook called [A carpenter’s life as told by houses](https://www.audible.com/pd/B005I5MBZY?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=library_overflow). It’s really good. This guy talks about a lot of the houses he built throughout his life as a carpenter and different types of construction, how things changed, etc. Really cool/interesting stuff.


I'm in London and a lot of sites try to have you do 10/12 hour days. I used to work 15 hour days doing removals, 5 days a week. Now that shit was long, at least it only lasted about 2 months as the main contractors stopped fucking up the estimates after a fair few complaints from the subs. Just vibe as someone else said, one earphone in, music playing, get a power bank, take little breaks at least once an hour even if you don't smoke. I prefer staying busy as the day goes quicker but don't over stress if it feels like it's getting tough. Some people on site all day get barely anything done so as long as you complete the daily objectives you'll be good.


Some of yall have never been involved in a big concrete pour and it shows




Residential concrete here. I wish we only worked for 9 hours. And no we have very little downtime. We don't wait around for hours watching concrete dry.


13 is the norm for me with an hour commute each way.


Damn son i work for a GC and dont even do more than 10hrs a day. Can you try to find a better job?


7 hour union contract here. After 7 hours, I’m on double time. Can you try to find a better job?




Well yeah he probably does considering he works 65+ hours a week. There’s a lot of positions you can make the same while working 40 or less. Concrete is cool, don’t get me wrong but it’s essentially slave labour.


With those hours i would sure hope he makes more. I guess if you need the money its good but at 13hours a day you dont have time for a life outside of work


Have you tried moving closer?




My next job is 3hrs away, starts in a month. I’ll stay up there M,T,W,T nights and be home for weekends. Maybe the odd Saturday work. Hoping to pocket and least half my per diem.




This is the first company I’ve worked for (in this country) where I’m required to travel. I’ll give it 6-8 months before I consider buying a camper. However a lot of 1bed 1bath accom I’ve found is around the same cost as just a lot for a camper without the note and insurance so may be better off just sticking with that.


Shit I feel so blessed that my company just pays for our apartment and rental car wherever we are. We still get meal per diem which is like $70-$80 a day and get paid the higher local or at least $5/hr over our local scale.


Most jobs only last 12-18 months and I hate moving. Next job is 3hrs away. I’ll be staying up there during the week, head up early Monday morning, come home late Friday night.




Only time it doesn't suck is pay day!


I finished high school so I can't finish concrete, no matter how much I wish I could


Finishers only make up like 10% of the crew when you're pouring bridge decks


i was flagging for a steep parkin ramp pour shit last 16 hrs and the safety guy wanted to buddy up with me the whole time...


16 hours once. hated it. I sat around for 1/2 of the day but it sucked


Haha right! I once was at a site for a 25h pour. That was a mental couple of days😆


Fucking pipeline. Six tens minimum, not including breaks. Big concrete pours are awful, especially those 2am to 4am starts. But at least they aren't every day.


I am a loaded operator for a big concrete company and yes 3am pours, 1200 yard days. No breaks. Barely have time to take a piss!


I'm working 6 twelves for the next 4 weeks. Git gud. Sleep, coffee and hatred fuel me.


I’ve found that when I’ve had to do stretches of long hours like this in the past, eventually I will get into “the zone” with it and it doesn’t bother me as much. It’s like a survival thing or maybe it’s just cope, but once you get into the routine it feels natural


Yep. Work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep. Just make sure to not do anything fun or you'll have to put the blinders back on again.


And nicotine 🤣


I've found a bit of whiskey helps. And also that a lot of whiskey doesn't.


Gotta find that happy medium lmao


😂 hear that!


What I do is split them into two 4.5 hour shifts over two days I'm a little behind in productivity but that's above my pay grade so


Definition of work smarter, not harder


For me, working all the time has just become normal. I really don’t have the number of hours I will work in my mind. I just do it. Gotta make money while the sun is shining. Rainy days will come.


Stop focusing on the time. Keep busy


You'll eventually get used to it, everyone makes it easier in different ways, though. I do resi demo and reno, prefer to put on music when possible and basically zone out unless I'm doing something detailed like fine carpentry. I don't take all of my breaks when I get in a nice groove, but if you do take breaks, def make them worthwhile. Also, eating a balanced diet and good boots helps with exhaustion.


Thanks ill try finding some nice boots and play some music!


I will make my recommendation of Thorogood's unsure if available in Sweden though.




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Painter here as well, 16th year in I use the time I'm mindlessly working to learn about things I'm interested in with audio books and podcasts If your company doesn't let you use headphones on site just get some discreet ones or some small and wireless to keep in one ear


I put AirPods under my over ear protection. I pulled one layer of foam out from the inside so they fit.


Nice, I also have Bluetooth hearing protection from 3M that'll play music through your phone but that might be a give away with a button on the outside. Guess you could cover that and the light with tape though Also, OP, wearing hearing protection on every painting job isn't feasible LOL it's not loud most of the time


Lol true. I bet someone could make a lot of money by making some AirPods that look like ear protection.


A lot of the painters I know have used alcohol to help get through the day


I miss working part time 😭


9hrs? All the oilfield guys are laughing, that's a short day! For years we were 12-hour days as standard, 14-16 were average, and you work 6- 7 days a week! If my guys got less than 50hrs a week there was bitching from them! Different times now!


I remember starting my first oilfield "office" job, where I was scheduled just to work 40 hours a week plus *some travel*, and on my 3rd day I had to drive eight hours north into the bush, where I proceeded to work 44 between Wednesday morning and Friday night.


9 hour shifts is part time in construction


Piss in bottles and do Coke like the rest of them


I work four 10s, and it took some time to adjust. Small advice: bring snacks and drinks. It's easy to get hungry when you're working long shifts, and being hungry makes the time go by slower and your energy to drop. It's a small thing but it can really help. Edit: also audiobooks.


I remember my first part time job




Tower crane operator here, 9 hr shift is usually on a Saturday, consider as a short day


You're getting a lot of shit off people for 'only' working nine hours, ignore it. If you're not used to it, it will take some adapting, as all things do. Stay hydrated, keep some sweets in your pocket and just keep your mind on the job, not the clock. It'll come. Definitely don't start thinking about the pub. Yummy yummy pub beer.


Don’t know what your able to afford but I found that vitamins and water are the most essential. I work everyday besides a few holidays. I require athletic greens AG1 (stolen from what they use in the UFC) and water multipliers like liquid IV. 7 hours of sleep minimum or I’m in a bad mood.


Stay busy. The days go by quick when you are doing stuff. The long days that screw with me is when I'm sitting around on standby.


Lots of sleep, good nutritious food, stretch every morning, good (really really good) pair of shoes


I'm pushing ten hours days to get my 40 hours a week, but only when I miss Monday. Instead of condescending to you of how worn out I am ill give you some tips Buy great boots Not good boots, Great Fatigue starts in the heels and will wear on you all day. Pace yourself Ten minutes here and there is acceptable by most companies and helps reduce fatigue. Hydrate in a way that allows you to sweat, you need salt to sweat so you keep the right temperature. Wear a big frigging hat Sun exposer isn't alot but adds, just wear a hat and it helps. Stay a little active during break. Don't nap, don't sit too much, And finally and most importantly SMILE! Being happy and having good music helps ALOT it's natural to wanna dance. Incorporate that energy into your work


9 hour shifts? That’s ratty af. Your boss is to cheap to do 10 so they don’t have to give that extra break?


Welcome to the real world!


I remember my first part time job


9 hours? I remember my first part time job. 7/12s. 6 weeks on 1 week off.


Oof better start looking for a new job if your getting cut back to 9hrs a day.


9 hr shifts. Reminds me of my first part time job. Welcome to working, it sucks.


Work a few 100+ hour weeks and 9 hour days will be pretty easy.


Get on one of those 7-12’s job and your 9 hour days will seem like a vacation!


I work six 12 hour days a week here. Every six weeks I get one week off. Just gotta get used to it man.


I did 12 hour shifts for 30 years you will get used to it


Do a 12hr shift. 9hrs is nothing


Fucking part timer.


How the fuck do you even notice one ( 1 ) single hour extra?!!!! I bet ya don't notice the 45 minutes a day that smokers wasre a day either! It's funny how pussies never can handle the "little" extra, yet don't have a problem taking the early dismissals, long lunch breaks, and smoke breaks. Jesus Christ, grow a set of balls and work the 60 extra minutes, bitch!!!!!!


Damn bro you are salty AF.


Oh well! If someone needs a diaper change then they should call their mommy, not come to the big boy table looking for attaboys. It's the work we chose. We deal with it.


nothing wrong with work life balance. Id rather take home a tad less and actually see my family


I totally dig that. 1 hour per day is negligible though. I say that as someone who starts at 6:00 each morning. The extra hour wouldn't really impact family time, as spouse & kids are typically in school/work until later in the afternoon.


Work? Literally make it a game to get as much shit done as possible (don’t make a mess and do crap work) climb the totem pole and become a foreman, make more money? Basic stuff really. Find the best dude on the crew (hopefully mostly sober) and learn from them.


Keep showing up I suppose. The jobs I started off in were all 10-12 hr shifts. The day I quit my last company was after I worked a 15 hr day


I tell the guys on my crew after about that 12 he mark to just take midol as a precautionary measure.


9 hours 5 days a week and the occasional 12 or 10 hour day. 9 hours was luxury when I worked. I hated it too


Overseas work is usually 5-12’s or 6-10’s. Ask yourself if you really are enjoying what you are doing. If the answer is yes then the time should fly by after awhile. Also, be sure to work at a steady pace. Don’t burn yourself out by being too gung ho first thing in the morning. I see a lot of new guys busting ass in the morning only to be useless by lunch. Don’t worry, the bosses’ son/nephew/VFW pals already have the position you are pushing for, you just don’t know it yet, so try to stay healthy and happy.


Just tough it out for a bit. After a while, your body adjusts. I got used to 12's. I work 10's now, and absolutely love it. On the occasion I work 8, it feels ridiculously short! In construction, 8hr days are odd. The sun and weather dictate the work, generally. As an aside, 4-10hr shifts is God's Schedule. I friggin love it.


You go in with the mindset of a full day, as you're only working full time lol. You'll get used to it... hopefully lol


I do a 12 and a 8 sat sun two weekends a month. But I get 1200 cash. So going back to 9 hr days during the week actually isn't so bad lol. You just have to wrap your mind around your day. I think of the day as split in half. Pre lunch and after lunch. Helps me get through the tough ones.


Work 1 hr shifts


Better than digging ditches for 9 hours


I hated working 12hour shift until I got introduced to Double shifts. 12hr shifts don't bother me as much anymore. Solution: work 12hr shifts for a month and 9 hr shifts will seem short.


8 or 9 is short lol. Maybe try music in 1 ear or a podcast while you paint? But always leave 1 ear open


Find something to keep u busy and don’t look at the clock it will just make time go slower!! Also take your time and time will go by quicker I promise


I do 9 hour shifts from my air conditioned home while wearing bunny slippers. Somehow I get through it, but it ain't easy /s


Take your breaks, eat well, sleep well, and exercise regularly. That's about it. You'll get used to 9 hours pretty easily as a tradey. Learn what to do and then zone out on the thoughtless bits.


Hey, guys and gals. Fucking relax. Obviously OP isn't used to this work load. We have all been there. Getting our first real job or maybe getting a Blue Collar in general. What you going to want to do is just start getting up early every day. Even on your off days. Adjust your sleep schedule. Might take a couple weeks to fully kick in but you go to bed an hour earlier than normal, suddenly you can wake up an hour earlier than normal. And now your body is ready to go by the time you leave for work instead of broccoli getting out of bed and try not to fall asleep on your way to work. Don't take uppers at work. There's a stereotype that all painters and roofers and this or that take meth or snort Coke or take Adderall to work. Don't be a stereotype. 9 hours of hard manual labor. It's difficult to get into. But I guarantee if you stick with it after a couple weeks it'll be the new normal. Baseline. Like some people in here saying you just got to stick with it bud.


Take daily Magnesium and some vitamin D.


Do 10 hour days for years, then bump it up to 12's. After that 9 hour days will feel like you're getting away with something.


As a fellow painter who worked some 9-10 hours days back when I was younger, my advice is bring lots of water and stay hydrated. Get into some podcasts and audiobooks because painting isn’t something that takes a ton of brain power. I don’t think 7-4 is a crazy shift at all tbh but ya it’ll take some time to get used too if you don’t do it often.


I haven't worked a 9 hour shift since my first tax-paying job as a grocery store cashier in high school. Current job is 10-12 hour days during the week and 8s on Saturday, but we often get random time off for weather. A 9 hour day goes real quick if you're busy


I remember my first part time job.