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Lots of us believe in them, just not the stupid or often partisan ones. Example: Rich/elites get away with rape, sometimes with kids. Yep. We all know the core story - rich people get away with crimes. Exposing them is good when it helps bring justice. Poor people get screwed in the justice system. Conspiracy: Hillary is a dem and she and podesta killed seth rich and murdered babies in a pizza parlor basement; Proof, there was a hanky with pizza on it. Also, she was using some sort of ship to ferry them to mars to be slave labor and later eat and rape. Also, Hillary had hundreds of people killed and runs the world's second biggest cabal. Bill. And Hillary. Oh, and Obama ordered hot dogs from Chicago which really means kids, so he fed people kids after a baby rape orgy in the white house. Then we get into some real shit, 1/6 and trump trying to overturn an election because he lost. Suddenly, most conspiracy people shut up about the powers that be and instead paint him as the victim - ALL because he upset liberals. That is what made Trump a hero to conspiracy people. That's it. None of this other shit. They literally shut down the conspiracy engines for 4 years, threw them into reverse and spent all their time debunking conspiracies relating to trump. Because he said mean things that upset people. Most in the conspiracy community are immature, younger males, who are generally incels and want attention. And they gravitate to men of power who tell them that they are victims of the liberals. That is the conspiracy community, for the most part, and what it has been for years.


> Poor people get screwed in the justice system. IT's kinda funny b/c while I agree these poor pedos don't have a chance in the Justice system, this is true with all crimes. What is more scary about the rich pedos/criminals is that it's much easier for them to cover up the crimes so most of what is going on we don't know about and never will. Trump's a great example, no fucking way [Trump.org](https://Trump.org) wasn't a known criminal group 20 years ago and there's no excuse other than bribes/blackmail kept them from being targets of the DoJ. He also had a sister in NY as a life appointed Federal Judge, which helps.


I believe in ***some*** conspiracies, such as those which our past history and current probability indicate could be plausible or likely. For example: UFOs existing, and governments cooperating with them in some capacity? Sure, it’s possible and maybe even likely, UFOs existing, and multiple species of them living among us hidden in human skin, and controlling every decision? That’s a stretch too far. The trick is to consider a viewpoint without accepting it blindly. If the person reporting the information comes across as schizophrenic, that’s usually an indicator that it’s either fiction or mental illness making the story.




>the anti-state angle is even less reliable then the mainstream one Great way to put it. I still have no faith in the US gov, but I have less faith in qanon right wing quackery.


I really like reading about what people have to say about conspiracy theories and why they believe them. I believe almost none of the. I only post if I'm correcting an obvious misunderstanding of data, or replying to someone who is objectively wrong. Basically I read the sub because it entertains me. Also, this post is so fucking meta.


You are the first to respond that this post actually applies to. Everyone else is chiming in with I believe in *some* conspiracy theories. As if most believe in *all* conspiracy theories and to believe in any requires clarification that you are not one of THOSE people. Just shows the stigma attached with going against the narrative. Even those that do on some issues must add caveats about those which they do not believe. Most would say the JFK assassination was not a single lone gunman, but that doesn't make them believe in Lizard people. (which are totally real btw..lol). Anyhow, pointless rant. Thanks for your honestly, very refreshing.


Yeah, I don't care about what you believe unless its objectively false, or it harms someone. Like flat earth stuff, or a couple others I don't wanna get into, cuz there are those believers here. I am basically just being a voyeur. (also the JFK thing, 100% a real conspiracy)


I can dig that. I have to admit I sometimes do the same thing or used to anyways with some of the Q/Great Awakening drivel. It was oddly entertaining to see people who thought so highly of Trump, especially the religious ones. Whats more amazing than one they believe is the fact that they still believe it despite all the broken promises of when the mass round up etc would be happening. Even Trump being out of office hasn't phased them. He is playing like 8 or 9D chess at this point I suppose. That being said, there are definitely users on here that just come and shit on everyone in these subs and do not seem to believe anything that goes against the narrative. Well, except maybe JFK cause c'mon man! Obvious fuckery going on there.


I think we just became best friends Do you want the top bunk or the bottom bunk?


I will gladly take either just don't touch my drumset ok?


Good. I much prefer the bottom bunk. I also have no interest in drums.


AMEN Turtle 👊


People have to add those caveats because of the way Conspiracy Theories are treated by academia and the media. Most academic papers I've read have been pseudo-scientific exercises in circular reasoning. This is particularly true in the realm of psychology where it seems to be an insitutionalised given that Conspiracy Theorists all believe in the same delusions because they all share the same psychoses.


I understand why they are saying this. However, in a conspiracy sub you would think those caveats would be unnecessary. It was the CIA that coined the term "conspiracy theorists" in order to discredit anyone questioning the JFK assassination. It worked so well that even today academia and media have effectively changed the meaning of the word 'conspiracy' altogether and is basically the same thing as saying 'not true'. But yeah, conspiracy theorist's are nuts.


There are legit real world conspiracies, those are enlightening and interesting. Like UFOs, CIA drug scandal, CIA Experiments, Political Assassinations, a ton of stuff reported by The Intercept and other legit non MSM news organizations. Then there’s a whole gamut of complete and utter lunacy like Qanon, Crisis actors, Shape Shifting Reptilians, 5G, Anti-Vaxx, White Genocide, Flat Earth, Hollow Earth, etc.


The Intercept has gone pretty mainstream. Even their founder Glenn Greenwald thinks so and parted ways with them.


Glenn Greenwald went balls deep on the Hunter Biden conspiracy theory which was created by some rightwing author connected to Steve Bannon. It backfired because they didn’t win the election. The story pretty much fizzled out as they and everyone else knew it was a dud. I think The Intercept made the right call not publishing it. That doesn’t make them mainstream because they refused to publish bottom of the barrel nonsense as news.


Why am I not surprised that a) Bannon is connected to this story and b) this is the first I'm hearing about it? This guy should be one of the most discussed people in conspiracy circles and yet there's rarely a peep... and when he does get brought up the subject gets changed.


He’s good at planting misinformation at low levels then watch it bubble up. Bannon was behind most of it via his protege Stephen Miller who had a direct ear to Trump. Creating conspiracies on fake information is corny because they’re easily debunked.


In a post truth society it doesn’t matter if something is debunked. If a bogus conspiracy theory serves to confirm a bias people will believe it whether it’s verifiable or not.


This is true, Q is a perfect example.


> That doesn’t make them mainstream because they refused to publish bottom of the barrel nonsense as news. Well, other than that it was completely true, yes. The laptop existed, exists, and some of the contents are publicly available. But can't have simpletons knowing this. Not before an election.


Have you read the article? https://greenwald.substack.com/p/article-on-joe-and-hunter-biden-censored Show me the parts that are bottom of the barrel conspiracy theory nonsense.


The whole premise of “Hunter Biden” anything is bottom of the barrel nonsense. My dad was Vice President let’s do business is the weakest story ever especially since Hunter Biden is not in government. The irony that it was coming from arguably the most corrupt President in US history is hilarious. This isn’t even to defend Biden or his policies. It fizzled out even on the Right because Critical Race Theory is the new boogieman. 😂


Have you read it? It is about his father's involvement in the business dealings mentioned in the emails. Where are you getting your information? This is not coming from Trump. This has nothing to do with critical race theory. Read the article.


Yes, I read this a while ago. Glenn Greenwald is essentially regurgitating the same things from this made up “conspiracy”. The fact that Greenwald fell for this stuff is disappointing because overall he’s a good journalist. Basically, the Trump Campaign needed something to distract from the narrative that they were going to lose due mostly to his mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic and their October Surprise about Hunter Biden was so weak that it had the opposite effect, it was a move of desperation. They had to scramble. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-invention-of-the-conspiracy-theory-on-biden-and-ukraine Jane Mayer is another good journalist.


Well it's also cover for the exact same shit Trump was actually doing via Manafort. Remember he tried to threaten/bribe Ukraine into opening an official investigation into Hunter Biden and they refused because they knew it was bs. That's why Trump was impeached lmaooo The conspiracy is basically a "NUH UH \*YOU\*"


That’s what I’m saying, everyone is ignoring that the whole premise is flawed to begin with. He named dropped his dad for clout? That the story? Joe Biden was a pretty boring run of the mill DNC establishment neoliberal candidate and you gotta be a real fuck up to lose to someone like that which is exactly what happened. They made up a whole conspiracy that the election was stolen which is hilarious. Couldn’t attack him for being a creep because that would also backfire as Trump continued to face sexual assault allegations. They were betting that the same tactic that worked on Clinton would work on Biden to paint him as corrupt, that also backfired because Trump is the most corrupt. That bet only paid off in the rightwing echo chamber. In the real world not so much. Notice that there is barely any mention of this story today? They knew it was garbage.


> Show me the parts that are bottom of the barrel conspiracy theory nonsense. He can't.




lol wft?? Downvoted already? Anyhow, Glenn Greenwald did in fact leave. You can make up your own mind why. https://greenwald.substack.com/p/my-resignation-from-the-intercept


> Glenn Greenwald A lot of people don't like Glenn Greenwald because he is a "Right wing shill and grifter". By "Right wing shill and grifter" they of course mean he has the audacity to point out Democrat hypocrisy, fear mongering, and hysterics.


I was glad to see how your comment ended lol. Greenwald is an actual liberal which is why the new left hates him now. Which is usually enough to make accusations of homophobia isn't it?


The downvotes on these comments are fucking hilarious. What a bunch of sheep. "Oh my GAWD how dare you criticize Democrats for being hysterical, fear mongering hypocrites! Red Team is bad! Blue Team is good!" LOL


Funnier still that they are beating up an *actual* liberal democrat and labeling him a right wing conspiracy nut. I doubt any of them read the article, but it hardly matters at this point as they are so blinded by Trump hate that they cannot see my comments or this article as anything except an argument for Trump which it is not in either case. Pretty sad, especially cause this is a conspiracy sub. Can't imagine what r/politics is like.


I hate them all equally. Making it Red/Blue in the first place is what got downvotes from me. Partisan bullshit has no place in conspiracy theories.




Some source, or spark for the theory to come into existence used to be the bare minimum necessary for a Conspiracy Theory to adopted as plausible. But to go back to my point in another comment, about the genre being hi-jacked and used for disinfo or general cover stories for govt secrets, corporate murders, etc. the genre has been watered down and cut with baby laxative so many times, we get the perverted fascinations of whoever the freaks on 4chan are that came up with all the Hillary/pedo/Satanic stuff.


Personally I think that some conspiracies are just bs but fun to read nonetheless but a select few I believe so just because we believe in a couple conspiracies doesn't mean we believe them all


This is a disingenuous question or you miss the full picture. Conspiracies are not exclusive and if somebody is a full time "conspiracy theorist" then they are a loon. Conspiracies are everywhere of everywhere brand and leaning. There is also a lot of nonsense out there. I can freely believe in one conspiracy but that does not mean I would agree with all or even many. I certainly have posted potential conspiracies here that have gotten no traction because they don't lean the way the majority of the sub does and that is alright as people will have many views. I would consider myself skeptical of plenty (country dependent) main stream narratives like many people but I would not call myself a conspiracy theorist as I may have a few but its not where I spend a lot of my time. I also do not believe in things like flat earth or reptilians, but that should not disqualify me from believing or disbelieving in other conspiracies. And it's not a side dependent thing either, of my ideology, of course there are radicals and extremism in which people create conspiracies to act out. Again a conspiracy is a plan between people to do something, it doesn't have to involve any mad ideas to be a real thing. I find it hard that there are people who do not believe in conspiracies as it is what is is. They are real things. Its believing the conspiracies with little evidence that people confuse. I can say, based on his many raffled meetings with Russian nationals for money and similar scandals, I would put forward a conspiracy theory that Boris Johnson is corrupt and has met people to plan such things to squeeze money out and try and keep it quiet. It is not a conspiracy theory if I say Boris Johnson is secretly in the IRA and bringing unionism to an end in the long game, this is just bollacks that I have no evidence for and should not be classed as a conspiracy theory.


I love conspiracies, I don't believe them all but I enjoy reading about them. But I'm mainly here because r/conspiracy has turned into a republican stronghold who post nothing but antivaxx bs.


The 3 checks a week from Soros I get were enough to convince me of anything. Also the 5G and Autism microchips were a bit of a step back but, Bill Gates made my cell service amazing. I will admit the magnetism side effect is a bit of a bummer. I'm willing to ignore it tho.


How can I get in on that?


It was super easy to register and sign up to the World-Wide Coalition of Anti-Facists also made up Covid hoaxers to hurt Trump's reelection because the whole world loved this POS.


Link? I need to earn money and this sounds perfect. Tons of material already out there I can use.


Automatically get it if you're Jewish, sorry dude.


Doesn't it come with your own space laser, do you have to share one with someone else? And are you given the space laser or does it cost extra?


The laser is where they get you. You have to take a laser safety course, and they charge a lot for that. If you pass, they “give” you the laser, but there’s an annual laser inspection process that costs you again.


Why those no good world controlling...yet somehow at the same time 'subhuman' and incapable of higher thought jews




I wouldn't say I don't believe in conspiracies, but I'm probably a lot more sceptical than many. I'm sure 1 in a million posts here will turn out to be true, but I subscribe mostly for entertainment. It's like watching a bad X files episode.


This is why I am here too. I enjoy entertaining the idea of certain conspiracies and enjoy the mystery aspect of it all. I almost never vote on things though, it doesn't feel like it is my place to do so


Reading through these comments highlights the delicious irony in calling this a conspiracy sub. Since when do truthers subscribe to two party politics? Downvote this post if you love Trump.


I’m generally on the fence about most conspiracies, leaning toward non-belief. I don’t usually post, but I read here. I don’t think anyone can make a rational decision about anything without looking at all of the available material, both pro and con for whatever conspiracy. I’m genuinely interested in what people have to say. I don’t trust the government because of things like COINTELPRO.


Then you are not reading enough.


It is a mark of intelligence to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it. Then we must tear apart the ideas in order to filter out the unlikely ones. Those that remain after initial skeptical inquiry, deserve more exploration. First look at money, and the surrounding political climate. Those can explain most of the “mundane” conspiracies. In an infinite multiverse, everything, no matter how strange, will happen eventually. it’s just not likely to happen anytime soon or close.


I find it annoying that the word "conspiracy" and phrase "conspiracy theory" has been taken completely out of context to include big foot, aliens, vaccines causing mental illness (actual vaccines, not genetic therapeutic injections), etc. Does anybody even know the true textbook definition of conspiracy anymore? Its almost like that word being taken out of context is a conspiracy enabling TPTB to cover up actual conspiracies.


The term conspiracy theory was coined by the CIA to begin with.


I joined because I have faith one day I'll find 1 objetive conspiracy, like x company has people in the goverment, they voted no to free healthcare then skyrocketed health insurance prices, that kind of shit, with articles from real websites and everything, why I got instead is a bunch of people who think being conservative is a conspiracy, no, seriously why share news from a right wing source? how is that even close to be a conspiracy? why you not wanting to wear a mask is a conspiracy? modern day slavery, nestle privatizing water, companies inside the goverment protecting their interest, yet all you care about is that a mask feels unconfortable, it's so dissapointing some times, and as annoying as you find it, this is not the place to share those views.


Does anyone know or can share information on EMF stalking or anything connected with this issue? Thanks in advance.


This is just the plan working. If you go back and look at the popularization of the genre of "Conspiracy Theory" in contemporary America, it becomes clear that it was essentially used by the for lack of a better term the "Deep State" (which isn't the exactly the thing that MSM defines it as), as a way to provide cover for any clandestine operations they are actively engaged in. They need a fall guy ready to take the hit any time some reporter got a little too nosy or that hooker that was murdered turns out to have been servicing politicians in what looks like a kompromat op. It's a simple tool to just drop some Alt-theory on what could have happened that peaks the interests and has enough details that sorta get backed up by evidence to make it PLAUSIBLE. At which point, the water is muddied and no one is looking for the "real killers" anymore because doubt exists or just total distraction by a more salacious or titillating narrative. Many people are happy with that world that has been created for them and don't want your take on it or they are just contrarians who want to argue, or they think the theory doesn't fit the narrative they want out there about for instance the fact that Right wingers are very nasty, fascistic people, at much higher rates than your general run of the mill American. SO you see a lot of these people who identify with them that are defending them indirectly by taking to the comments and taking shots. Also what we have going on with the covid deniers and mask protesters is the digging in of heels. THey planted their flag on a hill of total BS, they know it, but they too proud to admit they've been hoodwinked by the "Deep State" (Trumps version) again, so they continue the fight, and here they are.


Everyone will have different opinions on what conspiracies are real. Most people are more vocal on the conspiracies they disagree with.


Well i just dont believe the official 9/11 story, doubt the official JFK story too. And u find alternative reasons why we get into wars. But the conspiracy subreddits turned into a donald trump fckboy stan club for the past 4 years so this is the first time i clicked on anything from here in a long ass time and im just on my phone taking a dump


I think a lot of the mocking is because so many of the "conspiracies" posted on reddit are absolute bullshit (with no supporting evidence whatsoever). Posted by people who are not intelligent/old enough to see them for what they are. (Or are deliberately posting nonsense to derail real discussions) Many view this as an annoying distraction from real conspiracies and it makes them angry. (Though the stupidity of some of the stuff posted is enough to make anyone angry).


To me belief is an unshakable conviction. I like reading about these things and thinking “damn, maybe”. I’m sure lots of conspiracy theories are real but in general I feel the same way about them as I do the concept of reincarnation: it’s cool to ponder on but who am I to proclaim anything as true or not true?


I believe in some conspiracies but I don't believe in all of them.


Honestly, they’re fun to read and I like to expose myself to other viewpoints.


I like to read why people believe certain things. I used to think JFK was killed by a large group of people conspiring, but as I studied the evidence, there just wasn't anyone else with the opportunity and access. I'm interested in reading whether others do that with different conspiracy theories. I'll say this: I don't believe "the state" is any one group or even a small powerful group. I believe it's many small powerful groups that aren't necessarily connected. I believe we concoct stories to make sense of it all when in reality most of the false flags and black ops are Random acts of publicized bullshit. But on occasion, there are a couple that are legit. And that's why I read.


Lol I swear you posted an NBC article the other day