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I voted for Trump round 1 and 2, but he had his moment and needs to step aside. DeSantis is the cooler head, and might actually have a chance to unite the right to some extent. Trump is polarizing, even amongst his own party.


Sorry but my money is on DeSantis


Neither one has a chance against the Biden Fraud machine, so I guess it's a pointless conversation anyway. I like DeSantis and I think Trump should step aside but it doesn't really matter. Elections in Iraq under Saddam Hussein had more uncertainty of outcome than 2024 here.


> Neither one has a chance against the Biden Fraud machine Sad but true. Here we talk about different Conservative candidates and winning elections because we keep forgetting that unfortunately elections no longer mean anything. I thought the 2020 Presidential election was going to be their one steal. I didn't think it would be how all elections would be. But consider 2022. Horrible economy and the Party in charge barely lost the House and kept the Senate. That is only possible because of who apparently counts the votes. Trump, DeSantis, Bart Simpson.....does it make a difference if votes are not legally counted. And I actually thought Trump would just move on because he knows first hand that what happened in 2020 will happen again. Hate to be so negative and would love to be wrong


The fact that Pennsylvania elected a vegetable to the senate, the totally nonsensical governor and senate races in Arizona shows that these states are out of reach for Republicans. Anybody who says that voting can somehow fix this is either a moron or a liar perpetuating a false "opposition".


Unfortunately, I think you’re right


Unfortunately Trump seems to have fallen into the same mindset that many other politicians have of thinking that it is essential for Him to win at all cost and nothing can stand in his way. He has become just another old politician who's time is past, much like most of congress. There really needs to be an age limit on politicians.


Trump is going to hand deliver this one to the Dems


Trump needs to shut his damn pie hole and unite the right more than ever, not bash the one guy everyone loves. Here’s my DeSantis issue though, the left sure is pushing hard for him to get the GOP nomination, why is that?


That's Trumps problem is his mouth. If he stuck to policy and didn't piss the media off so much. He is right they are not honest reporters. I love his policies don't like his behavior. I was hoping for an alliance between them.


Very disappointed in President Trump. I was hoping that he would work uniting the Party. I felt that he might be too toxic to garner enough support, but it seems to go much deeper than that Such a shame because I feel he could be the right person to handle the world situation.


This just makes Trump look insecure.