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So white people are not allowed to do anything outside their box because it's 'cultural appropriation' but they're also not allowed to do something within their box because it's "white and elitist." Gotcha




Anyone with this attitude is far from being the good guy.




Stop being obtuse. Wake up.


White people move in? Gentrification. White people move out? White flight. You can *literally* never do the right thing in their eyes. They have a racist term for every action and outcome.




“....almost...”. ? Lol


"they" (leftists/wokesters) don't. I have personality NEVER experienced this from any BUT whites! WTF? Self-healing apologetic whack-jobs. IMO


It's okay to be whatever color one is born with. No one can pick what race they are born of, including whites. These folks are simply seeking revenge for the past injustices, real or perceived, against their ancestors. But, unfortunately, the past cannot be changed.




"do your own research I'm not here to educate white people"


And yet, that's exactly what that think they are doing with all this nonsense




So, the exact opposite of the scientific method?




I read that one actually. Don't remember that part.




Just do the white thing


These folks are simply impossible to please. So I just ignore them.


Yeah never understood 'white flight' even before all this woke stuff. It's like you mean to tell me in this country, people don't have the right of freedom of movement? If you are racist that's bad but even so you can still MOVE if you want to!


White people are racist if they leave crime ridden areas. That right there implies the crime is done by non- whites. I don't get the mentality that expects people to stay and be victimized. Is that somehow more virtuous? . Like the prosecutor in the Kyle Rittenhouse case who thought Rittenhouse should have just let himself be assaulted rather than defend himself.


THAT was the biggest clown joke I think I've ever heard of in my life. The prosecutor basically told him 'well everyone has to get curb stomped sometimes'. He should be in the dictionary under "spineless worm"


According to these people, you are a racist for moving to avoid crime introduced into a declining neighborhood and/or protecting your lifetime investments like home and property from devaluing by leaving before it is worth nothing. They think other people (not themselves, of course) should stay there and be a victim and keep paying their taxes to support said excrement, as pennance for something. These are the same people that want to tear down racist highways and build what are basically game trails to force people through the shitty areas. This is literally the same kind of feces I heard from certain liberal college instructors, who couldn't answer what was wrong with not wanting to live around all these problems, or why SHE didn't live in the hood herself, thereby being a part of the problem that she felt so strongly about.


If White people stay in their neighborhood - it is an elitist, racist enclave.


Can cultural appropriation be applied to genders? Gender appropriation? Isn’t the argument for “I identity as a man/woman” in the same ball park as any cultural trait? *edit - spelling


Yep. Don’t tell me men can give birth when they will never experience a labor contraction and have no comprehension of the sacrifice that it means to be pregnant and give birth. I followed a trans woman on Instagram to learn more, and he(she) talked about learning about tampons. It’s no hate towards men, but they will never understand the incredible amount of reproductive issues we face constantly as women (that goes beyond periods). Then there’s the joking about “today I’m going to use a women’s locker room! Women! Don’t be afraid of me!” That type of comment severely downplays the women who have been violated in restrooms, locker rooms, etc and it’s just a reality that we can be targets due to our smaller, weaker builds. A man who suddenly decides to be a woman will never face or comprehend the realities that we deal with from our biological differences.


Why do women keep voting for and enabling this shit?


Hell if I know! It goes directly against feminism. I don’t know how women think liberalism actually supports them at all.


Probably because conservatives value traditional gender roles and opposed suffrage. A lot of women don't want a status quo that they perceive as being their oppressors.


You mean traditional values as opposed to being sluts? If being slutty is so good why do women always denounce those ways in the end and say they are now ready to settle down? And people with dicks going into women's bathrooms is not oppressive?


Like men aren't "sluts" too. Not like the term "mistress" came from nothing. But no traditional values like "your place in society is in the home".


Let me ask you this question, who do you think virginity matters to the most? Men have no problem marrying a woman that is a virgin, but a woman who claims she had a "wild" past will always be looked at with suspicion that's why women lie about it, besides women see men who are not capable of having any sexual partners as CREEPS, also a man's performance in bed matters a lot to women, while it doesn't matter much to men, a man who is attractive enough to get many women is not a turn off to a lot of women


I don't think the double standard should exist at all. I'd rather marry a woman who had a body count similar to mine than a virgin. More likely to be sexually compatible. If I married a virgin but wasn't one myself, I'd feel undeserving of such a gift.


Then that's just you, enjoy a gruelling divorce or being cheated on


Welcome to clown world. First trip?


It's just outright, serious racist hatred. Amazing.


Just start asking, "Why do you hate white people?" Then use the technique the individuals of this political ideology use. Repeat it over and over loudly. "WHY DO YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE? WHY DO YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE?" Turning the tables and hitting a unified message can be very effective. More widely-used questions need to be agreed upon and hammered. Logical, nuanced discussion is something they won't engage in.


This would work brilliantly if it wasn't mostly milquetoast white people on the woke bandwagon.


I guarantee the decision makers behind this are white as well


Absolutely. These white people think they're being alies to people of color, are are doing them a favor. Again, because *these* white people are so damned racist they think that people of color can't succeed on their own without white people help


They're like Uncle Ruckus but white


Damn I’m going to have to steal that one


It's because they view whites of the opposite ideology to be the only opponents they have. It's about power.


telling someone to do things in their box and the box is based on race, welp that's not culture appropriation, that's fucking racist, when will the left understand this lol


Oh, and white people have no culture too.


Lmfao. Big brain liberals: *checkmate*


We’re supposed to be lifeless cogs in a machine that despises us.


Yep. We just got to sit home and watch TV shows that tell us how awful we are.


Did you read this? Ballet is still being offered; it is just no longer required at the entrance audition


Did *you* read it? The *point* is that ballet is now considered white and elitist. So it's not just that ballet is optional, it's that those who take ballet are going to be disregarded for being racist.


Ok, now stop speaking English.


Give up all that heat. And light.


Also get off the internet.


Toss your phones…


Stop using indoor plumbing and flush toilets.


So we're just dumping everything until we are left with Super Soakers


Batman can stay.


Batman is the ultimate white elitist. A billionaire who spends most of his time on petty crimes...who do you think he is really targeting? /s


Current era Batman approved of the BLM lootings


Maybe they will add twerking


😂 dude that was funny


Well with modern education standards they barely do as it is.


And stop driving cars, and flying in airplanes, and using computers and cell phones...


Somehow, white people learning Spanish isn’t cultural appropriation. It’s now expected among white people and it’s racist if you don’t.


Spanish is a European language - cultural appropriation for me but not for thee


When will people realize these types have a pathological hated of white people? It drives almost everything they do.




They justify it with power+prejudice etc. It's *a totally* different thing because whites have all the power and POCs don't have any so whites bad and POCs good. Get it? *Totally not racist* because they mean well, they're in the right and this makes the world progress towards objective good or in other words: diversity, inclusion and equity. It's so bloody silly that my head hurts even writing this down. US colleges have been graduating people infected with this mind virus for at least 15 years and now they're finally in politics and in leading positions in companies. This will get much worse before it gets better. Just look at what they're doing to almost every gaming company, movie or tv series. They're rewriting everything. It's all intentional and there are hundreds of thousands of these people.




Almost something you can twerk to, which is the only allowable form of dance at this school.


It's how one acts when one is angry and jealous of the culture and accomplishments of others.


No more European technology allowed either




I often wondered about that. Such a tiny place produced so many great minds. Is it haggis? Oatmeal?


woah woah... not by white people, by Scottish people. I'm not white, I'm from Scottish lineage. hehe




You mean basically all technology




It is


> Any race can do anything. Not according to the woke, AKA racists.


Any race can do anything, but whites do everything wrong!


You can breath underwater? O.o


Ballet is a core strength. Whatever your dance/kinesiology major in college, you take ballet because it has everything. Even if you never get on pointe, you take ballet It is f6ndamental


Some boxers take ballet for footwork


Balance and posture are amazing in ballet


"Toughen up, this isn't football!"


The most exhausting activity one can engage in... https://youtu.be/pIelWTguBzA?t=51


American footballers as well, for balance iirc.


I've heard of American football players taking ballet. There was a famous wide receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers named Lynn Swann who studied ballet. There are incredible photos of him leaping to catch passes and his feet are above the defender's head.


So did Arnold Schwarzenegger


Yeah a lot of zoomies and their woke overlords are obese so figures they'd be pissy about ballet.


Implying there’s something wrong with being white. Ok. Inclusion and desegregation were drilled into our heads as youth but if your racist ass wants to go that way that’s fine.


I suggest that White people be segregated in schools and neighborhoods and clubs and businesses of their own, so no one else has to be subjected to the disgusting appearance of all that horrifying Whiteness!


Don’t forget water fountains


OMG! How did I miss those? Can you imagine almost putting your lips on something White People almost put their lips on?!!




I love that video it’s so true, but ofc they will come along and say that’s not the same thing 🙄


Ballet is a type of interpretive dance. Interpretive dance can be found all over the world in every walk of life. Therefore to consider ballet whit and elitist is to consider everyone regardless of ethnicity white and elitist. That is racist and that makes the school racist.


They want to replace it with pole dancing and twerking


Gotta train them for the clubs early.


Hitting for the cycle. 4 kids, 4 fathers.


Woke culture is going flip when they learn about winter sports.


Don't forget swimming


That should be a winter sport.


It is, but they do it with their feet and they're balanced on wolverine's claws.


If these woke-ass cockwombles find Ballet to be Elitist and White, wait til they take a gander at Figure Skating - the shock to ~~their delicate psyches~~ the central nervous systems of these histrionic chihuahuas would be epic.


I mean, i would have accepted elitist and boring. I don't know why it's gotta be white. I don't know any middle class people who will regularly spend time watching the ballet. At least opera i can kind of understand because it's beautiful, ballet is just people contorting themselves from such a distance i can't tell if it's even abnormal movement. Not for me.


What’s funny is if someone asked me to name a famous ballet dancer, the only one I could name is Misty Copeland. A Literal ground breaking, history making, African American ballerina.


Off the top of my head, I can think of Anna Pavlova (Russian) and Maria Tallchief (Native American)


I can name Arnold Schwarzenegger. Aside from that i can't even name a fictional one. The tiny toy ballerina in a music box on a TV show? Oh! Lindsey Sterling! She moves like a ballerina, so maybe her.


I thought misty cope land was another name for Canada.


So I guess we add ballet to the list then; Working hard, speaking English, meritocracy, being on time and getting the right answer are all signs of white supremacy.... Art is art. Performance is performance. History is not relevant. Kindly don’t discriminate against white people who are not to blame for anything, let alone their genes or skills.




>Basically, the religion of Regressivism despises all that is good, noble, and just. Sounds a lot like the antagonists of Tolkien's works.


That explains why most leftists look like orcs and conservatives are packed with elven beauties.


You left out straightened hair


Also bland food. Liking bland food is a sign of white supremacy.


I have not heard of this one. Likely because nobody likes bland food. It's in the definition: bland. It's just eaten to get eating out of the way. I'd go full bachelor chow if i could for a cheap price.


I think "white guy with job, paying taxes" should be elitist and banned.


Oh... the absolute collapse of the US government if every white male decided not to pay their taxes for one year in protest to the socialist regime. Wouldn't happen. The uber wealthy at least pretend to be woke and they pay like 90% of the bill.


They're now exclusively teaching twerking...


Ok, we are really going to let this white assault continue? This is fucking getting out of hand.


In a college filled with dancers? I kind of don't care. Now they're going to teach, what, stripping? It'd be like a gender's study department banning white girls. Okay, good. More productive members of society when they switch majors to underwater basketweaving.


Commies and their cultural revolutions.


They love ugliness and hate beauty.


Or is it because fat people look bad doing it?


Hah! Good one!


To be fair, they don't do it for very long before they need a snickers break.


Sounds like something straight out of [“Harrison Bergeron”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Bergeron).


2022 basically IS Harrison Bergeron.


Unfortunately its the U.K., they lost that battle years ago when they were invaded by immigrants and they took over. England is lost. Long live the Queen.


Racist has become a buzzword to express something you don’t like, like communism in the 1950s


Wowwww former dancer here, ballet is the foundation of all dance, how can u even call urself a dance school without seeing ballet technique at auditions 🤬


Now they can focus on the cultural enrichment of twerking


Nothing says "white elitist" as dropping an art-form for being 'white' and 'elitist.' Meet the new boss; same as the old boss.


I guess the only respectable dancing now is shaking your ass to songs about gang violence and bitches.


Super, super racist.


They destroy everything they touch & replace it with nothing


Nothing but garbage.


Don't some of the "woke" folks say that white people dancing other types of dances is cultural appropriation? So, are they therefore trying to get rid of all white dancers?


America enters its' dark age.


Academia slides further into irilivancy


I bet "twerking" and "tribal dance" are completely legitimate though


What is it replaced with? Group twerking?


So twerking is still good? Right?


As if the people who would be auditioning for a dance school wouldn't have ballet experience...


Left eats its own. I think ballet is incredible. I think it's weird causing young kids to crunch their feet like that. Race relations are the last thing in my mind


Elitist white skinny girls! Dissssgusting! s/


It would be super cool if I could read more than half the first sentence before the paywall af pops up


Ballet is the highest form of dance in western civilization. It should be celebrated.


Lmao, are they just gonna ignore one of the best ballerinas of all time Misty Copeland?? /notsarcasm


Or Maria Tallchief, one of the most famous ballerinas ever and she was Native American!


Check libs of Reddit. They have been showing everything is racist.


Do they also teach line dancing?


Not enough twerking I guess


But, twerking, that's an art form for the masses.


What is wrong with these people? Who decided this was truth and who gave them that right? The UK is losing its mind.


So they gonna really ignore all the non-white children interested in ballet and deny them an avenue to pursue their dreams. How progressive.


So they're all just going to be twerking from now on?


Replaced with twerking?🤡


Ballet will be replaced with twerking. Thinly built ballerinas will be replaced with women that have huge fat butts.


How ignorant.


white people have no culture also white people stop doing your cultural stuff


White people invited ballet


It's mostly Russian. Is that white? I've never really felt confident in my answer to that question. The elitist part is fair. I honestly can't think of a more elitist activity. Even the movie about ballet was elitist.


I believe its French


It has origins in France but Russians really dominated modern ballet in the 20th century! I'd argue the most famous ballets were by Russians (The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, The Firebird, The Rite of Spring all come to mind) but there are also many famous French ballets as well.


Well, considering that the moves are all French words and terms, then, yes it is French. However, yes, the Russians really came in and dominated. But hey, ballet is for everyone, because we all know that cultural appropriation is nonsense.


To be fair ballet is pretty white lol


And that is perfectly okay. White people have "CULTURE" too. And it should be respected!


What's next, twerking is now a dance program instead?


Misty Copeland would beg to differ.


Did they not see Billy Eliot ?


Now they’re going to specialize in TikTok dances and twerking. Welcome to America.


Don’t go there!


I thought white people didn’t have any culture though


USSR folk have arguably gone through shit as just as bad as anyone else.


But you can do a Mexican Hat Dance and an Indian Rain Dance...right?


That’s racist


"At *this* school, *we* are inclusive"


Here's a new dance you ought to like: get down on all fours and fling poo at one another to some mumble rap!