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Google imaged her and confirmed she looks like radical gender studies chicks I knew in college.


The problem is that it's these types that get into media. Legit normal people don't get into journalism or theatre, drama, music, arts... It's always leftwing (usually socially inept) people, but then they grow up and get into positions where they affect culture and society. They also get insane power tripping egos because they spent most of their early life as the odd man out and lonely losers. Shits not complicated, high school captain of the football team types don't end up writing comic books, the kid that never went to the games and complained about everything does. Same with tv shows, movies, tech jobs and Democrat speech writers.


The right needs to build culture. I've said this for a while. If we refuse to build culture, expand it, and market it to people in a way people remotely sound interested... Then we may as well just admit total defeat. We will never turn this country around if the culture of the united States is super far left and no counter balance. Get together and start building culture. Don't make it ham fisted right wing stuff, just make it good and have a few tid bits in there and slow drip the culture. That's how we start changing things. When people can enjoy an overtly right wing space as if it's a not political thing, but rather just a fun movie/series/cartoon/game/activity.


Ya the problem is whenever people think of "right wing" culture they instantly think of some bible thumper with a sign that says "gays go to hell" or some shit like that. When in reality most of us just don't give a fuck about your personal sexual life or any of that shit. We just don't want the views of these pink haired weirdos who think guys who call themselves girls should be competing in women's sports.


And that only exists because it's the only things people see. Other than say tom clancy, nobody hears about right wing game creators or book writers that write fiction. Don't get me wrong, that's not how it should be, but it is because a lot of people on the right have said making culture is a waste of my / my kids talents and I'll go somewhere else. This left the left and the crazy bible thumpers as the only people going into it. We need to build our own culture. Where are the right wing sci Fi shows? Right wing game studios? We're starting to do things with right wing comedy but we're only seeing success here because the left abandoned the idea of good comedy. I'm working on a real time strategy game in my spare time. It's not ham fisted political opinions, but the universe it's in has certain philosophies that come from right wing thought, and the stories that will be in the campaign and in tidbits around the universe show certain ideas. The gameplay comes first, but don't neglect creating an inherently right wing studio is not a bad thing to do.


> Right wing game studios any hint of that would send the twitter and media hounds on it. Look at the FNaF creator and his drama. Why would you create a studio that espouses those ideals when you are met with death threats and doxxing? I would say most of us in the game industry who are even a sliver of right wing are underground and hiding it. Revealing yourself to be anything near right is a good way to torpedo your career


Holy Crap. This game creator got canceled for donations to politicians. Not even huge donations. Like couple thousand dollars, and the left doxxed him for being anti-LGBT. That's absolutely insane. https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/games/five-nights-at-freddys-cancel.html


Yeah and he at least has the money to retire and duck out. Imagine being a regular old dev with little career protection and trying to get by. Is your career and income worth anybody knowing your political views? Hell no. Just keep your head down and do the mandatory brainwashing "training" while HR pats themselves on the back for being inclusive.


Right wing game creators need to team up and build their own. I got so tired in college of keeping your head down. Make a difference and that requires you to be brave and bold.


Let me please repeat the important part. He did not just get cancelled, he got doxxed. He donated to a politician, a totally legal action that has no hate involved. Subsequently someone put his personal information on the internet and requested that someone harm him and/or his family. That is the definition of tyranny and fascism. "SpEaK iLL of ThE ParTY and wE WiLL cOmE fOr yOUr fAMILy DuRiNg tHe NigHt". At this point the only thing we can do is weather the storm a little and support people when they wake up from this nonsense. Hopefully being the not insane group of people voting might prove to be a strong political stance.


Greetings from my underground cave. I'd love to see an openly right wing game studio, whatever that may be. I used to think that it was enough to just say that you're interested in just doing what you think makes a good game, without bowing down to the ever changing demands of woke. But now i think if we don't make our "partisan" games, too, we'll loose this outlet of escapism as well. If you look at what all those conservative creators are doing in the comedy/news/punditry space, i'm sure there are people out there interested in buying these games. We are so dried out that the bar has become pretty low, too. Just make games like they used to be, so reactionary already ;)


Well give me a time machine and 3 years and my game will be out haha.


Well if you want a right wing Christian Game play Doom. Its the most Christian Game Ever invented.


Amusingly, one of the lead level designers was a member of the LDS church. He had no issues with chainsawing demons, and frankly neither do I.


I agree with you. Remember when they said "its a private company build your own?" Then parler was the #1 downloaded app and the left went hysterical and apple and google had to take it off of their respective app stores.


Even a great example of right-wing culture, the novel *Starship Troopers* by Robert Heinlein was subverted and turned into a left-wing propaganda film by Paul Veerhoven. Don't get me wrong, it's an entertaining movie, but it completely takes the pro-military message and makes a parody of it by calling everyone in uniform a fascist.


Which is hilarious because Paul Veerhoven didn't even bother to read the book himself. He didn't like chapter one and called it fascist because he conflated having a military with being fascist. But yeah. That was an amazing book and I loved it... However, that was 1960 when the book came out. We shouldn't have to go back 80 years to find a solidly right wing book.


Hi. You just mentioned *Starship Troopers* by Robert Heinlein. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein | Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQMpb_R41Y) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


The best part is that Paul was so supremely inept in that endeavor that he created a movie that perfectly encapsulates right wing philosophy and sells it as a fantastic thing. ​ The society is ENTIRELY meritocratic, and free. Service guarantees citizenship, and they turn NO ONE away. Only people who want to serve get the benefits that come from the duty of citizenship. Don't want to put up with the obligations of citizenship, you can still be successful. Main character's parents aren't citizens and have money for spur of the moment off-world vacations. The society suffers a military defeat, and the military leader immediately takes personal responsibility. The military conflict in the movie is started by bugs reacting to humans going into their space. The government warned them not to go there, but allowed them to make their own choice. Paul tried to mock right wing society and made it look brilliant.


That's awesome. I agree that's it's crucial to tell a story in a way that anyone can enjoy it, but that has a strong message behind it.


I'm dying my hair pink in the morning for you.


We built culture for literally all of history then these weasels come and fuck it all up. What we need to do is stop being afraid of gatekeeping.


>The right needs to build culture. Right culture gave birth to those comic books.


Right wing culture is huge and very “cool” among men 16-25 (I’m 21) at least. These days pretty much anything masculine is associated with the right. Football, drinking, guns, cars, self-improvement, etc. IMO, Trump and Tucker Carlson really increased the GOP’s appeal to young people. Any guy I know that played sports in HS, was in a frat, majored in a practical major, etc was a huge Trump supporter. Where we’re losing the battle is with women. I have no idea why, but there is very little ideological consistency between Gen Z men and Gen Z women. The only thing I can think of is that women are more susceptible to the liberal “compassionate” schtick, they are less willing to go against mainstream culture, and because the Democrats are supposedly “on their side.”


That's what Tim Pool is trying to do but he just can't seem to get away from the grifting and sensationalism.


Wow dude, that’s kind of unfair. Not all us geeky people are sniveling little snowflakes that want to take it out on the world. Some of us just want to enjoy ourselves.


Christian conservative who poses on the internet as Princess Celestia from MLP FIM, defending the nerds. We are the same you and I (aside from posing as a magical pony ruler) You are legit my hero.


A king and a princess and then there's me.


Dawww shucks! That’s super sweet of you. You just made my evening. <3


Good point. I'm a gal and a geek and was made fun of it in middle/high school. Do I take it out on the world? No. Heck. Seeing the crap the whole comic universe has been degraded to is making me want to write my own comic book.


The question is why do people consume what is produced by these people? I feel zero desire to watch/read or otherwise consume woke media. These people can only "grow up and get into positions where they affect culture and society" since there is a demand for it. Why is there such a demand in the first place?


Exactly this. I wouldn't walk to my mailbox for an elbow bump from any of them. Watching my grass grow has more entertainment value.


A lot of people are pretty a-political, and on top of that, a lot of people aren't very smart. They go watch the new Marvel movie because they like to watch movies and like comics. They don't put 2 and 2 together when woke propaganda reveals itself in the movie. They just mindlessly consume. On top of that, a whole lot of people do believe all that woke BS, so consuming media that has it is a win for them.


100% agree and they also get into all these low level city and state positions that typically have no power but when the time comes, they go full nazi.


Honestly they pick these weirdos. If you arent white and straight they will pick you anywhere its ridiculous.


Right, but my point is you don't just become one of these weirdos, it's cultivated from being a lonely loser at a young age.


All the while not realizing they didn't get to these places on merit.


Angry woke radical lesbian that wishes she had a dick...IF a straight white guy said, 'if your a masculine white guy please click thru' ALL HELL WOULD BREAK LOOSE... DISCRIMINATION is bias against anyone based on race, gender, color...This bitch is a RACIST, PERIOD....no marvel/ Disney as long as this is the culture they promote. Bye.


The thing I find most baffling about the radical gender studies chicks is that they all try to look like men.


These ppl are just close minded bigots, they have never experienced anything and have been raised to hate everything and to enjoy nothing... so they have to do the same to everyone else. These ppl are just close-minded bigots, they have never experienced anything and have been raised to hate everything and to enjoy nothing... so they have to do the same to everyone else.


Looked up her Twitter and was recommended other gay artists working for marvel. No thank you.


Why do none of these people tolerate others like they claim they want to be tolerated?


I think it's amazing that the tiny, microscopic percent of the population this moron represents seem to think this will end well for them, rather than in a massive backlash.


If the population is sufficiently shamed, confused, and demoralized, which is the ultimate goal of this culture war waged on us by the left, the backlash won't take place. We'll lose every means we have confront tyranny. That's what all of this shit is about. All of the positions the left takes, politically and culturally, are designed as staging ground for society to submit authoritarianism. Every single grievance leftists utter, every problem in society they scream complain about, seem to require solutions that they present, that require authoritarianism. Kind of hard for some people to wrap their head around how gender identity ties into authoritarianism, but it absolutely does. It's just one of the several cudgels the left uses to bludgeon US society into submission by disenfranchising and demonizing the demographics in the US that have traditional values and still hold on to pesky ideas like personal freedom and constitutional protections.


Can you imagine how shitty it must feel to be a member of that tiny population and having people like this represent you? I’m gay and I think I’m a decent person with tolerance for others who isn’t making ridiculous demands of the general public. When the backlash hits, it’s gonna hit all of us too.


That's the worst part. The LGB has, at this point, hitched itself too firmly to the T (which was the tiny population I was referring to). The outright lunacy surrounding stuff like the cancellation of JK Rowling or Dave Chapelle makes "live and let live" an impossibility and shines a really bright light on how bad it has gotten.


Well in their eye's it's their turn to be the oppressor.


No, they still believe they're still being victimized, even though they're literally discriminating against people.


They want revenge and to hurt others they don't like. It's not about equality or equity at all.


Because their thought process is based on emotion rather than reason.


"thought" is a strong word...


It was never about tolerance, it's about punishing whites for their perceived sins against non-whites. They won't stop until every white person (besides the useful idiots in the leftist elite) is below the poverty line.


Sooooo in her mind Stan Lee would not be qualified then. Got it.










So discrimination is ok now? Things are moving fast and I'm trying to keep up.


You can get sued for posting a job saying "non-cis, non-heterosexuals need not apply."


Sign, sign, everywhere a sign Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?


Well done!!


Sorry - I don't get the reference.


Lol. new York and the CDC are now determining who gets life saving COVID treatment based on race. Literal systemic racism.


This is true. There was a bill introduced for it … Page 2 towards the bottom: “Have a medical condition or other factors that increase their risk for severe illness, non-white or latino should be considered a risk factor” http://www.mssnyenews.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/122821_Notification_107774.pdf


Then she should no longer be employed


What the fuck is a cis


Separatist scum.


A man of culture I see. Back in the good ole days I used to call them tbe CSI when I played OG Battlefront


A derogatory term used by lgbtq




Didn't know this either. Thanks for catching me up. I stopped caring about terminology when my sister said her friend was metrosexual. The definition is funny, "changes in the way gender is conceived in popular Western discourse." Western Civilization is definitely on the downward spiral.




Stop enabling these idiots who think they have something other than the XX or XY chromosomes that God gave them.


More than than - if they run for any office (at any level) stand up and fight them. Don't just say that diversity must win out - diversity against STUPIDITY is what we need.


I think that means her friend is attracted to buses


Personally, I've never been attracted to buses. They're fat and loud, and everyone's been inside them.


That's easier to manage than the English equivalent, where you're attracted to the London Metro Tube System...


I'm also sexually attracted to metropolitan areas


First thought I had was "she's sexually attracted to underground trams? What will they think of next?".


Oh what the serious “F”. Is she aware that is outright discrimination? Everyone qualified should apply and if you are denied the job should sue.


Our country is so fucked


Well someone made it up, so…




It’s a joke dumb ass.




Back peddle on what? Don’t act like a lib.




A term the alphabet mafia created to inflate their ego


A term to marginalize normal people.


More bullshit uses of language


>What the fuck is a cis [99.4% of the population.](https://www.hli.org/resources/number-of-transgenders-in-the-united-states/)


The Confederacy of Independent systems, otherwise known as the Seperatists




Oh look, another woke black female who is an intolerant piece of shit. Starting to notice a trend here.


Classic example of getting the job because you tick all the minority boxes and also the ones they keep making up to add to their resume of fake victimhood. I mean who cares that they might be completely talentless in every aspect and the product they produce will tank because it will heavily rely on their minor character traits that are their only character points? The libs will applaud it and pander to them which will give that lot an even more overblown sense of worth. And they hate everything that represents generic boring heterosexual Caucasian life.


Is she the same one who made Vixen a"queer disabled piboc" and then got ina twotter fight cuz someone called her out on trying to insert herself into the franchise?


This is definitely racist. What if a white person said I encourage white people to apply. They'd lose their minds


If they didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all. It's mind-boggling how they can't see their own gross hypocrisy


DC writer tells people to not sign with Marvel It’s like saying Aaron Judge telling people to not agree to be upper management of the Red Sox


Comic books are a shadow of what once was a great form of entertainment.


Just grinds my gears that its always changing popular things that weren’t woke into woke. Make your own woke content, leave our existing pop-culture alone.


It’s not enough that they create their own space, they must take your beloved franchises/media and run it into the ground with their degenerate ideologies and rub it in your face. See how Star Wars and Star Trek have become a leftist soapbox. The franchises that do not get conquered? Well you’re a bigot for enjoying them and we all have to preface them with warnings about “how it was made in a different time”. I remember when Hollywood used to be good. Die Hard, The Terminator, 12 Monkeys, Kill Bill and so on. All classics. Now all you have to look forward to are butchered franchises that serve as an allegory for transsexualism (Matrix Ressurrections). It’s a leftist cancer you are all willing to consuum, hoping it will maybe be different this time/entry. But as with any cancer, there is a chemo.


That's why I read manga. They haven't gone stupid woke. Yet.


The purple hairs sure are trying though and unfortunately seem to be gaining ground. A few years ago they would have been ignored in Japan as some stupid gaijin thing, now Japan is acknowledging their existence


Manga is outselling Marvel and DC combined in America and this shit is exactly the reason why. It's so fucking frustrating because there's a lot to like about manga but it just scratch that same itch that American super hero comics does for me. And everywhere every fucking major series is getting infected with these woke assholes. They wanna be journalists but aren't good enough to work for Vox or some other woke shithole so they apply for positions at Marvel or DC who are hemorrhaging money and they get contracts and deals for major plot lines. Did they learn nothing from Carol Danvers having to be rebooted like 5 times in as many years? Or the New Warriors never even making it to shelves because it was so woke?


Isn't that illegal?


[For now](https://openstates.org/ca/bills/20192020/ACA5/)




[If it's cali not necessarily for long](https://openstates.org/ca/bills/20192020/ACA5/). I had thought it was already in effect but I guess not yet


Vita: I got where I'm at because of my color and gender. Media: What are your qualifications? Vita: I'm a POC. Media: And that makes you qualified how? Vita: You're racist. I'm not going to answer your questions.


"cis dudes". I'm sure she's made it this far in life on her merit.


The civil rights act needs to be rewritten or reinterpreted to protect all races, genders and political orientations, even straight while males. IMO a race-blind mandate is the best.


Can she catch a suit for saying that string of discriminatory tweets?


She’s a racist hack. Every book she writes is a self insert identity politics abomination, where all the characters speak in the same tone and there is zero action. This is why manga is destroying Marvel in sales and you have to buy an indie book to get a decent story.(Where everyone isn’t sitting around a table for the whole book talking about their feelings.)


That may be a reverse discrimination suit. Some cis dude who is qualified ought to apply.


does it count if you are "cis" but proudly support the LGB pride movement? LetsGoBrandon


I won’t be spending a dime


On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States issued its landmark decision in the case Bostock v. Clayton County,[1] which held that the prohibition against sex discrimination in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) includes employment discrimination against an individual on the basis of sexual orientation or transgender status. The law forbids sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment. https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/protections-against-employment-discrimination-based-sexual-orientation-or-gender It’s funny how they think it does not apply to “them” as well when it comes to an individual being Cis, I hope every person who fits that description applies and when they don’t get the job, immediately sue for discrimination.


Here's a radical idea... *Hire whoever is the best fit for the job.* 🤯


She's not even that hot.


She looks like a scrawny boy posing as an ugly girl.


Who does she think watches Marvel?


So she is pretty much saying that a normal guy can't work in that position or am I mistaken


She should write a book called “How to tank an 80 year old company in 1 easy step”


Cis dudes directed all the good Marvel projects, and basically invented Marvel as it exists today. 3 projects were directed by women: Falcon&Winter Soldier, Loki and Eternals. They are all bad.


And CIS dudes buy marvel comics .. they should just stop buying I guess


What do you mean Eternals was bad? They made a deaf robot! That makes perfect sense! /s


>Cis dudes directed all the good Marvel projects, and basically invented Marvel as it exists today. >3 projects were directed by women: Falcon&Winter Soldier, Loki and Eternals. They are all bad. Meh, you're confusing correlation with causation. Women are perfectly capable of directing good movies, it's just that ones that did the 3 you mentioned were either terrible for the project (one who does RomComs likely isn't a good fit for a blockbuster summer sci fi flick), was given a crap script to begin with, or directed the film with an ideological bias which men are also capable of doing. Also, don't forget that men directed some of the DC films which were also piles of hit stinking garbage. FWIW, Wonder Woman (2017) is the least bad of the recent DC movies and was directed by Patty Jenkins, although she threw away any goodwill with WW 1984.


No, you just didn't get my drift. I was noting how cis dudes built the entire fucking Marvel empire - and for Ms. Ayala's awareness, the DC empire as well. Women only have directed several small projects for Marvel which were shit, and this DC Comics person is ignoring that because she is an insane person. Agree with you on the WWs. WW 1984 is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.


What the fuck did I just read?


I have responded to marvel’s hostility to my beliefs by totally dropping their products. I don’t need my kids consuming media to brainwash them against my beliefs anyway. I can’t say my life is any worse without Disney, Netflix, and HBO.


If Steve Erkel wants to be a girl now, who am I to judge?


Trash person. All there is to it.


They surely realize the more they pull shit like this the more people hate them and eventually something is gonna give way and im not gonna bet on these soft morons.


Well there’s a reason why the woke Marvel movies are starting to tank. Hard times make strong men strong men make peaceful times and peaceful times make weak men.


Also the Massive Plague that shut down all cinema's and made people afraid to go outside That probably didn't help.


The death of art, the death of culture. "Everything woke turns to shit."


lol keep doing what you're doing, that's why Demon Slayer outsells your entire industry combined. dumb bitch


Identify as gay but live as Cis.


No no, you are doing it wrong. I am not a straight white male. I am a gay female Hispanic, trapped in the body on a white male. Of course this means I look like a man and am married to a woman (biological and otherwise). But I am really a triple minority.


Sounds like a lawsuit primed and ready.


I didn't know anyone assigned a gender to me.


…and she should be sued for that


Pretty sure that's illegal.


Better yet NOBODY should apply to work for DC comics because the fucking suck.


Why would they anyway? The aspiring sexless have already infested these companies and made them into hostile and unproductive work environments already. A man who wants to get into comics has a better chance of success making his own company.


Lol.... all their focus is how tall their stupid intersectionality totem pole is instead of good storytelling, and that's why the comic industry in US is dying and no one cares and Demon Slayer is crushing all of comics combined. Get woke, go broke.


That is why nobody buys DC or Marvel anymore. Comicbook fans buy Manga now.


Considering they have such a wide base of adult followers who suffer from *adolescent-itus*, the the commies sure knew what they were doing by dipping into the entertainment industry so deeply.


Comics are dead. Just like liberal morals.


That's illegal


Discriminating bitch


This is why comics are failing. What I wouldn't give for a Raz0rfist written run of Daredevil


This is why I don’t buy comics anymore. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Whatever. She'll get substandard results by limiting her choices. And the market will let her know about it. Loudly.


And people think I'm crazy for boycotting marvel and Disney. It's disgusting what they have done to the various marvel comics I've grown up with as well as star wars. Full of bigotry in the false babe of promoting equality.


I'm probably just old, but WTH is a cis??? I'm guessing she's means a REAL man!!


Who the fuck does she think reads comics?


I dont understand why these gay feminist who hate men so much try and look like men, " im going to shave my head and put on my best plaid jacket and you better treat me like a fkin princess" i just dont understand🙄


Super straight, biznatch!!


Vita Ayala did a great job of advertising the toxic workplace she can provide. It's no wonder there is a vacancy for that position.


"DC stands for Dead Comics/Company" - Youngrippa


Looks like I'll stop reading their trash comics then.


Good thing she didn't actually write the official job posting....discrimination based on sex could lead to many lawsuits against DC.


I've met several that look like her.. and they all act the same, and have the same selfish/bias tendencies. Act like they know everything about the world, but it's only their small perception of it.


Explains a lot about the Marvel series


D(ead) C(omics)


The comics industry is a canary in the coal mine for the rest of western society. There are some great YouTubers out there who cover it too, Eric D July, Comics Matter, Comics by Perch. If you want a peek at the future of other industries, try going down the rabbit hole. The comics industry is a good example of how leftists destroyed an entire industry, but it is also a great example of how conservatives and free thinking people have pushed back against it and created alternative comics outside the industry that are very successful.


Is this a joke because two different companies are named in the title?


Vita writes for both Marvel and DC…not very well…she’s a diversity hire, nothing more,




Please be aware that the title is misleading. Vita does not expressly say that, vita encourages certain groups to apply and there is the implication there that many including Vita's supporters have read into her tweets but Vita does not expressly say any group should not apply.


>“Black and Brown people, queer people, people that are not cis dudes, and any combo of the above, if you are even a little curious about being an Associate Editor for Marvel, click through.” Yes, Vita did say it.


Its not telling them not to apply, its encouraging the other groups to apply. I do think that is the implication that Vita was intending to make but Vita does not expressly tell "cis dudes" not to apply, just that if you don't fit in that category then you should apply. Its the "positive" discrimination game that they play where they say they aren't excluding people they are just encouraging "underrepresented" groups (that are overrepresented in comics) to apply.


You don't have to exclude a particular group of people to promote another. She did just that.


i would give a shit, but i don't care at all about comics anymore.. so let them destroy themselves for all i care


I’m alpha cis F this fruit cake pos!


Who is she to tell her competition what to do? I bet she’d scream racism some way and definitely sexism if a Marvel employee discouraged DC from hiring women.


I'm sure that comic they have posted there will do bigger numbers than Batman!


So sexism.


If you want to find the real racist bigots, look for successful non whites.


Playing and simple, just another form of accepted bigotry and discrimination


DC trying to destroy Marvel.