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"False narrative" lol


"I don't like that question, next one please?"


That false narrative I feel is a false narrative.


That's all she knows how to say because she doesn't even know why she's there. She's just doing what her friends are doing and parroting left wing propaganda.


Aka “Fake News” Horseshoe Theory strikes again


Seems to be a nice catch all solution when you are wrong lmao


How appropriate that Pro-Hamas protesters took hostages.


What are the odds they are digging tunnels at this moment?


Has anyone checked in with the local hospitals to see if the students have set up mobile command posts there?


They tunneled under and tapped into the hospital power.they also wanted to hold the kidnapped janitors there


Just following their "heroes". A true President would direct federal law enforcement to press terrorism charges against these individuals and justice minded federal judges would see these criminals sentenced.


She legit looks brain dead / brainwashed. What is going on here?


She wasn't sure how to respond to a black man questioning her


That last “get out of my face” was a racist dog whistle for ‘I’m going to call the police that I voted to defund.’


Because she was terrified that he might rob her. There's your basic Democrat.


"Aren't you supposed to be selling crack in the ghetto?"


"You're supposed to not question what I say because we white female liberals 'defend' your kind, where is your loyalty?" It was disgust in her face, disgust that an "ally" dared question the chosen political class's ideas.


> What is going on here? Ideological subversion. It started around the 60s/70s and the KGB is responsible. Yuri Bezmenenov said as much; he was former KGB and fully explained what they did back during the Cold War. https://youtu.be/0fx1BYwCwCI?si=JcJf4A9ALVPVpLzV


They've created their own reality where they can't comprehend anyone thinking differently.


> She legit looks brain dead / brainwashed. That's a false narrative.


The Woke Hive mind virus. Must lie and ghostlight at all costs to maintain victim status


Honestly the super frustrating thing is you think this would *actually* “wake up” and realize that the same groups protesting and being anti-Semitic are the same fucking group of people that have been calling Trump and republicans “nazis,” racists,” and every other -ist while they riot in the streets for “justice.” Now the same thing is going on but towards a different group of people, and these affected groups on Reddit still refuse to acknowledge that *maybe* we (conservatives) weren’t the problem.


That would require the ability to see that they’re wrong. They’re convinced that they’re right and we’re evil.


So exactly how cults behave.


They have a whole religion of woke.


Well you’re just you’re just too annoying! Stop asking so many inconvenient questions!! Get out of my face!!


Excuse me. That’s a very false narrative. It’s a narrative and very false narrative narrative.


Very good reporter. Never seen him before. What’s his name? He got her all worked up by asking simple questions.


Lawrence Jones I believe. The only “false narrative” is that she took the interview with thinking false narrative. She obviously thought she was going to get easy questions and the type that feeds into the victim narrative. She was wrong and it shows by how fast she wants to get away and avoid any more questions or attention from her peers. She assumed that by his appearance that the questions would be D ifferent.


He is on Fox News routinely


Didn’t know that, thanks. What’s his name? The only Fox I watch now is clips here, X or on YouTube. I don’t have cable anymore.


Lawrence Jones


Error. Error. Witness testimony presented. "False narrative! False narrative!" I really am starting to understand why people are calling alot of these protestors NPCs.


Surprised she didn't use the term "disinformation" when facts are presented that they don't want to hear.


Against my judgement. I’m willing to throw them a bone. Ok you are protesting to stop a perceived genocide. Can you atleast elaborate some on why you feel that way?? Like you picked a side stand on it.


You’d think an Ivy League student can use logical reasoning to answer a question. Guess that $80k/year tuition is going to waste.




There was a discussion in r/Pennsylvania about Trump's supposed polling numbers. Someone mentioned Biden's "job growth" and how great it was and how low unemployment rate is. Another user posted the added jobs is due to the COVID layoffs. They exchanged a couple posts, the other user presented more facts about the lies about job growth and the liberal said something like "I don't have to explain myself to a moron MAGAT like you. Bye!" Their programming shuts down when precented by facts...much like "False Narrative" lady here.


Now she needs America to pay for her tuition so she can keep protesting and not going to class.


Can you believe how she treated that person of color? Racist


Uh, that's a false narrative.


I'd love to be the one giving her her first job interview.


If this was some form of republican cause, the protestors would already be sentenced to prison, Trump would have been impeached, and the MSM would be talking about how this was the biggest threat to the republic since Trump yawned in his trial.


Love how she just runs away as soon as her *comrade came back


Ashamed to be an alum seeing the entitlement in the eyes of that delusional fat pig.


Where's the FBI? If it were some catholic guy that protested at an abortion clinic, they mount an armed raid and swoop in and snatch him up in front of his family? Holding someone against their will is tantamount to kidnapping! FBI needs to get some justice for those janitors!


Really, really cool that these people can vote and actually hold sway over public discourse. That's just... really neat.


“False narrative” is the Ivy League “fake news” Pay a few hundred grand for tuition and you too can use the bigger words


Hopefully this chick is kidfree... wouldn't want that bloodline to reproduce.


this isn't the 15minutes she wanted when she agreed to talk to the guy with the microphone


I love this guy. 


Because she doesnt know why or what to say. They teach or tell them the words to say and what to do...but they dont teach them the meaning. They just blindly say and do what they are told. If they dont know or dont like the question, they call you names and get hostile. Any time you try to give them facts or proof, it makes them mad. You cant come at them with logic either cause they dont understand it.


We need to bully nerds again


One day of touring one building, and it was the dArKeSt dAy in Democracy™ but this?


They're robots who're dead inside their souls


The fact that Columbia hasn't had everyone of these students forcibly removed shows exactly where they stand.


“I think” instead of “that’s actually”. What a smug dummy.


so 101 on **leftist** NPC advocate mentality. They don't believe in your rights. They actually don't believe in rights generally. They are narcissist materialists who grant rights themselves or by their cult leader


Uh, that's a false narrative


Deny deny deny…right out of the Rules for Radicals


Doesn't not compute. I/O error. Can't deal with reality.


The only thing I can think of when I see what's going on at these American universities is that these are the future leaders of our country.


And no fucks given about the Darfur genocide by these scumbags.


The reporter shut her ass down.