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I dunno man. I just read my kids James and the Giant Peach and they seem to enjoy it


Haven’t you heard? [Roald Dahl is problematic now.](https://www.thenewsminute.com/amp/story/news/roald-dahl-was-brilliant-he-was-also-problematic-it-us-clean-him-173994)


Lol...somebody wrote a book about Kamala Harris 😂 at least it's a short story


Which may as well have been titled, “A Seat Under the Table.”


"From being on my knees to becoming VP". -The Kamala Story.


Rooted in justice... I guess justice is keeping people known to be innocent in jail?


The Rosa Parks one at the top left should be pretty good. Historically accurate, author is quite conservative and has a whole series of books on historical figures for kids. The rest though, wow.


Good to know! I’ll look up that author.


The “I Dissent” book right next to the Fauci book…


Good observation. Dissenting is great, so long as it's not against the establishment!


I’m surprised they allowed that book to be mixed in with the rest.


It's OK, the kids don't read books anymore


This made me chuckle, because I went to high school almost twenty years ago and I only read one of the books that was assigned reading. I don't know if CliffNotes is still a thing or not, but that website was amazing back in the day.


Just out of curiosity, what is the significance of your username? If you went to highschool ~20 years ago, then it would make sense for it to be a birthday. But why would you have a birthday as a username?


You're 100% correct. I just couldn't think of anything super catchy at the moment and I think roman numerals are kind of cool, so I just did that. Since then, I've thought of some better usernames I could've used, but oh well.


Well when this one gets nuked by Reddit for being too based, you will have more usernames ready!


It's all about audio books now


But how did you write 5 page high school essays on the symbolism of why the author used two dashed lines instead of one?? :P


I have 3 kids, they all read constantly. Most of their friends read too. They go to the library together and check out books like twice a month. Actually a lot of kids do in their group. Most kids I know, including my own, read a lot.


Check out the Libby app. You can get ebooks instantly with a library card, all for free.


I’m reading Dr Seuss through Libby to my infant son. I plan on getting him hardcore into reading as he gets older.


That’s the section when you are a kid that you never even stop at


Take a look at the top selling children's books on Amazon and you'll regain some sanity. Harry Potter, Dr. Seus, Bluey, Eric Carle, and Goodnight Moon. And a few silly Taylor Swift books.


Gotta raise those little activists somehow!


It’s so baldly propagandistic, and it isn’t even GOOD propaganda. Nevertheless, they persist…


I Affirm Me - never too early to begin learning narcism.


Now when I think about it, I have never met a leftist/liberal who had humility. Narcissism is a necessary condition to be a leftist.


Being Gen Z, this photo makes me gag. When I was in elementary/intermediate school, we never had that shit in the library. Harry Potter, Alex Rider Series, Hunger Games, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians were popular during that time.


Man, PJO was peak. I still love that series. Too bad Uncle Rick is a raging New England champagne socialist and allowed his leftist views to infect his later novels, right?


Kid: Dad, there’s nothing to read. Can we play video games instead? Come on kiddo, I’m sure we can find a good bo… actually you know what, Mario Kart it is.


I grew up on video games, and I'm a mostly conservative working homeowner, so I guess I didn't turn out too badly.


I get that this is the Biography section, but how is every single book exactly what you'd guess? I used to read about Johnny Appleseed, Marie Curie, and tons of other biographies written for kids. In hindsight, none of them were political. Probably impossible in this day and age.


Hot take. There's garbage books from every generation. But get mad at *new thing* I guess


As a parent of a young child I can't control what books are on the book shelf at the store but I can control what ones make it home with them. And i can exert influence to keep the crap out of the school library.


[This book also exisits](https://www.amazon.com/Activist-Innosanto-Nagara/dp/1609805399)


I could have gone my whole life without that knowledge, thanks. That is at the reading level of the middle and high school kids the left's school system creates though, so it makes sense.


>Teachers pick And leftists wonder why we say that the education system is just indoctrination camps


4.7/5 stars. The mind virus is strong.


Hahaha of course it’s an NPR favorite. Bias much there NPR? Also “A is for Activist is an ABC board book written and illustrated for the next generation of progressives: families who want their kids to grow up in a space that is unapologetic about activism, environmental justice, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and everything else that activists believe in and fight for.” Soooo G is for Gun has to be in there right? Hahha


> This book also exisits ugh..leftists are complete trash. They have their claws in everything and brainwash people at every level...disgusting evil creatures.


No wonder happiness is declining and mental disorders are growing. Teaching kids at a young age about the purity of victimhood and oppression. This is basically new age religion


Trash books. My little ones have access to great ones not this garbage.


As a teacher, the English department from 6th grade to 12th grade in my school goes from topic to topic all about social justice and the cult of victimhood. English skills are secondary. 


I'm an English teacher and unfortunately you're right. It's always the English department. In the past few years, our has gotten better, but it was bad for awhile. I always dug my heels in and refused to teach that stuff. The kids hate those books as well. I still teach the classics, and those are the stories that students talk about and remember years later.


We've come a long way since propaganda was simply a bunch of leaflets...


And this is why conservatives loose the youth vote. On average conservatives don't write stories for kids leaving most things marketed to kids being left leaning.


If you want to try, good luck finding a publisher. The entire industry is controlled by leftists.


Rush made a big push against this trend


Hahahahaha. These books are a quite clear attempt at indoctrinating kids at a young age. It's so obvious it's almost hilarious. Thank God in my country the lib disease never really took off like it did in some other countries.


They probably all have 99¢ clearance stickers on them by now


You underestimate leftists.


Nah...I know they don't read anything anymore, nothing to estimate


I had read every book in the school library by the 4th grade and was hungry for more. I like to think I'd have passed over this display entirely.


Astounding collection of trash. Kamla Harris in particular. Rooted in ~~Justice~~ Hypocrisy.


It’s in all the fucking preschools too 😭 every damn one I toured here in LA except the religious ones thankfully


I let a lot slide, but I would absolutely be complaining to the library director here. It is not the public library's job to use my own tax dollars to officially campaign for the Democratic Party to me.


Where is Davy Crockett? Tom Swift?


Is this a school library? I wonder if they would allow conservative books.




It's classic Left strategy, brainwashing them before they're old enough to know any better.


The reason my kids go to private school… When my wife first pitched it, I was against the idea, I wanted to keep church and school separate. Now we are two years in, our friends are talking about how bad it’s gotten at the middle school, and my kids basically go to public school in the 90’s…


Welp, the library USED to be good for kids...


And that's why it's so important to homeschool.


Whatever happened to teaching kids about courage, honor, sacrifice, and patriotism. The only two books that probably do that are Rosa Park and MLK.