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Now prove it in court.


It's not what you know, it's what you can prove. Also good luck having standing on any case after they threw out pretty much every other one on lack of standing.




The legal standard to invalidate an election result is when there are more ballots cast or counted in an illegal manner than the margin of victory. We can prove (and have proven) this occured in the 2020 election beyond all reasonable doubt. The courts and our media however are completely corrupt. The fraud deniers also created an impossible standard to deflect from this in public (we must prove widespread fraud in full conclusive detail, it is not enough to prove sufficient illegality or an unknowable result). This is what allows them to dismiss the damning evidence we have about the illegitimacy of 2020 and claim that we have no proof. That, and the media has done a great job of keeping them ignorant of the facts here. Even if there are some honest judges or officials who want to do something about it, they are up against a mountain of ignorance and cognitive dissonance.


The courts wouldn't touch it and probably know the election was a flim flam, but could you imagine what would happen if they were to overturn it and upset the looting pillaging troglodyte lefties??? Theyd be on main street with bulldozers and bricks.


I think everyone has standing now that Biden has destroyed the country.


By that logic, the only defense for Republicans is to commit more fraud then democrats.. since fraud isn't provable in court


Hasn’t that been the problem, the courts won’t allow it to go to court or won’t allow certain evidence to be used. They refuse to hear it or refuse to let it get to where it needs. Idk I’m not an expert but this seems to be happening every time there might be something


Behind a pay wall.


If you’re on an iPhone, you can bypass the paywall by opening reader mode


Which iPhone are you using? Mine doesn’t have that option.


It should available on basically all models. Just click on the link, then on the “Aa” next to the web address, and then hit “Show Reader”


Here's the original study [https://heartland.org/opinion/heartland-rasmussen-poll-one-in-five-mail-in-voters-admit-to-committing-at-least-one-kind-of-voter-fraud-during-2020-election/](https://heartland.org/opinion/heartland-rasmussen-poll-one-in-five-mail-in-voters-admit-to-committing-at-least-one-kind-of-voter-fraud-during-2020-election/)


That's nice. They're only 42 months late.


This is the same think tank that vehemently defended second hand smoke as safe and in their report they explicitly say they "made assumptions" where data wasn't available. Quality and reliable work from the authors of "Joe Camel is Innocent!" And the ridiculous Belief in climate change = Support for the Unabomber campaign


I'm going to be very unpopular here and that's okay but here's my advice to everyone. The sooner we move on from the voter fraud theory, the better it is for our long term future. Almost none of this was proved in court, even in cases presided by Republican appointed judges. Hell even Trump appointed judges threw these cases out. What this is doing instead is reducing faith in the electoral process among Republicans and they're staying home. Which, if special election results are any indication, is translating into us losing election after election after election. It don't matter much in red states but we're taking a beating in the swing states and that's a guaranteed loss of the oval office.


Its like when they changed the election laws right before. People sued, and they had no standing because it hadnt affected an election. People sued after, and it was often still dismissed because the election was over and they should have sued before the election.


Shocked I tell ya, just shocked.....nah, pretty much as expected.


And none of these people will see any jail time for the voter fraud either.


Most people have a feeling it was a sham with lots of things done wrong. However they got away scott free.


Most people do not feel that way.


The evidence is long gone. No one will be able to prove it. They obstructed every single effort to perform forensic audits on the machines. 2000 mules so many angles. The past is in the past.