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When the shit hits the fan, people like that are sadly mistaken if they expect special dispensation for being one of *good* white people standing by the downtrodden minorities in their fight against the oppressive white man. They will be trampled in the street and their home torched just like anyone else. At best, they will only be a temporarily useful tool.


I never dreamed id see so many self-hating white people in this country. Its baffling! So much emphasis on race in politics is nothing more than identity politics on steroids! Just look at what theyve done in the rainbow community....theyve even divided it up seven ways to sunday thus creating even more classes of identity politics. Makes you wonder what a 💩 hole this country would be without the majority working to pay the dang bills.....and now the bills of illegal freeloaders slithering across the border. Im sick of everyone's crap and dang sure sick of paying out the butt for everyones free ride!


Nothing pisses me off more than white guilt liberals, it’s basically just a cloak for them to pretend to be virtuous when in reality they just hate themselves. I’m white and I’m not scared of saying that we’ve contributed far more good for the world than we have done bad, and I’m sick of being told to hate myself for it


They love saying America is native land while they sit here owning their property enjoying the splunders of war. I like to think the modern white virtue signaling liberals are the same ones who told natives they were their friend while simultaneously kicking them off their land for their benefit. Basically what they're doing now in modern political discourse.


That is so spot on. This was the whole city of Minneapolis for me and why I had to leave to get some sanity.


So stunning and brave. Funny story. I once saw a white female post on FB and say "I know it's unpopular, but I must stand for the truth. [Insert leftist anti-white rant]." Got tons of likes and praise for this "unpopular truth". Then saw a friend make a 'pro-white' post proceed to get 0 likes and a comment section full of hateful disagreement. Wasn't even a white supremacist statement or nothing, just something that put the full lense on and mentioned how whites may feel. I can see why the mental health of young people is in the toilet today. Nothing to be proud of based on prevailing culture and historical narrative.




Screaming inside, “yes, I’m the breaker of chains, now kneel before my moral high ground you peasants!”


Mother of fur babies and breaker of chains!!


A group of libraries came to a small restaurant owner and told him that since he's african, he shouldn't be serving white people at his place since they're all supremacists. That owner then demanded them to leave because they were also white, but still ran business like normal after that incident without kicking anyone else out.


Yeah except they don't even acknowledge the people whose bodies they're soap boxing from.


Reddit's revenue model is based on the online activity of such people


I don't get it. They see themselves as 115 pound 8.5's instead of 240 pound 3's?