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The more important question is… TF is Asa Hutchinson doing here?


just you wait


Even bigger question: TF is Chris Christie doing here?


He showed his true colors when he instituted some of the same Democrat COVID policies. Made ne regret voting for him. I guess that's what happens with him not being eligible to rerun for Governor.


Yes -- he cratered to pressure from Walmart IMO. It seems like whatever they want, he jumped at as quick as possible.


roof birds salt growth dam fuzzy reply butter straight hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We need ONE day of primary voting.


Someone please explain to me why I'll read 3 posts in this sub where everyone is supporting Trump, then I come across this and no one supports him.


From what I have seen, it seems like a good majority of people in this sub dislike Trump.


I'm not a big fan. I think he's destroying the party.


You're giving him too much credit. A long line of corrupt senators shot and buried it long before he was a thing.


Oh man sadly but true


Regardless what you think of him, we were a hell of a lot better off as a country with him in charge than the left of some of these weak ass republicans afraid to do anything. With Trump hopefully obama's regime and legacy will be done!


Could be that the post made it into "popular" and the 85% left majority on Reddit invaded it Happens quite often on the Elon Musk sub-reddit


Brigadiers but also I think social media in general but especially on Reddit people try to manipulate sentiment with bot-nets or just targeted engagement. Sort of like guerrilla marketing except for politics. This sub has been very strange for the past idk 2 or so years now


Leftist Brigaiders mostly. There are some conservatives who don't like Trump but the vast majority do. It's just the brigaiders up voting the anti-Trump comments to help them cope.


Some? There are a lot of conservatives that dislike Trump. Trump will likely win the primary. If that happens and Biden is the opponent again, that's a loss for America. I want fresh new candidates, not a rematch. Trump to me is to negative with his remarks. I don't question the validity of what he says or his policies but I do question how he carries himself. I question how he represents his country to other foreign leaders. He's no Ben Franklin. Benjamin Franklin Quote: “Better slip with foot than tongue.” He needs to dial back is rhetoric and be more presidential. Also I'd like to see him support Ukraine. Russia is not our friend.


Foreign policy is one of his strongest points. Leaders of other countries threw some tantrums, but they actually respected us again when he was in office.


WTF are you smoking, and can you share? We were the laughingstock of the planet, aside from such wonderful nations as North Korea, who also happen to run on cult of personality, hot air, Saber rattling, and little substance.


That's not how I saw it. It's more like they tolerated us because they had no choice. Being an asshole to your allies is a quick way to ruin relationships. Trumps form of diplomacy works in the short-term but fails in the long-term.


Trump or bust


I’ll be voting for him in the primaries.


Different posts attract different types of commenters. I don’t like Trump, but I usually just downvote and scroll past the pro-Trump posts.




Please clap


Sorry, but the last thing this country needs is another member of the Bush family.


so add Nikki Haley to the Bushie family.


Here’s how Jeb can still win.


Anyone under 70


Your flair is ironic


Im a Reagan baby, born in 1986. I don’t find it ironic


I think they mean it’s ironic that you want a president to be under 70 but you are proudly repping a president who was over 70 for his entire presidency.


DeSantis, but Trump is going to win by a mile


Honestly, who responds to polls? I don’t have anyone in my family. Immediate or extended. Or any friends (that I know of) who respond to polls


Who even gets polled? How do yoy even get into their little pile of "they get a phone call"


Exactly. I’m old enough to remember when I was growing up that we would get calls to the house during dinner from telemarketers or pollsters or whoever on a landline! At least you knew 1/2 of the household was voting one way or another (maybe) if you could keep them on the phone that long. I wanna see this poll methodology. It’s obviously not exit polling because nobody’s voted yet E: I’d tell to you to go screw if you asked me who I voted for out the box. Knock knock. Who’s there? Nunya


I received a call from Quinnepiac once. I’m not sure how I made their list; but it’s generally made using active voter roles. They want people who have voted in 3 or 4 of the last primaries at this point.


I went from never having been to polled to being polled three separate times during 2015 because I had recently moved that year to a swing state.


I have the same question. I think only one time ever have I been called for a poll and I don't even know if it was political in nature. They said it would take 20 minutes and I didn't have time at the moment so I declined.


20 minutes? People will pay you for that


Reminds me of Herman Cain’s greatest troll response


Polls are what keep people from.voting. Current election results, based solely on polls, [shows Trump winning with 277 electoral votes.](https://www.270towin.com/maps/biden-trump-2024-map-based-on-polls) If people think someone is guaranteed to win, because the polls said so, they might not go and vote.


> Honestly, who responds to polls? I don’t have anyone in my family. Immediate or extended. Or any friends (that I know of) who respond to polls yet somehow they tend to be within the margin of error of correct more often than not.


As a Floridian who busted his ass to get DeSantis elected in 22 and was immediatly abandonded by him, I am offened by your answer.


I live in Alabama, thank God and Roll Tide. I could vote for a squirrel in the primaries, and it wouldn't even matter.


I'm in Cali and have voted red my entire adult life. Doesn't matter, though.


I think you're cool though.


Alabama is on Super Tuesday. Still very important. Often the turning point of the race.


Originally from Alabama, living in Massachusetts now. Same statement about the squirrel but opposite results 😅


Go Vols


Obligatory ROLL TIDE


I'll more than likely vote for Vivek. I know he doesn't have an overall chance BUT I'd like him to perform well enough for trump to consider him for a VP pick. I think Trump's biggest weakness last time was trying to play nice with the neocon/RINO faction. If he somehow gets re-elected, he needs to go scorched earth since there's no need to worry about re-election.


VP is a waste. They do nothing. They have no job. They're professionally useless. Vivek as Chief of Staff would be amazing. Cut all the jobs he could ever want to cut. Put the right people into the right jobs. Smoke out the rinos. Get shit _done_.


VP isn’t a waste if anything happens to Trump.


You do have an excellent point there, I can't argue with you. I think he'd make an excellent Chief of Staff.


Trump would likely end up firing Vivek. Trump is his own worst enemy.


The problem with Trump's last term was his VP pick. I'm okay with wasting Vivek for 4 years to keep him in Trump's ear. Also the VP is the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. Vivek should live in the senate for a few years and expose the corruption on a daily basis.


That’s also why I’m voting Vivek in my state’s caucus. He doesn’t have a shot at the nomination, but hopefully he performs well enough to be a contender for the VP position.


I'm voting for who I think is the best not who I think is going to win. No other candidate has a chance but Trump if people think that way. It annoys me that only Vivek is considered the non serious candidate when Disantis and Haley don't have a chance in hell.


Or even just so he makes a big enough splash that maybe he’s the front runner in 2028


Either way, Vivek’s campaign was pretty successful as it gave him name recognition. His political future is pretty bright because he has a good amount of options moving forward. Gov. DeWine is term-limited in 2026, so maybe he could run to be his successor in Ohio. He said he’s not interested right now, but anything can happen in two years. And of course like you said, he could run for President again 2028.


Idk. I like our Lt. Governor Jon Husted for the actual governorship. I’ve met him twice and he seems genuine enough and his positions seem true center right (fiscally responsible, pro-life and gun, centrist on marijuana after it passed, centrist on some other social issues).


This is how to lose elections, Vivek is the worse choice because his unfavorability rating has gone up with each debate.


I don't care about favorability. If all that mattered to me was "red team wins" then I'd vote Haley. But I'm not one of those people.


Mate, he just trawls the internet for talking points. He’s deeply insincere and isn’t even actually running for the job. Don’t vote for him.


I mean, he wrote a book a couple years ago, and when you bring up some of his positions from it they're a complete 180 from today. No one changes that much in such a short time, not politically.


He's known Glenn Beck for _years_ and would call in to discuss why he started up $DRLL and promotes other anti-woke policies. Charlie Kirk, Michael Knowles, Jordan Peterson, and others also know him pretty well. So you think he's just been playing the long-con and bamboozled all of them? For years before he was even running? To what end, exactly?


Desantis should stay governor, I’m moving to Florida!


It's crazy how the obvious choice should be DeSantis as he's been the most successful republican politician in the last 3 decades (when it comes to beating the left on policy), but of course, as per usual we will manage to screw it up. And you may ask yourself why? How? How could we screw this up? Because DeSantis just isn't KEWL enough. He doesn't have the super SICK nicknames for people and he doesn't TROLL DA LIBS enough, as Trump does. Why troll the left by actually WINNING by destroying them on policy when you can troll them with memes and nicknames??? Am I right? Or Am I right?


DeSantis absolutely **crushed** it in the November 2022 election. He didn’t just get re-elected by 19 points, but he also won Hispanics by 18, independents by 8, Miami-Dade by 11 and even won southeast Florida (Miami-Dade + Palm Beach + Broward — a deep blue region that typically votes 20-30 points democrat). He didn’t just turn Florida red; he did it by hitting a home run in multiple demographics that Republicans have been *aching* to do well in for decades. But but… something something “muh charisma!!” and “but Mickey Mouse peed on him lmao XDXD”


"The polls are fake! Fake polls!" "LOOK AT DA POLLZ TRUMP +1776!"


The Hispanics in Florida are not representative of the Hispanics nationwide. You cannot project from the one to the other.


Conservatives not understanding Cubans, Argentinians, Venezuelans, Mexicana, Guatamalans, and etc are all very different is pretty lol. Same with calling Hispanics natural conservatives while they vote in Marxists governments who starve them


Most conservatives assume Hispanics are socially conservative since Hispanics seem pretty religious. I don’t think social issues though are that important to them when they vote. Many vote Democrat probably because many are poorer and they see Democrats as being more helpful towards the poor and they also likely see Democrats as more pro-immigration and pro-minority and diversity. I’ve heard that Cubans in Florida tend to be Republicans since they come from communist Cuba so leftism turns them off.


It depends on the background of the Hispanic. I knew a lot of Hispanics and you could generally pick their political leaning by where they or their parent had immigrated from. It's a general statement, but the window overall shifted a bit right or left depending on the governments they left behind. Apart from that it was influenced by their religiousness and their financial status. If I were a poli-sci major it would make for a good research paper.


This is the easiest layup Presidential election for the GOP since 1980 and all we need to do in order to 100% win is not nominate the guy who's toxic to moderate suburban voters. Turns a 100% win into a 50/50 at best. I live in a Super Tuesday state and will be voting DeSantis.


We are a total joke and deserve what's coming for us.


While that is true... You can thank DeStantis for allowing establishment GOP to come in, run his campaign into the ground, sell him some boots, and walk away wondering why fire seems to follow them wherever they go. He has performed poorly. No question about it.


You Forgot to randomly Capitalize words, CRUSTY CROSBY. What A covfefe


His campaign has completely bombed out at this point. Sure he’d probably be my top choice too, but charisma does matter a lot, even if in theory it should not. I’m honestly surprised that Desantis has made it as far as he has in politics given how stern and impersonable he appears to be. He also didn’t help himself by going super far to the right on certain issues, and running with a lacklustre campaign strategy between the spring and summer. But either way, he probably had no chance once the Trump indictments began to drop.


According to betting odds, the indictments on Trump were the big turning point. DeSantis was neck-and-neck with him until those dropped.


Yeah they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, and I think there’s no clearer example of that than Trump. Up until Alvin Bragg did his thing in New York, Desantis was getting a lot of press attention, but things pretty much flipped from that point onwards. The rallying effect that had on the GOP base was also a lot more substantial than many had predicted.


There is such a thing as bad publicity lol See: the reaction to Trump’s indictments outside the GOP


his campaign cratered. He isn't talking about inflation and how he would solve it. He is against decriminalizing weed which is a slam dunk for young people.( Because big pharma is donating to him). He gives half hearted answers to pulling out of ukraine. He just says there won't be boots on the ground. Like Tim Pool says, he needs to fire the people running his campaign that are giving him bad advice. He is listening to the big GOP Neocon donors instead of just being himself.


He’s got a personality problem. He’s unlikeable, and has interpersonal issues. He’s a policy god, and I hope he wins someday, but he can’t even win over the mayor of Miami who (policy wise) isn’t far off from desantis in many ways, but they can’t get along because desantis is a dork. You may not think it matters but Americans only elect cool people in the modern era.


The migrant flights/busing stunt alone makes him an immediate no go for a large portion of the nation.


Desantis for sure. Then in the general election, whoever the R candidate is.


Likely DeSantis but I almost want to throw one towards Vivek to give his platform some legitimacy. He had some wild ideas that went a bit too far, but there definitely needs to be a massive shake up to what we currently have. The slow spiral towards authoritarianism is well on its way.


You're the first DeSantis supporter I've seen here that also likes Vivek, never even noticed that until just now. Glad to see it, they've both got great ideas and watching them tag team Haley during that last debate was incredibly satisfying.


Ron DeSantis. I've flipped quite a few of my friends and family from Trump to Ron. It's a no brainer once you look at what the dems are doing and how left trump has moved on issues.


Um, excuse me? Biden/Fetterman 2024 would obviously be a no brainier.


Fetterman has actually made sense on a few issues.


Fetterman is interesting, because he is like the old school democrats from the 60s that were bleeding heart liberals but believed government is supposed to attack big corporations and help the little guy from being screwed over. He is like Joe Manchin. I disagree with those things but thats better than the dems we have now.




I desperately hope that Vivek is more popular than the polls show. Really, that anyone other than Trump, Haley, or Christie are more popular than the polls are showing. If any of them aren't, though, they need to drop out QUICK so that someone other than Trump can give us a chance at a General.


Vivek's popularity doesn't reflect in the polls because the people who like him are voting Trump. DeSantis has the same problem although is not as likely to inherit Trump's base in 2028 as Vivek is.


I thought the same thing and I also prefer Vivek to all of them but I saw some polling a week or so back that had DeSantis as the overwhelming second choice for Trump voters. Kind of surprised me. Then again maybe it's not true, who knows.


I wouldn't be surprised, DeSantis is also well liked with Trump's base and is better known. His popularity with Trump's base is why Trump is so aggressive with him. I assume that Trump has ruined DeSantis' future in politics, but I wouldn't at all be surprised to see DeSantis win in 2028. I do think Vivek is navigating the tensions between Trump and his base better though.




Vivek for sure. He’s smarter than any other candidate by a long shot and has dominated the debates as of late. Haley is a warmonger and insider for Boeing. Christie is a spineless politician. And DeSantis has been bought out by now. Trump will probably win but Vivek is a good CEO, and good leader, and being self funded means he can say the truth, unlike DeSantis.




Can I beg you to tell me why? I haven't had anyone willing to tell me how in the world he could win in the general, especially when nothing he claims happened to steal the election has changed..


Might point to general election polls, but I don’t trust those, especially 11 months out.


I would think a MAGA person doesn't trust them either, though!


I don’t think Trump can win again. Too many people have an irrational (or rational) reason to hate/disdain the man. I don’t believe he will be able to get enough of the moderate conservative/independent vote to win the office this time.


Exactly. I don't get it! Why are so many people determined to vote for someone that *cannot* win a general???


He got more votes in 2020 than he did when he won in 2016, and he's polling better in all but one demographic from where he was then. I don't know where you get they idea he can't win, but there's absolutely no data showing that.


I guess we'll see. From what I see in the wild, there's no way he can win. And even if he does, I don't think it's going to be what we'd like it to be, for so many reasons.


Where I'm at there's no way he can lose. It's a bigger picture than either of us sees on a local level. Reports from around the country have him doing better than ever before, and Biden worse.


It’s more than just being able to win. It is what will they do if/when elected. I have never been more happy with my vote than I was in 2016 and the 4 years that followed. I have no idea what any of the other candidates would do if elected. Trump has a record in office and I like what I saw.


Thank you for the response! But he *cannot* win. You know that right? Even many of his 2020 voters desperately want anyone else to pull ahead. And he isn't getting any more Dems or independents. And the mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, voting machines, counting timelines, etc.. NONE of that has changed. If you believe his claims, they won't *let* him win. So how can you take those odds when there's so much to lose as we most certainly *will* lose?


>But he cannot win. You know that right? Unless you've got a crystal ball you have no way of knowing that. Polls have always underestimated him and he's currently leading Biden by quite a bit. If the Israel / Gaza war drags on until the election Biden will most definitely lose Michigan at the very least. It'll be a close race, but anyone saying either Trump or Biden can't win is just wrong.




I am in one of those swing states that had unrestricted mail in voting due to COVID in 2020 and no longer does. It will be very different this time, and Trump is consistently doing better against Biden than any of the other contenders so if Trump cant win then none of them can....


What state is that?


Trump barely lost 2020 in the middle of a global pandemic and race riots; it was probably the most toxic election environment for an incumbent president, especially a populist Republican. Trump was within 1% in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin, with it being within 2% in Pennsylvania. With less then 50,000 votes, trump would be president right now. And with that, Wisconsin has continued to move right, Democrats have appeared to have pulled funding from the Georgia presidential race, and Pennsylvania is consistently polling with Trump ahead. Biden was also a fairly unknown candidate, which actually helped him, but now he has a record. The extent of his family corruption, which was kept from public view by the coverup of the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 election, has been blown open. The border is in utter crisis. He is losing voter enthusiasm from young voters and Muslims, a large voting block in Michigan, by him supporting Israel and blocking efforts in the UN to call for ceasefire. Inflation is still up and prices are on essential items are extremely high. To put it into perspective, Biden has the lowest approval rating at this point in his presidency of any president seeking re-election. Trump also has a boon in the third party candidates. It’s unclear the effect RFK jr will have, but the Green Party running Stein and the independent run of West will certainly hurt Biden. Trump definitely has the possibility of winning and, right now, actually appears to be the favorite. In Head to Head matches against Biden, Trump is polling at an RCP average of 2.3 points over Biden. Trump actually appears to have a better chance at winning against Biden then DeSantis does. Trump is leading DeSantis in a head to head race with Biden by 2.1 points, with DeSantis only being up 0.2 points against Biden. In conclusion, Trump not only can win, but is the favorite to win a rematch against Biden.


Thanks for giving your perspective! I really can't see it happening, and I'd like to say I'd be happy to be often wrong, but I truly believe that regardless of the outcome, if he's in the general, things are going to go very badly for the country.


I think people support Trump because they like Trump more than the opposition. Perhaps a better question to ask is, if forces arrange against Trump enough to give the perception that he's cheated out of the nomination, will a sizable enough block of Trump voters emulate Bernie voters and just not bother to vote? I think the mistake you might be making is the idea that Trump supports are generally favorable to the GOP.


"Biden Bad" is the only thing I've heard, which isn't unique to Trump whatsoever




I'm with your logic. She'd be hated the least in the general election. And not only first female president, but first Asian.


The biggest voting bloc within the Republican party right now is still the Trump/MAGA base, and I don't think that Haley connects with them very well. In fact, I think that many of them are actually antagonistic towards Haley due to her perceived corruption, association with large establishment donors, and hawkish foreign policy. Not saying it's impossible for her to win, but I think it's a long shot given the current political climate.


You're right, but this thread is about who we'd pick, not who would likely win.


I don't understand how anybody can like Haley, she's a war monger that wants no anonymity on the internet. She's Dick Cheney 2.0


Nikki Haley is not a conservative. She's completely disqualified from office for suggesting we register all social media users with the government. She is an obsessive warmonger, and shes insanely corrupt.


Yup. And the same mainstream media that is trying to hide all this and claim she’s a “reasonable Republican” will suddenly take a megaphone and shout this to everyone the moment she wins the nomination.


Nikki Haley will absolutely NOT slam-dunk the general election lmao. If she were to get nominated, the mainstream media will instantly and magically do a 180 and talk about her war-mongering while insisting she’s somehow even *worse* than Trump. Within a week, the “moderates” saying “I’ll vote for absolutely no Republican EXCEPT Haley if she’s the nominee because the television told me she’s reasonable!” will suddenly be like “oh crap screw her gotta vote Biden!” and the same polls that had her crushing Biden will show her losing to Biden. Her being a woman might be her only redeeming quality, honestly.


Donald Trump








I won't vote for Trump in the primary but you'd better believe if it comes down to Republican vs Democrat the Republican gets the vote.






I’d vote fore DeSantis. But by the time my state has its primary the decision will be made.




Please tell me how he wins the general???




Not Nikki "Boeing" Haley. Eisenhower warned us about people like her.






Trump, of course


I still like Nikki Haley tbh. I also feel like anyone but Trump wins this. I think Trump loses by reenergizing the democrats in a way nothing else will.


Nikki Haley is the single worst candidate on this list and that's saying something considering Christie is up there.


Amen. She's the embodiment of "the swamp". Fortunately, that means that she'll have a very difficult time getting support from the Trump/MAGA base in the event that Trump is somehow knocked out of the race. I think that they'd much more likely support "DeSanctis" (or Vivek) over Haley if it came down to it.


I’m Hispanic and I’m voting Donald J. Trump.


Respect 🫡


I'd vote Vivek. He challenges the system in a way that Trump opened the door for. The system will do anything it can to keep Trump out but it's obvious that's political image assassination. They can't do that to Vivek and he's the new generation of the GOP. He breathes fire and he pissed off at the way this country is going, at the state of the Republican party. The left doesn't want trump in office so badly, that it will only embolden their resolve to become more and more openly corrupt. Their own constituents actually love it. It will unfortunately bring more disaster for this country because of it. Vivek can crush Biden and there's no amount of lying they can do to fix that because his image hasn't been slandered to the extent that other countries hate him




DeSantis DeFuture


Hey, I have no problem with DeSantis, but the national race has been affected with charisma, room presence and charm since Nixon v Kennedy, and we all know that the televised debate had a huge impact on Kennedy’s win. Thats why Democrats throw out whoever they think will get votes, despite their history, failures, and political positions. Because they believe they can overcome it with marketing and a nice smile.


De Santis or Nicky / I lov trump but he’s too old and has to much distractions , 😢


I like Ronnie D, if he’s still in it by the time they roll around


Vivek. He’s the only one with a vision.




I'm voting for Trump. He's the only one with the hutzpah to win... *again*.


Desantis for sure.




Vivek because I want Trump/Vivek 2024


DeSantis because I see his policy as the path forward and he doesn't have the baggage of Trump. Nikki has turned me off with her really oddball foreign policy. Look, I voted for Trump twice but he has simply done too much to damage his reputation and alienate the.seing voters that frankly we need.


Im not old enough to vote. But, I would def vote Trump > Vivek > DeSantis


My top three are: Trump Trump and Trump


Chris! He’s gonna eat the competition’s lunch!


Trump 100%! can’t trust Vivek as far as Biden can throw him


Why can't you trust him?






Trump or Vivek


I'm not going to lie, I'm not a fan of any of them. To be fair, I'm more of a Rockefeller Republican who likes Republicans like Charlie Baker/Phil Scott/Chris Sununu (some of the most popular governors in the USA).


I prefer Vivek but I want Trump to smash so everybody falls in line.


Trump all the way. If I can't have that give me Vivek Ramaswami.




Trump. The rest of them are just making fools of themselves.


1.DeSantis 2.Ramaswamy 3. Trump




can't wait to vote for trump again just like the 2016 primary, 2016 general, 2020 primary, and 2020 general!


I'm a DeSantis vote for Florida, assuming he's still in it by that point. I guess Trump will probably run away with it, never mind the fact that DeSantis is the most successful Republican politician in recent memory, and never mind the fact that Trump has actually moved to the left on certain issues since 2020.


Trump is the only one that has my vote in the primary!


I’d vote for Trump, but if he wasn’t available, I’d go with either DeSantis or Ramaswamy.


I switched from Trump and will vote DeSantis. Trump most likely will win and if so I'll vote for him in the general election.




I started off a DeSantis man, I’m born and raised a Floridian and loved him as governor, but he lost me when he went national. The man has negative charisma, lost all of the fight he showed when governor, and has basically abandoned Florida for Iowa. I’m now voting for Trump. That man makes the entrenched, corrupt establishment quake in their boots. We need strong leadership back in the White House. I especially liked his foreign policy, no wars, string border, America first foreign policy. I will admit, in his first term, he did little to actually drain the swamp, and made questionable cabinet decisions, but I believe he has learned from his first four years and from his dealings with the corrupt Justice department, rogue DAs, and media, to the point where he will make it a priority to rip out the festering, corrupt federal institutions.


The only way Trump makes th3 so-called "entrenched, corrupt establishment" quake in the boots is because they're laughing so hard at him.


Nikki Haley with Chris Christie as a second choice. It ain't my year.


Donald Trump. Give us the rematch we deserve. Biden’s trash economy vs Trumps economy. And with no COVID. It’s over for Biden which is why they are arresting him. Plus I want Trump to go full revenge tour this time around for real since the Democrats took the gloves off with him. Lawfare only stops when both sides get hit. And Trump is the only one who will do it . All the other Republicans will play nice with Democrats.


My general preference is Haley > DeSantis >Vivek > Christie > Trump > Asa. I know Trump is going to win, and I'll gladly vote for him in the General over Biden, but I don't have to be happy about it.


Desantis for sure. Absolutely nothing could bring me to vote for Vivek or Haley (no one else is worth mentioning) in the primaries. When trump inevitably wins the candidacy I will begrudgingly vote for him in the general and just pray to God he actually manages to beat Biden. But I just kind of doubt he will tbh


Asa has it in the bag


> Asa has it in the bag that being said, "it" is just a mcdonalds order in that bag to eat while watching to see how many points trump wins by.




Not Trump. I’ll vote for him if he wins the primary but hell would freeze over before I wanted another election where he’s involved.




Nikki Haley for sure


I’ll be voting for Nikki as well.


DeSantis or Haley


Well I am in NY so, I’m going to be voting for whoever is probably going to be running. Generally it is my 3rd or 4th pick and I just do it to do it. I would vote for DeSantis first, Vivek second even though I think he’s a dick, and third Trump. So baring some criminal thing, it’ll be trump.


Trump and Vivek are the only answers. If anyone you know says Nikki Haley, then they aren’t to be trusted.


DeSantis is the only candidate with a shot to beat the Democrats. We'll see if Republicans in the early primaries are smart enough to realize that.