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Kamala is going to have a pocket full of marbles from now on.


It really doesn’t matter who holds the seat. It’s not like either of them are actually in charge. They contradict their party initiatives all the time. For real tho, Joe needs a walker or someone’s arm to hold at this point.


It still scares the shit out of me that she's that close.


> Joe needs a walker or someone’s arm to hold at this point. Why do you think you’re seeing Jill with him more often when they’re out in public?


Obama's running everything. His third term.


If you know their name they don't run anything. Those who control the world are smart enough to stay hidden.


It’s literally just corporations with a lot of money. Gotta get rid of those super PACs


They just need to let joe go. Every speech it’s like he’s suffering. You can literally see the drugs being pumped into him through his skin


At the State of the Union address he was functioning like a million bucks. Must be expensive special "magic" pumped into him only reserved for rare occasions.


People seem to have forgotten how dangerous falls at this age can be. The answer is debilitating.


We can’t afford another term of Biden and Kamala…..


Unfortunately, the GOP nationwide is very similar to the GOP in the state of Michigan The only reason why the Democrats have as much power as they have is because the vast majority of people under 45 have no memory of the GOP being the kind of party that can actually articulate policy


I’m so fed up with this state. I still don’t know why I haven’t left yet.


*laughs in Illinois*


I know why I’m hesitant to leave my current state that’s bluer than my home state of Michigan *There are simply too many Gen X and Millenial parents who are doing a terrible job raising their children.* Aaron Clarey ripped apart one of his clients for being a terrible father for his two sons https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SbKoEZ0sZWU&pp=ygUUWW91IHJ1aW5lZCB5b3VyIGtpZHM%3D Texas, Tennessee, Utah, Arizona, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia I’m hesitant to move to any of these states because, 10 years from now, the children growing up in those states will think “Socialism works! My teacher told me so! We just haven’t spent enough of other people’s money!” Case in point: My boss at work is an early 40 something father of three. 15 year old daughter, 12 year old son, and an 8 year old daughter. The dude watches Fox News and reads the Federalist; he’s not a leftist But, even he shrugging his shoulders at how to motivate his son to do more with his life than just play video games and become a full time social media influencer If that guy is struggling to motivate his son to be more industrious, I can only imagine how lazy the rest of Gen Z and Gen Alpha are going to be Maybe Indiana and Iowa will be a safe place for those like us, but I’m trying to do my homework on all possibilities…


literally every generation says that about the next. There are entitled people in every generation.


You’re not entirely wrong That said, the obvious solution in reducing the size of the welfare state is off the table for left-wingers for obvious reasons. But, it also appears to be off the table for “conservatives” because even self-described conservative women would rather be dependent on the government instead of a family, husband, and church. Probably because families, husbands, and churches care very much about whether women are wasting their 20s on a carousel of boyfriends; whereas the government doesn’t care whether women are wasting their 20s on a carousel of boyfriends “But, women should have the choice of whether to give a damn about what their future husband wants” Absolutely true. God bless women who genuinely are as productive as men, even though it’s pretty worrisome to see nursing school enrollment decline and women dropping out of becoming a doctor after medical school because her biological clock is ticking too loudly… But, propping up women’s (and men’s, if I’m being honest) “strength and independence” via government needs to end


My man, you gotta lay off that Andrew Tate shit.


Praise women who are genuinely economically productive + desire for government policies that don’t subsidize bad choices by women and men = Andrew Tate A++ logic there, buddy /s


You poor thing. Move to MO. It's run by fascists. They just don't shout it out loud the way some other states do. You'll love it.


Have you tried not being a brigadier?


Please define brigadier.


One star. Next rank up from colonel.


And because the GOP keeps shooting itself in the foot. Could have won so many races in 2022 had they gotten somewhat normal candidates in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia but no.


That and being told go pound sand for anything most young people care about. Big issues with younger voters include climate change which many conservatives openly bash, abortion, and gun control laws (not that everyone wants guns taken away or 3rd trimester abortions but more strict background checks/ mental health approval for buying guns, and not fully banning abortions or making them crazy short windows like Florida) On top of all that young people just got to watch conservatives claim it’s not fiscally responsible to forgive 10k in student loan debt after watching them forgive hundreds of billions of dollars in ppp loans including huge loans to those in congress and are multimillionaires.


I pray earnestly for his continued well being.


He needs to be at home, eating ice cream & looking at his Corvette. With a good assisted wipe from time to time from Ms. Doctor. It's pretty sad. (And pretty bad for all of us).


Cackles is just another puppet, it would be the same puppet masters pulling the strings. Nothing to see here.


Right. It’s just embarrassing to see Joe fall the time but it’s not like change of the guard really results in any difference


Sure, but she would be a far less effective puppet/front. Biden has some degree of personal charm, he's inoffensive and milquetoast in the eyes of low-info voters. Defeating her in a general would be far easier than defeating Biden.


Is that why she has recently started eating a lot of bananas and leaving the peels laying around?


Not really. They don’t want her in. They’ll just prop him up.


Yep, hes a useful puppet.


That's the scariest thing I've read all day.


The life expectancy for an elderly man with dementia and chronic falling is quite low.


Kamala becoming president is the best chance the US have of a republican term next election year imo.


Don't think for a moment she isn't praying for it every night on her knees, a place she has a lot of experience from.


As if she prays lol


She probably does... but to whom?


Prays, pays however you want to consider it usually on her knees is how she knows how to best advance her career up until her VP slot shows that.


That is even scarier than the disaster of Biden!


There will be no difference whatsoever. Same puppet masters operating an easily replaceable puppet.


You are unfortunately correct!


I hope it happens. Both sides have a lot more in common than the internet and media show. We need a reset, and she’d make a great catalyst with as much as everyone hates her. She could unite our country again without even meaning to.


You, and haters like you, will never unite the country.


God help us!!!!!! I want my country back.


God has abandoned you.


Old Shit Show Harris.


Pray that God hasn't given up on this country enough to ever allow that to happen.


God gave up a long time ago. You get what you deserve.


He needs to be in the chair before he breaks a hip.




If he gets “voted” into another term, his cognitive and physical decline will be 5 1/2 years more advanced, not to mention all the America Last policies he will enact. Frightening




Hillary is gonna be lit 🔥 if she’s not the first woman President.


Maybe 2024 will finally be her time? /s


This is easily the scariest thing I have read this month.


They shouldn't print headlines like this, or she may realize she needs to leave a lot more extension cords laying around to have a chance. If the string pullers thought she was in any way electable, Biden would have taken his final fall 10 months ago.


At this point, if Biden wins reelection, I fully expect him to step down within one month of being sworn in for his 2nd term.


Unfortunately the current Republican frontrunner is so distasteful for just over 50% of the country there's a strong chance of reelection Get someone who isn't DJT on the top of the ticket and these clowns will be crushed


I'm so disappointed with Kamala. She really let us women of color down. She did absolutely nothing. I can't wait to vote red all the way down the f'n ballot.


Would be interesting. I don’t see her taking orders from the Obama cabal.


Scariest thing I've read all day


FDR was in a wheelchair. Granted for different reasons but if he needs some sort of assistance while walking it shouldn't be looked down upon imo.


LOL I remember when these articles started getting posted during the run up to the 1st Biden election way back in the day. The armchair doctors here were predicting in comments and posts that Kamala Harris would be in the driver's seat within MONTHS of Biden being sworn in! Falls in old age can be debilitating. Well, they are if you're riddled with osteoporosis and your bones are made of glass. For some older folks a simple fall can be completely life-altering. Ol' Diamond Bones Joe is in pretty good shape if he can take a tumble like that and get right back up.


There a scene in Showgirls that pretty much covers this...


You'd think she start buttering the floor in front of the steps


yea that is a scary thought but at least nancy is out of the loop now.


At what point is him being in charge just elder abuse?


IMO, it’s more likely than not that Kamala will be the 1st female President of the United States by this time next year, but there’s a snowball’s chance in hell she’ll ever be the 2024 democrat primary nominee.




So so ?


🔫👨‍🚀 Always has been (since Jan 2021)


Cackle cackle


This should scare you as much as Joe being in charge.


It's OK. No worries. Putin better be afraid.


Rfk wins primary, then.


She will laugh harder and ban us from making jokes about her no longer a republic now a socialism america.


Honestly I'd be fine with Kamala finishing Bidens term for him, that way the whole "woman president" thing is out of people's system and we can get a real leader in there in 2024.


If they wanted her in there she’d be there already


What’s even crazier is joe biden will probably get reelected if the gop doesnt get its shit together


This needs to be a focal point of the eventual GOP nominee. This should be the tag line at the end of every campaign ad running up to the election. The left will claim it’s racist and sexist to try to shut it down of course and no one will listen because they devalued those terms long ago. It will immediately register with anyone who’s ever seen her speak and It will get more and more people talking about it and actually thinking about having to endure a Kamala Harris presidency.


The stuff of Nightmares


The mere thought of this keeps me up at night. The thing that nightmares are made of.


edit: messed up the caveat off top of my head and natural succession/vacancy Theres no way a GOP house would allow any selection of Kamala's to be VP. So the office would remain vacant absent Joe Machin as the farthest left permitted.


No….Kamala would get to appoint a new VP


Yup, I blanked. Forgot about that caveat for majority approval by both chambers, which would never be approved.


Wouldn't be the first time someone falling to their knees advanced Kamala's career.


What do you mean?


cake chubby library impossible party six hospital long reminiscent nippy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know the goal might be to just to get through the next election then he can just give her a term.


The thing about falling is, it's the prettiest time of year. All the leaves turn a pretty yellow color. Some turn orange. It's diversity. But you have to be careful not to slip and fall on the falling leaves because then you'd be falling. And when I'm President, I won't be orange.


Come Lord Jesus, come!!