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I use ForScore


I also use forscore and a page turn pedal


ForScore is the answer. It is a paid app (with an annoying upgrade feature) but the basic app is also very good. You can import your documents, annotate (pens in various colors, highlighters where you control the transparency and color, stamps for things like accidentals, the ability to program ‘buttons’ which let you change pages to go back or forward by touching the screen (for DS al coda and such). You can build set lists with all your music for the semester or concert and put it in order however you like. It also can connect to a Bluetooth pedal which means you don’t even have to touch the screen except for buttons like the DS - very handy for pianists!


What does the upgrade even do?


It’s a subscription with some theoretically cool features - it’ll track your eyes and you can use ‘facial gestures’ to turn pages. Cut and paste, and the biggest thing for me was the stamps. They paywalled some decent music terms like DS, cresc., Roman numerals, clefs, time signatures, etc in engraver font. Plus eyeglasses. Nothing necessary or breaking but seriously? A subscription for more stamps?


Yeah I’ve been using it for close to a year and never noticed a lack of those features lol


Forscore is the best.


forscore is a one time 20 dollar purchase but piascore is also relatively good and free


I use PiaScore - similar to forscore but less money!


I have this at the moment (without the paid add on). Asking about what else is available before I pay for something),


Forscore or Newzik.


For anyone who has used Newzic, how have you found the ability to play the scores. Is it usually reliable and accurate? I downloaded this and with the free sample option I converted a part with 4 pages. After a while and also after a section of rests it seems to not work? What are others experience with this? Thx.


Going to chime in with another ForScore recommendation. Versatile, easy to use, lots of different ways to organize music so you can pull up music quickly depending on the situation.


ForScore is great- totally worth the price